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Daddy Commands

Page 4

by Maggie Ryan

  “With bubbles?”

  Chuckling, I wondered what my soldiers would think of their commanding office covered with bubbles… then again, they’d most likely be jealous as hell. “Sure, what’s a bath without bubbles? Go pick out which one you want,” I said, once again setting her on her feet and giving her bare ass a pat, loving her squeal as she hurried away.

  I secured the house, flipping off lights before I walked down the hall. I paused when I reached the bathroom. Standing in the threshold of the door, I had to smile. Hannah was bent over the side of the tub, pouring a stream of bubbles directly from the bottle into the water gushing from the faucet, giggling as the mound of bubbles grew taller and taller. The slightly too sweet aroma told me she’d picked the most floral scent she could. Sill, my cock twitched at the sight of her red buttocks, six welts lined up in a row bearing testament to the fact that I’d done as I’d promised and made her ass burn, so a little bit of payback was acceptable.

  “Smells like a field of flowers. A huge field,” I teased, causing her to give another giggle as she turned to face me. “Come here, let me undress you.”

  Once she stood before me, I grinned. “Arms up.” It wasn’t as if this would be the first or the thousandth time I’d seen her nude, but for some reason, watching her eyes glow and her face flush as she obediently lifted her arms was a definite first for me. I tugged her sweater over her head and then flicked open the catch of her bra, sliding it off her shoulders and tossing it onto the floor. God, she was beautiful. She was as light as I was dark, her hair blonde, her eyes a gorgeous aquamarine. The paleness of her skin made her rosy-tipped nipples seem even darker, reminding me of the ripest raspberries, waiting to be plucked.

  “Um, should I get in the tub?”

  “Not yet,” I answered, reaching to shut off the water. “First, I need to remove those little curls.”

  Her hands flew to cover her sex as her eyes grew wide. “Why?”

  “Because.” I pulled her arms to her sides and allowed my hand to take the place of hers. Tugging on a few of the curls, I loved her little yip and the fact that she instantly shifted her feet apart. “You’re under my command, and I’ve decided you will not be allowed anything to hide what’s mine from me.”

  “You never considered it hiding before.”

  I couldn’t argue that point, so simply picked her up and set her onto the countertop. “That was before. From now on, I don’t want anything to get in the way of you understanding that you aren’t in control.” I moved to the cabinet and gathered the supplies I needed, aware that she was watching my every movement.

  “Don’t you think that’s kind of silly?” she asked, but not in a disrespectful tone. “I mean, it’s just pubic hair. It’s not like I’ve ever truly considered it before.”

  I grinned and returned to stand before her. “Good, then you won’t even miss it now, will you? Pull your feet up and drop your legs open for me.”

  The flush that had begun on her face now spread to cover her chest as she obeyed. Though I’d been aware of the fact that she had been wet before her spanking, I saw that her sex was now quite soaked. I turned on the faucet in the sink and once the water was warm, soaked a washcloth, wrung it out, and then brought it to her open legs. Watching her expression, I cupped her mound with my cloth-covered hand, slowly drawing it up to remove the evidence of her arousal.

  “I-I didn’t mean to… I mean, I didn’t expect to…”

  “Baby, it’s nothing to be ashamed of or worry about. You are a sexual woman and your body is just reminding you that I love you very much. That doesn’t change just because I have to spank you.”

  Though she visibly relaxed at my assurance, when I repeated the gesture with the cloth several times, she bit her bottom lip, her legs trembling a bit. Extending a single finger beneath the cloth, I ran it over the protruding bud of her clit, loving her gasp.

  “It will be nice to be able to see this pearl swell and become engorged,” I said, using that same finger to spread the lips of her vulva, parting them slowly. “And, to see all this dew that gathers whenever you are standing at ease, thinking about your transgressions.”

  Her mewl was so soft, so erotic as the scent of her femininity wafted to mingle with the aroma of the floral bubble bath she’d chosen.

  “Without all those little curls, I’ll be able to know instantly exactly what my little recruit is truly feeling despite her loud protestations that she doesn’t appreciate having her ass tended to. Isn’t that right, Hannah?”

  “I… I guess.”

