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The Telepathic Clans Omnibus

Page 5

by B R Kingsolver

  They walked on, arm in arm, and when they got to his car he asked, "Where to? Would you like to come to my place for a drink?"

  Her panties were wet, and she could still feel his hands on her body. "Yes, I'd like that," she said.

  Inside his condo, he poured them both brandy, but the drinks were soon forgotten. They kissed and then their hands were all over each other. Soon their clothes started to come off.

  Brenna unbuttoned his shirt and ran her hands over his chest, outlining each ripple of muscle toward his abdomen, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. He smiled as she traced his body, her eyes twinkling and her tongue peeking out to wet her lips. He kissed her softly, placing kisses on her face and down her neck. She leaned her head back, enjoying the feel of his lips caressing her skin.

  His teeth lightly nipped at the tender flesh of her neck. A feeling of euphoria spread throughout her body, starting from her mind, working lower, leaving goose bumps in its wake. When his hands slipped the clasp of her bra, her nipples reacted, turning to hard peaks, begging for his mouth to pleasure her. His lips traveled over her throat, down to her breasts, taking one nipple in his mouth, swirling his tongue around it, and she moaned, leaning back on the couch, pressing harder into him. His hand lightly touched her thigh, and she shuddered. The feel of his hand skimming over her hot skin stoked the fire burning inside her.

  She bit her bottom lip when his fingers slipped under her lace panties and began to stroke her. Wet and hot, her heart pounding in her chest, she gasped as his fingers explored her. Her hips thrust against his hand as flames sizzled through her body, needing more, wanting more.

  Oh, God, Collin, oh, please ...What the hell am I doing?

  She sat up suddenly, pulling away from him. "Oh, God, David. I, I can't do this. I'm sorry. Oh, God.”

  She stood, blushing furiously, straightening her skirt and fumbling with her bra. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Please, I, I just can't."

  She managed to get her breasts back in her bra and close the clasp, then began buttoning her blouse. He sat on the couch watching her.

  "I'm sorry David. You must think I'm the most awful prick tease, but, but I just can't do this. I don't know why I'm here. I never do things like this." She choked out a short laugh, turned to him. "I like you, I really do, and, and right now I really want this. You make me feel so good. But I'll hate myself in the morning. I know I will. Oh, Jesus," she babbled. The confusion in her speech was dwarfed by the chaos in her mind. She turned away and finished buttoning her blouse.

  "Can you take me home? Please?" Her eyes were filled with tears. "Please?"

  He got up, fixed his clothes and drove her home in silence. When they got to her place, she turned to him. "I'm so sorry. I should have never let things go that far. I really do like you. I hope you can forgive me." She opened her door and stepped out.

  "Brenna?" he called. She turned back. "Brenna, can I call you? Can I see you again?"

  She drew a ragged breath and leaned back into the car. "I hope you do. I really hope you do. I wouldn't blame you if you don't, but," she closed her eyes and let out a deep sigh. "The truth is, you make me feel wonderful. I would like to feel that way again." She smiled, "Good night, David, and thank you for a wonderful evening."

  She unlocked her door and walked into her living room, dropping her purse. She sank on the couch and started crying. Oh, God, what in the hell is the matter with me? Collin. David. How can I want them both? How can I be thinking of Collin when I was ready to fuck David? Shit. I am so messed up.

  On Monday Brenna called her gynecologist and made an appointment. If she was so hot to trot that she almost fell into bed with a man on a first date, she’d rather be prepared than sorry if it happened again.

  She hoped Collin would call, but she didn’t hear from him. She debated with herself as to whether she should call him, but couldn’t bring herself to do it.


  One afternoon as she was walking home from work, her cell phone rang and she heard Callie’s voice when she answered.

  “Hi, how are you doing?” Callie asked.

  “Pretty good, I just got off work.”

  “I called to invite you to a party tomorrow night, if you can come. It’s Collin’s birthday, and we’re throwing a surprise party for him. He’s been in West Virginia the past few days, but he’s supposed to be back early in the evening tomorrow. Can you make it?”

