Book Read Free


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by Alyna Lachlan

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  Venus Press

  Copyright ©2005 by Alyna Lachlan

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  NOTICE: This work is copyrighted. It is licensed only for use by the original purchaser. Making copies of this work or distributing it to any unauthorized person by any means, including without limit email, floppy disk, file transfer, paper print out, or any other method constitutes a violation of International copyright law and subjects the violator to severe fines or imprisonment.

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  Small Town of Hillsborough, North Carolina

  Early Spring

  The rattle of chains caused Shayna to glance up to where her wrists were shackled by iron cuffs and spread between two large marble posts. Terror shook through her body as the roar of dragons echoed through the night. She couldn't breathe for fear her heart would be torn from her chest. For some unknown crime, she was to be sacrificed to the beast.

  She stood alone to face her death, no family, and no loved one. All had deserted her. With a blast of wind, a large opened jaw with sharp jagged teeth came out of the darkness. The pain sliced into her as teeth grazed her sides and a river of blood splashed across her feet. In pure terror, she jerked and twisted at the chains binding her, but she was held fast. Then the face of the dragon changed, the fangs from a darker more deadly foe claimed her as his.

  "That's twenty-eight, fifty."

  Jarred from her thoughts, she inhaled deeply, then shivered, glancing up at the casher. She fumbled trough her purse and handed him the exact change for the items she needed then grabbing the bags, walked out. The dream haunted her all day. She couldn't seem to shake it.

  Trembling with apprehension, Shayna glanced over the bags of groceries in her arms, spotting her car as she exited the store. The lights from the mini market behind her blinked out as it closed for the night, plunging the area into darkness. The black-faced moon withheld comfort or any sense of security. A thick white vapor lay in patches on the ground and around the building. Its ghostly fingers crawled insidiously to clutch more of the area in its greedy talons.

  She had shopped late in this area many times in the past, but tonight a fear crept along the back of her neck. A single streetlight buzzed loudly and flickered. Its fading yellow glow, spreading over the deserted and cracked pavement.

  Low whispers of voices converged around her from the unknown, causing Shayna to jerk her gaze around, piercing every shadow for a malevolent attacker. She saw no one, yet the fine hairs stood up along her arms and her heartbeat increased in speed. If she believed in the undead, they surely were out tonight, but she feared it was something or someone all too real. Shayna walked a little faster. She was being watched. She could sense it, like the prickly feeling you get before someone appears from the dark. The gaze was intense, calculating, and powerful. Her stomach rose to lodge in her throat.

  Pushing the unlock button on her key ring, the door alarm beeped and the car's interior lights came on. If she could just get in and lock the doors, she would be safe.

  Shayna glanced around again just as she reached the car. They were near, so near, she imagined bony fingers reaching out of the dark for her. She still couldn't see them, but she sensed them. Somewhere out in the darkness, danger lurked.

  Letting one bag slide down her stomach and drop to the ground, she opened the car and tossed the other bag in. Falling into her seat, and slamming the door shut, she hit the automatic lock. The reassuring thunk of the locks caused a suppressed shiver of fright to convulse through her body. The gasps of her rapid breaths hung heavy in the car. Suddenly, remembering horror movies where the attacker is always in the back seat, she swallowed a scream as she jerked around to search behind her.

  Empty. Only dark shadows held the seat and floorboard.

  She glanced in all directions through the automobile windows. The parking lot remained quiet. No one stood by the car ready to do her harm. She took a deep breath to calm her jumpy nerves. What was the matter with her? What was so different about this night to cause panic to eat away reason? Maybe this crazy feeling was some residual effect from the nightmare. It had kept her on edge all day. She tried to put it out of her mind, but it had been so real.

  "Shayna, you are insane.” Her own voice brought some comfort and reassurance to the oppressive silence. “There is no one in sight."

  Laying her head back against the headrest, she took a deep breath. The far off siren of a police car brought her back to the present. She laughed at her ridiculous thoughts. It was only a dream. She had worked herself into a panic for no reason.

