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The Telepathic Clans Omnibus

Page 52

by B R Kingsolver

  “This one has a strength of will even she doesn’t understand. She lets herself dwell on her fear and seeks people to protect her, but if left on her own she’ll surprise everyone, even herself. There’s a core of steel in her.”

  Nigel’s security chief arrived that evening with two hundred Protectors. A plane had been sent to fly Brenna’s party to Washington in the morning. No one got much sleep that night, whether due to packing, or finding a place for everyone out of the light rain that started at sunset, or the memory of the terrible events of the day.


  In West Virginia, Seamus waited for a connection on the secure line set up by Collin’s technicians. When someone came on the other end of the line, he spoke in German, “Gunter? Seamus. I assume you’ve seen the news out of Paris. Those were my people attacked and they say the people who attacked them worked for John Gordon. He’s out of control, Gunter, and I’m not going to sit still for it any longer.

  “You and I have always understood each other, even when we don’t agree, so I thought I’d call and explain what’s about to happen. I have three thousand Protectors on their way to England and I’m going to clean Gordon out. When they finish there, they’ll move to the Continent to finish the job.

  “I hope you’ll pass this information along. I’m not ordering a general offensive, but anyone who stands with him will be treated as an enemy. Keep your head down and tell your people to stay out of our way.”

  Gunter Schiller hung up the phone in Dusseldorf, more shaken than he’d been in fifty years. O’Donnell was moving in force into Europe? What was that madman Gordon thinking? He pondered the warning he had been given for several minutes, then picked up the phone and made some calls of his own.


  Collin arrived on the plane from Washington and Brenna was as happy to see him as she had been that day in Spencerville.

  She was cuddled up with him in the back of the plane when Rebecca approached. “Collin, I’m sorry. You put me in charge and obviously I’m not up to it. You can have my resignation if you want it, otherwise I expect you’ll be putting someone else in charge of this team, and I understand.”

  “What in the hell are you talking about?” Collin’s face showed his confusion.

  “I fell apart when the fighting was over. When I should have been organizing our retreat, I was out of it. People had to get me out of there like someone wounded.”

  Jeremy surged out of his seat, strode down the aisle and placed his hand on her shoulder. “I was going to do this privately, but since you raised the subject … Collin, the people responsible for her training really screwed it up. Who in hell forgot to warn her not to look in the mind of her kills? That’s Goddamned basic.”

  Collin shook his head. “The blame would have to go to Kallen and me. Rebecca, it’s not your fault. My screw up and you paid the price.”

  “But I should have handled it, even if I did something stupid,” Rebecca protested.

  Jeremy spun her around and the look in his face silenced her. “You led a team facing two to one odds, ambushed in a place with no cover. You organized your force, set up your protection, and stood tall protecting the body of a fallen comrade while eliminating at least six hostiles yourself, all while holding an air shield and coordinating my attack team. You walked off the field with all of your force alive and the enemy eliminated.

  “You’re young, you made a mistake, but your mistake didn’t get anyone hurt and you didn’t fall apart until after the action was over. I puked my guts out the first time I killed someone, and so did Collin. Quit trying to play the martyr and shut up and soldier.

  “And you,” he turned facing Collin, “clean up your damned training regimen or you and Kallen can turn your trainees over to me.” Looking disgusted, he went to the galley and got himself a drink.

  With a faint smile, Brenna told Collin, “Something I like about you is you’re willing to take criticism from your subordinates.”

  Collin shook his head, “He was the one who trained me. Kallen and I took on Rebecca as a special case to train ourselves. I guess he’s still training me.”


  Chapter 2-21

  Whenever women have insisted on absolute equality with men, they have invariably wound up on the dirty end of the stick. What they are and what they can do makes them superior to men, and their proper tactic is to demand special privileges, all the traffic will bear. They should never settle merely for equality. For women, "equality" is a disaster. – Robert A. Heinlein

  “Grandfather, do you have some time to talk about a couple of things?”

  “Of course, Brenna, come in. Are you doing okay?”

  “Yes, it sort of seems like a bad dream, but …”

  She flopped down in a chair. “You know, a year ago the most complicated thing I had to deal with was my research. Now I’m looking at being responsible for eighty thousand human beings. To say I’m feeling overwhelmed would be an understatement.”

  “I’m not planning on retiring any time soon, so you don’t have to worry about O’Donnell,” Seamus said.

  “And how long until Corwin dies?”

  “It could happen any time. He’s had one major stroke and two minor ones. His health isn’t good.”

  “How about O’Byrne? Fergus seems healthy enough, but he moves like he hurts.”

  “Your grandfather has arthritis. Otherwise he’s fine.” He pursed his lips and looked away. When he looked back at her, he said, “It’s your grandmother whose health is fragile. Her heart is very weak, and without Caylin, I doubt Fergus will stay in his position. They’ve been married for a hundred and fifty years. I was a child when I attended their wedding. I have the feeling it will devastate him if she dies.”

  “So what are we going to do if they die or step down?” Brenna asked. “I’m still your granddaughter, I’m loyal to you. They might make me head of those other Clans, but you’re going to be calling the shots.”

