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by M Dauphin


  Devastatingly Beautiful Volume 2

  This book is a work of fiction. Any similarities to persons, events, or places are purely coincidental.

  No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any way, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, taping, and recording without written permission.

  Copyright 2014

  M. Dauphin

  To my mom and grandma. You know why.

  Thank you.


  1- Molly


  3- Molly

  4- Tatum


  6- Tatum

  7- Molly


  9- Tatum

  10- Molly

  11- Tatum

  12- Molly

  13- Tatum

  14- Molly

  15- Tatum

  16- Molly

  17- Tatum

  18- Molly

  19- Tatum

  20- Molly

  21- Tatum

  22- Molly

  23- Tatum

  24- Molly

  25- Tatum

  26- Rob

  27- Molly

  28- Tatum

  29- Molly

  30- Tatum


  32- Tatum

  33- Rob

  **Other works by M. Dauphin

  **About the Author

  1- Molly

  “No fucking way” I whisper. There are so many thoughts running through my head and I don’t know how to sort through any of them. Pregnant?! I can’t get pregnant! I know I told Tatum it would be difficult, but I haven’t had a doctor yet that seemed positive I’d ever be able to have another baby. Now, after everything that has happened, my body decided to defy all odds. Not that I’m not happy, but that’s only one of the many emotions going through me. Scared was the other emotion that was pulsing through me, making me start to panic that he would leave me.

  When I told him it would be difficult if I ever wanted to have a baby again he almost seemed relieved. It was like he doesn’t want kids. I don’t blame him, though, the two of us have been through so much heartbreak over the last few years who would want to take the risk of going through it all over again. The lines on that tiny blue stick are glaring at me when there is a knock at the door.

  “Hey babe, you ok?” He sounds worried. I guess I have been in here for a long time.

  “Uh, yea. Yes, I’m good. I’ll be right out.” I stash the test and make a mental note to call the doctor two towns over. I’m not stupid. I know a trip to one in town would get the town talking, and no one needs to know anything before it’s confirmed. False positives happen all the time.

  Walking out to the rest of the house I stop and look around. So much has changed in the last few weeks. Tatum is in the middle of moving in with me and there are boxes everywhere. Currently, he is unpacking and setting up his home office. Apparently after everything that went down with his father he left the family business behind and headed out on the road until he landed here. He said the daily reminder of what happened was too much for him. I get it. I had to leave Washington for the same thing. Well, that and because I feared my life. Now he wants to help out his father in other ways…I’m not sure what that entails and I’m honestly scared to ask.

  “Your brain is turning, I see it. What are you thinking about?” How does he do that?

  “Just everything. This is so surreal that you are here right now. Setting up your office, doing laundry. It kind of doesn’t seem real. It all has happened so fast. All of this excitement swirling in my head, just mere hours before we go to mourn the death of my only friend for the last 5 years. I’m not sure how I should feel right now.”

  He put his arms around me and I nuzzled my head into his neck, his hands rubbing my back slowly. Such a comfortable, soothing movement. He knows how much I’m still hurting from Evie’s murder. It wasn’t just a death, it was cold blooded murder. I watched her die. I can’t close my eyes at night without hearing the gunshot, seeing her figure slump forward. My tears were all cried out for now, but I’m sure they will return. I sighed heavily, the weight of having to relive those moments at the house in Washington weighing heavily on me. Going tonight would just make it all seem so real.

  The memorial was being held at the coffee shop. Evie’s mom wanted her buried in Washington, but she had made so many friends here in the last 5 years that it didn’t seem right not letting these people mourn their loss. I’ve been working on a speech since we were practically sisters the last five years, but I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to address anyone. Walking in the shop the first thing I hear is one of her favorite songs, and it makes me laugh out loud. Such a depressing event, yet blaring ‘She Don’t Use Jelly’ over the speakers lightened the mood a little. Tatum made sure to keep physical contact with me at all times of the night. He would either be holding my hand, touching my arm, or resting his hand on the small of my back. Just a small gesture like that from him made me more grounded. It made me feel alive.

  Alex, a girl that was around the same age at Evie, took the microphone first. She looked absolutely devastated, and for good reason. Her friend was murdered. She didn’t get to say a proper goodbye like those do when they lose loved ones who are sick. She will never know the events that happened that night. She will never know the truth. No one here will.

  “Thank you, everyone for coming tonight.” She started, then cleared her throat before continuing. “Evie was one of my very best friends. She was eclectic, energetic, and full of life. She never feared and always pushed people to do their best. I will miss her every day for the rest of my life, but I know she is in a much better place than living in this world.” She started crying and if I had any tears left they would be flowing too. I heard the sniffles coming from the crowd as Alex thanked everyone again and walked to the bathroom. Poor thing. The shop owner gestured towards me, letting me know that I could say something if I wanted.

