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Fur Ever Witched (Black Paw Pack Book 2)

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by Melanie James

  “Years ago, a coven of witches attacked Black Paw unprovoked. They came in with their wands and spells, ready to take down anyone who stood up to them. I remember the day like it was yesterday.”

  “What happened?”

  Lucas had never wished for a mating connection more than he did at that very moment. It would be so much easier to show Erin the memories than it would be to voice what happened. The worst day of his life, and he never talked about it. Even after all these years. The pain was still too much to bear.

  “They attacked in the evening, just as families were settling down for the night. House by house they busted down doors, looking for something or someone. We were taken by surprise, never hearing or scenting anyone approaching. Entire families were slaughtered.”

  Lucas paused, the ache in his chest overwhelming him. Had he been in human form, his mate would have seen tears streaming down his face.

  “My dad, my sisters, my pregnant mother, my grandparents. All of them. My entire family killed by witches. Make no mistake, Erin. With Odin as my witness, if I ever lay my hands on a witch, she will die a brutal death. I will avenge my family for the unforgiveable acts they suffered at the hands of witches. Now, you’ll tell me who you got the fucking spell from.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Never had she gotten along better with Lucas than she had this evening. For once, they weren’t at each other’s throats. She actually didn’t want to kill him—until right there at the end when he’d just had to go and flip the asshole switch.

  Would the frustrating man ever realize that she didn’t respond well to threats and demands?

  Erin thought back over her conversation with Lucas. It had gone surprisingly well until he shared the horror that befell his family.

  She paced from the kitchen to the living room and back. Cerulean sparks sizzled from her fingertips.

  Now that she was back in human form and highly agitated, her witch was amped and ready to go. How did I not know what happened? Why did no one tell me?

  Her situation had just gone from bad to worse with her mate’s tell-all style confession.

  “What the hell am I going to do?” Erin asked her wolf. “He’ll kill us for sure now. You know that, right?”

  A knock sounded at the door, pulling Erin from her inner dialog with her wolf.

  God damn it. The man does not give up.

  Marching to the door, Erin pulled it open in one swift move. “You are such an entitled ass—”

  Erin’s jaw nearly hit the floor when she saw Rafe looking at her in disbelief.

  “Oh my God, Rafe. I’m so sorry. I thought you were—”

  “Lucas?” Rafe arched an eyebrow.

  A small chuckle escaped her mouth. “Yeah, how did you know?”

  “I can’t even begin to tell you the number of times I’ve bit back similar statements. So are you going to leave your Alpha standing out in the cold or what?”

  “Oh God. Where are my manners? Please come in.” Erin moved to the side, allowing Rafe to enter. Glancing down at her fingertips, she willed her witch to calm the fuck down. The last thing she needed was for Rafe to see her fingers glowing and sparking.

  “So…what can I do for you?” Erin showed Rafe to the living room and motioned for him to sit. Rafe rarely visited her home. The few times he had dropped by had usually involved pack business of the most urgent nature.

  “He knows,” her wolf warned.

  Erin tried not to panic. “Would you like a drink or something?” The words flew from her mouth. Her heart pounded against her ribs. Though she’d never passed out before, she suddenly felt faint.

  Am I even breathing?

  That was the last thing Erin remembered before opening her eyes and seeing Rafe kneeling over her. His lips moved but she didn’t hear a sound, other than an odd ringing in her ears.

  “Erin. Erin! Are you okay? Should I call your mom or Lucas?”

  Now that she heard. Loud and clear. “No!” she shouted. Lucas did not need to be present to witness her execution. Neither did her mom.

  “What happened?” Slowly she sat up, and the room around her spun like a few bad turns on a tilt-a-whirl.

  Rafe handed her a bottle of Coke. “Here, you need some sugar in your system. You passed out.”

  Without saying a word, Erin accepted the soda Rafe offered and took a few swigs. She leaned back against the sofa and closed her eyes, waiting for her Alpha to declare her life void.