  Her face, her entire being, radiated hope that he would agree.

  “Yes, Brenna, I’ll call the shots. We’ll figure out a strategy to fold the other Clans into O’Donnell, and you can wait awhile before you have to grow up.”

  Tears ran down her face as she jumped up and rounded the desk. She hugged him and he pulled her into his lap. “Thank you, Grandfather.”


  Brenna was sitting in her room in West Virginia sorting through the pictures she’d taken on her trip when Rebecca burst in and strode to the seldom-used TV, turning it on and changing channels until she found the one she was looking for.

  The picture was of an elegant manor house, a palace actually, on fire and blackened with smoke pouring through the windows and a huge hole in the roof. The voice of the British announcer was saying, “… it is believed that Lord Gordon was in the house. Witnesses say that he had arrived shortly before and his party was in the house only a short time when the explosion occurred. Authorities have not given a reason for the massive explosion, but the smell of natural gas is strong in the area and until the leaking gas is controlled, fire authorities are not sending any personnel into the home.”

  “That wasn’t us, was it?” Brenna asked, staring at the TV.

  “No,” Rebecca replied. “We had surveillance on the house, but it was a surprise to us when it blew up. Our Protectors on the scene say that Gordon entered the house and it blew sky high about two minutes later. Some men were seen leaving the area shortly thereafter. We’ve been following them.”


  Seamus picked up the phone and a man spoke in German, “Herr O’Donnell, we have taken care of your problem. I hope you will hold off on your plans until we can reorganize our English operations. I assure you, there will be no further attacks on your personnel.”


  Look for Book 3 in the Telepathic Clans saga, In Succubus We Trust.

  For more information about BR Kingsolver, The Telepathic Clans, and background on Brenna O’Donnell’s world, please visit m
y web site. I’m also on Twitter and Facebook.


  Chapter The Telepathic Gifts

  (* Rare Gift)

  (# Part of Succubus Complex)

  GIFT: Telepathy

  COMMON LABEL: Telepathy

  Read minds, project thoughts into the minds of others, shield their thoughts from others - telepaths have additional awareness and ability to understand their own minds and bodies and the minds and bodies of others. Telepaths can, for example, detect and eliminate pathogens, poisons, and other foreign substances in their own bodies. One example is the ability to detoxify alcohol. Women are able to control ovulation and conception. Telepaths mature and age very slowly. Average physical maturity occurs in the early 20s, but mental development isn't complete until the mid-30s. Complete development and command of their Talents is not complete until then. Natural life expectancy is 160 - 220 years. Mental acuity and Talent don't begin to decline until the person is in their last 10 - 15 years of life.


  GIFT: Charisma #

  COMMON LABEL: Charisma

  Influence others, project an impression of a person so that others’ perceptions of the person are enhanced. A very short-range projection, i.e. "wrapping" oneself in Charisma, can simulate the Succubus Talent of Glamour. Part of the Succubus complex.


  GIFT: Empathy #


  Feel the emotions of others. The person with the Talent can feel other people’s anger, joy, fear, hope, anxiety, etc.


  GIFT: Bernard #

  COMMON LABEL: Empathic Projection

  Project emotions into the minds of others. Change the way people feel and manipulate their emotions.


  GIFT: O'Donnell *

  COMMON LABEL: Domination (Strong dominance)

  Ability to penetrate or destroy another telepath's shields and take control of their mind. This is a rare and extremely powerful talent. It cannot be blocked.


  GIFT: O'Neill *

  COMMON LABEL: Super Shielding

  A complex Gift that provides the telepath with stronger, deeper shields, with 17 shield levels in the mind rather than the normal 9. Shields can be extended to others, even without physical contact. Shields can be projected onto others without their permission, blocking them from using their talents. Shields can be so strong that the telepath can mask their telepathy from other telepaths, and can even become invisible to others - telepaths and norms. A defense against any mental attack except the talent of Domination. The only complete defense against Neural Disruption.


  GIFT: De la Tour *

  COMMON LABEL: Telekinesis

  Manipulation of physical objects, including animate objects.


  GIFT: Murphy *

  COMMON LABEL: Teleportation

  Instantaneous relocation of an object or person. They can relocate an object or their person to a remote location. How far or how large an object is dependent on their strength. Some adepts can take another person or object with them, and some can relocate other objects or persons from remote locations.


  GIFT: Kilpatrick

  COMMON LABEL: Power Shielding/Shield Projection

  Stronger than normal shielding with the ability to extend their shields to others with whom they have physical contact (the attributes of this Gift are part of those in the O’Neill Gift). May deflect or diminish an attack by Neural Disruption.


  GIFT: Christopoulos

  COMMON LABEL: Aerokinesis/Air Shielding

  Manipulation of air molecules - an air shield will harden air into a transparent, solid shield that will block a physical object, such as a bullet or car. This is the only talent that can block attacks of Electrokinesis, Orgonekinesis, Pyrokinesis, and Cryokinesis. Diminishes and deflects Neural Disruption. A strong aerokinetic can manipulate air currents and wind.


