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Secrets In The Dark: A M/M Age Play Romance

Page 14

by M. A. Innes

  “Well, Dr. Sheppard advised that before any punishments were decided on that we should have additional discussions.”

  More discussions? He might combust if they had to talk about punishments while he was this hard. “I thought it was pretty clear. At least about the…the…the orgasm stuff.”

  Some of the stress seemed to leave Edward’s voice. “I thought so. Please reiterate the terms of our discussion regarding the orgasm instruction. I want to make sure we are both in agreement.”

  Please say he wasn’t going to have to do this. His cock was already leaving a wet spot on his pants and he was so hard he hurt. “Daddy…I…”

  “No, Mason. I need to make sure I was clear enough on the consequences.” The iron in Edward’s voice let Mason know he wasn’t going to wiggle out of this discussion.

  Taking a deep breath, he willed his cock to behave. “You said…you said that I couldn’t touch my—my cock and I couldn’t orgasm this week.” He took another deep breath. “And you said that in the future I—I needed to ask for permission before…masturbating.”

  Hoping that would be enough, Mason groaned when Edward paused then responded with, “And?”

  Would pinching his cock to get the damn thing under control count as playing with it? “If…” he had to take another deep breath. “You said that if I couldn’t stop myself from…from touching my cock then you had something that you would use to…help.” He would definitely come everywhere if Edward made him say cock cage.

  “Very good.” Edward seemed excited; his voice was much more relaxed. “I want to go into this in more detail but the basic discussion I want to have is about consequences and punishments. Discussing the differences and options for when they become necessary.”

  Mason noticed that Edward said when, not if. He had to agree. It would definitely be when he needed to be punished. Just knowing that he would be punished sometime was like a fantasy that was floating just out of reach.

  “Umm, what do you mean?” There was not enough blood in his brain to follow Edward’s thoughts.

  “For example, with the current rule regarding the lack of masturbation this week, if you were not able to follow the rule then a consequence would be to apply a device to physically prevent you from disobeying. That would not be a punishment, simply a logical next step to prevent disobedience.” Edward paused, waiting for Mason’s response probably.

  “Okay, that’s understandable.”

  “A punishment would be something like a spanking or corner time as a way to correct your behavior.”

  Mason reached down and grabbed the base of his cock. It was the only thing that stopped the orgasm that threatened to explode. Listening to Edward calmly discuss one of Mason’s hottest fantasies pushed him right to the edge.

  He’d dreamed of being bent over his daddy’s lap and spanked for years. The idea of being spanked and put in the corner for being bad was so hot he couldn’t stop his reaction. Moaning as his painfully hard cock throbbed, Mason couldn’t hide his reaction from his daddy.

  “Are you all right, Boy?” There was concern in Edward’s voice. It was obvious that he didn’t understand how erotic this conversation was to Mason.

  Getting himself under control, Mason took another deep breath. “Yes, Daddy. Just a little—um, hard.”

  “Ahh, are you finding the rule too difficult to follow?” The heat was back in Edward’s voice.

  Mason couldn’t tell if Edward wanted him to be good on his own or if he wanted Mason to need the…thing for his cock. Just thinking the word made Mason’s cock jerk. He couldn’t decide if he wanted to wear it either. Part of him, a big part really, wanted Daddy to take the decision out of his hands.

  Not knowing what to say, Mason answered the best he could. “No, I’m being good, Daddy.” And he was…for the most part.

  “All right, please let me know however, if it becomes more difficult than you can tolerate.” Concern was obvious in Edward’s voice.

  “Yes, Daddy.” He had to be good because he didn’t think there was any way he could ask for the thing.

  “My meeting starts in just a moment so I have to go but I’ll see you tonight, Boy.”

  Mason jerked; Edward’s meeting didn’t start ’til 2:00. Looking down at the clock Mason was surprised to see it was almost 2:00. Where had the day gone? “Bye, Daddy.”

