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Can't Be Love

Page 26

by Julie Trettel

  Titus continued. “The process will occur over the next six months, and as such, we are canceling your mating challenges. You two will have more than enough to deal with, without that hanging over your heads.” He paused and smiled, then nodded. “Congratulations!”

  I knew my mouth was hanging open, but I couldn’t seem to shut it, until Lily looked up at me, shook her head with a snort, and shut it for me. “Thank you,” she said graciously, for the both of us.

  I shook hands with each of the men present, still unable to form a coherent thought.

  “Take the rest of the week off and spend some time with your mate, son.”

  I hugged my father.

  “I’m really proud of you. Both of you.”

  “Okay, then. It’s been a really long day. With a whole lot to process. I think I’m going to take this guy and head home now, if that’s okay,” Lily said, and they all smiled and nodded their approval.

  This time we didn’t quite make it back to the truck, when Clara stopped us. “Hey, I hate to tell you this, because I’m sure you just want to get home and, ew, do whatever it is you do, but your boys just started a big bonfire out in the field and the whole town is headed that way. Apparently it’s turned into a potluck celebration and they’re talking about a midnight run as well.”

  I growled softly as Lily elbowed me in the chest.

  “Six Pack parties are legendary,” I warned her. “It’s sort of their way of saying welcome to the family.”

  “So we should go?” she asked.

  “Yes, you should at least make an appearance,” Clara confirmed as I nodded with a sigh.

  We were greeted like royalty this time as Dad and the Council somehow managed to arrive before us and had already made the official announcement regarding him stepping down as Alpha. I wasn’t prepared for the response, and in truth, Lily handled it better than I did. Her hand never left mine and she gave me encouraging squeezes at exactly the times I needed them.

  From the moment we arrived, people came up, offered their congratulations, and bared their necks to us. It was overwhelming after an already emotional day.

  After the initial shock of it all, we blended in with the rest of our Pack and enjoyed a fun, stress-free, challenge-free, celebration. It was even fun, but at the first chance to take off, I grabbed Lily’s hand and made a run for it. We got a few giggles and knowing stares along the way, but I couldn’t have cared less.

  When I pulled up in front of our house, we sat there in the truck for a few minutes not even talking, just taking in all that had happened in the absolute longest day of our lives.

  “You okay?” I asked, breaking the silence.

  “Yeah, it’s just a lot. You know? And I am exhausted.”

  I’m sure I gave her a wild-eyed look as I jumped from the truck and ran around to her side. I swung open the door and threw her unceremoniously over my shoulder. “Too bad, you’re all mine now!” I said as she laughed and kicked while I raced us into the house, carried her over the threshold of our home, and took her to bed where we finally got to truly celebrate.



  10 years later

  I looked over towards the field, watching my daughters play with their cousins. Every year since Thomas and I bonded, we had brought together each of our siblings and their families. It had certainly grown over the years.

  I leaned against Thomas with a happy sigh. “This is my favorite weekend of the year. I love having us all together.”

  He laughed. “Yes, I know. You tell me a thousand times every year.”

  We had taken over Collier Pack as Alpha and Pack Mother at such a young age that we’d been forced to grow up quickly. We’d had our battles, both of us being too stubborn for our own good, but things always had a way of working out for us. Overall, I’d say that Mom was right, God really did know what he was doing when matching true mates.

  “I wish we could all get together more than just once a year like this,” MC said.

  “Me too,” Kelsey agreed. “We never get enough time together, Lily.”

  I smiled at her sadly. “I know, but thank God for video messaging, right? I don’t feel like I’ve missed out on quite as much in all your lives because of it.”

  Elise raised her wine glass, filled with sparkling cider. “Cheers to that! I don’t know how I’d have survived this pregnancy without you,” she said, rubbing her round baby bump. Thanks to modern technology, we were able to see each other every single day.

  After more than a decade, Elise and Patrick had sworn they just weren’t meant to be parents, much to our mother’s disgust. One trip to Paris and forgotten birth control later, and they’d come home with the surprise of their lives. It had been a shock at first, but as her pregnancy was quickly coming to an end. They were both ecstatic with their little oops and couldn’t wait to meet their son or daughter.

  Oscar came over to join us where we sat, all the grown-ups sprawled out on blankets and in lawn chairs just catching up. I was mesmerized watching the young man before me. He wasn’t a child anymore and it was hard to imagine when exactly that had changed, but at eighteen, going on nineteen, he was a full-grown man now.

  “Oscar, you still haven’t shifted?” Thomas asked him.

  I noticed he squirmed at the question and tried to avoid it. Pinned down by a dozen eyes waiting, he shrugged. “Still no wolf.”

  “Could be a tiger,” Jack offered, sounding hopeful. As Oscar’s biological father he had somehow been incorporated into the family. Maddie and Liam had made their peace with him, so I had, too. MC actually seemed genuinely okay that Jack had taken an interest in Oscar’s life and chosen to be a part of it, despite everything that happened.

