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Midnight in Monterra

Page 6

by Caroline Mickelson


  Although surprised, Madison instantly lost herself in the pleasure of Luis' kiss. She held tightly to his forearms, afraid that if she let go, her knees wouldn't support her. The connection between them was electric, new, exciting, and yet somehow also comforting and reassuring. The sensation was akin to returning to a warm home on a cold day. With the aroma of fresh-baked cookies filling the kitchen, no less.

  It wasn't something she wanted to end, but they were in public. She pulled back ever so slightly, drawing in her breath. "Luis."

  To her relief, Luis looked every bit as swept away as she felt. Thank heaven she wasn't the only one who felt whatever it was between them.

  "Madison," Luis lowered his hands to her shoulders. "I'm sorry. I don't know quite what to say-"

  In case he was about to apologize and call their kiss a mistake, she hurried to interrupt him. "I had no idea that my using the kitchen entrance would be such a turn on."

  He laughed and she was relieved to see his eyes sparkled. Good. He wasn't sorry that he'd kissed her. That knowledge made her happier than she'd ever been. "Now, did you bring me all the way to Monaco to kiss me in the staff service area, or am I going to be allowed to see the rest of the casino?"

  "It's been a rough start to what I was hoping would be a fun evening." He reached for her hand and squeezed it. "Shall we?"


  The way Luis confidently led her through the twisting hallways toward the center of the casino tipped her off that he'd been here before. It occurred to her just how little she knew about him. Was he a gambler by nature? Or was it that he loved visiting Monaco? Who were his friends? Were they all members of royal families?

  When they reached the main part of the building, Luis stopped in front of a tall white door accented with gold leaf. He knocked twice and then opened the door without waiting for a response.

  "Luis, where are we-" but the rest of her words failed her as she looked around the private room they'd entered. "Oh, it's beautiful."

  He smiled down at her. "I'm glad you like it."

  Like it? This was as close to dining in heaven as she could possibly imagine. While the room wasn't especially large, the tall, domed ceiling granted a sense of spaciousness. The dome was painted a light blue and painted with wisps of white clouds. Full mirrors covered the walls but they were masked by flowering potted trees.

  It was as if paradise had opened up to create an enchanted spot just for the two of them. White and gold linens covered a table set for two. Madison admired the elegant place settings of white hand-painted china, gleaming silverware, and sparkling cut crystal goblets. Candles in the center of the table added a touch of intimacy to the ambiance. She put her hand to her throat. "I love it."

  "Bien." Luis motioned to a server clad in a white jacket who held a tray with two champagne glasses. He took one and handed it to her.

  "More champagne?" Madison held up her drink and watched as the bubbles raced to the top of the crystal flute. "Is this the official drink of Monaco?"

  "Would you prefer a beer?"

  She laughed. "Somehow I don't think that will compliment the haute cuisine I saw being prepped in the kitchen. It's far more likely we'd drink a beer if we were dining where I come from."

  Luis lifted his glass. "I'll happily drink to sharing a dinner with you in Amarillo."

  Madison touched her glass to his and lifted it to her lips for a delicate sip. The chances of Luis ever visiting her in Texas were odds no gambler would touch. But tonight was about magic, about Monaco, about being with Luis. Reality and rational thinking could wait, at least for one evening.

  "I thought we would visit the casino gaming floor later. Would you prefer to dine first or would you prefer to dance?"

  "Food first, definitely. The champagne will go to my head if I don't eat."

  "As you wish." Luis slipped a gentle hand under her elbow and guided her toward the table. He pulled out a chair and once she was settled, he sat opposite her.

  As if by magic, a trio of waiters approached the table with silver trays laden with food. A single violin player moved to a corner and the strains of classic music began to gently fill the air.

  Halfway through the meal, Luis tilted his head. "I still don't know your full name."

  "Madison Lorraine Bishop."

  When he repeated it softly, as if to test the sound of it on his lips, Madison felt like she was hearing it for the first time. An accent like his should come with a caution label.

