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Runaway Ride: Alpha Bad Boy Biker and MC Romance Box Set

Page 23

by A. L. Summers

  As Lucas's ejaculations gradually died down to a trickle, so did the couple's mutual lust. But the afterglow remained as they embraced, savoring the feeling of each other’s bodies.

  "You know my dad would kill you if he ever found out what you just did to his daughter, right?" Lila murmured in Lucas's ear.

  "I bet he would," Lucas replied without sounding the least bit daunted.

  "I'm serious," Lila continued. "He’s killed people for less. And he'll probably kill me too if he ever sees me again."

  "I guess it's just as well I'm not taking you back to him," Lucas replied.

  "What are you gonna do with me, then?" Lila asked, fearful that she may have offered up her body for nothing.

  "I still have a job to do," Lucas answered almost regretfully, "but I'll talk to the other Iron Sons, maybe convince them to let you go afterwards."

  "After what?"

  "The whole point of me bringing you back alive and unharmed was as leverage against the Red Angels," Lucas explained. "I have to finish the job. Besides, I can't just drop you off in the middle of the desert, can I?"

  "Fine, I'll go," Lila conceded. "But if you sell me out, I swear to god I'll kill you myself."

  "Alright," Lucas replied. "Speaking of which, we need to hit the road again."

  Lucas slowly removed his cock from inside Lila and pulled his pants back on as she sought out her own clothes which she’d discarded so carelessly. Once they were both dressed again, Lucas picked up the keys Lila had taken and returned to the wheel.

  "Aren't you gonna tie me up again?" Lila asked him.

  "You should sit in the front," Lucas replied as he started the engine again. "If I say you came quietly and willingly, it'll be easier to convince the club to just let you go afterwards."

  Lila complied and took a seat next to the man who was still technically her kidnapper. Soon enough, they were back on the road again, speeding towards the Iron Sons clubhouse.


  The rest of the trip passed by in silence. The sex had been wonderful, but the more Lila thought about what she'd just done, the more she felt like it had been a mistake. She didn't know this man. His name was Lucas and he was a member of the Iron Sons, a rival and an enemy of the Red Angels. That was the sum of her knowledge about him. She had no way of knowing if he would or could keep his promise, but she'd spread her legs for him anyway.

  And yet, even though her mind was in turmoil over it, Lila's body still craved the man who'd taken her against her will. The post-coital fugue hadn't quite worn off, and she couldn't help but glance awkwardly at him every few minutes. He was ruggedly handsome, with well-defined muscles and an overpowering, masculine urge to mate which had made her cum the first time around. Part of her still hated him for kidnapping her, but the rest of her lusted after him. The awkward doublethink was hurting her head, made more uncomfortable by the wet trickle that was starting to ooze out of her womanhood. Still, one way or another, whatever fate was waiting for her at the Iron Sons clubhouse couldn't be worse than what her father and the Red Angels would have in store for her if she were ever sent back to them. She hoped.

  The exhaustion of the whole ordeal finally claimed her, and Lila rested her head against the van window. She could deal with tomorrow's problems when morning came. For now, she needed some rest.


  It was just before dawn when they finally reached the Iron Sons clubhouse. Lucas had called ahead, and the entire Iron Sons MC was waiting to receive Lucas and his prize. To their immense surprise, the "captive" casually stepped out of the van with a bag slung over her shoulder and approached the club president.

  "Are you in charge here?" Lila demanded of the Iron Sons president.

  "Aren't prisoners supposed to be cuffed, Lucas?" the president asked.

  "Didn't need cuffs," Lucas replied coolly. "She came willingly."

  "And why might that be?" The president glared at Lila suspiciously.

  "None of your goddamned business why," Lila replied bluntly. "Get me away from the Red Angels and all this is yours."

  Lila tossed the bag full of cash to one of the Iron Sons, who caught it and rifled through the contents, producing a wad of cash to show everyone.

  "That's a lot of greenbacks you're carrying around," the club president said. He took the wad of cash and examined it. "You sure you don't wanna tell me more?"

  "Do we have a deal or not?" Lila demanded impatiently.

  The Iron Sons president appeared to consider the offer. Then he motioned to two of the Iron Sons, who stepped forward and grabbed Lila, restraining her arms.

  "What the fuck are you doing?!" Lila shouted angrily as she struggled against her new captors. "I thought we had a deal!"

  "We have a deal," the Iron Sons president clarified with a devious smile, "with the Red Angels. At least we will as soon as we tell them daddy's naughty little runaway wound up with us."

  "You son of a bitch!" shrieked Lila as she struggled even harder.

  "Sorry, darling, you're a lot more valuable as a bargaining chip than a customer," the club president said in a matter-of-fact tone. "Get her inside and make her comfortable."

  The two Irons Sons restraining Lila started to drag her back to the clubhouse. Lila wrested an arm free of one biker and punched the other in the gut. He doubled over and she tried to make a run for it, only to be grabbed from behind and hoisted into the air by another Iron Son.