  Liam initially had a harder time accepting him, but Oscar had come to my brother and asked him to reconsider. He told Liam that he, and only he, would ever be his father. Oscar still didn’t call Jack “Dad.” He had always just been Jack. I knew that meant the world to Liam, who loved the kid as his own.

  Something seemed off with Oscar, so given the chance away from the others, I cornered him, and the interrogation began.

  “Spill it. What’s going on?”

  His eyes widened. “What do you mean?”

  “You’re eighteen, and you’ve always had signs of a shifter for as long as I’ve known you. You’re healthy, and—” He squirmed under my close scrutiny—"You’ve already shifted, haven’t you?”

  Oscar turned his big brown eyes on me. I’d always been a sucker for those eyes. “Aunt Lily, you can’t say anything. I’m not ready to admit it. I know Mom’s going to be disappointed.”

  “Tiger, huh?”

  He shrugged, his head dropped, and he slowly, sadly nodded.

  “How long?”


  “How long since you’re first shift?”

  Oscar looked around uncomfortably. “Almost two years.”

  “What? You’ve been keeping this from them for almost two years?”

  “They’re so certain I was going to be a wolf. I just, I don’t want to disappoint them.”

  “Oscar Westin, you look at me right this second.” I waited until he looked up. “You are not a disappointment. You never will be. Your mom isn’t going to care that you shift to a tiger instead of a wolf. She’s going to be proud of you no matter what . . . though I’d probably leave out the ‘I’ve known for two years’ part for a while.”

  “But Aunt Lily, I’m a cat in a pack of dogs. How can they not be disappointed?”

  “Aunt Jenna is a cat in a pack of dogs. Do you love her less than me because of it? Wait, don’t answer that, of course you love me more, cause I’m your favorite aunt. So, do you love her less than Aunt E?”

  Oscar laughed. “No. I love you all equally.”

  “But me just a tiny bit more, right?”

  He hugged me. “I love you, Aunt Lily.”

  “Love you too, tiger.”

  He groaned. “I don’t want to ruin the
weekend, but I promise I’ll tell them soon.”

  “I’m going to hold you to that, you know.”

  He rolled his eyes. I never realized just how annoying that could be till I had little ankle biters mimicking me with it. I hated an eye roll now.

  “Hi, Oscar,” a voice called, and I looked up to see a pretty blonde girl wave our way. She looked to be about sixteen or seventeen, and was obviously happy to see my nephew.

  “Who’s that?” I asked. “She certainly doesn’t seem to mind that you’re a . . .”

  “I get it. I’ll tell them. Mind if I bail and go hang out with Bailey?” he asked.

  “Bailey, huh? She’s cute.”

  He grinned, looking back at the girl and waving. “Yes, she is.”

  “Go on. I’ll cover for you.”

  He gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. “That’s why you’re my favorite,” he said as he ran off to catch up with the girl. I smiled after them. I always knew I was his favorite.

  “Where is your mother?” I heard Thomas ask one of the girls.

  The poor guy had been surrounded by six sisters growing up, only to father four daughters. Lucky number five was on the way. I rubbed my protruding belly. I loved being pregnant, but I was done after this one. Girl or boy it didn’t matter to me, but I knew Thomas was secretly hoping it was a son, even though he swore he was destined to only be surrounded by beautiful ladies.

  “Lily?” he called.

  Where the hell did she go this time? I clearly heard him say, but I was staring right at him and his lips never moved.

  Thomas? I thought, and he turned my way.

  “Oh, there you are. Kelsey needs you to help Peyton set up for dinner. Something about Zander daring little Jason to climb a tree and now he’s stuck.”

  We walked back over to where the group was congregated. I laughed as Kelsey passed by.

  “You know how many times I’ve told him wolves don’t climb trees? He looks up to Z so much, but all Z wants to do is terrorize his little brother. Be thankful you have girls,” she murmured.

  “It really doesn’t help that the twins take after their mother and taunt him from above,” Chase added proudly. He and Jenna had a son, followed almost immediately by an adorable set of identical twin girls.

  Thomas? I thought in my head as he turned around to face me.

  “Yeah? What is it, slugger?” he asked, still using the nickname he’d granted me since our initial mating. All these years and he still wouldn’t tell me why he called me that.

  “Why do you call me that?” I asked him aloud.

  He smirked, giving me that sexy crooked grin that could still melt my panties or piss me off at any given time.

  As if I’d ever tell her. My little slugger, whose mere words could cut me down and smash my heart into a million pieces. Man, if she knew what kind of power she truly had over me, I’d be screwed! It would tear her up if she ever learned just how bad her initial rejection of me had hurt during our mating period . . . so bad that I granted her the nickname that I still use just to bug her.

  He called me slugger because I’d hurt him? Did I say something to hurt him every time he used it? I thought back through the years. No, that wasn’t possible. He used it too frequently and usually with a smile on his face, but knowing it all stemmed from me hurting him was too much to bear. I started to cry and walked away, hoping he didn’t notice.

  Shit! Damn pregnancy hormones. What’s wrong with her this time? Thomas thought, and once again I heard him loud and clear.

