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Defeat Into Victory

Page 68

by Field-Marshal Viscount William Slim

in Hongkong

  Commando units, training of

  at Henzada

  at Prome

  on west bank of Irrawaddy

  at Padaung

  on Chindwin

  Congress Party, anti-Allied campaign of

  Coryton, Air Chief Marshal Sir Alec

  Cotterill-Hill, Brigadier R. C.

  Cowan, Major-General D. T.

  division of

  intelligence service of

  and morale of troops

  to aid Chinese in Toungoo

  at Prome

  retires to Allanmyo

  in Taungdwingyi

  at Shwegyin

  at Imphal

  skilful strategy of

  plans surprise stroke

  son of

  and attack on Meiktila

  repulses counterattacks

  at capture of Pyawbwe

  at Pegu


  Cox’s Bazaar

  Curtis, Major-General A. C.





  Daru Hkyet Pass

  Davidson, Major-General H. C.

  Davies, Major-General H. L.

  plans counter-attack

  and taking of Monywa

  on Indian welcome

  25th Division under

  Dawson, Brigadier-General L. H.


  Delhi, conferences at

  Dempsey, Lieut.-General Sir Miles, in Command, Fourteenth Army

  Devons on Palel road


  Dimapur, railhead

  supply base

  Japanese threat to

  road from

  defence of

  2nd Division in

  motor-launches brought from

  Dimoline, Major-General W. A.


  D.I.S. area



  Doi Force

  Donbaik, attacks on

  Dorsetshire Regiment

  ‘Dracula’, operation

  race to get to Rangoon before

  landing of

  Dragoon Guards, 3rd


  Dum Dum aerodrome

  Dutch East Indies, invasion of

  Nationalist movement in

  occupation of


  East African Brigade, 22nd

  East African Brigade, 28th, advances on Gangaw

  allotted to 4 Corps

  covers advance

  feigns Irrawaddy crossing

  driven back

  enemy plans attack on

  at Letse

  returned to India

  East African Division, 11th, joins 33 Corps

  advances to Sittaung

  down Kabaw Valley

  malarial casualties of

  establishes bridgehead at Kalewa

  flown out to India

  4 Corps hopes to be mistaken for

  change of command for

  21 Brigade

  25 Brigade

  26 Brigade

  Eastern Air Command

  Eastern Army

  changed H.Q. of

  restores order in Bihar

  takes over control of Arakan offensive

  Giffard takes over

  author in command of

  staff of

  Eighth Army

  Ekin, Brigadier R. G.

  Elephant Point

  Elephants, use of

  Ensa performance in Burma

  Evans, Brigadier-General F. W., commanding C.A.A.T.O.

  Evans, Major-General G. C.

  at Irrawaddy crossing

  succeeded by Warren

  in mopping-up operations



  Falam Scouts

  Featherstonhaugh, Lieut.-Colonel J. L.

  Fergusson, Brigadier Bernard

  ‘Ferry Command’

  Festing, Major-General F. W., in command 36th Division

  co-operates with Americans

  Force 136, and Burmese National Army

  in Battle of the Break-Out

  Forster, W. L.

  Fort Dufferin

  Fort Hertz

  Fort White

  Forward Airfield Maintenance Organizations in Fourteenth Army

  Foul Point

  Fourteenth Army, author in command of

  supply problems of

  ration difficulties in

  debt of, to Auchinleck

  munition shortages of

  health problems of

  treatment of wounded in

  raising morale of

  a ‘forgotten army’

  jungle patrols of

  minor offensives of

  rest and reinforcement camps of

  officers of

  discipline in

  fair deal in

  H.Q. of

  co-operation of Air Commands with

  debt of, to R.A.F.

  superiority in numbers required for

  deficiencies in Intelligence of

  effect of Arakan victory on

  and Ledo road

  reinforcements for

  turns from defensive to offensive

  casualties in

  exploiting victory of

  regrouping and resting formations of

  malnutrition in

  fighting quality of troops of

  Supreme Commander’s plans for advance of

  manpower anxieties in

  transport resources of

  strength of, for battle

  air-lifts for

  air supply of

  training in, to meet new conditions

  new supply organization for

  starts offensive over Chindwin

  changed plan for

  loses three Squadrons of Dakotas to China

  delayed offensive of

  line of communication of

  enemy dispositions facing

  shortage of equipment for

  air support for Irrawaddy crossings

  preparations for crossings of

  disposition of, to Japanese eyes

  committed to battle of Mandalay–Meiktila

  threat to air supply of

  need for speed in

  aircraft from 15 Corps to

  36th Division rejoins

  loses support of Chinese

  favourable position of

  state of Armour of

  strength of, for march to Rangoon

  ‘Union Jack’ manœuvre of

  races monsoon to Rangoon

  monsoon defeats

  and Malayan campaign

  supply and maintenance difficulties of

  civil administration problems of

  repatriation of British officers and men of

  ends its connection with Burma

  change in command of

  achieves much on little

  techniques of warfare evolved in

  special units and formations in

  Fowkes, Major-General C. C.