  “Bye, Boy. Don’t work too hard.”

  He wasn’t going to lie, so he ignored that last part. Because he honestly couldn’t remember if he’d even had lunch. He definitely couldn’t promise not to work too hard. “Bye, Daddy.”

  As the phone disconnected, Mason knew he needed put work away for the day. He really did need to grab a snack at least and, looking down at his clothes, probably take a shower. He’d been working since first thing this morning on a project that was driving him crazy. Telling himself he would work just a few more minutes, Mason set his phone down and went back to work.


  Edward couldn’t help but stare at Mason in shock when he opened the door. “Boy?”

  Mason stood in the doorway, head hanging down looking embarrassed. Barefoot and disheveled, Mason was dressed in sweats and a T-shirt that looked like he’d slept in them the night before. By the way he was picking at his T-shirt and fidgeting, it was obvious that Mason was distressed over his attire.

  “Would you like to invite me in?” Edward had several questions he wanted answered and he wasn’t going to ask them in the hallway. His boy must have understood because his flushed cheeks darkened even more and he sighed.

  A quiet, “Yes, Daddy,” was Mason’s only response.

  Closing the door, Edward set his small bag down on the floor. He would have to show Mason his surprises later. Edward had a feeling Mason had more pressing needs he had to attend to. With a hand on Boy’s back, Edward guided him to the couch.

  Instinctively knowing Mason needed his daddy and not just his lover, Edward sat down and steered Mason to sit on his lap. Mason clasped his hands together on his lap and just looked at the floor.

  Curling one hand around Mason’s back and resting the other on his lap, Edward considered his first question. Hopefully, starting with something easy, he spoke. “Can you tell me why you seem to be in your pajamas? I was under the impression from our phone call this afternoon that you were going to be getting ready for our evening.”

  He paused, waiting for Mason to respond. Then he started to worry. “Did something happen? Because based on your demeanor and your presentation you are not ready for our evening.” Was his boy sick? Reaching up to feel Mason’s forehead, he was glad to find that there was no fever but it left him even more confused.

  Mason sighed again and started wringing his hands. “I’m not sick, Daddy.”

  His tone suggested that he would rather be sick than explain the problem to Edward. Edward just looked at Mason and waited for a response. His patience would outlast his boy’s embarrassment.

  Finally, Mason continued, the words tumbling out. “I—I…I didn’t stop working when I should have. I meant do just do a little bit more after I got off the phone with you but I got sucked into work and didn’t realize how much time had passed until you knocked.”

  Well, that explained part of the problem but if it were simply an issue of forgetting to make dinner that would be easily rectified. This was more than not making dinner and Boy knew it.

  “And?” Edward just watched as Mason peeked up at him and tried to look innocent. “Boy, unless you take working at home very casually you are still in your pajamas.”

  With another sigh escaping softly, Mason’s blush deepened. “Yes. I kinda lost track of time this morning.”

  “How long have you been working today? When I spoke with you earlier you said you weren’t going to work too much today.”

  “Well, I actually never said that.” Mason started wringing his hands again. “I just didn’t disagree with you.”

  Oh, that was not an acceptable answer. Edward looke
d at Mason in shock. “Ignoring implied or implicit instructions is not acceptable behavior in this relationship. You know that.”

  “Yes. Daddy. I’m sorry. I don’t really know when I started working this morning. I’d planned on going to the gym after I checked a few emails but then…” Mason’s remorse was clear but that didn’t excuse the behavior.

  If his boy hadn’t even taken the time away from work this morning to get dressed and shower, what else didn’t he do today? “Did you eat lunch?”

  Clearing his throat, Mason took a minute to find the courage to respond. “No. I was going to get a snack when you called because I didn’t realize what time it was. But then I lost track of time again.”

  “Just to make sure I understand what you are saying, you have not had lunch today…you’ve been working since first thing this morning with no break…you haven’t had a shower today…” That made Mason squirm in Edward’s lap. “You also, if not lied, obscured the truth to hide the fact that you were disobeying. Have I missed anything else? Did you even have breakfast?”

