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Guardian Stone 2: Stone and the T-Raptors

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by Don Koch

  Stone and the T-Raptors

  By Don Piatt Koch

  Books by Don Piatt Koch

  Guardian Stone Series

  Stone Genesis (Book 1)

  Stone and the T-Raptors (Book 2)

  Coming soon

  Stone and the Ravens (Book 3)

  Cover: Background photo is in the public domain by STScl under contract to NASA utilizing the Hubble telescope of a nova-like event of Star V-838 Monocerotis, a red variable star in the constellation Monoceros about 20,000 LY from the sun.

  Copyright © 2015 by Don Piatt Koch

  All rights reserved.


  Printed in the United States of America

  Stone and the


  By Don Piatt Koch



  Chapter 1: Visiting Gar

  Chapter 2: Recruiting Gar

  Chapter 3: A Royal Wedding

  Chapter 4: Bringing Gar into the Fold

  Chapter 5: Assignments

  Chapter 6: Update for Earth

  Chapter 7: Planting the Seeds

  Chapter 8: Prince Kar

  Chapter 9: Frote

  Chapter 10: Interview

  Chapter 11: Downtime

  Chapter 12: Problem on Saark

  Chapter 13: A Little Training and Preparation

  Chapter 14: Renewed Earth Upgrade

  Chapter 15: Saark Revisited

  Chapter 16: Orbital Station Acar

  Chapter 17: General Brondin

  Chapter 18: Time to Act

  Chapter 19: Earth Upgrade Progress

  Chapter 20: A New Development

  Chapter 21: The Message

  Chapter 22: I am Acarma

  Chapter 23: Plan of Action

  Chapter 24: Declaration of Independence

  Chapter 25: A Visit with the High Councilor

  Chapter 26: Starkiller

  Chapter 27: Evacuation

  Chapter 28: Back to Petra

  Chapter 29: Repair

  Chapter 30: Polits

  Chapter 31: Status Report Earth/Felix

  Chapter 32: Hank Meets the Kids

  Chapter 33: Saba

  Chapter 34: Strategy

  Chapter 35: And Then There Were None

  Chapter 36: A Fly in the Ointment

  Chapter 37: Aftermath

  Chapter 38: Connection

  Chapter 39: After

  A Guide to Antoran Starship Stations


  Henry P Stone (Hank) and his wife Samantha (she prefers Sam) had been married for just shy of 8 months and now found themselves on the Planet Gar preparing for a royal wedding, that of his former enemy. This was not a situation that either of them could had ever imagined would be a part of their future. In addition, they were more than 3,400 light years from their home world and even though they were conquerors of the military of this world, they were being treated as though they were world saviors (that they were).

  The people of Glarin and of Gar after them had been puppets against their will in an invasion aimed at Earth and others. The invasion had been an attempt by the inventor/dictator from Arber to gain territory without regard for the lives impacted. He utilized a bioengineered symbiote that infected and affected the behavior of the people of Glarin, Linan and Gar as well as those of Arber itself. He was able to direct their invasion activity through the use of these puppet-creating symbiotes.

  The Antorans had managed to escape the invasion aimed at them. More than 500 years later, Hank was recruited by the Antorans to structure and command the defense of Earth and others and to take command of the Antoran fleet. He was able to recruit and form a military organization sufficient to man and operate the large fleet of ships designed and built by the Antorans. The bulk of the military forces were from Earth along with a large contingent from Glarin.

  The Antorans had built the huge station/starships utilized by Hank's forces. There are 100 stations in all. The largest of these was the prototype station that is 260 miles long by 60 miles in diameter and could support a population in excess of 438 million persons. There were an additional 19 stations 200 miles in length by 60 miles in diameter and these could each support a population in excess of 292 million. Finally there were 80 stations that were 90 miles in length by 60 miles in diameter and these could each support a population of 92 million. In a pinch, each station could support a 50% increase in those numbers.

  Each station is essentially a habitat, with farms, living areas, school, stores, and recreation areas including mountains, lakes, streams and forests. Each station has 20,000 warships in their bays. This number of warships could be increased by an additional 55,000 ships as needed. Each station carries two sizes of commercial vessels. The larger commercial vessel is 3,000' in length by 1,000' in diameter and each station is assigned 2,500 ships of this size and that can be increased to 3,000. The smaller commercial ship is 900 feet in length by 300' in diameter. Each station carries 20,000 of the smaller vessel that can be increased to 41,000 ships as needed.

  Each station has a considerable complement of shuttles in 3 sizes. Individual stations carry 100,000 shuttles with an 8 person capacity, 50,000 with a 30 person capacity and 15,000 with a 250 person capacity. As with other types of ships carried by a station, capacity for shuttles exceeds the assigned numbers. All stations are fully self-supporting and self-sustaining.

  The Antorans could build weaponry, warships, and equipment to support an offensive or defensive action, however, they were psychologically incapable of initiating an offensive or defensive action. This was the reason why they sought the services of Hank and his recruited military organization. The resulting collaboration was a very good fit. The Antoran technology base was hundreds if not thousands of years ahead of Earth capabilities and in many instances, imagination. The T-Raptor units with their telepathic and psi abilities, added an enhancement to their technological capabilities that had not yet been fully explored. Their quickly developing capabilities enabled the fleet to gather intelligence that was not previously possible. The combination was formidable as the puppet-master from Amber found out the hard way.