  GIFT: O’Byrne

  COMMON LABEL: Dominance (weak domination)

  Ability to penetrate another telepath's shields and take control of their mind. This Gift is not as strong nor does it have the range and power of the O'Donnell Gift, and cannot penetrate the shields of one with the O’Neill Gift (the attributes of this Gift are part of those in the O'Donnell Gift).


  GIFT: Lindstrom

  COMMON LABEL: Construction

  Creation of mental constructs inside the mind of a person that create a strong illusion that the person is a different person, masking the underlying real personality, memories, etc. The person carrying the construct may or may not be aware of the overlying construct. Compulsions and other kinds of control can be built in if desired.


  GIFT: Shamun

  COMMON LABEL: Precognition/Clairvoyance

  Awareness of an event prior to it happening - may range from a "feeling" to clear "visions" of the event - may occur immediately prior to the event, days to weeks prior, or in some it manifests as visions of far-future events. The ancient Druids used various plants to enhance this ability.


  GIFT: Lubomudrov

  COMMON LABEL: Postcognition/Psychometry

  Perceive information about events that have already occurred. Psychometry is another form of postcognition which enables a person to perceive information about events that have already occurred by being in close contact with the area or object where the event took place.


  GIFT: de Filippo

  COMMON LABEL: Magnetokinesis

  Manipulation of magnetic fields. An adept can erase a computer hard drive by removing its magnetic charge or cause complex machinery, such as a car engine, a pistol or a lock, to freeze by magnetizing the parts so they can’t move. Putting a super magnetic charge on a piece of metal could cause it to attract other objects. The adept must be in contact with the metal to affect it.


  GIFT: Sivakumar

  COMMON LABEL: Pyrokinesis

  Manipulation of fire, including starting fires, shielding from fire, and hurling fire. An adept can create fire out of the air by super exciting air molecules and using heat from the friction created.


  GIFT: van Serooskerken

  COMMON LABEL: Cryokinesis

  An adept can manipulate the temperature of an object or person to immediately drop to -20C. When applied to a person can put them into immediate hypothermic shock. Can condense moisture from the air or other source into ice. Can thaw frozen objects within seconds. A person with the Gift can regulate the temperature of their immediate environment (for several inches around them) to allow them to be cool in hot weather or warm in cold weather.


  GIFT: Hakizimana

  COMMON LABEL: Healing/Biokinesis

  Healing and manipulation of a body to cure injury or disease. The method used is similar to micro-telekinesis, moving pieces of broken bones or sealing blood vessels, then using energy infusion to accelerate the body’s own healing mechanisms. This ability is enhanced in those having the Petrescu Gift.


  GIFT: Jalair

  COMMON LABEL: Animal Telepathy

  Telepathic communication with animals - this is more of an empathy-influence communication. An adept can usually feel the “thoughts” of primitive creatures, such as reptiles, fish or insects, but can truly communicate only with mammals. Communication with birds isn’t as clear as with mammals.


  GIFT: Krasevec

  COMMON LABEL: Distance Communication

  Telepathic communication over long distances - often hundreds of miles. This can’t be blocked by physical means but strong electro-magnetic fields may interfere. There is evidence this Gift may enhance other Gifts, such as the O’Donnell, Hakizimana, Murphy, etc.


  GIFT: Rivera #

  COMMON LABEL: Neural Disr

  Neural energy from the wielder is projected into the neural network of a victim, disrupting their neural network. Depending on the strength of the projection, can be used to shock/stun a victim, or can burn out the neural synapses causing permanent damage. At its most extreme completely burns out the mind of the victim. It can also be used surgically to burn out a telepath’s Gifts or select neural areas, or even in weak doses to deaden pain. A weak talent must be in physical contact with the victim. A strong talent can strike several victims at once, and at a considerable distance. This type of attack cannot be blocked by mental shields except by one having the Super Shielding talent. It can be deflected or diminished by one with the Power Shielding talent. Without strong focus and direction, everyone in the vicinity of the wielder is at risk.


  GIFT: Simsek #

  COMMON LABEL: Electrokinesis

  Channeling of electrical energy. The wielder can drain electrical circuits, store the electricity in their own neural network temporarily, and discharge the energy into another object or the air. Care must be taken by the wielder as too much electricity, such as trying to channel a lightning strike, may overload the wielder's own neural circuits. As a weapon, the channeler may be able to discharge the energy for a considerable range, both distance and breadth. Without strong focus and direction, everyone in the vicinity of the wielder is at risk. As a weapon it cannot be blocked by mental shields.


  GIFT: Petrescu #

  COMMON LABEL: Orgonekinesis (life energy)

  Projection of life energy into another person or animal. A person possessing the Talent always also possesses Energy Draining. Depending on the strength used by the wielder, this can be used to restore a person's life energy after being drained or wounded, or as a weapon. This type of attack cannot be blocked by mental shields except by one having the Super Shielding talent. It can be deflected or diminished by one with the Power Shielding talent.


  GIFT: Farooqui #


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