  “You guess correctly,” I said, giving her clit another swipe before dropping the cloth into the sink and reaching for the scissors. “Don’t be frightened. I’m not going to hurt you.”

  “I know you won’t.”

  It didn’t take long to snip away the curls after which I lathered the entire area with shaving gel. “Go ahead and lean back on your elbows.” Once she had, I pressed her legs open a bit more and then carefully began. Each swipe of the razor left behind a swath of smooth, pink skin. As I worked, she gave the occasional mewl, and I watched fresh cream gather in the seam of her sex. I’d never truly had a preference about a woman’s choice to shave or not. But, as I bared more and more of Hannah’s sex, I found I now had a definite new opinion. Using the cloth again, I wiped away every bit of the shaving gel and couldn’t help but bend to place a kiss upon her freshly denuded pussy. Broadening my tongue, I licked up in one long, slow swipe from her perineum to her clit and with her shudder and her gasp, was willing to bet that she was finding the entire experience as erotic as I was. Pulling back, I grinned to see her disappointment, and shook my head.

  “Up on your hands and knees, head down, legs spread.”


  “An obedient soldier does not question every command given.”

  I helped her into position, grateful that our master en-suite was large, the counters wide enough to offer her a safe place to sit or kneel. Spreading her still pink buttocks with one hand, I applied a bit of the gel to her cleft, using a finger to rub it around her pucker.

  “Oh, God,” she said, attempting to clench her bottom. “What… what are you doing?”

  “Finishing the job,” I replied nonchalantly, well aware that my little wife had yet to truly voice a desire to explore any type of anal play. With our new agreement, that was another thing I was determined to change. “Now, don’t move. This won’t hurt a bit.”

  I honestly didn’t think she even dared breathe while I carefully shaved her anus, removing the few hairs remaining. After a quick wash with the cloth, I once again bent down, this time to place a kiss on an area she’d never once considered as anything sexual. Her groan, her shudder, told me all I needed as I again broadened my tongue and drew it up her cleft.

  Lifting my head, I smiled to see her eyes were closed, her lips parted as if she wished to speak but had no idea what to say. Leaning forward, I kissed her cheek. “That’s my good girl. Nice and smooth.”

  I loved the color that suffused her skin as I lifted her from the counter and carried her to the tub. Lowering her in, I quickly shed my clothes and joined her. Pulling her back against my chest, I took her hand in mine and guided it to the junction between her thighs.

  “Tell me, how does that feel?” I asked, pressing her palm against her smooth pussy.

  “Dif… different,” she said softly, her voice hitching as I guided her hand lower, knowing she had to feel the hard button of her clit pressing against her palm.

  “Different good or bad?” I asked, my lips to her ear as I spoke.

  “Good,” she said.

  “I think so as well,” I said, licking a path down her neck before settling my teeth on her tender skin and taking a nibble. “I love tasting you… every single inch of you.”

  “I… I love that too,” she said, tilting her head to the side to give me even better access.

  “Put your hands on the edge of the tub and keep them there,” I ordered, each
word accompanied by a soft nibble. Once she had, I returned my hand to her sex, my fingers running up and down skin grown even slicker as her juices began to flow. My free hand moved to her breasts, weighing each one, squeezing softly before rolling her nipples, one, then the other, tugging, plucking, flicking as my fingers began to slide in and out of her sheath. Water sloshed and bubbles popped as her legs trembled, her gasps, moans, mewls, and pleas providing the music for the dance my hands were enjoying.

  “Remember, you no longer control a thing. Not even your own pleasure. Do not come without asking permission. Understand?”

  “Ye-yes, sir,” she managed, her body trembling, my ministrations causing her to breathe a little heavier, her breasts heaving.

  “Good girl,” I said, sucking on the side of her neck, knowing it would leave a mark—my mark—as surely as my palm had left my mark on her buttocks with her spanking. Sliding my hand a bit further south, I nudged the entrance of her ass with my thumb.


  “Please what?” I asked, rimming her pucker, teasing her with my fingers in her pussy. “Please may I come? Please slip my thumb into your pucker? Is that what you’re asking?”

  “No… yes… I-I don’t know,” she said, her back arching, her nipples so tight they surely ached.