  Mason had to think before he could answer that. “I think so. I think I had a Pop-Tart or something like that. Yeah, I did because I stopped to grab coffee at some point.”

  Shaking his head, Edward didn’t know what to say to that. “Boy, is something wrong with your new project?”

  “Not really wrong. It’s just more complicated than they said it was going to be and I don’t want to be late.”

  “Don’t want to be late or do you want to finish early?” Edward was coming to understand his boy better and he had a feeling Mason was pushing himself harder than necessary. It made him wonder how often in the past Mason had abused himself in a similar manner.

  Mason jerked and cocked his head. “I’m always on time with my projects.”

  “That’s not what I asked. Did you explain to them that the project was more complicated than they initially contracted for?” He wasn’t going to let Boy hide from the questions.

  “Yes.” Mason looked at Edward like it was a ridiculous question.

  “Then the timeline should have been adjusted.” That was obvious. If the parameters of the project changed then the timeline should have been adjusted as well.

  “Well, they kinda offered but…” Mason was back to staring at the floor.

  “But you declined because that would be turning in the project late.” His boy definitely needed a Daddy.

  “Yes.” Mason’s response came out in a small voice.

  Edward didn’t know how to proceed with the conversation. They’d been taking their relationship at a moderate pace, trying to get to know one another before incorporating other alternative activities. He hadn’t wanted to rush into things.

  Analyzing their present situation, that may not have been the best course of action. His boy needed more structure than Edward had taken into account and it was time to correct his assumptions.

  Deciding he needed time to plan out his next action, Edward squeezed his hand that was resting on Mason’s legs. “We will continue this discussion, Boy. First, you are going to get a shower while I figure out dinner.”

  Mason looked crushed. “I’m sorry. I wanted to make you dinner.”

  “I know, sweet boy and you will another time.” Edward did his best to show Mason that he wasn’t upset about dinner. If they had takeout for the next forty years, he wouldn’t complain. Pushing that surprising thought to the back of his mind, he kissed Mason on the head and sent him off to get a shower.

  Clearly upset, Mason walked to the back of the apartment toward the bathroom. Head down, he shuffled to the bathroom and closed the door. Half listening for the sound of the shower, Edward leaned back on the couch and sighed. Giving into a short bark of laughter, he shook his head; he was going to sound like Boy if he wasn’t careful.

  He was very proud of Boy’s accomplishments and his work ethic, but this behavior couldn’t continue. Just the fact that Mason was working so hard that he wasn’t taking care of himself was more than Edward would allow.

  When combined with the disobedience it was clear to Edward that Mason needed his daddy to exert more control. How much, was the question. Also, how to handle the disobedience. That could not be condoned and Mason had to accept that.

  There were several behaviors that needed to be addressed and rectified. Some issues needed a corrective punishment to reinforce the inappropriate behavior. Mason needed to understand that lying to Edward was not acceptable.

  His boy hadn’t even explained the problem or tried to make his case; he just lied. Could it be an unconscious cry for attention? Mason didn’t look like he’d disobeyed intentionally just to get attention but the thought that it was a subconscious behavior was something to consider.

  Then there was the issue of Mason’s inability to moderate his schedule. That didn’t need a punishment per se, but had to be dealt with. A good work ethic was very important especially when someone ran their own business. Nevertheless, he wasn’t going to let his boy push himself so hard he made himself sick.

  Reviewing the different options that were appropriate for Mason’s punishment, Edward was frustrated by the daunting number of choices. This did not call for a one-size-fits-all type of punishment. He was a firm believer that the punishment should fit the crime.

  How do you punish a naughty boy who needed to be reminded to make better choices but who would probably find a spanking erotic? That would not help the situation.

