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Slow Grind (Men of Mornington Book 1)

Page 10

by Missy Johnson

  I stop for fuel, and before I start my car up again, I quickly call Nash, keen to see if he has anything from the call he was supposed to make to the owner of the hotel.

  “What’s up?” he answers on the third ring.

  “That’s why I’m calling. Anything on the hotel? Do we have a venue?”

  “Yeah. Just left, and they’re on board to host the event. Jake said as long as we put the name and address on the leaflets, he’ll donate their biggest function room to the cause.”

  “Fuckin’ winner,” I grin.

  “He gave us a date for Saturday, June twentieth, which gives us three weeks. I think he’s hoping it’ll pull in some out of town business and not just the locals. He’ll make a killing on room rates.”

  “Great,” I say, hoping we can pull this off in such a short amount of time. “Okay, I’m going to get the leaflets printed up and start handing them out. I’ll also get the word out through radio stations, maybe an ad in the local paper. If you have any more ideas, hit me up.” I scowl, suddenly remembering Em. “Unless they involve my sister,” I growl, and Nash laughs.

  “I didn’t think you’d be too happy, but you gotta face it, mate, Emma has a huge following,” I grunt in response, but he’s right. My sister kills it when it comes to what she does. “People might come just because she’s there. It can’t hurt to have all the publicity we can.”

  “You’re right, but I’m still pissed.”

  “You’ll get over it,” he assures me. “Once we rake in the money, it’ll be long forgotten.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” I mumble and get back to business. “We need to carve out some time to work with Aubrey. I’m supposed to meet up with her in the next day or two to see what she’s thinking as far as a routine. Once we have it figured out, we’ll bring in you guys so we can all learn it together.”

  “Uh huh. You sure you’re not just trying to rub up on Aubs?” I can’t tell if he’s being serious or joking, but either way, it pisses me off.

  “Why does everyone think I want in her pants?” I grumble.

  “Because we know you. And because she’s into you as much as you are her,” he laughs. “But just remember, you hit that and Max will hit you.”

  “Whatever, I can take him,” I grin. “I’ll call you when I have more.”

  Chapter Ten


  For what feels like the tenth time in the last hour, I check my phone. Nothing. I toss it aside, annoyed the arsehole hasn’t had the decency to make even the slightest bit of contact with me. You can’t kiss someone like that and then do nothing. In what world does kissing mean incommunicado? Was I a bad kisser? Was it a huge mistake? Oh God, the over thinking is going to kill me.

  Every possible scenario has been running through my mind. Did it mean more to me than it did him? Did it mean nothing to him? He probably kisses girls like that all the time. I was probably just one of another ten he had lined up for Friday. Stop it, Aubs. But I can’t. Because it’s been two freaking days of no contact and I’m going crazy trying to work out where we stand.

  The doorbell rings, and I jog to answer it, a sick feeling welling in my stomach. It’s going to be either Drew or Mum, and I’m not sure who I want to see less right now. Swinging open the door, my heart pounds when I see Drew with his trademark grin, and just like that, I melt into a puddle of mush, forgetting all of the earlier thoughts of self-doubt. Cursing myself for being so weak, I narrow my eyes, cocking my eyebrow as I stare at him.

  “Drew,” I say, keeping my tone cool. Folding my arms firmly over my chest, he shifts awkwardly on his feet, and I wait for him to say something. As far as I’m concerned, the ball’s in his court. The girls aren’t supposed to do the calling after a kiss like that...

  “Before you say anything, let me speak,” he says as if I was actually going to be the first to talk. Men … Pfft. “The other night shouldn’t have happened. I have no idea what came over me, and the last thing I want is for things to be awkward between us.”

  “So it was a mistake?” Bullshit. I felt the connection in that kiss and judging from the way he can’t meet my eyes right now, I know he did, too.

  “Of course it was.” He says it a little too fast, and with a little too much certainty, that I begin to doubt myself. I can’t believe how stupid I am to think maybe he actually wanted me. Tears sting my eyes, but I remain strong, refusing to show him how hurt I am.

