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For a Pixie in Blue

Page 23

by Cecilia Randell

  She looked back at Levi, who had stopped on the other side of the luggage. “He’s not my surprise?”

  “No.” Mo’ata drew in a breath. “I have been thinking on what you have said and what we discussed that night on the way to Tremmir.” He sent her a wry smile. “And the terms I agreed to for our prida. I love every part of you, including the one that needs to explore and dig herself into adventures and set herself up as bait. So… I have spoken with Demil. He is the mentor I told you of. He has agreed to sponsor you into the Order on a trial basis after you have finished your schooling. If that is what you decide.”

  Blue was truly shocked. Of all the things Mo’ata could have told her, this was the last thing she’d expected. She did not yet know if she wanted to join the Order, but of all her options, it seemed the best at the moment. If she chose this, she had expected to dig her way in kicking and screaming and generally making a nuisance of herself. That Mo’ata had thought to clear the way for her…

  “It will also allow me to keep an eye on you,” he continued.

  Whoomp, there it is.

  It was a huge step for her protective clansman, though. She smiled up at him. “Thank you.”

  The door slid open again, and Felix, Trevon, and Forrest trooped in, the cubs at their heels. Jason slid in soon after.

  Felix grunted as he set his box down. “How is it there are so many bags here when we only came with four?” he asked in Common, his deep tones carrying well in the still air.

  Trevon, once again dressed in jeans, shrugged and deposited his own burden onto the pile. “This was not me. I only have this and my original bag.”

  “It was me.” Forrest knelt and scratched Vivi behind the ear. Garfield climbed to the top of the pile and stood tall, surveying his new mini-kingdom. “Do you know how well these colors work?” Forrest continued. “And the charcoals... I don’t think I’ve been able to get a smoother effect with anything else I’ve worked with.”

  “So,” Mo’ata interrupted, “what you are saying is that we are hauling around your art supplies?” He raised his brows. As the others continued to tease Forrest for his shopping—and where did he get the money for that?—Blue made her way around the pile to Levi’s side.

  “Hi,” she said.

  He relaxed. “Hi.”

  “I’m glad you’re here.”

  A small smile, gentle. “Me too.”

  Blue cleared her throat. “Do you know where you’ll be staying?”

  “With you?” Levi looked away. Again she thought that if his skin would show it, he’d be blushing.

  “I think that works. We’re at the inn for a little bit, but I can ask Mo’ata to start searching for a bigger place.” And maybe one with a few extra guest rooms as well.

  Levi looked back at her. “I would like that.”

  “And I could help you with your list if you’d like.”

  “I would like that as well.”

  Nerves fluttered in her belly. “Well, I guess we have one more bag to add to the pile, right?”

  Mo’ata approached from Levi’s other side, took the bag from him, and placed it on top of the others.

  No, not too many bags after all. In fact, just the right number.

  “Oh,” Levi said, holding out the leather case. “You forgot these.”

  It was the set of throwing knives she’d practiced with. She had forgotten them in the flurry of confusion and, well, getting the hell out of there while they had the chance. She took it from him and ran a finger along the stitching.

  The door opened once again, and the portal worker assigned to them strode in. “Ready?” he asked in Common.

  I am so ready.



  Cularna – An open world of the Alliance. Also has space travel capabilities, traveling to Martika separately from portal travel. It is the homeworld of the Order of Terril and is where their headquarters are maintained, though this is known only to a few. Most think the Order is stationed on Karran, and it is to a certain extent—at the least the overt agents are. Cularna has a philosophical and ethical overlap with the peoples of Martika. Cularna is known as a world of mercenaries, and they have a very strict code of honor. Like any society, they have different classes of citizens: farmers, artists, lawyers, and healers. All are afforded their own respect and honor for the roles they play in the society and what they contribute. Though mercenaries and soldiers are the world’s main “export,” all are respected. Cularna is ruled by not only a monarchy but also a parliament consisting of the heads of each guild as well as representatives of each city-state, allowing for an even representation.

  Earth – Currently considered a closed world—limited travel, restricted to agencies only for the purpose of monitoring.

  Falass – A closed world. Known for its exotic plants and scents.

  Karran – Main world, where all portals lead to and from. Capitol: Tremmir. Governed by a Council of representatives from each region: Tremmir, Filiri, Seradnes, Semina, and the Clan Territories. The head of the Council is appointed on a ten-year rotation and is selected from each region in turn. Karran serves as the hub of trade for the Alliance; the Ministry holds a tight monopoly on trade between the worlds, and though not technically part of the government, has much influence.