  “Yes, but I’m not sure he wants to see me.”

  “Why? What happened?”

  “He came by work last Friday to ask me to a concert but I already had a date that night. I haven’t heard from him since.”

  “I wouldn’t give that too much significance. Like I said, he’s been out of town most of the week. Just a minute.”

  Brenna heard Callie talking to someone, then there was a rustling, and she heard Rebecca’s voice. “Just give me the damn phone, I can get her over here.

  “Hey, Brenna?” Rebecca’s voice came over the phone. “He’s just playing hard to get, as if any guy was really hard to get. Come on. And if he wants to be a shit, then you and I can go out bar hopping. I’d really like to see you, and so would everyone else. Seamus will be here. I mean, what else do you have to do, wash the cat?”

  Brenna smiled. Rebecca’s enthusiasm was infectious. “Okay, talked me into it. I just washed the cat last week, so she can probably keep for another couple of years.”

  She heard Rebecca laugh. “Good. Show up about 6:30 at the latest. We have him timed to show at seven. See you then.”

  Callie came back on the phone. “If you can come a bit early, I’d like to talk to you about some other things. I guess I should have told you about this earlier, but it just never seemed at the top of the list when I’ve seen you. There’s some financial matters we need to discuss.”

  “Oh? Okay. See you then.”


  Brenna showed up at the compound at five o’clock, and sent a spear thought to Callie.

  I’m in my office, come on in, she replied.

  “Hi Brenna. Have a seat. I should have spoken to you about this already, but I didn’t, and I really don’t have a good excuse.

  “Your parents left you a substantial inheritance, and when we thought you were dead, it reverted to Seamus and Maureen’s parents. Now that you’ve come back to life, I’ve been working to figure it all out and transfer the assets into your name. One of the problems I have is the Morgan-O’Donnell issue. You need to go to court and either declare your official name change to Morgan, or resume your O’Donnell name. It’s a pain either way, I know, but we have to get you established as the correct legal person. And then …”

  Brenna broke in, “Callie, slow down. It’s okay, really. I’ll do whatever you think is best. I mean, how big a deal can it be?”

  Callie took a deep breath, then stood and started pacing around her office. “It’s actually a really big deal,” she took another deep breath. “It’s going to be a pain. I want you to understand that it’s going to take a substantial amount of time to straighten all this out.”

  “Fine, just let me know what to do. I mean, it’s just a lot of paperwork, right? If you give it to me, I’ll be glad to fill out what I can, you don’t have to do it all. I’ve kept my tax returns.”

  Callie stopped and stared at her. “Let me explain just a couple of the issues. This house, the one we’re sitting in, doesn’t belong to the Clan. It was solely owned by your father, and we owe you rent for the past fifteen years. There’s a company, O’Donnell Development, that was your father’s independent business, not connected to the Clan. Then there’s the estates in Ireland. It’s just a bloody mess.”

  “Callie, exactly what’s your position, I mean your work position, in the business?” Brenna asked.

  “Huh? Oh, I’m the president and chief financial officer, why?”

  “Of a billion dollar company?”

  “Fifteen billion dollars in revenues, about forty billion in assets.” Callie took a d
eep breath. “Shit, I haven’t explained anything to you, have I?”

  Brenna shook her head.

  “Brenna, you’re a multi-millionaire. Your parents were very wealthy, and that doesn’t even start to touch their interests in the Clan company. We’re not talking peanuts here, but real wealth.”

  Brenna’s mouth dropped open. “I’m rich?”


  “Does that mean I can buy some new clothes?”

  Callie stopped pacing, sat down behind her desk, and put her head in her hands. Brenna couldn’t figure out if she was crying or laughing hysterically.

  Her face flushed, Callie looked up. “Okay, set up a time, before the end of the year, when you can give me a full week of your time. We’ll go over the financials and sign all the papers, and get this mess straightened out, okay? How about the end of October?”

  Brenna nodded.

  Callie reached in a drawer and pulled something out and handed it to her. Brenna looked at a credit card. “What’s this for? I can’t afford to buy things on credit.”

