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Sinner Repent

Page 5

by Morgan Kelley

  They had nothing in common.

  Here he was, a tarnished cop from Atlanta, who came home to be sheriff. Callie was a smart, beautiful woman who had an IQ higher than all the men in his department, if you added up their scores. She worked for the FBI and caught criminals with her smarts and conservative suits, and he was chasing tumbleweeds across the street.

  Quinn fought a valiant fight as he tried to tell himself that all night, instead of sleeping. He read over the coroner’s report and wanted to kick something. To add insult to injury, she was dead on with her assessment.

  There was no DNA under Sissy’s nails other than her own, and the throat wound was done last. What the doctor had said about the killer doing most of the deed elsewhere, and transporting the victim, was accurate too.

  It just pissed him off.

  He couldn’t put his finger on why it did, it simply did.

  As he continued to scan the rest of the report, he read about the sexual assault. According to the coroner, it appeared to be more than one assailant. The damage was extensive, and more than one man could possibly be involved. With this attack, the rape appeared to be more than just an act of violence against the victim.

  Whoever did this was angry at the time. Maybe that word didn't cover it.

  They were lost in a bloody rage.

  He sat there staring at the lamp on his desk and told himself that he only needed her advice professionally, but he knew it was definitely more than that. Quinn wanted her like he never wanted any other woman before. There was something about her that set him off, and here, he had blown it yet again.

  He wasn’t sure why he was shocked. If he looked back at all his other relationships, they were unmitigated disasters. In bed, he was good. Outside the bedroom, he was a walking train wreck. He had this innate ability to make women angry.

  Call it a poorly timed skill.

  He felt like a total jackass that he couldn’t just drive up to her door, pull her into his arms, and kiss her until she agreed to be his. Maybe in Fantasyland that would work, but in Quinnville, chances were, she’d punch him in the face or get a restraining order.

  Well, shit!

  This was one hell of a conundrum.

  He looked up when there was a knock on his door.

  “Yeah, Jimmy Lee?”

  “Just checking on you, Sheriff,” he said, closing the door behind him. It was hard not to see that his boss was all tied up in big knots. “What’s bothering you?” he asked him, as he sat in the chair across from his desk.

  “I screwed up,” he said.

  Jimmy Lee lifted his eyebrow before continuing, “What did you screw up exactly?”

  He didn't know if he should say anything, since the man in his office was licking his chops over the sexy doctor too. It could be like giving the fox the keys to the henhouse.

  “You know you can tell me. Is this about Doctor Carter?”

  “How do you know?”

  The man laughed. “No one gets this worked up over anything but a woman. Today, you walked into your door as you stared at your phone. You spilled coffee all over the floor, and you look like you’re ready to kick the shit out of someone.”

  The man stared at him.

  “Yeah, it’s women troubles. Hey, I have a girlfriend, so I completely understand.”

  At the man’s admission, he relaxed. “I was pissed when we were leaving the judge’s house, and I took it out on the doctor. I may have alluded that she was an opportunistic person, poaching on the shattered souls of the victim’s family.”

  “Oh man, you didn’t. What the hell were you thinking?” he asked, staring at his boss.

  “I was pissed off, and when my temper gets going, it’s hard to shove back into the cage. Plus, I’m suspicious of everyone. I worked in a violent city full of assholes,” he said, putting his face in his hands.

  Jimmy Lee just looked at him. “I think you’re more paranoid than suspicious,” he said.

  “Gee, thanks.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  Quinn sat there, not having a clue where to even begin. “I have no idea. I really insulted her, and I’m sure she won’t even look at me.” Right about now, she was probably getting ready to run off with someone who probably deserved her attention. After all, he was an idiot and couldn’t blame her.

  Well, today looked even bleaker than before.


  Jimmy Lee thought about it, “Well, the word around town is that she has a three o’clock appointment every Monday with the mayor’s wife. If you hurry, you might be able to get to ‘The Herb Pot’ and get her a plant or flowers to apologize.”