  “Then I’ll decide that as well,” I said, breaching her anus for the first time as she arched, her keen so eerily soft, so primal that my cock threatened to erupt against her back. Pushing into her as fully as possible, I began to thrust my fingers in and out of her pussy, my thumb in and out of her ass until she was making incoherent sounds, her fingers moving to grip my arms.

  “No,” I chastised softly. “Where are those hands supposed to be?”

  A moan was her answer as she once again gripped the tub’s edge, her punishment a quick twist of each nipple and a hard thrust into her core and her ass.

  “Please… please, I-I can’t… I need to come… please…”

  “Then ask me correctly. Ask me to make you come.”

  Her breath hitched, her body tried to make my hands move, but they remained frozen until she obeyed. “Please, sir. Please make me come.”

  She’d learn that her daddy wouldn’t hesitate to set her ass on fire, but her husband would not hesitate to make her body burn in need.

  “Good girl,” I praised, beginning my strokes again, adding a slide over her distended clit as I flicked her nipples and plundered her ass and pussy. “Come for me, Hannah. Come hard for me. Come now.”

  With a scream, she obeyed, her body jerking, muscles clamping down to capture my fingers within her. I could feel her contractions as she convulsed, and knew that one day soon her muscles would be milking my cock where it would be buried deep up her bottom. I coaxed another orgasm from her, her cries just as loud, her convulsions practically folding her in two this time. My thrusts became softer, my strokes gentler as I brought her down until she was boneless against me.

  “That’s my very good girl,” I said, pulling my hands free. Turning her to face me, I cupped her face with my palms and bent to kiss her mouth. When her arms slipped around me, the complete surrender she’d offered filled me with such love that it was a wonder I could take a breath.

  “I love you, Hannah,” I said, pulling away to smile, to see the love reflected in her eyes.

  “I love you, too, Brett,” she said. “Happy anniversary.”

  “Happy new beginning.”

  Chapter Four


  “What the hell?”

  Brett grinned, lowering the lid to our biggest pot and the wooden spoon he’d used to make the godawful racket that had me jerking up in bed, my eyes flying open, and my heart slamming against my chest.

  “Time to rise and shine.”

  Shooting a glance at the clock on my nightstand, I had to blink twice to be sure I was seeing the numbers correctly. “Brett, it’s five-thirty in the morning!”

  “I know. Figured I’d give you a break and let you sleep in an extra half-hour. Because this is a special boot camp, instead of five minutes to shit, shower, and shave… and since I took care of shaving you last night, you’ve got ten minutes to use the bathroom, shower, and get dressed. Shorts, t-shirt, socks, and running shoes. Oh, and make sure you wear a support bra.”

  I didn’t even want to ask why he added that little caveat. I was still trying to determine if he was joking. Deciding he had to be, I flopped back on the pillow and pulled the covers over my head. When they were immediately yanked down, I could only stare up at him. “Brett, this isn’t funny. It’s Saturday and I’m tired. You kept me up last night.” Not that I’d really minded. After all, he’d been ‘up’ himself—so many times that I’d lost count of how often I’d begged for permission to come.

  “Nine minutes and counting,” he said. “If you don’t report in by then, you’ll be going on our run with a little incentive.”

  My eyes narrowed. “You can’t spank me. I haven’t broken any of our rules… sir.” That last word I’d thrown in to make sure he understood I wasn’t being disrespectful.

  “My camp, my rules.” He looked at the clock. “Eight minutes.”

  He left the room and I had a decision to make. Remain in bed and discover if he was just kidding about his insane idea that I’d be a participant in his ridiculous boot camp idea, or heed his words. Sighing, I sat up and the wince of my entire body weight resting on my poor butt reminded me that my husband might be running this camp, but my daddy wouldn’t hesitate to step in and provide an incentive to obey. Pretty sure that encouragement had something to do with the wooden spoon he’d kept tapping against his thigh, I sighed and climbed out of bed. I sure didn’t want another spanking.