  Callie sighed. “It’s not a credit card. It’s a debit card for a bank account I set up for you. It’s just a down payment, okay? We owe you a hell of a lot more than that, but it should keep you until I can get everything pinned down.”

  “Okay. How much is in it?”

  “Just two hundred thousand. Like I said, it’s a down payment, and if you need more, let me know. I’m sorry I can’t give you exact figures right now, but if you’ll give me a bit of time, I promise, Brenna, we’ll make good on everything. You can have an independent auditor check it all when I get it figured out.”

  Staring at the card in her hand, Brenna heard Callie as though she was talking through water from a long distance. “Two hundred thousand?”

  “If it’s not enough, I’ll put some more in. Really, you’re family, we have no intention of cheating you,” Callie said.

  “Two hundred thousand?” Brenna looked at Callie, her eyes practically popping out of her head. “Good God, how the hell can you think I can spend two hundred thousand dollars? Shit, that’s more money than …” she floundered for words.

  Brenna stood up, walked around the desk, and took Callie in her arms. “I never expected anything like this. I’m just floored, that’s all. Wow.” She put her hand under Callie’s chin and lifted the older woman’s face. “Callie, this is more than I ever expected. Hell, I didn’t expect anything. Calm down, okay?” She took a deep breath and smiled. “I guess I can buy some clothes, huh?”


  Rebecca called them down to the dining room. “Jared called, and they’re just going through the tunnel, so it should only be another twenty minutes or so until they’re here. Now, we’re going to turn out all the lights, and let them come in to an empty house. It will totally blow Collin’s mind, he’s such a security and control freak. When they turn on the lights in here, everyone yells ‘Surprise. Happy Birthday,’ okay?”

  There were balloons, cake, party hats, streamers, and a keg of beer.

  Seamus stood watching, chuckling at Rebecca. “Guess who planned all this?” Brenna hadn’t seen him standing the previous time they’d met. He was huge, larger than anyone she’d ever seen, towering over everyone.

  Then she looked at the cake. It was covered in candles. “How old is he?” she asked Rebecca.

  “Thirty-five. Doesn’t look it, does he? Okay everyone, they’re just turning into the street.” Rebecca turned out the lights in the dining room. “Everyone be quiet.”

  Soon, they heard the front door open. “Hey, where is everyone?” they heard Collin call. They could hear him and Jared wandering through the house, turning on lights as they went. “What the hell? Where is everyone? I thought you just spoke to someone here.”

  They heard footsteps and then the lights went on.

  “Surprise! Happy Birthday!” everyone shouted. Collin stood in the doorway, his hand on the light switch, eyes wide and mouth hanging open. Jared stood behind him doubled over with laughter.

  Rebecca walked across the room and handed him a glass of beer, “Happy birthday, boss.”

  “Damn, had me going.” Smiling, he wrapped his free arm around her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “Wow.”

  He looked around. His eyes came to rest on Brenna and he faltered. She moved toward him, put her arms around his waist, stood on her toes and gave him a quick kiss. “Happy birthday, Collin, you shit. Why haven’t you called me?” The room erupted in laughter.

  A little later, he pulled her into another room. “Thank you for coming. I wasn’t quite sure where we stood.”

  “I told you I wanted to see you again. Hell, Collin, do you expect me to sit by the phone hoping you’re going to call? I don’t remember us signing an exclusivity agreement. I certainly never expected you were going to stop looking at other women just because we had a couple of dates. ” A sly grin grew on her face, “Or did I read things wrong? Are we getting married next week?”

  He paled and took a deep breath, then pulled her to him and kissed her, a kiss she felt down to her toes. “No, I didn’t have marriage in mind,” he told her and she laughed. “I’m just not sure what you expect, we never discussed it.”

  “I hoped we could explore, see what we each want, and decide how, and whether, there was room in my life for you, and room in your life for me, whatever that might be. I don’t have any expectations, Collin, but I like you an awful lot. Are you willing to take some time to figure out whether we’re going to be friends, or maybe we can be something more?”