  The last couple of days, her cursed intuition told her some threat hung by a thread soon to drop, only nothing had happened, yet her other bouts with intuition over the last ten years had generally been right.

  "I'm just tired."

  It had been a long day at the small herbalist shop where she worked, and she needed to see it end by crawling under her mother's quilt an squishing the pillow up under her head. With her keys still clutched in her shaking right hand, she leaned forward and tried to insert the key into the ignition. It took a few misses before she found it and the rumble of the engine made her sigh. She took one more look around the parking lot before putting her car in gear, only to realize she had left one bag of groceries sitting outside on the pavement. Shayna threw the car in park.

  "Ah, toads and sticks!” She couldn't leave it. She was a girl with needs and tampons were at the top of that list.

  Peering into all the mirrors, she checked the area carefully, and could see no one. Her muscles tightened as she positioned herself to open the door and make a quick grab for the bag. Her breathing increased as her mind screamed a warning not put her life at risk for bananas and tampons. But just as stubbornly, she vowed not to be ruled by unreasonable fear. It was not in her nature to let her imagination control her.

  Shayna inhaled, holding her breath as she opened the car door, leaning on it as she reached out for the sack. That action proved a mistake.

  A blinding white light came from above, encircling the car. Someone jerked the door open, snapping the thick metal hinges, catching her off balance. She was falling forward toward the pavement when unseen hands grabbed her. She glanced up and screamed. Something cold and wet stung her eyes as a fine mist sprayed in her face. The sickly sweet smell filled her lungs, closing off her airway.

  Choking on another scream, she clawed at her attacker with her nails. As she lost the battle, her vision distorted and blurred. A weakness invaded her limbs as the drug took effect. The attacker couldn't be seen, yet she could feel him, as she clawed his chest and throat. He pulled her up hard against him.

  "Please! Don't hurt me."

  She was falling. Then darkness swallowed her world.


  Alpha City, Eliscean Prime

  600 life circles after Colonization


  * * * *

  A soft light broke through her darkness. The sound of conversation nearby came next. They spoke in a language she didn't understand and it came out muffled in the haze of her thoughts. There was a constant beeping of a machine, like a heart monitor; and hum like a fan or air vent. Maybe she was in a hospital? Even the smells were clinical, like disinfectant. Perhaps someone had rescued her from the attackers. How badly had she been hurt? How long had she been asleep?

  Shayna moved her fingers against soft linens then rotated her wrists. Her joints felt tight as if swollen but they worked without pain. She raised her hand slowly to her face to find a tube in her nose and some kind of patches with wires attached to her forehead and temples.

  Loud clicking or typing sounded, followed by a whish of cold air, flowing in around her, which cause her to shiver. She wanted to comm
unicate that she was awake to the nurse or doctor, so she tried to open her eyes. They were dry and heavy lidded as if drugged or unused from a long sleep. A shadow blocked out the light from above then a clear female voice close by spoke, but she couldn't understand the words.

  "Turn on your translator, Muckva.” A deep male voice brushed at her jumbled thoughts, bringing warmth to her dark world, the timber strong and demanding. Unconsciously, her mind reached out to that male voice for support and security.

  "Open your eyes, earthling. It's time to wake,” the female voice came again.

  A damp cloth smoothed over her eyes with gentle strokes, before she blinked a few times to behold her surroundings. The person had gone from sight, leaving her nothing but a high-domed, gray, metal ceiling to look at. Lights reflected on the metal, making the room bright. Shayna slowly turned her head to find she lay in a narrow box like bed with a glass lid raised to one side. None of what she saw looked familiar.

  She licked her lips and tried to speak. Her voice sounded raspy and caused her to cough. A woman appeared from above. Her white hair came in bright contrasted to her darkly tanned skin; her eyes glowed luminous blue.

  "I am called Muckva, your med tech. Now, take a deep breath then blow it out through your nose as I remove this fed tube. You are no longer in need of it."