  Tempting Mason with additional physical stimulation that he found pleasurable would make following the masturbation rules even harder than they already were. Every indication from Mason was that he found the idea of corporal punishment highly erotic.

  Edward realized the instructions were difficult, but it was harder to know if asking for permission was harder on Mason or if the denial was the bigger issue this week. Mason was incredibly reluctant to volunteer information.

  Edward had hoped that the need for the stimuli would push Mason to open up more. He might have to ask Dr. Sheppard his opinion on the matter. The doctor should have some additional suggestions. His theory on recreating the same conditions that inspired Mason’s confession, to begin with, had worked very well.

  Rising from the couch, Edward continued to try and logically sort through punishment options. Reaching for his phone, it occurred to Edward that his local restaurants would not deliver to Mason’s neighborhood. Walking back toward the bathroom to ask Mason where his take out menus were, Edward heard the shower.

  With a light knock, hoping not to startle Mason, Edward opened the door and stepped just inside the bathroom. Edward considered the fact that he was probably invading Mason’s privacy but he dismissed the idea. Mason did not want a traditional relationship and Edward was not going to treat their relationship, or Mason, that way.

  Boy was beautiful standing under the shower spray, leaning back against the tile walls of the shower relaxing as the water pounded against his body. What drew Edward’s attention though, were Mason’s hands as they soaped and caressed his body.

  His boy was doing more than simply cleaning himself. Mason’s hands were giving his cock the most thorough “cleaning” Edward had ever seen.

  “Boy. What were you told about touching your cock?” Edward didn’t bother to hide the frustration and disappointment in his voice.

  Mason’s eyes popped open and he jerked. Looking down at his hands as they gripped his shaft and balls, Mason’s eyes widened. “I’m sorry, Daddy. The…it just felt so good and I was thinking about…well thinking and…” Mason took a deep breath. “I’m sorry, Daddy.”

  “I asked you earlier if you were having a hard time following the rules for the week, Boy. Would you like to tell me the truth now?” Edward just looked at Mason as he stood in the shower, head down and embarrassed. Boy’s beautiful cock, which had been hard and long, was now softening.

  Mason stared at Edward, a blush spreading over his cheeks and down his neck. “It’s harder than
I thought it was going to be.” Mason paused and looked down at the shower floor. “I want to be good but it’s…”

  Edward helped his struggling boy. “Difficult. I know. It was a rule that you did not oppose, however.”

  “I know, Daddy. You’re right.” Mason’s voice came out at a whisper.

  “Are you now deciding that the rule is not one that you will agree to abide by?” Edward had to know if this was simply being naughty or if this was a definitive negative response to the rule.

  Head popping up, Mason shook his head, “No, Daddy.” Taking a deep breath Mason continued shakily, “I like the rule.”

  “All right then, finish up with your shower, Boy. Then we will discuss this matter.” Edward leaned back against the wall, watching his boy and making it very clear he was not going to leave Mason naked and unsupervised.

  Mason managed to keep his cock under control as he finished his shower. Cheeks still red and eyes full of emotion, Mason seemed to be sorry for his disobedience. Edward assumed Boy would be upset over being watched in the shower, but it seemed his boy liked being observed. The obvious disappointment in himself seemed to keep Mason’s body from responding.

  Within minutes, Mason was scrubbed clean and ready to get out of the shower. As tempting as it was to dry Mason himself, Edward knew that there was no possible way his boy would remain soft and his boy could not be erect for the next step in Edward’s plan. Looking at Mason as he ran the towel over his naked body, Edward knew next time he would be the one to tend to his boy’s needs.

  Watching Boy finish his shower had given Edward the time to plan their evening and Mason’s punishment. The punishment would not only help Mason remember to be honest with his daddy, it would also help his boy to understand that being honest wasn’t just about not lying but admitting when he needed help as well.


  Mason couldn’t decide if he was embarrassed about getting caught being naughty or aroused by Daddy’s stern expression. Probably both. Something about being embarrassed was kind of hot, too.


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