  I wanted to, I really did. I couldn’t, though. I couldn’t lie to everyone’s faces. I couldn’t hold myself straight and believe it wasn’t my fault she was dead. Everyone here thinks that Evie was killed in a drive by shooting while home visiting her mom. Even her mom doesn’t know the truth about her death. I, however, know fully what happened to her, it haunts me every moment of the day. What I still can’t wrap my mind around is how she was involved in the first place. The minute my eyes hit hers I remembered our moments when she was younger. What I don’t understand is why she followed me, why she befriended me, and why she, of all people, knew where the money was.

  Tatum broke into my thoughts just as they started to spiral out of control.

  “You look ready to go. Let’s head home.” He whispered.

  I shook my head and he lead me towards the door, giving me time and space to say my goodbye to my best friend.

  2- Tatum

  Yes, I’ve lost a child. There is no sorrow that compares to the loss of a tiny, innocent, being. Holding the lifeless hand of your tiny baby makes your heart fall out of your chest and never return. Never fully, at least. Meeting Molly, falling as hard and as fast as I did for her, makes the warmth return. It makes me feel again, but the pain from the loss of a child never goes away. I’ll always remember the pain.

  Watching Molly grieve all over again adds another level to that pain. Watching a loved one go through pain that you understand, you empathize with, and not being able to help them hurts just as bad. Molly’s past was just ripped out of the dark and rehashed, making her bring up all of the ugly details that she never wanted to relive. Add to it the lies that her husband fed her their entire marriage and the murder of her best friend right in front of her and she’s having a difficult time, to say the least. The
nightmares alone are enough to make me want to shield her from everything bad in the world. I hold her at night, praying to God that she sleeps a full night without the memories creeping their way back in.

  After the memorial service we walked back to Molly’s house. The walk home was silent, almost peaceful. It was the end of April but felt like the middle of summer. Her skin glistened as the humidity took hold of her. Being from Texas I was used to heat, but Molly still hadn’t adjusted to heat and humidity in the time she had lived here. Sweat to most people may be a turn off, but hell if she didn’t look like she was glowing from the light sheen of sweat.

  Walking into the house she stopped just inside the door and turned to me. Her hand lifted to my cheek and she stared at me for a moment before speaking.

  “Thank you” she whispered. She reached up on her tiptoes to kiss me. My hands slip down her back and grab my favorite part of her. So full, such a perfect fit for my hands. Hands that have done too much bad to deserve so much good.

  “God Molly, how are you such a strong woman?” I murmured into her neck, her favorite spot to be nibbled. She sighed and her body melted into mine. I lifted her easily and she wrapped her legs around me as I carried her up the steps, all the while she was kissing my neck, nibbling my ear, running her fingers through my hair. So distracting, this woman.

  I laid her on the bed and hovered over her, resting on my elbows.

  “I love you Molly. I’m not sure I’ll ever get tired of saying that”

  She smiled back at me, her green eyes glowing.

  “I love you too, Tatum. Forever and always.” She said, practically in a whisper.

  Forever and always. That sounded perfect to me.

  3- Molly

  The morning after Evie’s memorial was rushed. I had a meeting with the Delany client about their wedding next year, and I still had plenty of shoots already lining up for the week and weekend. Things were finally looking up in the business, as well as Tatum and I’s relationship.

  Coming downstairs Tatum was already in the kitchen, making me a cup of coffee with a smile on his face. How could I be so lucky? And to think, I could very well be carrying his child. I know I need to tell him, but I really want for it to be official before I get any hopes up…or down. He handed me my to-go cup and gave me my good morning kiss. Mmm I could definitely get used to this.

  “I never thought I’d have someone like you. So perfect in every aspect. Even this crazy hair…mmm I love it.” He started nuzzling my neck, reaching around he grabbed my ass right before I backed away.

  “Woah there. As much as I would love nothing more than to continue this, I have a meeting in a half an hour, remember?” Of course it was with the only client that has ever scared the bejesus out of me, therefore I would definitely not be canceling due to morning nookie with my assistant. Tatum doesn’t know who the meeting is with. I have a gut feeling he wouldn’t be letting me go alone if he did.

  “Great, I’ll be waiting in your office when he leaves.” He winked and walked away. He didn’t even care I turned him down! OF COURSE he would leave me like that. Just BOOM, like it didn’t matter that I turned him down. Now I get to go to this last minute meeting with this man who is incredibly intimidating with Tatum’s promise of desk sex on my mind.

  Taking my bag I head outside. The hair that Tatum loves so dearly was quickly wrapped up in a bun to make it less terrifying to onlookers. While I’ve made my home here in Illinois, the Midwest really sucks when it comes to humidity and summers. Ugh, and it’s only April! Shorts, flats, and a nice button down tunic is as professional as it’s going to get in today’s weather. If ‘Mr.oldmanbigshot’ can’t handle it then he doesn’t need my business.