  After discovering that the Glarin fleet approaching Earth were puppets controlled by the Gar who in turn had been controlled by General Artus Brondin of Amber, the Antoran fleet was able to rescue the Glarin people. They proved to be a strong ally and complemented the fleet's growing telepathic and psi capability. Later, they were able to do the same for the Gar. The addition of the Gar to the T Raptor net resulted in a quantum leap of capability that was still being explored for its potential. It was clear that the use of the T Raptor teams substantially enabled the bloodless capture of the Glarin fleet and the Gar fleets.

  Aside from defending Earth from the invasions that were heading their way, the presence of the Antoran fleet prevented a nuclear war on Earth started by several rogue nations, solidified national boundaries, and provided education for millions of marginalized persons. It also provided opportunities for colonization of other worlds and trade with a number of other planets. It remained to be seen, what kind of social impact the Antoran presence would have on Earth and other planets in the stellar neighborhood.

  Hank and Sam were on Gar because of the determination that Gar was not the culprit for the invasions generated by the actions of Arber General Brondin. Since conclusion of that effort, they decided to spend some time on Gar and get to know the people there. Their reception by the general population was unexpectedly warm and positive. To top it off, they were to participate in the wedding ceremonies of the newly crowned monarch, Lord Dranz who had been in command of the Gar fleet captured by Hank
and his forces. Celebrity status on this level was not something either of them expected or wanted.

  Chapter 1: Visiting Gar

  Royal palace on Gar – May 3 – C Day 246.

  Hank said, "Well Sam, are you ready to go exploring Gar? It sure is a striking place. Their mountains are incredible."

  "We are supposed to meet with Dranz and Meri for breakfast and he said he has someone he wants to be the first to show us some of the sights. I am ready when you are."

  They entered the informal dining area where there were about 20 people gathered, some of whom they knew. Dranz rose to greet them saying, "Friend Hank, I have someone I would like you to meet. This is Bairz, do you remember him." The look he had from Dranz seemed a bit mischievous, so Hank paused to consider when he had seen Bairz previously.

  He then remembered and with a slight bow said to Bairz, "Ah, honorable Bairz, I do remember you. It was during my second visit to the 'Dragon's Teeth' and you are the one who tried to put your Taju blade between my ribs but I shattered your blade before you could accomplish that. I then repaired your blade and returned it to you. That was an honorable attempt to protect your ship. I hope all is well with you." He saw that Bairz was startled but also detected a slight sense of sadness from Bairz, so he turned to Dranz and said, "Is something wrong and if so, how can I help?"

  "Bairz was my chief of security at the time of that incident and still is performing that same duty here. Since arriving back on Gar, he has met a maiden whom he wishes to marry, and she him. The difficulty lies in the blade that you repaired for Bairz. When a couple on Gar wish to marry, their Taju blades are re-forged and entwined together in a pattern that is distinctive to a married couple. They attempted to do this, but Bairz' Taju blade is resistant to any of the arts of our best metalworkers and blade-masters. I had hoped that you might be able to assist in this dilemma."

  Hank immediately replied, "of course, Bairz, is your intended mate nearby?"

  "Yes, this is Wira, my life and my love," Bairz replied, taking her hand and placing it in Hanks hand.

  Hank then patted her hand and placed her hand back in Bairz saying, "When I visited your ship, there were others with me. To do this repair correctly, I would like to have them join me. Sam and Barana are here but the Glarins, Gambel and Hanser are not. Dranz, would it be permissible to ask that Gambel and Hanser join us here?" Dranz nodded approval and Hank asked Barana to make it so. As Gambel and Hanser appeared, Hank continued with his explanation, "First, we four need to be seated and comfortable so there are no distractions." As he said this Hank, Sam, Gambel and Hanser sat in sofa style chairs and relaxed. He continued, "what you are about to see is what was done when we visited your flagship five and a half months ago. I would ask that you not speak of this outside of this room because very few know of this capability or how we do this and we would prefer to keep it that way. First, we five, including Barana entered into a state of rapport, as we are doing now."