  "Let go of me, you pricks!" She yelled as loudly as she could. "Lucas, tell them to let me go! Lucas! LUCAS!"

  Lila screamed and struggled relentlessly as she was carried off to the clubhouse, angrily shouting curses, threats, and Lucas's name all the way there.

  "Cute mouth," the club president remarked with a wry smile. "And it sounds like she's got a thing for you, too. You didn't fuck her on the way here, did you?"

  "No," Lucas lied.

  "That's what I like about you Lucas," the president replied as he stuffed the wad of cash into Lucas's hand. "You do what you're told, and you do it well."

  With the exchange done, the rest of the Iron Sons went inside.


  Lila struggled and writhed all the way into the clubhouse until she was finally deposited in a spare room. Once she was inside, her captors quickly shut and locked the door, eager to be rid of their troublesome guest.

  Lila immediately got up and started banging furiously against the door, screaming curses and bloody threats at the hard wooden surface. It was useless. She was trapped in this tiny room until someone came back for her. With her hands and muscles aching from pounding the door and struggling against her captors, Lila fell backwards onto the mattress. Gazing around, she saw that the room had originally been some kind of dorm room for the bikers. But the furniture had been removed—except for the mattress on the floor—and the only window had been fitted with iron bars. This was a converted prison cell. If the dried blood stain in the corner was anything to go by, the Iron Sons could be as brutal as the Red Angels to the people who crossed them.

  Lila's mind was in complete turmoil. She had hated her controlling father and his equally controlling lapdogs in the Red Angels. She hated the Iron Sons for making her their prisoner as well. She hated that backstabbing son of a bitch Lucas who'd stood by without uttering a sound or lifting a finger to keep his word to her. But most of all, she hated herself for selling out to him and for being stupid enough to believe his lies in the first place. To compound the self-hatred, her body still longed for him. She could still feel his semen trickling into her panties ever so slightly and the memory of his cock inside her still summoned involuntary shivers to her body. But he'd lied to her. He'd used her and then betrayed her to his fellow Iron Sons. As soon as she got out of here, the first thing she would do was put a bullet in his head.

  Lila looked around again at the drab, concrete walls and the iron bars on the windows. One step at a time, she thought. If she wanted revenge, she'd need to get out of here first.


>   Lucas Grant had never felt so conflicted in his life. Every job he'd ever done for the Iron Sons he'd done quickly and efficiently, and always with no regrets afterwards. But now, for the first time ever, not only had he screwed the girl he'd been told to bring back, but he'd disobeyed his instructions by doing so. Then he'd promised her something he knew he didn't have the power to deliver on and stood by as she was dragged away, screaming his name.

  Lucas downed a second bottle of beer and reached for a third, but he stopped himself. Drowning his guilt and self-pity in booze wouldn't make it go away. The bottom line was he was attracted to Lila. In fact, it was more than mere attraction. It was lust. When he'd pinned her down on the bed in the motel, he'd barely been able to contain his raging urges. He had almost taken her right then and there. When the same thing happened in the van, it had been too much. He wanted Lila Black. He wanted her more than he'd ever wanted a woman before, and it was messing with his head. That, and the fact that she was now a prisoner of the club, about to be sold back to the Red Angels like some runaway dog.

  Lucas had known no other life besides the one he'd been given as an Iron Son. He had no other family besides the Iron Sons. Yet for the first time in his life, he was seriously questioning his commitment to the club. But why? Because he'd banged some slut in the back of a van and felt guilty about it afterwards? What a bullshit thing to be hung up on. Of course he knew that was simplistic. She was a pawn in the endless turf wars that raged between the various gangs, and ultimately, so was he. Maybe that was why the club president had told him not to tap her. If he'd managed to control himself, he wouldn't be feeling so conflicted about it afterwards.

  That still left the question of his place in the club. He been loyal to the Iron Sons since his early teens, and had made his life the club's life ever since. Unlike Lila, who had constantly had to live up to her father's demands, he'd had a choice in the matter. Now, for the first time ever, he was questioning that choice. Was that why she'd run away? To escape the shackles of duty put on her by the Red Angels?

  Lucas slapped himself. He hardly knew the girl. It was stupid speculating about her life and why she'd run away. It was even more stupid thinking about her with his dick. She was an asset to the Iron Sons, nothing more. But try as he did to slap the treacherous thoughts away, Lucas knew that to him, Lila was more than an asset to be traded. Just thinking about her was difficult. The memory of her naked, delicious body trapped beneath his and the wet grip of her pussy on his manhood was making him hard again.

  On the spur of the moment, whether with his heart or his dick, Lucas made a decision.


  The door opened and one of the Iron Sons entered the cell. Lila lunged at him like a tigress, only to be shoved backwards onto the mattress. Sitting up on her elbows, she contented herself with a murderous scowl. She recognized the biker as the Iron Sons' club president. Besides, he was a wearing a presidential patch on his jacket. With white stubble and a grizzly looking scar running down his throat, he looked almost like a human wolf.