  Martika – An open world governed by the Families, many of whom dabble in smuggling. The Families are structured like large clans, with smaller clans pledging allegiance to larger ones. Although the Families’ version of morality isn’t what most people would consider “moral,” they still have a strong sense of honor. Generally, the Families are left to their own devices unless their activities spill into other worlds. Additionally, Martika has space travel, and through this is able to trade directly with Cularna, another open world of the Alliance. Because of this, there is a cultural and philosophical overlap that doesn’t exist with other worlds.

  Padilra – An open world, but only in the last 100 years or so. Padilra is generally governed by an elected president, who serves a 7-year term, and a council, whose terms are for life. One of their main populations are the Prizzoli [see below for further information]. Their main exports are crystals of various kinds used in electronics and manufacturing. They also provide cloth and dyes of a hue found nowhere else. They have only very recently formally joined the Alliance.

  Sturi – A closed world.

  Turamm – Another open world; member of the Alliance. Little is known of them, as they keep mostly to themselves. There are rumors a small population possess mental abilities, such as telepathy. Their main export are metals and alloys used in some of the higher technologies.


  Clans of Karran – Live in western Karran. They have a matriarchal and polyandrous society and seek to minimize technological use in day-to-day life, only allowing advanced healing and bathing facilities, recognizing these as important for the health of their society. Much of their culture still revolves around training for and practicing the art of war, though most clans now live in peace in their own territories under the central government of Karran. Most clansmen stay within their own clan, though some marry into another, but rarely does a clansman leave. When one does, they are usually accepted readily into any of the enforcement branches for their weapons and protection skills.

  Prizzoli – Ethnic and cultural group on Padilra. They are governed by a council of elders and are strongly religious. Though they will defer to the government of Padilra, they consider themselves separate. Generally nomadic, they control a large portion of the land on Padilra. They are the guardians of the Crystals of Shardon. The Council of Elders consists of those who have achieved a high level of skill in the use of the crystals and have proven a resistance to the corrupting influence of the power. The woman are considered the “saviors” of the Prizzoli, and the men the protectors. However, unlike the clans of Karran, the women are not in positions of power or authority, barring elders. They consider any outside of their lands to be “uncl
ean”, calling them Formangi and restricting contact.

  Mercenary Guild – A highly respected group on Cularna. Many of their members are also part of the Order of Terril. They have control of much of the military technology of Cularna, giving them a distinct advantage over other worlds. Though they are separate, they are considered to be the military branch of their government on a permanent retainer.


  The Academy – A sister organization to the Ministry, where those with potential in portals, as well as those who desire to become agents of the Ministry, are trained and educated. Different from the university.

  The Alliance of Cormant – An alliance of worlds connected by portals, made up of all those who have been opened to trade. Also includes some worlds not connected by portals but with close ties via space travel to those that do.

  Bota – the vote conducted by a prida to accept new members.

  Chuka – An insult in clan dialect. Means someone who is not to be trusted, with a side meaning of asshole.

  Closed World – Used to designate a world that has been discovered or has naturally occurring portals, but that has not yet been brought into the Alliance. These are usually worlds that are too primitive to understand the ramifications or who have been shown to be too warlike to play nice with others. Earth is considered both. The tipping point for inclusion in the Alliance is usually when a cohesive world government has evolved.

  Corin – In Alliance currency, equivalent to about $100 Earth U.S. dollars.

  Crystals of Shardon – A rare, naturally occurring crystal on Padilra that, when properly prepared, are able to store life-healing energies. Used exclusively in religious ceremonies or by those who are members of the Prizzoli, they are really a last resort because, in order to charge the crystal, someone must give up a portion of their life force. Traditionally, the life force is given by the elders once they have decided to leave this life. The years remaining to them are then stored in the crystals, where it remains until used. Similar to the Portals on Karran, the ability to manipulate the crystals requires an affinity for their energy that not all Prizzoli have.

  Culan’s Bones – an exclamation used on Cularna. Ties in with legends up Culan, the original founder of the Mercenary Guild.

  Draga – Title for the war chief of a clan of Karran

  Druada – Means “blue” in the clan dialect.

  Fogan silk – A silk only available from Falass. Highly sought after from collectors though it is from a closed world and therefor illegal.

  Foka – an alcoholic drink on Karran, similar to beer.

  Formangi – The portion of the population of Padilra who are not Prizzoli, considered to be the “Unclean” by the Prizzoli.

