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The Telepathic Clans Omnibus

Page 39

by B R Kingsolver

  She sent a silent prayer to the Goddess for Brenna’s idea. She’d been wearing the special construct that simulated nine levels for weeks and didn’t even think about it anymore. He controlled the construct, but not her lower eight levels.

  “She doesn’t need you. Where’s the other one? The old man’s granddaughter?”

  “She’s with her boyfriend.”

  “Don’t lie to me, Collin left. He has a communications problem.”

  Rebecca wasn’t sure if the two would be able to hear her if she tried to send a mental message. With a pistol at her back and another in her face, she wasn’t going to push these guys and get shot.

  “I don’t know where she is. She said she was leaving, that’s why I came to find Irina.”

  “Well, she’s gone. Now we need to figure out what to do with you,” Pete said from behind her.

  “One thing we’re going to do is have her service us,” Seth leered at her. “Take off your clothes.”

  He moved to lean up against the counter. Playing along, Rebecca reached back and unzipped her dress, shrugging it off her shoulders and letting it fall to the floor. She was wearing a bra, garter belt, panties and heels.

  “Very sexy. You said once you wouldn’t fuck me if I was the last man on earth. As far as you’re concerned, I’m going to be. Come here, bitch.”

  “Seth, we don’t have time for this, man,” Pete complained. “We’ve got a tight window. We need to grab the black-haired bitch and get out of here. Mason and Stevens are waiting.”

  She moved toward Seth, stopping in front of him. He unzipped his pants and pulled out his penis. In doing so, his hand moved and the gun was no longer pointed at her stomach.

  “Suck my dick, bitch.”

  She reached out and took his erection in her left hand. Leaning forward, she stumbled, her head bumping his shoulder and causing him to wave his arm to keep his balance. The pistol was no longer pointed at her at all.

  “Clumsy bitch!”

  Reaching past him, she pulled a butcher knife out of the rack behind him and swung it down with all her strength. He screamed, but her backstroke across his throat ended it. She whirled low, throwing an air shield around Pete. His gun was loud in the confined space. He screamed, clutching at his knee. The bullet had ricocheted off her shield. She battered down his mental shields, seized his mind and put him to sleep.

  The rock band in the ballroom had prevented anyone hearing the shot. She crept to the door and through the window saw two more Protectors standing with their backs to the door. She didn’t recognize either of them. The information she had gleaned from Pete’s mind gave her their plan. These men had never been O’Donnell. Pete and Seth had been bought off and a snatch team was inside the manor.

  Kicking off her shoes, she pushed the door open, holding out her left hand. “Hey, guys, see what I have.”

  The two men looked at her outstretched hand. The man on her left reeled back from her, his eyes wide and a sick look on his pale face. She shoved the knife into the kidney of the man on the right then stepped toward the other man. Her knee slammed into his groin and when he bent over, she hammered her knee into his face. He went down, blood spurting from his face, and she plunged the knife into his back.

  And then she was running, shouting at the top of her lungs and broadcasting as strongly as she could mentally, Security breach, hostiles in the compound, security breach at the manor, hostiles in the compound.

  Racing out a door at the back of the house, she spotted two men and a large splash of red moving away from her. Irina was wearing a red dress. She sped up, catching them easily. They whirled to face her. One man was carrying Irina with a pistol held to her head. The other man moved to her right to flank her.

  “Hey! You’re not going anywhere. Let her go. It’s over,” Rebecca called.

  “If you want her dead, take one more step. We’re leaving, and we’re taking the little whore with us,” the man holding Irina said.

  Rebecca held out her hand. “Seth was cocky like you. Now he’s not cocky at all.”

  The man on her right gasped, then retched. His gun wavered and she hit him with an energy bolt of Neural Disruption. He convulsed and fell.

  “It’s getting mighty lonely. If you’re waiting for your friends inside, they aren’t coming. They had a bitch problem,” Rebecca said with a tight grin.

  “You can have her back dead, or you can let me leave. Your choice,” he said, his voice shaking.

  “Oh, I think there are more choices than that,” Brenna said as she walked up.