  "Sorry about the accommodation, princess," the president said, "but you won't be here much longer. I promise."

  "So you're just gonna ransom me back to my father?" Lila asked.

  "Exactly," the president replied with a lupine smile. "The money for your return, on top of that generous donation you gave us, should set us up for years."

  "Lucas said that—" Lila started to protest.

  "Lucas is a loyal Iron Son who does whatever the fuck I tell him to, when I tell him to do it." The president interrupted. "He's an asset to this club because he's obedient and reliable. You're only an asset because you're a piece of leverage over your daddy. And if he tries to screw us over, you'll be a lot more valuable dead than alive."

  Lila opened her mouth to retort, but thought better of it.

  "Good girl," the president said with a smile. "Keep quiet and do as you're told, and you'll be back in daddy's loving arms in no time. Although, from the way he sounded on the phone, you're probably gonna wish I'd killed you first."

  The door opened again and another Iron Sons biker walked in. As the club president turned to see who it was, the second biker swung a bottle around and smashed it over the back of the president's head. The president fell forward onto the mattress, unconscious.

  "If you want to live free, come with me now." It was Lucas He had a gun strapped to his thigh and the same bag of cash slung over his shoulder.

  "Why the fuck should I trust you?" Lila demanded.

  "Because without me you're a dead woman," Lucas shot back impatiently. "In fact, if you don't make a decision now, we're both dead."

  Lila didn't take long to decide. She got up and followed Lucas quickly out to the parking lot.

  Dawn was already lighting up the sky, and morning wasn't far behind it. Lucas led Lila straight to the van and unlocked it. He threw the bag into the van, along with some tanks of spare gas, and then hopped into the driver’s seat. As soon as Lila had strapped herself next to him, Lucas floored the gas pedal and sped out onto the road, leaving the Iron Sons far behind.


  Silence reigned for the longest time before Lila finally sought answers.

  "Why are you doing this?" Lila demanded.

  "I don't know what it is about you," Lucas tried to explain, "but I don't want to see you traded back to the Red Angels or kept locked in that dungeon."

  "You suddenly grew a conscience and turned on your MC?" Lila asked incredulously.

  "I know what it's like to be a pawn of the club, giving up an ordinary life for the sake of the club even when it keeps you from the things you want. The difference is I chose to be a pawn, but you obviously didn't. And that's probably why you ran away."

  Lila didn't respond. Lucas, the man she'd slept with once, even though she hardly knew him, had hit the nail on the head.

  "I just want a normal life," Lila said softly. She could hardly believe it was possible.

  "And now you have the chance to live one," Lucas replied.

  "So we just stay on the road, on the run like Bonnie and Clyde?" Lila asked.

  "It's better than being a prisoner for the rest of your life, isn't it?"

  Lila still felt overwhelmed by the events of the last twelve hours. But Lucas had just given her a chance, a real chance, to be free. As she thought about everything that had led up to this point, she felt herself drawn to him more strongly than before—and not just sexually. Slowly, Lila leaned over until her head was resting on Lucas's shoulder and closed her eyes.

  "Much better," she whispered.

  Below are some of Kay Perry's other works to enjoy! Tap the covers for a sample

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  No Man's Daughter

  Kay Perry

  Lydia’s hand pushed the dingy dish towel in small, purposeless circles. It was more or less a metaphor of her life. And that bothered her more than her actual life did. Ollie’s was still. Dead, actually. Roundup ended for the time being in little old Quimby, Montana, last week. All the local hands around were whipped. Otherwise the place would be humming. Lydia had nothing to do but catch up.

  Only she didn’t want to do it. It was gonna pass, she told herself. It was gonna pass. The place would fill up and someone would tell her a joke. Dean the cook would buy her a beer when all was said and done and she would fall asleep once her head hit the pillow. Lydia was a sheepish woman who lived in her head, so it was often exhausted come bed time.

  It was Friday. The third Friday and that meant that Lydia would go home for the weekend. Home for her was a generous, empty ranch house on a thousand acres about twenty-five minutes away. Lydia went home every few weekends just to knock the dust off the place. It was ironic that when she was growing up, Lydia rarely strayed from the ranch where she lived as an only child to aged parents. As was the case with any teen, when she hit "that age" she wanted to leave. See the world. And she did. Leave, anyway.

  She got as far as Billings where she
went to university, living on campus. She was called out of class one day to be notified that her mother and father were killed in a flash flood, drowned by a sudden creek rise on the back hundred of their spread. Lydia was so numb for such a long time after that she was pretty sure she floated all the way home, drifting in and out of consciousness as though the flood was drowning her too. Without much consideration, Lydia handed it all over to the foreman to let him run the show and she grabbed a simple job at her favorite eatery in downtown Quimby: Ollie’s. The only place her parents took her when they wanted to eat in town. Dean the cook let Lydia have the room above the diner. He thought she was nuts to live in the squalid apartment instead of the rolling mansion back home.


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