  Grimal – A bear-like creature found on Cularna. A cunning predator, it is considered at the top of its food chain.

  Ikpul – Cularnian slang for bastard. Basically, asshole

  Kiti – translates to “way of moving” in Prizzoli. It is the basic exercise for increasing balance and grace of movement, and is used as a dynamic meditation in training guards and crystal users.

  Lama – throwing blades used by the Prizolli

  Life-Debt – Used among the clansmen of Karran. If a clansman owes a life-debt to another, this means that he must take on the burdens of the one to whom his debt is owed until such time as the debt is discharged. The one owed determines when this is. It is not something given or stated lightly. Usually, a life-debt only occurs when the Heart of the prida is protected or defended by someone not of her prida, as it is a point of shame when the priden fail at her protection, no matter the circumstances.

  Mamanna – The title for the matriarch of a clan of Karran.

  The Ministry – An organization appointed by the Karran government to train those who operate the portals, as well as monitor and regulate their use. Those who have a natural aptitude can be trained to recognize and manipulate the energies needed. The Ministry has their own agency to handle issues with portal abuse.

  The Order of Terril – An enforcement agency for the Alliance. It is an elite organization of enforcers. Each world and territory has their own police, those who handle the day to day monitoring of the laws. The Order of Terril is an interplanetary enforcement agency, only called in when the crimes have spread beyond one planet. In addition to their stated purpose, there is a branch made up of sleeper agents, those placed in various positions throughout the worlds and activated when necessary. The stated purpose of this branch is to monitor and maintain the freedom of individuals on the alliance worlds, no matter what. This is actually the true purpose of the order, and the more apparent enforcement agents are merely a cover.

  Piquet – a large feline, similar to a cross between and tiger and a lion, striped but with a small mane. They tend to run in packs and have a very set social structure. Extremely territorial. Usually will leave you alone unless they feel you have trespassed in one of their breeding grounds.

  Plinar – a being formed when the Crystals of Shardon absorb enough energy to manifest.

  Portals – A naturally occurring phenomenon on Karran where “thin spaces” create a kind of shortcut between areas, similar to worm holes. These portals form when the specific energy signature of an area on Karran matches that of an area on another world, or even another area of Karran. Most occur naturally around Karran, and form to the same or similar areas each time. Some people on Karran are born with an ability to manipulate these thin spaces, attuning the energies to create – and open and close – portals at will. Occasionally, especially if a person with untrained potential is in the vicinity, a natural portal will be activated.

  Prida – Among the clansmen of Karran, the term is used to denote the family unit, one woman and multiple men. The prida is made up of the Heart and her priden. All members are selected by the Heart and the First Priden, and all those in the prida must agree when a new member is proposed and selected.

  Quorin – A type of mount similar to a horse with horns. They choose their own riders and sometimes will form a deeper bond with them.

  Ransyi – a term used by the clans to mean the balance of trust and equality for each member of a prida. It emphasizes the idea that each person has their duties and responsibilities equal to the others, and that each person’s thoughts, wishes, and wants are sought to be accomodated.

  Shopa – Means “heart” in the clan language. The heart is the center of the pride and is also used as a term of endearment from a priden to his Heart.

  Tiri – Small pack-animals, like a cross between a cow and a deer.

  Toka – short blade used by the clans of Karran.

  Trial period – A term specific to Cularna. Very similar to a hand-fasting, this is the practice of specifying a period of time for a couple to live as a married unit before making the union official. Could also be thought of as an engagement, but with the legal benefits of an official union for the designated time. If at the end of this trial the couple decides they will not suit, the union is severed with no legal repercussions.

  Trilki Root – The root of a plant known to grow in the Filiri region of Karran. When pressed and processed the correct way, it produces a non-addictive drug that causes sleep. Usually used in low doses to assist those with chronic insomnia; in higher concentrations, it can keep someone under for hours, unable to be woken. If the dose is strong enough, it can cause a coma.

  Tripi – The equivalent of a penny in the clans’ monetary system.

  Turammin – metal from Turamm used for sheilding


  Cecilia Randell was born in Austin, Texas and grew up in a home with her very own Cheerful Bulldozer. After some brief adventures in various places such as California and Florida, she returned to her hometown and took up a career in drafting.

  A lifetime lover of words and stories, the transition to writing was two-fold: a comment from a relative and a short line from another author, saying to write what you want to read.

  And thus the
new adventure was born.

  Now she can be found most days curled up in a comfy chair and creating new tales to share with others.


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