  The tech grabbed the tube then placed her palm across Shayna's forehead. “Ready?"

  Shayna inhaled then nodded. Once the tube came out, she cleared her throat. It felt sore and swollen.

  "Here. Drink this.” A straw was passed to her lips and she sucked in something cool and sweet. The soreness of her throat disappeared instantly.

  "Now, I'll help you sit up."

  "No. I will do that.” The male voice she had heard earlier drew her attention. Her gaze searched for a glance of him.

  "As you wish, High Regent.” The woman bowed to someone out of sight and stepped away.

  Shayna watched and waited with anticipation for the speaker of the deep, husky voice to step forward, and when he did, her heart jumped a double beat. His long black hair was pulled back in a queue with a few bangs falling over his brow. His gaze glowed deep blue, as if fire was trapped behind sapphires. A sensuous mouth sat centered in a strong jaw and above a stubborn chin. Curved brows and straight nose framed his deep eyes. His shoulders were broad and his muscular chest wide. His black shirt hugged him like a second skin and was made of some kind of leathery material. He was all angles and lines, and had walked out of her latest romance novel or the Matrix. She was dreaming and had no wish to awaken.

  When he reached down and slipped his arm behind her back, she gasped with pleasure. His large square hand fanned out between her shoulder blades and its warmth wrapped around her insides. She watched his gaze narrow as he smiled, showing off a perfect set of white teeth. A man like that must know how he affected a woman.

  The heat of a blush filled her cheeks, but she couldn't pull her gaze from his. No one had a right to be that handsome. He could cause women to faint while crossing a street. Not a good position to be in. He gave the meaning of drop dead gorgeous a completely new look, yet there existed a ruthlessness underlining his intense gaze. He reminded her of a warrior who had seen years of battles, and the commanding confidence set well on his shoulders. She felt a fluttering of excitement in her belly, a dash of danger to stir the pot to a boil. It had been too long sense she had a man. It was obvious from her rush of lust for the first man to get this close to her.

  He chuckled as he turned her slowly so her bare legs hung over the edge of the bed. Dizziness caught her unaware as she sat up and she took a deep breath, closing her eyes for a moment. Just what did he find funny? Was there a mark on her face? Looking down at her chest, she made sure nothing improper was showing. Now was when she wished she had more cleavage. But hey, you worked with what you had. She put her hand on his shoulder to steady herself and found him hard and solid under her fingers. And damn, he smelled good, warm, spicy, and intoxicating.

  Who was he? Was he married?

  His smile grew. “No."

  She wrinkled her brow. Had she spoken out-loud? She didn't think so but her mind was too unclear as yet. She shook her head, hoping it would remove the cobwebs.

  Shayna squeezed his bare bicep, at the edge of the black leather sleeve, and wished she could see the rest of his darkly tanned body. The hard smooth muscles of his arms bunched when he moved, producing a shudder of desire. She wished to be sheltered within their secure strength. This was unlike her. Had the attackers slipped her something to turn up the heat on her sex drive? The man was way too close and smelled way too good. And she still wanted to see him nude.

  He leaned toward her slowly, causing her heart to speed up. Her gaze grew wide as anticipation bloomed with excitement. She waited for what he would do; closing her eyes as his lips came toward hers. Images of his warm mouth on hers converged in an erotic daydream. It wasn't until his breath fanned across her ear that disappointment sat hard within her breast. A kiss would not be forthcoming. A quiver ran down her neck and along her arms as his words blew the soft hairs around her ear.

  "Shortly, I will grant your wish to see all of me."

  Shayna gasped. Her eyes snapped open to meet his heated gaze as he pulled back. This time there was no doubt. He had read her thoughts.

  "Unfair! Did you give me something in that drink to heat my blood? I'm not responsible for my thoughts and stay out of my head."