  She tried like hell to hold back the tears that formed in her eyes, but it proved to be too much.

  All of her life she had just wanted to be normal. Just a wolf or just a witch. Not a forbidden mix of the two. She longed to be accepted for who and what she truly was. She didn’t want to have to live in fear of others discovering her secret.

  Day after day, she’d fastened the charmed amulet her mother had given her around her neck. Lies poured from her mouth with every conversation she had.

  She hated the way she was forced to live and who she had become. Maybe Rafe finding out would be for the best. Maybe it would finally end the cacophony of the unforgivable untruths she lived in.

  Rafe took a deep breath before beginning. “Erin, I’m just going to put this out there. I’ve known since you came of age that your parents masked your true scent from the pack.”

  Erin’s eyes flew open, landing directly on her Alpha. “How?”

  “Years ago, your father came to my father in fear of persecution from the witches and rival packs. They were on the run and desperately needed to find a safe haven. My father consulted the ancient ruins and gods for guidance. After granting your parents temporary asylum, my father wanted to know more about the unlikely pairing before making any final decisions.”

  Rafe paused to take a sip of his soda.

  “Anyway, one day I was mauled by a grizzly bear. In my youth, I thought I was invincible. I found out pretty quickly that wasn’t the case. Your mother saw me crawling home bloodied and broken. She called for my father and explained the extent of my injuries. The internal bleeding was worsening by the second—faster than my own majik could heal me. It was only a matter of time before I died.”

  “Rafe, I had no idea.” Erin took a deep breath.

  “To make a long story short, Brenna used her healing majik on me. Just like you did that night with Mina, and again with her sister. When my father saw the lengths your mom went to in order to save me, he knew her heart was pure and good. It wasn’t her fault or your father’s fault the Fates paired them as true mates. He didn’t believe they should be punished for something they had no control over. Later that day, my father fully welcomed them into the pack with open arms.”

  “Why am I the last to know these things?” Erin was more than a little miffed at her parents for not telling her the Alpha had known all along that she was part witch.

  “They didn’t say anything because my father ordered them not to speak of it, to anyone. That was also when your mom came up with the idea of masking your scent from the rest of the pack. It never dawned on me until recently that your parents still held on to the oath they swore to my dad.”

  Erin was flabbergasted. For once in her life she had no idea what to say. Collectively her wolf and witch breathed a sigh of relief.

  “Not long after that, the witches came looking for your mother. Because they were able to mask their scents so effectively, it was a full-on slaughter. On both sides. Many good wolves lost their lives that day. But when we realized what was happening, we started to fight back and decimated their numbers.”

  “Oh man.” No matter how much Erin willed it to, the story did not improve. Not one iota.

  “Exactly. After the attack, the survivors vowed to kill witches on sight. Including Lucas. Your parents offered to leave, but my dad wouldn’t hear of it. As long as your mom’s true identity remained a secret, all would be well.”

  “So where does all of this leave me?” Erin sucked in a deep breath, wondering if her situation could b
e any more complicated. She’d also never cursed her ancestry more than she did at that moment. How could her mother’s people have slaughtered so many innocents?

  “It leaves you where it has always left you. Between a rock and a hard place. As far as Lucas goes, I had no idea that he was your true mate until the day Twisted Tail attacked. I’m certain his wolf already knows what you are. He would have tasted the difference in your blood immediately. The good news is, the wolf accepts you as you are.”

  Erin finished Rafe’s sentence. “The bad news is, the man never will.”

  Rafe took a deep breath. Concern laced his handsome face. “I honestly don’t know. I wish I could tell you to follow your heart and all would be well. I do think you need to tell him the truth and let the cards fall where they may.”

  “I don’t know if I can do that.” The thought alone terrified her.

  “Erin, you know just as well as I do that if he finds out from someone else, shit’s going to hit the fan. Your best chance at making a go of it is being honest with yourself and him.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Erin tossed and turned in her sleep. Nightmares of Lucas ripping her throat open haunted her dreams.