  “Aubs, I love you, you know that.” He sighs and rakes a hand through his thick hair. “But you’re way too young for me, and Max would kill me.” Max—of course, it’s Max. In all my over thinking, did I think Max would let something like Drew and me be okay? Not even for one second, but it would have been nice to have someone stand up to him.

  “Sure, it’s fine. Is that all?” My fingers shake as they grip hold of the door, ready to slam it shut the second he leaves. He doesn’t get my tears. He was right … such a stupid mistake. A stupid, split-second mistake that changes the course of everything. The fantasy of how wonderful he could be was ruined with one touch of our lips. How sad.

  “Can I come in?” he dares to ask after he’s just crushed my heart.

  “Why?” Can’t he just leave me to wallow in peace? It’s like he wants to see me break down. Who knows, maybe that’s what he gets off on.

  “Because I want to make sure you’re okay.”

  “I’m fine,” I mutter. I push the door wide open, allowing him inside. He follows me into the living room, where I pick up my half-full glass of wine and skull it. He raises an eyebrow but doesn’t say anything until I fill the glass again and do the same.


  “So, the more I think about this, the more I think I should strip, too,” I say, feeling the effects of the wine even more. “I’m sure I can find a few guys who would pay to see this.” Even if you wouldn’t.

  “You’re not stripping.” His tone is as cold as the look in his eyes. “You said your major was dance, but I doubt it was ‘watch me fuck this pole’ kind of dancing.”

  “You have no idea what I’m capable of, Andrew,” I retort, my eyes flashing. “I’m not twelve anymore. Trust me when I say I’ve come into my own as a woman, and dammit, I know how to use my body.”

  “Twerking, or whatever it’s called these days, is far from what a guy would pay for at a strip club. Trust me on that, darlin’. I’ve had my fair share of lap dances; I’d know. Aren’t you some kind of prima ballerina, anyway? Again, proving my point, Aubs.” I narrow my eyes at him, wanting nothing more than to punch that smirk off his face.

  “You know what, you arsehole? You think I’m not capable of bringing a man to his knees?” Standing up from the couch, I pull my hair from the messy bun and rake my fingers through the tangles. Turning my back to Drew, I unzip my hoodie and glance back at him to see him watching me with wide eyes. “You still doubt me?”

  “Knock it off, Aubrey,” he replies with a strained voice. “You’re pushing buttons you don’t want to push.”

  I’ve waited years for you to look at me like you looked at those other girls. I’m not stopping now. I will prove you want me as badly as I want you and it’s not a figment of my imagination.

  I let the jacket hit the floor and slowly and sensually pull my shirt over my head, letting it fall atop of the jacket. Standing in the living room, wearing nothing but a short skirt and bra, I turn toward Drew and lazily stalk toward him, the confidence I’m exuding in complete contrast to the crazy nerves I’m feeling inside. Am I really doing this? Oh God, I’m really doing this. He readjusts his position, and his pupils dilate so much, his entire eyes are nearly black. I breathe in, my effect on him intoxicating. After all this time, he’s going to see who I really am and what I’m capable of. All I want is to prove to him I’m not a child anymore.

  “Aubrey,” he mutters as I turn back around and plant my arse on his groin. Pushing my hair over the shoulder furthest from his face, I lean back on his chest.

  “You still doubt me?”
I ask again. After a few beats without a response, I slowly grind my arse in small circles. His hands grip the widest parts of my hips and gently squeeze. He groans loudly, and I know I’ve won, but I’m far from done. I want to hear him say it.

  Placing my hand on top of his, I move it to my stomach for him to feel my soft flesh. His other grips my hip tighter and continues to get tighter as I push the one I have trapped beneath mine further up my body until we reach the clasp of my bra nestled between my cleavage.

  “Still doubt me, Drew?” I whisper huskily. He exhales so hard, I feel his breath on my cheek. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t turned on, but feeling him growing beneath my still grinding arse has me pushing further than I initially intended. I honestly figured once I sat on his lap, he’d give in, but no, of course not. Not Drew.

  When he fails to answer, I move to unclip the clasp, but his hand swiftly moves from beneath mine to on top, firmly holding me in place.