  Blood rushed to her checks, as she hoped he hadn't read all of them. Forcibly, she pulled her gaze away from his. His deep chuckle caused a stir in her belly. He could inspire the fantasies in most women and that meant hers as well. He made the heat curl around in her lower regions. The man was dangerous and unafraid to say what he wanted. His boldness alone caused alarm to settle heavily in her stomach. She was tampering with fire. It had been a long time since she had sex or even wanted to. The last time she'd been involved it almost got her killed. She would not be that vulnerable again.

  She couldn't help an overwhelming need to glance toward Adonis again. He had moved away to speak to a short, heavyset man that had just entered the room. His words came to low for her to hear them, but a frown pinched handsome's brow and his arms were crossed over this chest. From her point of view, that wasn't a good sign. When he spoke, the shorter man's eyes bulged and he shook his head quickly only to raise his hands and drop them. The tension between the two men made her grateful she was not in the shorter man's place right now. The giant's hands could easily snap the guy's thick neck.

  The woman tech handed her more to drink, drawing her attention away. “One more treatment to help your throat."

  "Thank you."

  Sipping slowly at the liquid, the tech removed the patches from Shayna's forehead. Taking a quick glance around, she wondered again, where she was. The room wasn't like any hospital she had seen. It was circular with strange writing half way up the more then twenty-five foot ceilings. Maybe this was a new high tech examine room. A tickling of unease brought her gaze back to the two men, speaking in low harsh tones only to hear the short man raise his voice slightly.

  "Regent Tyron.” The short man waved his arm in her direction. “I am sure you deserve quality. She is not it."

  "Here is my marker. Close the sale. I will have her."

  The heavyset man turned to glare at Shayna, then swung back to Tyron. “But my lord, I have seen better endowed breeders. Do you not wish to wait and see the whole load?"

  "Do you question my choice?” Tyron voice came as hard as granite.

  Fear widened the man's eyes. “No, ‘tis done. She is yours. Please know I meant no disrespect."

  "I know exactly what is in your thoughts, Sorvec. Your lust for her is apparent.” Tyron growled. “Do not let it happen again."

  The short man bowed and hurried toward her. He grabbed her right arm in a tight hold, and ran a hand held monitor of some sort over the inside of her wrist. A barcode appeared in the window wi
th a number.

  "What is that?” Shayna asked, jerking her arm away, rubbing at her wrist, her voice still raspy yet audible. “And what did you mean by sale?” A fear slowly crept along her spine and around her heart as she glanced over the short man's shoulder to meet the probing stare of a hunter. She felt cornered and trapped by a predator more powerful than anything she could dream of.

  Muckva patted her shoulder. “While you were in hyper-sleep your body went through some changes so you could survive here on Eliscean Prime."

  "What are you talking about?” Panic stirred to life in her breast. Suddenly things weren't making sense. Then her last thoughts before waking became clear. She had been kidnapped from the store parking lot.

  "You are a breeder, one of the elite class because of your mental gift. You should be honored to be the property of High Regent, Tyron."

  Shayna's mind froze. “Are you saying I was taken from earth and brought to another planet,” she waved her hand in the air, “so I can be a breeding machine?"

  At the woman's reluctant nod, Shayna jumped from the hyper-chamber platform and ran for the nearest sharp object, a curved blade of some sort on a silver tray. Her legs weren't all that sturdy, but when the female tech and the irritating fat man moved toward her, she slashed out with the knife, while propping herself up against one rounded pillar on the corner of the wall. The doorway and some form of freedom lay behind her. Noticing the evil leer on the short man's face, she felt gorge rise to her throat.

  "Step closer, little fat man, and I'll release all that hot air in your gut. I'll be no man's plaything. Take me back. Do you hear? Take me home!"

  She glanced right and left for every means of escape. Should her legs not hold long, she wanted to reach the nearest door. She saw three other glass-topped hyper-chambers with women still sleeping in their cases. Computer monitors lined the walls, a set of panels for each chamber. She had fallen into the Twilight Zone.

  "Miss, you don't understand,” Muckva started. “You cannot go back. Your body has been altered so you can survive on our planet. You are now Eliscean and have the gift for giving life. Most of our race cannot produce."


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