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Bitten (Bitten By Lust)

Page 2

by Morgan Black

  Her lips curved around his thick cock moving back and forth with such force that I couldn’t imagine him lasting very long. I watched his chest heave and he breathed deeply enjoying her hot mouth. Soon she began to pull completely back, giving us a view of his fully erect member. She spat in her hand and ran in along his shaft. He smiled down at her. I couldn’t hear what he said to her but she soon stood up and turned around to put her hands on the padded wall. She spread her legs apart slightly and he pushed her upper back with his hand so that her breasts pressed against the wall as well. His other hand wrapped around her small waist and his pulled her ass into him. Pushing his dick up in between her legs I finally heard her as a moan rang out.

  “Fuck me,” she screamed.

  He leaned down to whisper in her ear. The anticipation was killing her, killing me.

  “Fuck me harder,” she yelled as she waited for more. She pushed harder into him and thrust his pelvis against her ass. He pushed into her roughly, back and forth bringing her to the edge of her orgasm. My breath caught in my chest.

  “Beg me,” he yelled, “ask me if I’ll let you come.”

  “Please,” she pleaded, “please let me come sir.”

  I watched intently forgetting Fantasia until she spoke.

  “Hot isn’t it?” Fantasia smiled at me. “C’mon virgin let’s find another room.”

  I shook the image from my mind and focused on the task at hand. It was my job to find out the inner workings of this club not to enjoy myself, but I knew I wanted to know if she had an orgasm. Hell I was dying to be her. To feel that rush of pleasure through my veins.

  I tried to get back to my job. It wasn’t easy but I thought a line of questioning would help.

  “So how many people do you think are here each night?”

  Fantasia’s heels clicked in front of me and I saw her delicate shoulders lift up as she shrugged. “I don’t crunch any of the numbers, that’s not my job. That’s for the men to do. And I know what you’re going to ask next, yes this is completely legal. All these couples are consensual adults. No one is paid for what they do here.”

  She was right, that was my next question. But I had another one. “Do you ever get involved?”

  She stopped and spun around to assess me once more. “It depends.”

  “Depends on what?”

  “It depends on how delicious they are.” She winked at me before turning around and continuing to walk until we were at the end of the hall. There was a single door at the very end that wasn’t black like the rest. This door was the color of blood, a dark rusty red. Something suddenly felt sinister about this place. The laughter and the escapism of the club had fallen away and in its place was a dark foreboding feeling eating away in the pit of my stomach.

  “I… I think we should go back to the club. Maybe I’ll interview a few people and then I’ll be on my way.”

  As I began to hurry away I felt cold hands on my wrist pulling me back towards her.

  “Don’t be silly! This is the best room in the whole place. Reserved for only our most special guests. If you want your story, it’s in here.”

  I locked eyes with her and I felt like she was drawing me in, she seemed strangely protective. Maybe nothing bad would happen. But then I noticed something else different about this entrance. “Where are the windows?”

  She smiled with just the corner of her mouth, her red lipstick making it more pronounced against her skin. “We don’t allow people to watch our exclusive guests. We keep their privacy intact.”

  I nodded, in my foggy mind that made sense. She pushed in a code on the keypad on the door and pulled me inside.

  I wasn’t sure what to expect when we entered the room but what I saw was not at all what I had thought. There were at least fifty people dancing and drinking together in the dark room. There was a DJ booth up on the right-hand side above the crowd and red lights flashed down upon the throng of people. Fantasia had to yell to get my attention, “I hope you like to party!”

  She pulled my hand again to move us to the middle of the dance floor where people half naked were grinding seductively. A man came up to me within seconds and put himself behind me pulling my hips against his own. The DJ started to play some new music, and I considered pulling away, but I didn’t feel in control of myself anymore. I felt like I was drugged, like I was watching all of this from another view. Almost like a movie of my own life. I could hear more moans of ecstasy coming from the crowd as the man used his hand to push down my back so that I would be looking at the floor. He put his hands along my shoulders and held me there. For the first time in my life I felt like the world around me didn’t matter. I wasn’t in control, but I wasn’t sure I didn’t like it. I kept my hands out in front of me, worried I would crash to the floor if he let me go. He slammed his pelvis into me again and again with the beat of the music and when he pulled me back up I was breathless. I never turned around to see his face, but when the song changed he walked away. I saw him from behind dancing with someone else. For a moment I thought I saw him sucking on some girl’s neck. But it wasn’t in a sensual way, it seemed stronger, more purposeful.

  I moved away from him and the rest of the people. I searched for Fantasia but I couldn’t find her so I moved out of the throng of people to the side against one of the walls to further assess the situation. I thought about dancing with that man, I had never behaved that way before. It was so foreign to me, I thought YOLO for a moment and pulled out my phone again. I was beginning to take notes again when someone approached me. He was a younger guy, probably just a little older than myself, wearing dark jeans and a black sweater. It was a little warm for winter clothes but he looked sexy as hell. And he knew it.

  “Would you like to dance?” His clear blue eyes were intoxicating. I was drawn to them, but I needed to get back to work and I didn’t allow myself to waver.