  How can I take him without getting Irina hurt? Brenna sent to Rebecca.

  Don’t hit him with anything. If he convulses and pulls the trigger, she’s dead.

  “Yeah, there’re more choices. You can come over here and leave with us.”

  “Okay, just don’t hurt her.” Brenna started walking toward him. Rebecca watched in horror, but when Brenna got close to him, she sent, Catch!

  The gun disappeared from his hand and materialized in front of Rebecca. She dropped the knife and grabbed the gun before it fell. The man screamed, grabbing his head and falling to the ground, dropping Irina. She got up, looked at him, and kicked him in the groin with her pointed-toe shoe. It evidently felt good, because after a pause she kicked him again.

  “Very well done, ladies,” Collin said. Rebecca whirled to see him walking toward her, a dozen armed Protectors fanning out around them. He took off his coat. “Are you going to keep that as a souvenir?” nodding to her left hand. She was still holding Seth’s severed penis.

  “Eww, no.” She dropped it. “Yuck.”

  He took the gun and wrapped his coat around her shoulders. Suddenly she realized she was cold. Her feet felt like blocks of ice.

  “Brenna, do you have his mind?” Collin asked.

  “Yes, who wants him?”

  “Give him to me.” Brenna allowed Collin to enter the man’s mind and transferred control to him.

  “Are you hurt? Irina?” Collin asked.

  “Bastard tore my dress.” Irina kicked her kidnapper in the ribs.

  “A couple of you loan the ladies your coats and help them back to the house,” Collin said to the Protectors. “Their footwear isn’t really appropriate for this weather.” Collin picked Rebecca up in his arms, carrying her like a bride, and started back to the house. Brenna, have the staff fill your tub with water. Not too hot, ninety-eight degrees, not hotter. Have them use a thermometer.

  Shock and cold hit Rebecca hard.

  “Two gold stars Rebecca, you did well,” his voice was calm, soothing. “It would be three gold stars, but you’re out of uniform.” She wanted to laugh, but her teeth were chattering so hard that her jaw hurt. She marveled at his strength, how solid he felt. She wasn’t a small woman, but he never faltered, never stumbled, walking through foot-deep snow.

  He carried her up three flights of stairs into the room he shared with Brenna. Mary, one of the household staff, was in the bathroom and water was running into the huge marble tub.

  “Turn on the shower please,” Collin directed. “Warm, room temperature, not as warm as the bath.” The woman leaped to comply. When she had tested the water and stepped away, he carried Rebecca to the shower. “Can you stand?” She shrugged.

  He set her on her feet and Mary reached out to steady her. He stripped his coat from her and pulled her into the shower. He was still fully clothed. He positioned her under the pouring water, leaning her against the wall. He took off his jacket and threw it out on the floor, then started undressing her. Covered in blood, Rebecca was too numb to protest as he reached around her back to unhook her bra, then pulled off her other undergarments. He washed her, gentle but firm, and shampooed her hair. He heard someone pounding down the hall and into the room.

  Callie charged into the bathroom and stared at them. The water running down the drain was red.

  “My God. Rebecca, are you all right?” the anguish in her voice was enough to break Collin’s heart.
  “She isn’t hurt, none of this is hers.” He had her clean enough now to make that statement. When he’d first seen her outside, he’d called for the healers. Two of them were waiting next to the tub.

  When the water ran clean, he picked her up and carried her to the bath, sliding her into the water.

  “Shit. That’s hot,” Rebecca exclaimed.

  “It’s body temperature, Rebecca, you’re just cold. You’ll warm up.” Collin stroked her hair. “None of the blood was yours. Are you hurt anywhere?”

  She shook her head. He looked up and saw Brenna and Irina standing in the doorway.

  “I’m going to change clothes and give you your dignity back.” He got up, and picking up his ruined clothes, walked out of the room leaving a trail of water in his wake. He paused to give Brenna a quick kiss.

  Callie and the healers immediately descended on her. After a short inspection and a couple of minor physiological adjustments, the healers left. Brenna asked Irina to get them all a drink.