  “Doesn’t she love them?” he asked.

  “Yeah, but how did you know about her love of plants and flowers?”

  Jimmy Lee looked uncomfortable, like he just admitted to something that he shouldn’t have.

  “Spill it, or I may kill you.”

  Okay, that was convincing enough. “I drive by her house on my way home every day, and sometimes I see her in her garden.”

  Quinn stared at him. “Last I looked, you live on the opposite side of town, over by me.”

  The man didn't have an excuse. “Come on, Quinn. Look at her. Who wouldn’t watch her? The doctor is the newest real estate in town. You’ve seen the broken-down properties that live here. I can tell you that I’m not the only one driving by and checking out her beautiful garden.”

  Quinton Gaines stared at him. His green eyes burning with rage at the implication.

  “Wait, I didn't mean it the way that sounded. When she moved into her house, my momma went over to welcome her and she said the house is full of plants and flowers.”

  He seemed to calm down, slightly.

  “Maybe I can stop at ‘The Herb Pot’ and get her something pretty.”

  “You better hurry. It’s a full moon tonight, and Susie closes up early for her witch stuff,” he said, referring to the owner’s religion.

  “Another full moon already? Didn't we just have one?” he asked, dreading the nutty things that were likely to happen.

  “Yeah, so we’ll get the customary calls from the usual complainant, informing us that she’s sacrificing neighborhood cats again.”

  Quinn laughed as he stood up from his desk. “I’m glad I’m not on duty tonight. Good luck with that, and let me know if you need anything. I’m going to go buy her some flowers. What woman can turn down a man who shows up bearing gifts?”

  Jimmy Lee was entertained as his boss walked away. Not once, since the man had been back, had he ever seen Quinn Gaines willing to jump through hoops for a woman.

  This ought to be interesting.

  * * *

  When Quinn pulled into ‘The Herb Pot’s’ parking lot, he found it was empty. Susie Barnes was the local witch, and most people were afraid of her. Fortunately for her, she came from old money and could afford to keep her shop open for the rest of her life, even if she never sold another plant or flower. He also knew from office gossip, that Susie and the doctor were friends. If anyone could pick out a gift, she could.

  Entering the store, Quinn heard the tinkling chimes, alerting Susie of his presence.

  “Hello, Sheriff. How are you today?”

  “Lousy, but hey, that’s life, Susie. I was wondering if you could help me. I need a gift,” he said, looking around at the plants and flowers.

  “For a woman or man?”

  He looked insulted by the implication.

  “Okay, a woman,” she said, laughing. “Are they for your secretary, Doris?”

  “Hell, no, they aren’t. They’re for Doctor Carter,” he said knowing the woman didn’t socialize with the gossips in town, so his mission would be a silent one. Then again, it wasn’t like he cared. Quinn wouldn’t mind the town talking about him and Doctor Carter.

  “I see. What did you do?” she asked, looking rather entertained when he squirmed under her speculative stare.

  “I insulte
d her professional ethics,” he said bluntly. “I accused her of going out to the judge’s yesterday just to rustle up patients.”

  Susie gasped. “Oh, wow, you screwed up big time!”

  “I know, I know. I was pissed and unfortunately, she was a handy target.”

  Susie looked immediately irritated with him. “Chrissy was in today ordering flowers for her sister’s funeral and viewing.”

  “Yeah,” he said absently, examining at a funny looking plant.

  “She mentioned how nice Callie was for offering to grief counsel the entire family, in their home, pro bono, even on their schedule.”

  He heard the words, and if possible, felt like a bigger jerk. “Well, shit, I’ll need a really big peace offering now, won’t I?” he said, slapping his credit card down on the counter. “Go ahead, do your worst,” he muttered. Quinn wasn’t sure why he didn't already know that Callie wouldn’t ever be an opportunistic bitch. He should have kept his damn mouth shut.