  Luis nodded. "Yes, it is a name beautiful enough for you."

  "Flattery won't get you anywhere."

  "Really? Not anywhere?" He raised an eyebrow. "I could take that as a challenge."

  Her first thought was that she wished he would. But immediately it was replaced with the thought that she'd be well advised to keep her feet firmly on the ground. Charming as this prince was, this wasn't a fairytale.

  He pushed back from the table and held out his hand to her. "Please, one dance before we finish our dinner."

  Madison stood. Her companion was tall enough that she needed to tilt her head back to look him in the eye. "I have a question for you."

  "One question for you, and one for me. Fair enough?"

  She nodded her agreement.

  He slipped his left arm around her waist and took her left hand in his right, holding it against his chest. "Ladies first. What is it that you most wish to know about me?"

  Madison didn't hesitate. "Are you happy with your life?"

  Luis was quiet for so long that she was afraid he hadn't heard her. But one glance at his face assured he had indeed. His hesitation made her all the more curious as to his answer. "Luis?"

  "No one has ever asked me that before." He drew her closer still.

  Madison rested her cheek on his chest. The warmth of his touch and the steady sound of his heartbeat made it easy to lose herself in a moment she wished could go on forever. She'd almost drifted into what felt like a dream like state when Luis spoke.

  "If anyone had asked me less than a week ago, I would have answered yes, without a single hesitation, qualification, or reservation. But now I am not so certain."

  Madison pulled back enough that she could meet his eye. His gaze was intense and unwavering but his voice was low and his words barely above a whisper. "I realize that I have been missing something special."

  Wordlessly, they danced, bound together by an undeniable chemistry and a shared understanding of how precious the moment was. But just when she thought she could go on this way forever, Luis drew back, although he kept a hold on her hands.

  "My turn now, Madison."

  "Ask me anything."

  "Is there a man in Texas who holds your heart in his hands?"


  Luis' brown eyes sparkled mischievously. "Good. I believe you Americans would say I have a fighting chance then, no?"

  Chapter Nine

  Madison awoke the next morning far earlier than she needed to but she didn't try to go back to sleep. She felt like a giddy school girl who'd had a dream date with the most handsome boy in school. She glanced at the clock, a contented smile on her face. It was nearly six o'clock, which gave her a good three hours before the photographer was coming to take the last set of photos for the cookbook.

  Tonight she was due at the palace for dinner with Nico's family. Normally the thought would have left her with acrobatic butterflies in her stomach but knowing that Luis would be with her left her feeling surprisingly calm about it.

  She tried not to rush through her yoga routine. Her mind kept replaying snatches of the evening they'd spent together. After dinner, they'd spent some time in the casino and, after that, moved on to drinks and dancing. Not that either of them drank much, but lingering over a bottle of Santa Rosa Chardonnay had given them ample time to talk.

  And they had. Talked about everything. Madison surprised herself by her willingness to be so open with Luis. She'd told him things she hadn't even confided to Mackenzi
e. Luis had done the same, which left her feeling profoundly grateful for the trust he'd placed in her.

  When they'd left Monterra, she and Luis were virtual strangers who shared a deep attraction to each other. But they'd returned as...what was the right word? Connected. She smiled. That was the best way to describe what was between them.

  Leaving each other the night before had been difficult but she and Luis both agreed that while whatever was happening between them was happening quickly, and they wanted to handle it the right way. She traced a finger lightly across her lips. It was almost as if she could still feel Luis' goodnight kiss.

  Zen was so not happening. She rolled her yoga mat up and tossed it in the closet. She might as well shower, change, and make coffee and breakfast for the photographer.

  Within the hour, the smell of hot coffee permeated the kitchen. Her easiest go-to meal for a quick Tex-Mex breakfast was scrambled egg burritos with just the right amount of chipotle to give it a kick. She'd just closed the refrigerator, a container of her signature salsa in hand when the front door bell rang. Surprised, she glanced at the clock. It looked like the photographer was an early bird too.