  I smiled at him, “I’m fine thanks.” I looked away continuing to type about the music and sort of people around me. Business men dancing with girls half their age, a man with dreads sucking on a girl’s neck, and party girls hopping around without tops on.

  He moved in front of me to block my view of the dance floor. “Oh really? Because I swear I just saw you dancing with someone else. And he’s definitely not as good of a dancer as I am.”

  I laughed, he was a charmer. “Really?” I thought about it for a moment, I had just danced with someone else, that really wasn’t my style. He looked at me again, this time coming so close I could smell his body spray. There was something in his eyes that set my skin on fire. Maybe I should give him a chance. “I guess you will have to show me those moves.”

  He took my hand and instantly I was his. There was this magnetic energy between us that I couldn’t ignore.

  I dropped my phone but instead of wanting to go back for it, I didn’t care. What was it about this place that made me want to be here so badly? Was Fantasia right? Would Red soon have a new member?

  Once we reached the edge of the dance floor he put himself behind me and squatted down slightly so that his hips and mine were locked together. Our bodies molded together as we moved with the beat. The rhythm flowed through my body and into his. For some reason I had the distinct feeling that this could be going somewhere. He took his hand and dragged it across my stomach slowly finally resting it on my right hip as his left hand took my arm and put it above us. The song was slow and so was he, moving his hips in ways that I had never felt before. He danced so differently than the other man. To be completely honest I didn’t go out very much so maybe men were dancing like this all over the city and I just didn’t know. But it didn’t feel like that. Something felt different here, different with him. His style wasn’t the same as the man who had practically assaulted me right before him. This was completely new. It was slow and seductive like he was really feeling how my body moved and reacting to it in perfect synchronization.

  He whispered in my ear and it felt familiar somehow. Like I had heard his voice in a dre
am once.

  “It’s been a long time.” He nibbled on my ear after he said it. It made my knees weak.

  “A long time since what?” I responded in my dreamlike state.

  “A long time since I’ve been with someone like this.”

  I turned around so that we were face-to-face but our bodies kept moving with the music, “Since you’ve danced?”

  He ran his hands down the sides of my curves, first my breasts and then down to my hips. It was slow and sensual and it made my breath catch in my throat.

  He licked his lips, “Since I’ve danced with someone like you. You’re just so warm.” He lifted his hand off my hip to touch my face. I closed my eyes for a moment to savor his touch.


  Chewing on his lower lip he whispered, “Hot.” My legs started to wobble under my weight, I was falling apart under the pressure of his advances.

  We both paused for a moment, the only two bodies not moving in the room when he placed both of his hands on my cheeks and kissed me. I hardly noticed how cold he was, while the smoothness of his lips met mine. When he kissed me it felt like the whole world stopped. I couldn’t breathe, and my head swam with images of us, almost as if from another life. We were together in a sun soaked meadow. Laying with our bodies intertwined with a picnic basket close by. My brain became fuzzy, like changing the channel on an old television, then I could see us holding hands, sneaking into a 1950’s movie that was still in black and white. I wore pearls and a big skirt, nothing out of this decade. Again the view changed, the last image was of us eating spaghetti in an upscale restaurant. A black velvet box sitting next to him on the table.

  My brain felt like it was in shock. I pulled away from him afraid of my own mind, “I’m sorry. This isn’t me.”

  He nodded in an understanding way, “But it could be you.” He added, “I know it’s you. Come with me.”

  He took my hand and pulled me off the dance floor and a gentle but forceful way. I had no idea where we were going but he seemed to. He pulled me back to the red door and into one of the private rooms, I was overwhelmed by his lack of subtlety.

  “I don’t think you quite understood. Maybe I wasn’t clear, I’m not into all of this.” As delicious as he looked and how he made my mouth water didn’t matter. I wasn’t a girl who’s going to have sex on the first date, if that’s even what this was becoming.

  “Of course you’re not. You think I don’t know that you’re not the type of girl?”

  I shook my head, “Then why bring me here?”

  He sighed deeply and looked around the room as if checking for cameras or people watching. The window facing the empty hallway had blinds which he pulled down and shut. Slowly he turned back to look at me. “Do you really not know who I am?”

  I shook my head. “No.” The simple answer seemed to suffice, but in his eyes he appeared broken or lost. Gone was the cocky dancer from the floor. “Should I?”

  He looked at me confused. “What did you see? What images played in your mind when we touched?”

  Images? How did he know about the meadow, the movie theater, the plate of spaghetti? How could he know that I saw something so odd I had what he touched me for the first time?

  “I’ve no idea what you’re talking about. Now if you wouldn’t mind…” I tried to move quickly but he blocked my way.

  “Can you really not see what’s going on here?”

  “I see exactly what’s going on here.” I said firmly. “And I don’t appreciate it. I’m not just some trampy girl who can be taken to a room while you try to get your way! And clearly since that’s what you think of me, this conversation is over.”

  He put up his hands, “That’s not what I think of you at all! I know you Eve, maybe even better than you know yourself.” He put his face right in front of mine, I could smell the musky scent of aftershave coming off of him. Being this close to him was intoxicating.