  “I promise it won’t hurt too much,” Susie said, laughing.

  Somehow, he doubted that.

  * * *

  Callie had just finished up with her last patient, a young high school girl with an eating disorder, when she was interrupted. Instead of locking up her files, she found herself faced with a grinning secretary.

  “What?” she asked.

  “Doctor, you have one more appointment for today.”

  “I can’t possibly, Marti. I saw everyone already.” Heading out to the waiting room, she saw the sheriff standing there with a giant pot of flowers.

  It was hard not to be impressed by them, since lilies were her absolute favorite.

  “Do you have time to analyze me?” he asked hopefully.

  She stared at him.

  “It seems that I manage to screw up whenever a certain woman is around me. Can you help me, Doc?”

  “No,” she replied, turning back to Marti. “Lock up, throw him out, and head on home. If you clock him with those flowers, I’ll give you a raise.”

  Callie headed to her office, slamming the door. She couldn’t believe that she was thinking about the sheriff all day, and there he was standing in her office. Worse, was the way her body betrayed her every time she saw him.

  The man was lethal, and Callie was pretty sure he knew it.

  Sitting at her desk, she gathered her belongings. She would walk out the door and forget that he was standing out there with an armful of flowers. She glanced up as her door crashed into her wall. Sheriff Quinton Gaines stormed into the room, kicking closed the door with his booted foot.

  Yeah, her heart was pounding. It had to be that damn sun kissed curl that sat in the middle of his forehead. Although, it could have something to do with his really large hands and warm smile. A girl couldn’t blame herself for thinking less than puritanical thoughts about the man, now could she?

  “Before you say any more, I came to apologize.”

  Callie sat there saying nothing, her face completely blank.

  “I was an ass,” he said, as his eyes took in every blessed detail about her, in case this was the last time he saw her. She was wearing a black skirt that was short and displayed her legs. That alone made him want to crawl like an idiot, but then there was the periwinkle blue silk shirt that made her eyes stand out even more. Her hair was pulled back tightly to the nape of her neck and she had tiny black framed glasses sitting on her nose. Oh hell! They made her look like some head mistress.


  Now, the sex fantasies were back. He only hoped that he could keep the look off his face for just a little longer.

  “I’m sorry. I was pissed, and you were sitting there, and I took a shot at you that should never have come out of my mouth.”

  “Oh, so thinking I was an opportunistic bitch was acceptable though, as long as it remains unspoken?”

  “No, damn it!” he said, dropping the pot in front of her. “I know that you’re not like that, but I was pissed and I shouldn’t have said what I did to you. My momma, bless her soul, would kick my ass all around the corn field if she had heard what I said to you yesterday.”

  Callie sighed and looked up at him. “What’s that?” she asked, pointing at the pot in his arms.

  “It’s an attempt at a peace offering,” he said, as she delicately touched a bloom and a smile crossed her lips.

  “Did you get it from ‘The Herb Pot’?”

  “Yeah, I did, why?”

  Callie was a sucker for foliage.

  “It’s call ‘exotic love’. Susie said you were dying to get your hands on some.” He watched her blush at the double meaning of his words. In that second, every drop of blood drained to his lower body. He began praying to God that he didn't screw this up and could pull it off.

  “Thank you for the gift. It’s beautiful, Quinn. I’ll take it home and plant it tonight.”

  He thought about all the men doing a drive-by of her house, and he wasn’t going to risk one of them stopping to help her plant his flowers.

  “Sorry, ma’am, but my momma would want me to carry it to your house and handle it while you sit back and relax.”

  Callie knew he was full of shit, but she played along. “I think I would have liked your momma,” she said, grabbing her things as she headed to the door. “If you do a really good job, I might even feed you.”

  “Oh, Doc, don’t tease a man. I don’t know if I can take it,” he said, carrying his peace offering outside. When she slid into her Mercedes, his eyes never left her legs as the skirt moved a little higher. When Quinn saw even more delicious flesh, he thought he would die.