  Brushing her hands on the back of her jeans, she pulled open the front door. "I see you're up early too." But the man standing in the doorway wasn't the photographer. It was Luis. And her heart celebrated the sight of him by starting to race. She drew in a deep breath to try to steady it. "Hi."

  A slow smile stretched across his face. "Hi you too." He frowned. "Wait, how do they say it in the American movies?"

  She grinned. "Do you mean 'hi yourself'?"

  He snapped his fingers. "Yes, that's it. Hi yourself."

  Madison's eyes dropped to take in his neon yellow running shoes. "Good run?"

  He shook his head. "Terrible, actually." Without waiting for an invitation, he stepped into the lodge and closed the distance between them. "I'm too distracted to run."

  Madison couldn't keep a smile from her face. "I know just what you need."

  Luis reached out and tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear, his fingers brushing her cheek. "You know what will please me?"

  She nodded. "Trust me, I know how to bring great pleasure to a man."

  His eyebrows rose. "You sound confident."

  She looked up at him playfully. "My breakfast burritos are the best within one hundred miles of Amarillo. I've never met a man who didn't leave wanting more." She grabbed a hold of his hand and led him into the kitchen. "Come in and have breakfast with me."

  While she poured him a cup of black coffee, Luis settled onto a bar stool. As she began fixing a plate for him, Madison realized she'd never been happier than she was at this exact moment. But then, she'd never been in love before. And if she'd had any doubt after last night, it had vanished when she'd opened the door and found Luis standing there.

  "Gracias," he said as she placed his breakfast in front of him. "Aren't you joining me?"

  "Just coffee for me. I'm so used to working the morning shift that my body is used to getting by on coffee until the rush is over." She cradled a warm coffee mug between her hands and leaned against the counter. "Enjoy."

  Luis made short work of his morning meal, pushing away his empty plate with a satisfied expression. "You were right. That was pure pleasure, although not altogether what I had in mind when I headed over here." He laughed when she blushed.

  "I have to work this morning. The photographer is coming to take the last of the photos for the cookbook. At least, I hope they'll be the last if all goes well."

  Luis' expression sobered. "You're that close to finishing the project?"

  Madison nodded. The subject of her leaving Monterra was the one topic they hadn't spoken about last night. They'd talked about their families, their childhoods, schooling, favorite places to visit, and especially the fact that they both loved their work. She'd shared with him how much she loved running the restaurant with Mackenzie and he'd understood because the Santa Rosa Winery was his true passion in life.

  What they hadn't talked about was the fact they both had plans to leave Monterra soon. "There are a few finishing touches to see to. Kat and I can easily handle anything last minute that comes up via Skype."

  "Are you pleased with how this project has gone?"

  "I am." She looked down into her coffee. "It's been the experience of a lifetime."

  "For me too."

  She didn't know how to respond, despite the million words that wanted to spill out. She didn't trust that her voice wouldn't betray her emotions. What was happening between them felt like a tightrope walk between two high rise buildings. Exhilarating but terrifying if she looked down.

  "Madison, cara, we need to talk." Luis came around to where she stood. Gently, he took her coffee mug and set it on the counter before taking her hands in his. "Look at me."

  She did as he asked. "Luis, I don't know how we can make this work. We're too different."

  He gave her hands a gentle squeeze. "Maybe that's what makes us perfect for each other. We don't need to know exactly how we're going to make this work, not right now." He gestured from his heart to hers. "This is incredibly special."

  "I feel it too."

  "I can't walk away, Madison. Not unless you ask me to." He slid a finger under her chin and tipped her face up so that she would meet his gaze. "You want the same thing I do, am I right?"

  She didn't hesitate. "I do. I'm just not sure how we can work it out."

  "We'll find a way to be together. I just need some time to make a plan."

  She nodded. "So what do we do now?"