  She awoke more than once sitting upright, with a blood-curdling scream that could have woken the dead.

  Erin gave up on sleep for the time being and went in search of a bottle of water. Maybe if she cleared her head, she’d be able to get at least a few hours of sleep before she had to be at work.

  She chugged the ice-cold water, grabbed a blanket and pillow from her bed, and headed for the living room. Once she was snuggled into a makeshift nest on the couch, she grabbed the remote and flipped through the channels in search of a movie that would be good to fall asleep to.

  “Why put a movie on if you want to sleep?” her wolf asked.

  “I can’t handle the silence anymore. I need something to take my mind off the fact that Lucas is going to kill us when he finds out about us.”

  “How about Animal Planet?”

  “No. My luck, I’ll wake up to elephants going at it.”

  Erin ignored her wolf’s pleas and turned on one of her favorite romantic comedy movies, thinking at least someone should have a happy ending.

  The next thing she was aware of was Lucas calling her name.

  “Erin, wake up.” He shook her lightly in an effort to wake her.

  “Go away.” She pulled the covers over her eyes and rolled over.

  “Time to wake up, Sleeping Beauty, we need to talk.”

  “I don’t want to talk to you. I hate you.” Erin tried batting Lucas away, but he refused to budge. “Wait, how did you get in my apartment?”

  Her mate didn’t bother answering. Instead, he scooped her up from the couch and carried her to the bedroom.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing? Put me down, you beast!” He didn’t so much as miss a step, despite her threats and flailing arms pounding against his chest.

  Lucas rounded the corner and pushed her bedroom door open with his foot. She had to admit that this whole caveman routine was one of his more well-honed skills.

  Under different circumstances, she just might like it.

  Erin shrieked when Lucas tossed her onto the bed. He quickly toed off his boots before stripping bare before her very eyes.

  She wanted to look away, but she couldn’t. Her eyes were glued to the sight in front of her. Lean muscle covered his finely toned body. She didn’t know where to look first. Top? Bottom? Middle?

  What was the proper protocol when the man you’d been crushing on your entire life suddenly stripped, without warning, for your viewing pleasure?

  Hell, if he wanted to show off what the good Lord gave him, who was she to deny him that opportunity?

  With her decision made, Erin’s eyes started at the top, soaking in each of his tempting features.

  She wanted to run her fingers through his jet black hair, then down to his chiseled face, high cheekbones, and strong chin. The scar that ran across his right cheek only added to his aura of danger.

  Her eyes roamed further south, finding a dusting of dark hair covering his thick chest and abs.

  As a grown-ass woman, she should have shown some restraint and looked away, but when she caught sight of his happy trail, she had to know just how happy he was to see her.

  “Oh. My. God.”

  As a doctor she was more than familiar with the basic male anatomy, so seeing his hard cock standing at attention shouldn’t have come as a shock to her, but it did. He was everything she had ever dreamed of or imagined—and more.

  Her wolf stole a single glance and whimpered.

  “Take a number, sweetie. You’re not the only one needing right now.”

  Freyja forgive her, she desired this man. More than her next breath, she needed to feel his thick, strong arms wrapped around her, holding her tight while he made love to her. She wanted his hands caressing every inch of her body. The very thought of touching, of tasting Lucas drove her wild. Liquid heat pooled in her belly, and her veins burned with lust.

  Erin watched as Lucas crawled slowly onto the bed. By the look in his eyes, he meant to devour every curve she had to offer.

  Her mind fired off warning signals in rapid succession, but the flickering flames of the warnings were quickly stamped out by her hormones. Each and every one of those bitches stood up and told her mind to shut the fuck up.

  The slightest lick of her lips was all it took for Lucas to pounce on her like a wild beast. Their tongues clashed in a wicked dance, fueling her already burning desire.