  “Well, hell, it’s going to be a long night,” Quinn mumbled to himself, as Callie dropped her convertible’s top. When she drove away, he nearly went mad with lust.

  “I take that back. This is going to be the longest night of my life.”

  Now, he hoped he survived.

  Callie drove to her house and pulled into the driveway. There was no doubt in her mind that inviting him over for dinner was probably a very bad idea, but he had brought her a plant. Certainly, she couldn’t be rude.

  She couldn’t believe that she was trying to justify all this, by using foliage as the excuse to have him in her house. Who was she kidding?

  She was bringing him there because he was sexy as sin.

  Taking a deep breath, she knew that he deserved some dinner, especially if he was going to be sweet enough to plant the gift. It was the least she could do.

  She waited at the front door as he pulled into her driveway. When he crossed the yard, wearing his beat-up boots and well-fitting jeans, her heart skipped in her chest.

  Holy Moses, she was screwed.

  “How do you feel about grilled salmon?” she asked, holding the door open for him, as she tried to breathe through the hot flash.

  “If I’m not forced to cook it, then I have to say I love it,” he said smiling, as he walked to the patio door so he could drop the plant outside.

  “So, you can’t cook?”

  “I’ve mastered eggs, and we can leave it at that, ma’am,” he said, winking at her. “I love to eat, but sadly can’t cook for my life. It’s apparently not one of my skills,” he added, washing his hands at the sink.

  Now, she was wondering what exactly his skills were.

  “It’s nice in here. You really dressed the place up, making it home.”

  “Thank you,” she replied. “I bought all new things when I moved here from Raleigh,” she said, heading to the stairs. “I need to change, and then I’ll be right back.”

  “I’ll go out back and get a shovel,” he said, mesmerized by the sway of her hips.

  She tried not to get nervous or worked up. Glancing back over her shoulder, she knew that inviting him to her sanctuary was a really bad idea. From the look on his face, it appeared that they both had just fallen shit deep into trouble.

  This trouble chasing them started with an ‘s’ and ended in the letter ‘x’.

  Heaven help the
m both.

  Outside, Quinn sat on the patio and waited for the doctor to come join him. Deep down, he was praying to every saint that he could think of that she’d be wearing a pair of shorts. Unfortunately, he didn't get his wish on that one, but the gods of torment weren’t finished with him yet. When Callie emerged, she was in a snug pair of low riding jeans. To add to it, she’d chosen the tiniest little shirt that had his mouth watering. The quick glimpses of skin were maddening.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked, when she noticed the look on his face.

  “You don’t look like much of a doctor dressed like that,” he said seriously, only making her laugh.

  “What do I look like?” she inquired, and was actually waiting for a reply.

  He knew better. If he even opened his mouth, either he would be struck by lightning or he’d say something to get him kicked out of her house. While he would tolerate dying by the hands of God or fate, he wasn’t willing to earn himself the third strike.

  “Where do you want this plant?” he asked, his eyes never leaving the seductive curve of her hips.

  Callie escorted him to a spot alongside the tree. “Right here please, and while you’re doing that, I’ll start dinner.” As she left him alone with the plant and shovel, he was forced to think about her. There was something sexy about a barefooted woman who was willing to cook him dinner.


  He shook his head and tried to force his concentration on the plant and dirt, but it was almost impossible.

  Hell, he definitely had it bad because this was lust times a million. There wasn’t a single other woman in his life who made him feel this way, and there had been plenty of other ladies. In fact, there were probably too many, and he may have just been one big flirting hormone.

  Yep, Quinn was screwed. It had to be a sign that he was struggling to rationalize his past, and failing miserably. He was so in over his head that he didn't know how to even think straight.

  Okay, it was time to pray for divine intervention, and then maybe, he would have a chance.


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