  “You have to remember me Eve. I couldn’t handle it if you didn’t.”

  I shook my head, “I’m sorry. I don’t have any idea who you really are.”

  With that he let his hands fall to his sides and shrugged his shoulders. “Then I guess you should probably just go.” He didn’t even attempt to make eye contact, he just looked down at the floor.

  I nodded, “Yeah I guess I should.” As I walked past them are fingers touched once more and I felt like the only glow of the red light in the room became just a little bit brighter. Inside of me I felt the need to give him a second chance, but for what reason I couldn’t know.

  With my hand on the doorknob I asked, “How did you know my name? I don’t ever remember telling it to you.”

  “I heard Fantasia say it. No big deal.”

  I nodded, that made sense. “Right.”

  I walked out of the room, leaving him in silence. But somehow I had gotten turned around and needed to collect my thoughts. I slipped into the empty room next door and sat on a couch in the corner.

  I shook my head as I thought about the two interactions I had with men tonight. The first was forceful and rough. The second was mysterious and delectable but somehow I just walked away from it. And then there were those weird visions. Maybe I had been drugged? That could be the explanation for some of Red’s repeat customers. I needed to focus on the task at hand. I needed to get the job done, maybe then I would find the answers I was looking for.

  I sat silently in reflection while the door opened. I was about to jump up but the man hit the light switch and I was thrown into darkness. As I heard the grunts from the couple who just stumbled in, I felt I had found part of my story. I pulled out my phone to take notes as the neon lights glowed and watched their bodies overtake the shadows. I surveyed the situation as a younger woman laid down on the pillowed floor and opened her legs. She was topless and wore a very short red skirt. She quickly pulled it up to reveal her neon pink underwear. The man was older, in his forties and looked like a greasy car salesman. I couldn’t figure out what the beautiful young woman saw in him. He yanked off her underwear and unzipped his pants. Clearly this was going to be a fast one.

  “Jimmy just do it. Before she finds us!” I heard the woman say in a rushed voice. She was giggling, clearly intoxicated. Perhaps even drugged only furthering my theory. Jimmy’s name rang in my head, the bouncer had said something about him. I wonder if Fantasia was the woman they were referring to.

  “You don’t tell me what to you do. You’re my little slut.” I craned my neck to see him pull her legs wide kissing the inside of her calves as he held her heeled feet in his hands. I could see the back of his suit while he was sitting back on his feet. “Don’t worry about her. Just think about us. Think about what you’ll be after this.” He leaned over her and kissed her hard on the mouth. “You’ll be mine.” He sat back up and yanked her body onto his and she wrapped her legs around him. He started pushing his dick slowly into her and her breathing became quick. He was teasing her, sliding all the way in and then pulling back out. I was intrigued by their relationship, were all the men here so forceful? And how were they so damn hot doing it?

  “I’ll be yours Jimmy, all yours,” she yelled as he pumped her body like a rag doll. She had no control, and she savored every second of it. He owned her, every inch of her body was his. He reveled in the power he had over her. She tossed her head back to expose her neck.

  He continued to thrust in and out of her body, his hips moving at an alarming rate.

  I chewed on my lower lip, it would be so easy for me to just rub my panties, to release the tension that was hanging over me. But just as I was about to move my hand between my legs I watched as he leaned down over her and bit into her neck. She screamed in pain, shocking me out of my sex induced state, and he continued to hold on to her flesh. My lust quickly turned to horror as I watched his head stay positioned over her body as her yells of pleasure became screams of agony.

  I gasped as he came up for air and was covered in her blood. Jimmy looked directly at me, he h
ad noticed my presence. The thick red substance hung from his lips displaying a gruesome sight.

  He pulled off of her and she held onto her neck with her hand attempting to stop the bleeding. Turning onto her side she closed her legs and moved her body into fetal position crying softly.

  Jimmy stood and zippered his pants. “What do we have here?” He used the back of his sleeve to wipe the blood from his mouth.

  He moved towards me like a lion hunting his prey. I was in over my head.

  I stuttered, “I… I didn’t see anything. I swear. I won’t tell anyone what I saw.”

  “I don’t recognize you. You must be new.” He crouched next to me dragging a finger along my leg. “Are you new… I didn’t catch your name.”

  “Eve. My name is Eve.”

  His eyes narrowed. “Eve?”

  I nodded slowly.

  His slick smile returned. “Eve I need you to do me a favor. I need you to leave.” He looked directly into my eyes and I all that I could do was nod. His eyes were almost black, but not because of the lack of light, it was almost as if he lacked a soul.

  I ran from the room, never giving the girl on the floor another glance. I had been right, Red was far more than a swinger’s club. It was time to leave. I raced through the red door to find my phone near the dance floor. I had the sudden urge to grab it and get out of here as fast as possible.

  I quickly pulled myself together and ran through the dance floor attempting to locate my phone and get out as fast as I could. This would have been a great time to have one of those locators attached to it. As I was moving frantically through the crowd I spotted Fantasia in a corner talking to three different men. All of them were watching her intently like they belonged to her. It was strange.


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