  F.S.D. Ridge

  Fullerton, Major Robert


  Gandhi, Mahatma

  Gangaw, advance on

  capture of

  33 Brigade at

  Gangaw Valley, advance up

  enemy force covering

  Gangaw–Pauk road

  Ganges delta

  Garrison Hill, Kohima



  General Headquarters, India, at New Delhi

  danger of friction between S.E.A.C. and

  planners of

  Giffard, General Sir George, Commander-in-Chief, Eastern Army

  quality of

  and Arakan offensive

  C.-in-C. of 11th Army Group

  and prevention of disease

  reorganizes rear areas

  at S.E.A.C. conference

  Stilwell refuses to come und
er command of

  at Comilla

  visits Arakan

  approves plan to fight at Imphal

  arranges reinforcements for Central front

  supports plans of author

  directive of, to exploit victory

  opposes withdrawal of Fourteenth Army

  relieves author of 15 Corps and communications

  succeeded by Leese

  on Arakan situation

  and ‘Dracula’ operation.


  Gloucestershire Regiment, at Letpadan

  at Paungde

  at Monywa

  in Arakan

  Goddard, Lieut.-General Sir Eric

  Goppe Bazaar

  Goppe Pass

  G.P.T. Ridge

  Gracey, Major-General D. D., commands 20th Division

  at Monywa

  and Irrawaddy crossing

  in Mandalay–Meiktila battle

  and march on Rangoon

  in Indo-China

  Gradige, Colonel J. H.

  Gray, Air Vice-Marshal Alexander

  Grover, Major-General J. M. L.

  Gun Spur

  Gurkha Rifles, 6th

  Gurkha Rifles, 7th, at Shwegyin

  at Rangoon

  Gurkha troops

  in 17th Division

  in Frontier Force

  at Kyaukse

  on Chindwin

  sense of humour of

  in 20th Division

  response of, to spiritual appeal

  jungle patrols of

  in Wingate’s force

  in Arakan

  in Imphal–Kohima battle

  burial of dead by

  in advance on Irrawaddy

  attack Meiktila

  attack Mandalay

  paratroops at Rangoon

  at Battle of Break-Out


  Corps H.Q.

  capture of


  Habbaniyeh, siege of




  Hallet, Captain John I. (R.N.)

  Hanaya, Lieut.-General

  Hasted, Major-General W. F.

  Heho airfield



  Hlaing River




  Honda, Lieut.-General

  counterattacks of

  bars road to Rangoon

  defeat of forces of

  narrow escapes of


  Hoogly River, defences of



  Hospitals, inadequate

  for Fourteenth Army




  Hukawng Valley, escape route through

  projected Japanese offensive through

  fighting in

  Japanese troops in

  Hump, The, Chinese flown over

  air-ferry route across

  aircraft from, help in Arakan

  airfields for route across

  threat to route

  aircraft from, help at Imphal

  Hussars, 7th. See also Armoured Brigade

  Hutton, Lieut.-General Sir Thomas


  Imphal, Stilwell reaches

  38th Chinese Division reaches

  Burma Corps at

  4th Corps at

  getting supplies to

  inadequate rations at

  R.A.F. group at

  Wingate’s H.Q. at

  Japanese offensive against

  cut off

  prepared for offence not defence

  non-combatants at

  airfield at

  Scoone’s strength at

  Kohima takes priority over

  roads converging on

  calls for ‘relief of’