  "In a perfect world, we would spend the entire day together, all alone and shut away from the world." He lifted each of her hands in turned and brushed a gentle kiss across them. "But I know you need to work. I need to call in to a few online meetings. But tonight-"

  "Tonight," she interrupted him before he could present her with a tempting offer, "we are having dinner with Nico's family."

  He rolled his eyes. "Charming people they are, all of them. But I'd rather be alone with you."

  "That makes two of us, but I can't be rude enough to bow out after Queen Aria was kind enough to invite me."

  "Fine. But after tonight, I am going to become quite possessive of our time together." He leaned in and kissed her forehead. "I want you all to myself."

  Madison leaned into his embrace. He'd get no argument from her on that score.


  Luis struggled through several hours of meetings. Concentration was nearly impossible with thoughts of Madison constantly pushing aside the things he needed to focus on. It got so bad that he began to wonder if he'd lost his mind. But, no, it wasn't his mind that he'd lost. It was his heart.

  "Why are you grinning like a fool?" His brother Alejandro's voice conveyed equal part amusement and annoyance. "It can't be because the meeting with our new label designers went well. You did nothing but confuse everyone as to what you wanted."

  "Oh, I know what I want. I just couldn't focus on work."

  Alejandro leaned toward his laptop screen. "Who are you and what have you done with my workaholic little brother?"

  "You wouldn't believe me if I told you. But I don't want to have this conversation over Skype. I'll be home in a few days. We can talk then."

  "Should I be worried?" Alejandro asked.

  This, Luis didn't know how to answer. He was worried enough for them both, but his older brother was nothing if not steadfast and practical. Surely Alejandro would be able to help him find a way to spend time with Madison away from the press and their ever obtrusive camera lenses.

  "Luis?" Alejandro's voice broke through his reverie. "What's going on?"

  "I've met someone." He waited for Alejandro to say something, but instead Luis watched as his brother sat silently. "A woman."

  "I assumed that much," Alejandro said. "Who is she?"

  "Her name is Madison. Madison Bishop from Amarillo, Texas."

  Alejandro's eyes widened. "She's an
American? Oh, great, just the complication we need."

  Luis frowned. This conversation wasn't going at all the way he'd planned. "What's that supposed to mean?"

  Alejandro raked his fingers through his hair. "I'm sure she's a lovely young lady, but if she were someone from Spain or somewhere in Europe, we'd have a somewhat easier time flying under the radar. It's likely the American press will go crazy if they catch wind of this. It will be a circus, just like it was for Nico and Kat."

  His brother's words irritated Luis. "Who says I want to fly under the radar anyway? I have nothing to hide. Madison is incredible. Any man would be proud to stand in her shadow."

  Alejandro laughed. "Dios mío, you sound like a man besotted."

  "It's more than that." Luis wanted to tell his brother that he'd met the woman he was going to marry but reason warned him to wait. Let this sink in first, and they could continue the conversation when he arrived back in Santa Rosa. Alejandro, six years older than Luis, was a confirmed bachelor who'd built a stone wall around his heart long ago. "We can talk in a few days. I've got to go. Madison and I are dining with King Dominic and his family tonight." He leaned forward to close his laptop but Alejandro held up his hand.

  "Wait, Luis, let me say one more thing."

  Luis nodded. "Go ahead."

  "Be careful. If you have any chance of getting to know this woman and seeing where your relationship might go, you need to keep the press completely in the dark. Completely."

  For several minutes after their conversation, Luis sat and stared out the window. He knew his brother was right. But keeping the news of his new relationship top secret was a going to be more than difficult. It verged on the impossible.

  But for Madison, he would find a way.

  Chapter Ten

  As they neared the palace, Madison was grateful to have Luis beside her. Despite the fact that Kat had repeatedly assured her that her in-laws were wonderful people, she was more than a little nervous about meeting the royal family en masse. Nico was kind and charming, she reminded herself. Not to mention that his littlest sister, Serafina, was nothing short of adorable. Surely the rest of the family would be just as welcoming.


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