  There now appeared to be two of Hank in the room. The projected image continued, "next, we projected this image you see of me onto your ship. As you will note, I look the same as the 'me' you see sitting there in the chair appearing to be in a trance. In this condition, I can travel a great distance, walk through steel doors and move about pretty much as I wish. The same is true of the others who are remaining invisible but are nevertheless here in the same state as am I. This is the means we used to 'haunt' your ships, to gain intelligence and to manipulate the controls and other items aboard your ships. A very powerful tool as you well know and as far as we know, probably impossible to prevent or counter. I can use an invisible form, a nebulous form or a solid impenetrable one as I did during that visit. I can literally assume and project any shape I can imagine when in this state. When your blade touched me, it instantly shattered because I told it to do so. In this state I could also put it back together. I have looked at the process that your blade-masters use for a marriage so I understand how the completed blades should appear. I also understand that commendations are permitted on the blades. With your majesty's permission, I would like to add a commendation for your action that day in defense of your ship." Again Dranz nodded agreement with a grin. Hank continued, "Bairz and Wira, would you please each hand me your Taju without the sheath." They did so. Next Hank and his team suspended the two blades before them and the blades began to blur into each other, and shift in shape. Shortly, there were again two blades, with the changes made and an inscribed commendation on Bairz' blade stating, "For active defense of the Flagship Dragon's Teeth during an intruder alert in combat conditions." Hank then asked for the two scabbards that were opaque and rendered them to appear as glass, inserted the blades in their scabbards and handed them back to Bairz and Wira. At that, he ended the rapport, the projection disappeared and the participants rose from their respective chairs. Hank then said to Bairz and Wira that "the new blades have the same properties as did Bairz previous blade. Each is essentially indestructible. The beauty of these blades should not be hidden so the sheaths have been modified. The sheaths are steel even though they look like glass. They are unbreakable. It is my hope that this will serve as a reminder for the two of you as you continue to serve your new monarch, His Majesty, Lord Dranz, and that your honor be as unblemished as the blades are now." He then bowed to the couple and gave them a huge grin. He offered his hand in friendship.

  "Henry, my friend, you continue to surprise me with the way you deal with people of my race or any race for that matter. You have my sincere appreciation. Again you have taught me something. By the way, you have just completed the marriage ceremony that has already been started and blessed by our priests, but was stalled because we could not complete the blade merger. You have given them a wonderful wedding present. The story of you doing this will travel far and wide and it is their well earned story."

  Bairz and Wira appeared to be in a state of shock but soon loosened up as well wishers were speaking to them. Hank, Sam, Gambel and Hanser each went to the couple to wish them long life and happiness and hugs. The tone of the breakfast became quite festive.

  A bit later, Dranz said, "My friend Henry, Bairz and Wira have asked for the honor to show you about Gar for the next week and after that it would be my pleasure to do likewise with Meri. Frankly, you could not be in better hands than Bairz even though you have no need of his protection. His presence however will limit the crush of crowds wanting to see and speak with you. That could prove to be a bit overwhelming. What do you think?"

  "That would be perfect. But I also want to interact to some extent with your people. I do not want to appear aloof from them. Perhaps some occasions to meet and answer questions they might have could be worked in. I leave it in your hands or those of Bairz and Wira."

  After Breakfast, Sam gave Hank a hug and whispered to him, "you made me very proud of you this morning, that was a wonderful thing you did for Bairz and Wira."

  He smiled and whispered back, "Thanks Hon, it was the right thing to do."

  Later that morning, they met with the Gar news reporters where someone had already told the story of what he had done that morning, but not how. Some errors in the story were corrected and additional items were discussed during an interview that lasted for about an hour but the projection aspect of the occasion was not brought up. The interviewer was clearly taken aback by Hank and Sam's fluency with the Gar language. They then proceeded with Bairz and Wira to their hometown about 150 miles from the Royal Palace. Bairz took them to his parents' home where that spent a comfortable evening swapping tales about growing up on Earth versus growing up on Gar. The next day, Bairz introduced them to the art of Gar style fishing that can best be compared to fishing for Marlin on steroids on Earth. The techniques were surprisingly similar except for thanking the spirit of the fish for the food it was providing with its life. Sam commented that this was very similar to the ritual followed by Native Americans and some other cultures when completing a hunt. Other similarities kept popping up that reminded Ha
nk and Sam that people were quite similar on the two worlds.

  Hank and Sam agreed to have public meetings with large groups of people several times during the week. The curiosity of the Gar people was insatiable and surprisingly little duplication was heard from the crowds that attended the sessions. Hank took several opportunities to extol the virtues and wisdom of their present monarch and said that he wished that someday he could join with his fleet in a voyage of exploration.

  When asked if persons could join his fleet, Hank indicated that he and Lord Dranz had discussed exactly that prospect and that both he and Lord Dranz were in favor. Details had not yet been worked out but would be shortly. The week with Bairz and Wira was over too quickly followed with a similar three weeks with Lord Dranz and Meri. Every day was a new destination all about the planet. For speed, they used one of Station One's large shuttles that had been repainted with the royal colors and symbols and loaned to Dranz as his personal shuttle. The shuttle was to be serviced if needed by the station then in orbit and the technology unique to the Antoran fleet was sealed. It had shielding capability but no offensive arms installed. The shuttle was the most advanced vessel on the planet and was one of the 250 person shuttles that was 100 ' x 800' and had been equipped with state of the art communications, navigational aids sleeping quarters, medical units and other accouterments that might prove useful to Dranz. It could reach any place on the planet in about an hour but was also expected to double as secure quarters for the royal party when they were on the road. The shuttle was daunting compared to Gar's standard commercial aircraft. There were public meetings every evening with Dranz, Meri, Hank and Sam sharing the stage. Many of these meetings were transmitted to other worlds as news items. This was also intended to soften any animosity others might hold for Gar's past actions.


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