  “What’s the game here, Aubrey?” he gasps, and I turn my head to meet his searching stare.

  “I’ll answer your question when you answer mine.”

  “I see where you’re going with this, Aubs. You want me to admit I’m turned on?” Yes.

  “You want to see how far you can push me.” Yes.

  Knowing he’s trying to corner me and win yet again, I repeat my question. “Still doubt me?”

  “You want me, Aubrey?”

  “No.” Yes.

  “Are you lying?”

  “No.” Yes.

  “Are you wet?”

  “No.” Yes.

  “I bet you want me to pull out my dick and slip inside your wet pussy, don’t you?”

  “No.” Yes.

  “I never doubted you for one second, Aubs,” he whispers, rubbing his thumb over my lower lip. I close my eyes, a sigh escaping me. “You wanted to know if I was turned on?”

  “Yes.” For the love of all things holy, yes. I’ve been waiting to hear this forever.

  “All I’ve thought of since you got back is how fucking sexy you are. How much I’d love to dive face first into your pussy, or how badly I wanted you to come on my face and my dick. I want everything with you, Aubs.”

  I could die happy. I’ve never felt the pull I feel with Drew with anyone else. Nate was a close second, but I could never bring myself to want him the way I’ve always wanted Drew.

  “So why not take it?” I urge him. “It’s right here, Drew. Literally right in your lap.”

  “If you weren’t my best mate’s little sister, who I swore not to touch, I’d already have you bent over this couch screaming my name,” he mutters.

  And that’s all I need to hear. It really is Max, and there’s no coming between those guys. They’re the pure definition of ride or die, and no woman, no matter how much she loves one of them, will ever break that bond. Not even me.

  Embarrassed, I jump off his lap, grab my shirt and quickly walk down the hall to the guest room. No matter what I do, I’m never going to not be Aubrey Rosewood. I’m forever Max Rosewood’s little sister, and I can’t compete with true, honest-to-God friendship.

  He’s never going to see the person I am or think of me in any other way. Not as long as Max is around. I hate myself for even thinking that, but it’s the truth.

  The sooner I let go of Drew, the better off I will be.


  I lie in bed the next morning, laughing as I read an email from Jacey, keeping me up to date with everything I’m missing back home. The last of the exams have just finished, which means the entire campus is in party mode, and Jacey can party like the best of them.

  Last year, she dragged me to a huge kegger, where half the graduating class was partying like it was the last day they’d ever get to have fun before entering the real world. Knowing how competitive I am, she bet the entire Kappa house that we—me, Jacey and Kelsie—would drink them all under the table. The terms of the bet: if I won, they’d have to jog through the quad in our underwear. If they won, we’d have to enjoy the rest of the party in only our underwear. I tried so hard to get out of it, but as soon as the guys got the idea of girls partying in their undies, they were sold.

  As soon as the first red cup was set in front of me, I quickly downed it, as did Kelsie, but Jacey took her sweet time. I wasn’t sure if she had some kind of secret drinking superpower, but I went with it. After round three, I was feeling the buzz heavily and Kelsie’s eyes were already glazed over. Jacey, though, was sipping like a champ. I walked over to her side of the table and whispered, “What are you doing? Pacing yourself?”

  “Nope, on the next round, follow my lead,” she answered, and I nodded.

  The next round came around quicker than I imagined, and I carefully clued Kelsie in to follow whatever Jacey did. That’s when Jacey literally crawled under the table, drink in hand, followed closely by Kelsie and me. Technically, we won, as we drank them under the table, and the next hour was spent by the three of us riding around in Kelsie’s car as the boys jogged in thongs around the quad.

  Tears prick my eyes as I realise how much I really miss that girl. After I finish the email, I tap out a quick text.

  Me: I miss you, buttercup. Under the table.

  Jacey: UNDER THE FUCKING TABLE!!! Best. Night. Ever.

  Me: Come see me … please?

  Jacey: Two weeks? My parents owe me a graduation gift. No better present than a ticket to Oz with my best bitch.