  “I don’t know,” he told her, in a mock-serious tone. “I’m not a play thing, you know.”

  “You’re a shit, that’s what you are.” She punched him softly in the chest. Playing hard to get doesn’t suit you Collin, you’re about as hard to get as a two-dollar whore. Quit playing games with me.

  He barked out a laugh, and the other room erupted in laughter. She realized she had broadcast that thought, not put it on a spear thread just to him. Her face felt like it was on fire.

  A smiling Rebecca appeared in the doorway, drink in hand, and leaned up against the jamb. “If you two are going to provide the entertainment, you should come back in here so we can get the full performance.”

  After the cake was served and the party started to wind down, Rebecca approached Brenna. “I want to go out dancing, interested?”

  Brenna looked across the room at Collin. Rebecca turned to look at him, then turned back. “We can take him and whoever else wants to go. Come on, it’ll be fun.”

  Brenna walked up behind Collin, put her arms around his waist and pulled him to her. “Rebecca wants to go out bar hopping. Want to come along?”

  “Honey, I’ll follow you anywhere. Are you going to get me drunk and take advantage of me?”

  “Dream on. I’m going home at the end of the night and going to bed alone. If you want company after the lights go out, you’ll need to find someone else. But I’d like to spend some more time with you. Come dancing with us. Please?”

  In the end, she and Rebecca, Collin, Jared, and another young man named Robbie wandered down to Fells Point. They hit a couple of bars, and then found one where they liked the band and it wasn’t too crowded.

  They found a table and the waitress came to take their order. Rebecca looked around, “So who’s going to ask me to dance?”

  Robbie smiled. “Do you want someone who’s a good dancer?”

  She fixed him with a withering look. “My expectations aren’t that high. I’d settle for someone who flops around like a chicken, as long as he’s willing to get out there with me.”

  “In that case,” he stood and offered his hand, “may I have this dance?”

  They moved out on to the dance floor, and Robbie proved to be a good dancer. Collin turned to Brenna and asked, “Would you like to dance?”

  She smiled, and he took her hand and led her to the middle of the floor. He also was a good dancer, and she watched him with admiration. Damn,
he’s so good looking. The next song was a slow one, and she moved toward him. He took her in his arms, and she settled her head against his shoulder.

  “So you just want to take it one day at a time and see where things go?”

  “Yes, that’s what I want.”

  “And the other guy you’re dating?”

  “He’s not here, Collin. When I’m with you, I don’t think about him.”

  “And when you’re with him, you don’t think about me?”

  “I didn’t say that,” she pulled back to where she could see his face, and dropped her first level shield. “I want to be very special to you, but I’m not in a hurry to be hurt.”

  He searched her face. Come in, Collin. I’m not playing games. I’m not afraid to show you how I feel about you. But I need more than just a quick roll in the hay with you. I can’t just be another one of your girls. I don’t mind being one among many for another man, but not with you. I don’t care how many women you have, but if I’m not special, if I’m not number one, then I can’t do it. Not with you.

  Why? Why am I so different? She showed him. His face took on a very sober expression.

  Brenna danced with Robbie and Jared, then danced again with Collin. Rebecca also danced with several other men. When the band took a break, Robbie went up to them and spoke to the fiddler, then came back.

  “They know some Irish songs, and they’ll play a couple after their break if we promise to dance.” Collin and Jared smiled. Rebecca and Brenna exchanged a puzzled look.

  When the band began to play a traditional-sounding Irish tune, the men got up and moved onto the dance floor. Astounded, Brenna and Rebecca watched as they lined up and began a step dance, their legs almost a blur, in perfect unison. “I’ll be damned,” Rebecca breathed. “Would you look at that.”

  Soon, people around the bar were clapping in time with the music, and a pretty, petite blonde woman skipped out onto the floor and joined them. Collin gathered her into his arms, and they danced together, then he handed her off to Jared, who after a few turns handed her off to Robbie. When the music stopped, the entire bar broke into wild applause.


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