  He walked up behind me and hugged me. I turned in his arms and cried into his shoulder. I’m sorry. Stupid baby hormones. Before I could stop myself I thought, I never wanted to hurt you.

  “What are you talking about?” he asked, pulling me back so he would look at me. “You could never hurt me, babe. What’s all this about?”

  I looked at him and without opening my mouth to speak, I said, because now I know why you call me slugger. I never wanted to hurt you, not even all those years ago. I’m sorry.

  His eyes kept staring at my mouth that wasn’t moving. He shook his head in confusion. “What did you just say?”

  I gave him a watery smile. You heard me, big boy.

  Lil? he asked without speaking.

  I smiled and nodded.

  Shit, you set me up, he accused.

  I grinned and shrugged. Maybe you should pay a little more attention to your mate.

  It’s really happening. I can’t believe it. Our bond’s complete?

  Looks like, I admitted, jumping up and wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him. This is the coolest thing ever!

  He pulled back and didn’t look so convinced. This is going to take some getting used to.

  Just think, now I don’t have to give subtle hints that you often miss when I want the girls to go to bed early so I can have you all to myself. I can just secretly tell you. I had a momentary flash of him naked, making love to me.

  He grinned from ear to ear. I saw that, you know.

  You did? How about this one? I remembered how he used to wake me up every morning pre-kids. Certainly put a smile on my face.

  If you can convince Cammie to actually sleep in her own bed, I’d be happy to reinstate that particular tradition.

  Liam walked by us and stopped. “Why are you two just standing there staring at each other with those goofy looks on your faces?”

  Oh, wouldn’t he like to know? I thought, cracking both of us up.

  “Jesus, you’d think you were newly mated or something,” Liam continued. “You’re supposed to be helping Peyton in the kitchen, Lil, remember?”

  “Oh yeah, I’m on my way,” I told him, giving Thomas a quick peck on the lips and turning to leave for real.

  I had an instant flash of my behind walking away. Damn, I’ll never get sick of looking at that.

  I turned and grinned, shaking my booty for him. Even though I’m fat and gross?

  Girl, you are incredibly sexy carrying my child. You have no idea what that does to me. All round and beautiful. He growled in my head.

  Good to know, but this is still our last pregnancy.

  We’ll see about that.

  I laughed.

  Once upon a time I dreamed of my perfect mate. He would be strong and handsome with eyes only for me. My life would be filled with love and laughter and we’d live happily ever after. Those were the simple pipe dreams of the young girl I used to be. The life I’d created with Thomas in the last decade was nothing like I’d imagined.

  It was even better.

  Dear Reader,

  I hope you enjoyed Thomas and Lily’s story. I know many of you have been excitedly waiting for her story since One True Mate was first released. I truly hope it didn’t disappoint. If you enjoyed it, please drop me a quick review here:

  I am sorry to say that this concludes the Westin Pack Series. BUT… keep reading for a couple SNEAK PEEKS of where we’re headed next. TWO new spin off series are coming this fall. Collier Pack with plenty more of Lily and Thomas, and ARC Shifters as we head back to Archibald Reynold’s College from Confusing Hearts, book 4 in the Westin Pack Series. Two distinctly different series, but many of the characters you already know and love, and so many more waiting to meet you!

  For further information on my books, events, and life in general, I can be found online here:



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  Much love and thanks,

  Julie Trettel



  A Collier Pack Novel


  Julie Trettel

  Coming September 2018


  Chapter 1

  When Westin pack started aligning more closely with Collier pack, I knew it was only time before I'd end up back in Collier territory. Escorting Liam and Maddie Westin to visit her family, ahead of her brother’s celebration ceremony as he assumed the role of Alpha of Collier Pack, was not something I had looked forward to, even knowing Lily Westin would be there to flirt with and help ease my nerves.

  When Lily found her one true mate in Thomas Collier, the alliance between the packs was sealed. Sure, the two packs had always been on amicable terms, but with the Westin twins mated to two of Zach Collier's children, the alliance was tight and virtually unbreakable.

  What did that mean for me? More time spent in Collier territory, the one place I dreaded more than anything.

  It had been over a decade since I had last seen Elizabeth Collier. I wasn't that same kid anymore. Once upon a time, I had been just as enamored with finding my one true mate as the Westin children had been. Jason Westin, our Alpha before he was injured in a battle against the Bulgarian pack that had transferred power to his son, Kyle, had always made it an important part of Pack. Of course, every wolf shifter had free will to fall in love, or not, with whomever they chose, but Jason had always stressed the strength and power of true mates, so Westin pack had a much higher number of them than most other packs.

  Finding your one true mate took time. Some would go years, decades or a lifetime even before crossing paths with that one soul that would complete them and set their animal spirit at peace. Jason made it feel like it was worth the wait. Because the odds could be high against it, many Alphas stressed the importance of mating and growing the pack, regardless of whether they were true mates. We called those compatible mates. It was only one of the things that set Westin apart from other wolf shifting Packs.


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