  Once in the bathroom, I couldn’t resist turning to look over my shoulder to see my ass reflected in the mirror on the back of the door. I was shocked to discover that the welts he’d given me with his belt were gone. There was not a single blemish to show he’d punished me. Reaching back, I poked my buttock and changed my thought. Make that no visible evidence. Pulling my hair up into a high ponytail after I’d used the bathroom, I took the fastest shower of my life. After rummaging in my lingerie drawer to find the sports bra I hadn’t worn in recent memory, I just had time to pull my clothes on. A final glance at the clock had me grabbing my socks and sneakers and racing out of the bedroom.

  “You’re late,” the man who was quickly becoming a pain in my ass said as I burst into the kitchen.

  “Not more than a few seconds,” I countered.

  “Late is late and you’re not in the uniform specified.”

  When I just gaped at him, lifting my shoes and socks, he shook his head. Though he smiled, for some reason, it didn’t exactly make me feel forgiven.

  “You have a choice, recruit. Drop and give me a reason to be lenient, or drop your shorts and panties and accept the incentive I warned you about.”

  “Fine,” I said, dropping my socks and shoes and then going to my hands and knees, bracing myself with my palms flat on the floor. “You better not be expecting fifty. I doubt I can do five,” I said, lowering my torso and trying not to smash my nose into the tile, which I noticed could use a thorough scrubbing. Before I had to attempt to push myself up, wondering when this had become so hard, I squealed as he grabbed a handful of my t-shirt and hauled me up until I was kneeling.

  “I didn’t say anything about pushups, soldier.”

  “Why else would you want me to drop to my knees then?” When I realized that I was looking at his crotch and saw the bulge that tented the front of his shorts, I could feel my face heating. “Oh!” Tilting my head back, I met his eyes. “Permission to speak freely, sir?”

  “Permission granted.”

  “I sincerely doubt that there is anything in the army handbook that states an officer has the right to command a recruit give him a blowjob.”

  “You’re thinking about the wrong handbook, soldier. I guarantee that in the Brett Griffith book, there is an entire s
ection on penalties paid by the sole recruit enrolled.” He grinned, his lips twitching and his eyebrow lifting. “There is another section on how the officer of the day, that’s me in case you’re wondering, can use any incentives at his disposal to properly motivate his recruit to be all that she can be.”

  I honestly didn’t know whether to call him on his bullshit or giggle. But, being a woman not above using her own incentives to sway her man at least a bit, I snapped my hand to my forehead. “Private Hannah reporting for blowjob duty as requested, sir.”

  Brett actually saluted back, and once I dropped my hand, he dropped his shorts.

  Wrapping one hand around the base of his cock, I cupped his balls with the other. Having learned how to please him, I bent down and ran my tongue over his sac as I gently fondled it. His cock twitched in my hold and I smiled. Who is in command now, Major? Of course, I didn’t actually say that out loud. Instead, I continued to take tiny licks and then drew his testicles into my mouth, suckling gently. I loved both the sound of his indrawn breath and the feel of his hand wrapping around my ponytail that I’d inadvertently provided as the perfect handle. After a few moments, I released his balls from my mouth and ran my tongue up the length along the underside of his shaft. Reaching the head, I found it already glistening with pre-cum that had seeped out of the tiny slit of his crown. Tilting my head back, I saw him gazing down, and the smoldering look in his eyes had me quivering. God, he was sexy as shit. Using the tip of my tongue to spread the fluid over the entirety of his cockhead, I opened my lips wide and took him into my mouth.

  I didn’t hurry, suckling and licking as I accepted more of him with every bob of my head. When I released him, moving to lick and place little kisses along his shaft, before taking him inside my mouth again, he pulled my head back with nothing more than a tug on my hair.

  “Remember, this is a penalty you’re paying. This time take more.”

  The command reminded me exactly who was in control. I guided him back into my mouth, taking him much deeper, but obviously not deep enough. The hand in my hair pulled me closer, forcing his cock to nudge against the back of my throat. I couldn’t help but gag as he pulled me even closer. With another tug, he allowed me to breathe. Again and again, he pushed me further than ever before. Drool slipped past my lips, my stomach clenched against the instinct to retch, my lungs protested the freedom to draw in oxygen, and yet I didn’t attempt to push away, allowing submission to flow through me as he took his pleasure and I paid my penalty. He pulled away again.


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