  Japanese order for capture of

  relief of

  proposed withdrawal to

  Army H.Q. at

  Corps H.Q. at

  Imphal Plain

  concentrating 4 Corps on

  put in state of defence

  withdrawal to

  evacuation of non-combatants from

  supplies to

  Japanese attacks on

  routes converging on

  clearing enemy from

  Imphal–Dimapur road

  Imphal–Kohima, Battle of

  phases of

  around Kohima

  around Imphal

  Japanese thrown on defensive in

  victory in

  pursuit after

  casualties of

  Imphal–Kohima road. See Kohima–Imphal road

  Imphal-Tamu road

  Indaw, Oil

  Indaw, Rail, plan to seize

  Wingate’s Force fly to area of

  attack on

  Japanese in area of

  Indawgyi Lake

  India, author in

  relation of Burma to

  no overland communications with Burma

  directives for withdrawal to

  transport company from

  Burma Corps reaches

  gives poor welcome, in

  hospitals of East

  help of British residents in

  Eastern Army’s responsibility towards

  defence of Burmese frontier of

  internal security problems in

  preparing for invasion of

  civil disobedience in

  interruptions to communications in

  Chinese force in

  rail transport to fighting area

  Japanese plan invasion of

  Divisions rest in

  Indian Air Force

  Indian Armoured Corps

  Indian Army, British units in

  Indian Army Ordnance Corps

  Indian Civil Service, officers in Nago country

  Indian Corps 4th, at Imphal

  outposts of, on Chindwin

  morale in

  extended front of

  planned offensive of

  R.A.F. Group supporting

  ‘floater model’ of defence in

  Japanese offensive against

  reinforcements for

  prepared for offensive

  deployment of

  to concentrate in Imphal Plain

  air supremacy of

  tactical plan of

  in Imphal–Kohima battle

  passes to offensive

  in pursuit of enemy

  returned to India for rest

  concentration of, for Chindwin crossings

  formation of

  change in command of

  directive to, for advance to Irrawaddy

  changes of plan for

  concealed movements of, on march to Pakokku

  transport difficulties of

  air supply of

  tasks for staff of

  timing of Irrawaddy crossing by

  advance of, to Irrawaddy

  Irrawaddy crossings of

  Japanese forces opposing

  in Meiktila battle

  in advance on Rangoon

  smashes Honda’s army

  on short rations

  monsoon defeats

  meets 15 Corps

  reaches Rangoon

  ‘salient’ of

  directive to, for clearing of Burma

  in Twelfth Army

  in Battle of Break-Out

  Indian Corps, 15th, author takes command of

  defence duties of

  internal security duties of

  weakness of Intelligence in

  flotilla of

  H.Q. of

  forming and training new

  restores civil order

  at Ranchi

  training H.Q. staff of

  staff mobility in

  War Room and Information Room in

  training of troops in

an of, for first Arakan offensive

  R.A.F. Group supporting

  H.Q. at Bawli

  morale in

  plan of, for second Arakan offensive

  assembled for attack

  counter-attacks on

  air supply of

  confidence and cohesion of

  renews attack

  victory of

  in third Arakan campaign

  author relieved of

  strength of

  help of, to Fourteenth Army

  reduced airlift for

  reductions in

  builds airstrips for Fourteenth Army

  in Rangoon landing

  Indian Corps, 33rd, plan for capture of Andaman Islands by

  joins Fourteenth Army

  H.Q. of

  directive for

  priority in supplies for

  attacks at Kohima

  superiority of, over enemy

  in pursuit of enemy

  4 Corps Divisions transferred to

  takes over whole Central front

  strength of

  concentration of, for Chindwin crossings

  formation of

  directive to, for advance to Shwebo Plain

  plan for crossing of Irrawaddy by

  in Shwebo Plain

  crosses Irrawaddy

  restricted supplies of

  break-out of

  in advance on Rangoon

  mopping-up operations of

  ‘salient’ of

  directive to, in clearing Burma

  dispersal of enemy forces in Irrawaddy Valley by

  H.Q. disbanded

  Indian Corps, 34th

  Indian Division, 3rd. See Chindits.

  Indian Division, 5th

  in Arakan

  advance of

  task before

  attacks Razabil

  crosses Ngakyedauk Pass

  Japanese threat to

  surrounded by enemy

  moves to attack

  air supply of

  withdrawn to rest and refit

  reinforces Central front

  in Imphal–Kohima battle

  fly-in of

  turns to offensive

  at Kalemyo

  pursues enemy along Tiddim road

  Lushai Brigade under

  flown out to refit

  completely mechanized

  air-transported brigade of

  in Reserve

  in Mandalay–Meiktila battle

  loses commander

  in advance on Rangoon

  mopping-up operations of

  takes Yindaw

  in Twelfth Army

  replaced by

  in Singapore

  9 Brigade, in Arakan

  in Imphal–Kohima battle

  in pursuit on Tiddim road

  123 Brigade, in Imphal–Kohima battle

  on east bank of Manipur

  161 Brigade, at Kohima

  withdrawal of

  in pursuit on Tiddim road

  Indian Division, 7th, joins 15 Corps

  in Arakan

  advance of

  task before

  Japanese counter-stroke on

  air supply to

  surrounded by enemy

  move to attack

  goes into Reserve

  reinforces Central front

  in Imphal–Kohima battle

  in pursuit

  recuperates in Imphal–Kohima area

  4 Corps

  advance of, to Shwebo Plain

  advance of, to Pakokku

  Irrawaddy crossings of

  bridgeheads of

  in Mandalay–Meiktila battle


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