  Brenna came and sat by the tub. Rebecca’s teeth had stopped chattering, and whatever the healers had done relieved the shock. It was starting to feel like a bad dream and not an immediate horror. She managed to lift the large glass of fruit juice the healers left and gulp some down.

  “You’re so lucky,” Rebecca glanced up at Brenna. “He really is an extraordinary man.” She slid down in the water up to her chin.

  “I have a lot of very extraordinary people in my life,” Brenna stroked her cheek. “That was quite a show you put on tonight.”

  “You’re a hero,” Irina blurted, walking into the room. “You saved my life.”

  Collin came back in dry clothes. He still kept his own room and closet. One of the rules was no outside lovers came to their shared room.

  “Do we know what the hell happened?” Brenna asked.

  “Yes,” Collin said. “Betrayal by two of my men. They were posted at the main gate and another security post. All the men stationed with them are dead. They let in an outside snatch team. As I’m sure you’ve figured out, they came looking for succubi. It seems you’re a very valuable commodity.”

  “Hey, baby, I’m worth every penny, too,” Brenna joked.

  “No, seriously. They were expecting to sell you in Europe for ten million euros each. If they’d known Rebecca was a carrier, she’s worth two million.”

  “You’re kidding,” Irina said with an astonished look on her face. “See, Brenna, we need to capitalize while we’re still young. Why should we let a bunch of fat, old murderers get all the profit?”

  Rebecca chuckled. Brenna and Collin looked at her in shock.

  “Geez, I’m kidding. Mostly.” Irina took a sip of her drink. “We really don’t know each other that well yet, do we?”

  Collin gathered her into his arms. “Are you okay? That must have been frightening.”

  “Kind of scary. If the bastard had ever taken the gun away from my head, I would have burned him out. But they never would have got me out of here.”

  “Oh?” Collin was surprised at the confidence in her voice.

  “They were both half drained when Rebecca caught up with us. I was doing it slow so they didn’t notice.”

  She surveyed their faces. “What? I’m not going to put up with assholes. I may not be trained to your standards, but my mom made sure I know how to protect myself.”

  She smiled and winked at Collin. “Be nice to me, boyo. I’m dangerous.”

  Rebecca lay in the tub with her eyes closed. She was so still they wondered if she’d drifted off to sleep.

  “Are you all right?” Callie asked.

  “Feeling better,” Rebecca said, opening one eye and closing it again.

  Brenna watched Rebecca with concern. “Is there anything I can do?”

  “After I wash my hair again, you can hold me and help me feel safe.”

  “I can do that.”

  “I killed four men tonight.”

  “You’re a soldier. You were protecting your own,” Callie said.

  They sat quietly for several minutes.

  “Growing up, I never thought about being a soldier,” Rebecca murmured. “I wanted to be a librarian.”


  They met with Seamus the next day to discuss the previous night’s incident.

  “Two of our own Protectors sold us out,” Collin told them. “I have a thorough review started. Malcontents, those with records of problems with authority or other behavior incidents will get a complete psych review. It may not be fair to some of them, but I think this indicates our policy of tolerance may be too lenient.

  “Seth and Pete were offered half a million dollars for access. George Mason brought a team of ten from England. They work for Lord Gordon, but this raid exceeded his instructions. We can’t find anything in his mind to indicate Gordon ordered a direct assault on us.”

  “So we have two Clan chiefs involved with this succubus trade?” Seamus said, his mouth pursed with displeasure. He looked at Brenna. “Is that McDermott you captured still in the country?”

  “Yes, we have him working with Charles Farrell. They’ve taken down a couple of prostitution rings,” Brenna said.

  “I want to talk with him. Can you bring him into the Baltimore house?” Seamus asked.

  “Sure.” Brenna pulled out her cell phone and made the call.


  “What do you mean our team in the U.S. has been captured?” Lord Gordon roared, his face red as he erupted out of his comfortable chair next to the fire in his study. “What in the bloody hell were they doing to get captured?”

  “It seems they invaded the O’Donnell estate and attempted to kidnap several succubi attending the New Year’s festivities there,” Gordon’s chief of security told him. The man was not comfortable delivering this news.