  She gasped as he tore through her flimsy tank top and panties. Erin thought she’d died and gone to Fólkvangr when he grabbed her by the hair, holding her head steady while he made love to her mouth.

  Was it possible to orgasm from a single kiss? The thought had never crossed her mind until that very minute, as he pushed her climax to the brink with a single seductive kiss. One touch was all it would take to send her over the top.

  Erin moaned at the loss when Lucas broke away, but her disappointment didn’t last long. His teeth grazed over her earlobe then down to her neck and chest. She nearly died when his lips landed on her breasts. She tossed her head back onto the pile of pillows when he drew her nipple into his mouth and sucked.

  And Lucas didn’t stop there. He nibbled his way down to her stomach before pausing to glance up at her.

  Never had she been more turned on in her life. The sight of him kissing every inch of her body was more than she could handle. The desire in his emerald eyes held more power over her than she ever wanted to admit.

  When he looked at her like she was the reason for his very existence, her heart melted. How could she ever deny him when it would hurt him? The last thing she wanted was to see a hurt that she had caused in those eyes.

  A blush crept over her face when he whispered, “I need to taste you.”

  Butterflies danced in her belly as she swallowed her fears and nodded her approval.

  Lucas didn’t waste a second. Erin watched as he gently pulled her legs apart. A fresh case of nerves ran through her at the intimacy of the act, and she squeezed her eyes shut.

  “Look at me, Erin,” Lucas ordered.

  “I—I can’t.”

  “Yes, you can. I want you to see me. Make no mistake—it’s my name you’ll be shouting.”

  She opened her eyes and watched as he slowly worked his way between her legs. She moaned with pleasure as he sucked her clit into his mouth while two of his fingers teased her opening.

  Her hips twisted as she pushed herself up against his head. Brilliant white lights flashed behind her eyes. She bucked against him once, then a second time, clutching his hair for support.

  Erin panted as he worked her climax to an all-new high, sucking and licking her from front to back and everything in-between. Her body thrashed under him. Her head tossed and turned as moan after moan flew from her mouth.

  “Tell me what you want, Erin.” L
ucas pulled back momentarily, allowing her to catch her breath.

  She tried—but failed—to collect her thoughts. The only thing Erin could fully process was the fact that Lucas had just given her the greatest orgasm of her life. Coherent thought was not a possibility after that cataclysmic encounter.

  “Tell me what you want,” Lucas demanded again.

  She had no idea what she wanted or what words to use. “I know I don’t want the pleasure to stop.” Deciding to turn the tables, she asked, “What do you want?”

  “I want to feel your tight pussy stretching around my cock.” Lucas slid two fingers deep inside her, pumping them back and forth, mimicking the act he most wanted.

  “Oh God, yes! I need more!”

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Open the door, Erin. I know you’re in there!” Lucas pounded on the flimsy wooden door, preparing to kick his way through the already weakened wood.

  “Gods, woman, I can smell you. Open the damn door before I break it down,” Lucas huffed, running his fingers through his hair.

  Desperation ripped through his body, through his wolf. They needed to take care of their mate.

  The second her erotic dream had started, his cock stood at attention, throbbing. After two ice-cold showers, he shifted into his wolf form and busted his wolf’s ass to get to Erin’s apartment in record time.

  He paced the length of her sidewalk repeatedly, hoping she’d wake up or the dream would end. Odin did not smile down upon him or grant him any favors. The dream continued, going on and fucking on. It was like having his own personal porn video playing in his head. Every single sexual act they performed in his mate’s dream streaked through his mind.

  Fuck me. This has got to stop. I can’t take it anymore.

  Erin’s hot-as-fuck dream had him rock hard and licking his lips, needing to taste her sweet juices. Lucas was about to lose his godforsaken mind. His wolf foamed at the mouth, needing to please his mate.

  The hotter the dream got, the more agitated the man and wolf became. Crazed didn’t even begin to cover their state of mind.


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