  Trying my hardest to think positive about this meeting, I can’t wrap my head around the sinking feeling in my gut that something bad is about to happen. Why this man needed a last minute meeting for a wedding that wasn’t even until next year was beyond me, but the $25,000 payday that will be coming after this day is over will be well worth it. I will finally be able to buy the property next to the studio that’s been sitting empty for years now and create a unique outdoor studio.

  I park, grab the necessities, and head into the studio to unlock the door. It’s then that I notice the man waiting out front of the studio. Sitting on the bench to the right of the door, staring at his phone but not moving anything on the screen, he hears me clear my throat and looks up. Holy dark eyes. Jesus why do the hot men land on my doorstep lately? Oh hello hormones.

  “Hi, can I help you?” I try to sound as unaffected as possible by the beauty that is radiating from this man. I should not be feeling this way when I have the most perfect male specimen waiting for me at home.

  “I’m Robert Delany.” He reaches out to shake my hand and smiles. Those eyes. The warmth of his hand.

  Oh fuck.

  4- Tatum

  The fact that I have to pretend to be unaffected by being turned down by Molly was insanely hard. As much as I love her, and I do, I can’t let her see how much she affects me. It’s man code...or something. The only advice I ever received from my older brother Dave was just that… ‘don’t make it seem like you are putty in her hands or else she will take your balls and form them into a nice sculpture for her side table.” Not that Dave was a genius, but this one piece of advice stuck with me. There was just something unappealing to my balls being on display and not connected to me.

  I walked away and went straight to the upstairs bathroom. I heard her leave then hopped in a nice cold shower, taking the edge off until I could have her in her office later. Apparently I was her assistant, but she didn’t really need anything from me unless there was a shoot happening or she needed advice on edits, so needless to say she didn’t even ask me to sit in on the meeting. I had all the free time I could want right now, but I just wasn’t satisfied. If I searched inside I know I would find out why. My dad’s business was an ugly one, but it was the only thing that helped me square my mind. We spoke before he left to go back to Texas about possibly heading off some of the technical sides of the business from Illinois, then he could have more manpower in Texas when need be. It’s not beating the shit out of criminals, but I guess it’s better than nothing.

  First thing is first, though. Molly is currently in a meeting with a very high profile Midwest man. A meeting she was trying to keep from me, not telling me who it was with. I, however, was able to find her date book and see for myself who she was with today. Anyone with the last name of Delany in this part of the country is a walking disaster, and she got herself wrapped up in the deal of the century. The woman has no true photography package that costs $25,000, but he managed to get everything out of her for that much. Every type of print, every angle, every shot, and three days’ worth of shooting plus engagement prints and ‘thank you’ prints. It was an insane package, but the Delany’s are very convincing people. I need to do some inside work to find out just how dangerous these men are.

  The first article that blows my mind mentions murder charges being filed against one of the youngest Delany sons. I know my dad’s business, and yes people have died, but there is never any evidence when we are done. For the cops to have enough to suspect one of them for murder makes me shake my head in disgust. I can’t believe Molly is wrapped up with this family. Sometimes she can be so blind to the things that are staring her right in her face. The next thing that I notice is the picture of the man that is suspected in the murders. Talk about not looking the part of a criminal. This dude is decked out in his suit, tie, and insanely dark eyes…are there even pupils in there? He’s never been convicted, though, because no one would testify against a Delany, just like no one would testify against a Savage. Good lord I hope this isn’t the one getting married. Actually, I hope this isn’t the one Molly has to deal with at all. It’s a big family, though, so odds are slim they will ever come in contact. All other articles on this man post him as a ladies man, sexual predator, and fighter. Partier, that’s more like it.
Kid with money who doesn’t know how to use it wisely, wasting it on booze, drugs, and sex. I can hope for now that Molly is not currently in a meeting with him. After today, though, I’ll be sure to be in on those meetings. I’m not taking any chances, I feel like trouble follows the woman around.

  What the hell, I should be in the office soon anyway, I’m sure the client won’t mind a drop in from the assistant shooting their wedding.

  5- Molly

  Robert Delany. The last name alone is enough to make me cringe, but of all the Delany’s this is the one they sent? Jesus this man. Playboy deluxe, no women lasts in his world longer than a couple of days. Every photo ever is him with a different woman at his side. Not that I follow the family¸ but it’s hard not to when they are everywhere. Why is he here, though?

  “How can I help you Mr. Delany?”

  “Sorry for the sudden change. Please, call me Rob.” He smiled and his eyes gleamed darker than before, then he continued “My Uncle is the man you were speaking with before. He is having…health…problems, if you will, and I have volunteered to step up in aiding with the wedding details. My cousin is the groom. He is very wrapped up with business and his bride doesn’t need to be stressed out with wedding planning. Especially something as simple as the pictures.”

  Interesting. Most brides love being able to plan and organize. Especially when it comes to detailing their photo shots for the big day. I will never understand the dynamics of families.

  “Well, Rob, let’s head inside and you can tell me why we needed this sudden meeting.”


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