  “And who the hell told them to do that?” Gordon asked.

  “No one. In fact, it was a direct contravention of their orders. I told them to maintain a low profile. I don’t know why they decided to go on their own.”

  “Who was in charge of this team?”

  “George Mason. He’s evidently in O’Donnell’s hands and most of his team are dead. I assure you, my Lord, I did not give any orders that would allow such an indiscreet operation. I specifically told him to stay away from O’Donnell. I can only assume that the bounty von Ebersberg is offering for succubi led him to take the chance on his own authority.”

  Lord Gordon cursed. “I hope you’re telling your people about this, and that any further such stupidity will be punished.” It wasn’t a question.

  “I’ve already sent out a general directive, my Lord.”

  “Foster, there have been too many cock ups on your watch. Make sure this situation doesn’t happen again,” Gordon said, looking his security chief in the eye.

  Lloyd Foster felt a cold sweat break out on his face. “I shall control the situation, my Lord.”


  Sean walked down the street near Baltimore’s Inner Harbor looking for the address he’d been given. A woman of medium height with blonde shoulder length hair, dressed all in black, walked toward him. Much more aware of people around him since his encounter with Brenna and Rebecca, he recognized her as a telepath.

  “Sean McDermott?” the blonde said, stopping in front of him.

  Cautiously he nodded.

  “I hear you enjoy watching women’s arses,” she said with a grin. “Follow me.”

  He did, and enjoyed it.

  They cut over two streets, then walked back in the direction from which he’d come. After another change of streets, they walked up the steps to a row house in the middle of the block. The door opened.

  Sean stopped. “This isn’t the address I was given.” Immediately on guard, he covered himself in an air shield and poured power to his mental shields.

  “We had to make sure you weren’t followed. Brenna’s waiting,” the blonde woman said.

  Brenna’s mental voice in his head relaxe
d him, It’s okay, Sean. It’s not a trap.

  Relieved, he entered the house.

  “Thanks, Carly,” Rebecca said, standing in the foyer. “Sean, hope you’re doing well. If you’ll come with me, please.” He followed her down a hallway, taking several turns.

  “Are you watching my ass?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “I’d think you’d learn.”

  “If you didn’t want me to watch, you wouldn’t wear your jeans so tight.”

  She chuckled. Opening a door, she showed him in and followed.

  Brenna sat in a chair to the side of a large desk. A very large man with gray hair and beard sat behind it. Sean had never met Seamus O’Donnell, but it couldn’t be anyone else. He sat in the offered seat, and uncomfortably watched Seamus.

  Several minutes passed in silence.

  “We’ve had an incident,” Seamus said. “Lord John Gordon sent a team to kidnap succubi, and they invaded my home. I would like you to allow me into your mind so I can find out everything you know about this sorry business that’s going on.”

  “Yes, sir,” Sean said, dropping his shields. He knew Seamus didn’t have to ask. There wasn’t a person on the planet who could keep the O’Donnell chief out of their mind.

  He knew when Seamus entered his mind, but Seamus was so smooth that he didn’t feel a thing. Over an hour later, Seamus withdrew.

  “Thank you,” Seamus said.

  They invited him to stay for dinner, and afterward Rebecca led him to a room on the second floor.

  “If you’d like some company tonight, let me know,” she told him. “Someone will take you to the train in the morning.”

  He looked at her, eyes wide and mouth hanging open. “I thought you wanted to castrate me.”

  “You’ve changed. It’s not just the construct. I can tell.” She kissed him on the cheek, then walked away.


  Chapter 2-11

  If you don't know where you are going, you'll end up someplace else.

  ― Yogi Berra

  Rebecca had primary responsibility for planning Brenna’s trip to Ireland after the High Council meeting in April. After talking to Brenna’s grandparents and their security, talking to Callie, and getting Brenna’s ideas, the trip was planned to last two months. It would start with a week in London attending the meeting, then three weeks in Ireland, a tour through Amsterdam, Paris and Marseilles, ending with two weeks at Antonia’s villa in Tuscany.


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