  Me: For real? You’ll come? Swear it!

  Jacey: I’ll let you know, but yeah, I’m in.

  Me: I love you. I hope they say yes. I need you.

  Jacey: Everything good? Should I bring body bags?

  Me: Nah, nothing like that, just homesick.

  Jacey: Isn’t there your home?

  Me: Technically, yes, but best friends are home. Max has his best friends; I want mine.

  Jacey: Order up! Best friend on her way!

  As it clicks over to afternoon, I finally throw back the covers and reluctantly make my way down to the kitchen, not able to properly start the day until I’ve had at least three coffees. I catch sight of myself in the hallway mirror and cringe. Thank God the only person who sees me in the morning is Max.

  By the time I hear the voices, it’s too late. I’ve already rounded the corner into the kitchen, and I’m in full view of my brother and all of the guys. Nash spots me first and lets out a loud chuckle. I consider hiding my braless chest, but I don’t have anything they haven’t seen before. Max will probably be pissed about me walking around in a pair of yoga shorts and singlet, but I’m in no mood to care. He’s got cancer; he needs to worry about that, not my attire.

  “Big night, huh?” he asks.

  Four other sets of eyes turn to stare at me, but the only ones I’m concerned about are Drew’s. His gaze locks on mine, and I force a tight smile.

  “Something like that. I didn’t realise you were all coming over.”

  “Thought we should get everything sorted as quickly as possible. Makes sense to get all the planning out of the way now so we have enough time to practice.” Drew’s eyes trail down over my loose singlet which hangs just below my arse. I tug at the hem, wishing it was a few inches longer.

  “Sure, uh, well, I might go and get dressed,” I say, feeling on the outer. I’m as much a part of this as anyone.

  “Yeah, unless you plan to walk around all day in that,” Drew comments. My face heats as the guys chuckle. Why wouldn’t Drew at least text me to warn me he and all the guys were going to be in my living room? I know I’m being ridiculous, but I can’t help it. I need to blame him for something, and this is the perfect excuse.

  After a quick shower, I choose a pair of leggings from my suitcase and a long-sleeved tee shirt that hugs my curves. I glance around at all my clothes strewn everywhere. Maybe I should get around to unpacking one day. Chances are I’m going to be here a while.

  I run a brush through my thick hair, wishing I’d taken the time to wash it yesterday so it wasn�
�t so unmanageable. When I finally tuck it up into a bun, I throw on some mascara and run some gloss over my lips.

  Why am I feeling so shit this morning? I feel like I shouldn’t have even bothered getting out of bed. I reach for my phone and text Emma. She should be here if only to give me someone to talk to. I have no idea how, but I’ve turned back into the cute kid who follows her brother and his mates around. I left that girl here a long time ago and had no plans of picking her back up … guess my heart had other ideas.

  Me: I’ve been here two days and you haven’t come to see me? Get your arse over here, stat.

  No sooner than I’ve shoved the phone in my pocket, it’s vibrating. Dragging it back out, I smile when I see Emma’s name.

  Emma: Dude, so many times I’ve wanted to, but you kinda deserted me back then. You broke my twelve-year-old heart. Total honesty? I’m not sure how I feel about you, Aubs.

  Immediately, I feel guilty. I’ve been dreading reconnecting with Em because of how I left all those years ago. I wouldn’t blame her if she hated me. In fact, that would almost be easier than realising everything I missed. Friendships like ours don’t come along very often. I’m lucky I found another close friend in Jacey.

  I take a deep breath, knowing what I need to do. I press call and lift the phone to my ear, running over in my head exactly what I’m going to say. Only when she answers, I go blank.

  “Aubrey?” she repeats. “Are you there?”

  “I’m here,” I blurt out. Pressing my palm against my forehead, I let out a groan. “I don’t even know what to say to you other than you’re right. I was a bad friend.”

  “No, a bad friend borrows a dress and doesn’t give it back. You left the freaking country. You went AWOL. I had no idea what happened to you. Dude, I thought it was me.” She goes quiet. “I thought you’d figured me out and that’s why you ended our friendship.”


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