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Rough Stock, the Novel

Page 9

by Alexandria Hunt

  “What do you mean when I’m out at the ranch? Do you four already have plans for me that I don’t know about?” I teased and got up to set the table.

  “I think you know what our plans are, but I understand it might take some getting used to,” he said and served us our meal, set it on the table and poured us each some more wine.

  “I still feel like this is a strange dream,” I replied and shook my head. “I mean come on, how often does a girl get a proposition like this? And how would it all work, logistically? I can’t quite wrap my head around it.”

  “I think once we’ve all had a chance to get to know one another it will feel more natural,” he told me and held up his glass. “Here’s to the moment you realize how unbelievably beautiful you are and stop questioning why we all fell so hard for you.”

  I blushed and looked at him from under my thick lashes, humbled by his words but uplifted as well.

  We clinked our glasses together and I sipped, feeling my cheeks heat up from the wine and Harley’s attention.

  If I could have made the choice for all of them just then, I would have…simply just to get my hands on the tall, muscled man sitting across the table from me.

  Until then I would happily devour the delicious meal he’d prepared for me, let him massage my feet until I giggled from the tickling, and fall asleep with him spooning me, his arms wrapped tightly around me, protecting me from everything in the world that would do me harm.

  Chapter 25

  “Of course I’ll go to the ranch with you,” I told Harley first thing in the morning when he asked. I didn’t want to show my excitement, but I could barely contain it. After being in his arms all night, I was more than ready to find out what it would be like to explore a relationship with all four cowboys.

  “I had a feeling you might like to get out of the city for a few days,” Harley said with a smirk. He traced the outline of my lip and rolled forward for a kiss. We were still in bed and just trying to get up but I could stare into his amber eyes forever it seemed. Each time my own eyes made a pass over his, I found new flecks of gold contained within.

  “I can still work on my story,” I replied, kissing him back.

  “And you’ll be safe,” he said, kissing me again, pulling my lip between his teeth and biting gently.

  I shivered and kissed him again, wondering how the heck we were ever going to get out of bed and out to the ranch if we didn’t stop doing this.

  And doing this was sweet agony, I wanted to do it all, but I knew his integrity wouldn’t let him go farther than what we were doing now and I wanted much more.

  “Let’s get out of here,” he moaned at last and pulled himself away as if in the same kind of agony as myself.

  We rushed our morning routines and drove out to the ranch in record speed, talking and laughing along the way like we’d known each other for years, not days.

  I was normally kind of a skittish girl; but I was adjusting to this new reality with breakneck speed, it was happening so fast. I didn’t want to fight it though, even if my logical side felt as though it was happening too fast, I couldn’t ignore the overwhelming sensations of lust and desire and curiosity that were running through me.

  “Looks like the guys got my text,” Harley chuckled as we pulled up to the main ranch house. The three other men were waiting for us as he stopped the truck.

  “A little eager to see me, boys?” I smiled brightly as I hopped out.

  “I ain’t gonna lie, darlin’,” Charlie said and stepped towards me, picked me up and kissed me deeply. “I did miss you.”

  “I missed you too.” I blushed and looked around at all of them, the interest and desire naked on their faces. “All of you…well, except Harley.”

  “I was the lucky unmissable,” Harley declared and put his arm around my waste.

  “Are you staking your territory?” Clive challenged Harley with a brow raised.

  “You can’t tell me you wouldn’t be doing the same thing,” Harley replied.

  “I’m not a country,” I interrupted, “I get a say in this too.”

  “Of course, darlin’,” Charlie said with that sexy lopsided grin. “You can’t blame us for feeling at least a little competitive over you.”

  “Why don’t we show Morgan a little ranch hospitality before we try to divide up her affections,” Ty said as he walked over and hooked his hand around my elbow to guide me up the stairs into the house.

  “Yeah, you need to feed me before you guys nude wrestle or fist fight to figure out who gets me,” I laughed and glanced meaningfully at the four of them.

  I’d never seen four such confident and cocky men blush at the same time before, but I guess I had a special knack. I wouldn’t mind seeing them all naked too, wrestling even, but I had a feeling if I ever did get them all without their clothes they’d all be focused on me and my needs alone.

  And that in itself was addictive.

  Dinner went as wonderfully as the last time I’d been here, the wine flowed but I watched myself this round so I didn’t get too drunk. I couldn’t risk them turning me down again. I was ready to see where this night would lead, and I wanted them all.

  As the evening went on and my nerves became more and more frazzled, I decided I needed some input from Selena, my girl with the experience.

  I snuck off to the bathroom and called her, she picked up immediately.

  “Where are you?” she exclaimed. “And what the heck was that? You’re dating two of the cowboys now?”

  “You mean Harley?”

  “Hell yeah, that hottie. How unfair is that? Are the other two single? Maybe you could hook me up.”

  “That’s actually why I called…they all want me,” I said.

  I heard her breathing on the other end, so I knew she hadn’t hung up, but she didn’t reply right away. The moments it took for her to respond felt like years, it was driving me crazy when she finally said, “You. Lucky. Bitch.”

  “Why lucky? This is crazy! Isn’t it? I mean this is nuts!”

  “Not nuts unless you count the four sets of balls you’ll be gargling later,” she laughed.

  “Gross, come on Selena, I’m serious.”

  “Okay, I’ll be serious, but just know that I use humor to hide my jealousy. You’re lucky because you have four guys who seem amazing, and from the photos you submitted for the article, they’re all pretty damned gorgeous. What’s wrong with that?”

  “It’s weird. I could see maybe having a bit of fun and moving on, but I keep getting this feeling they all want to have a relationship with me. How does that even work?”

  “It would work well if you wanted it to. Look at all the old dudes who have like a million wives, nobody ever stops to talk about whether it works, it just does.”

  “I don’t want to marry them,” I replied. “I don’t even think it’s legal, is it?”

  “Probably not,” Selena replied. “So, have you done anything with them yet?”

  “No, they wanted to wait until I was ready for it. They’re so old fashioned in a way, like Harley wouldn’t touch me the last couple nights even though we were in bed together. He respected the pact they made, that if I didn’t want all of them then none of them could have me.”

  “That is the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard,” she said with a dramatic sigh. “Listen, if you don’t at least give this a chance, I’m coming out there to take them all on. This kind of thing is way more common than you could imagine, it’s just that people don’t talk about it.”

  “No way,” I replied. “Four guys and one girl? In a relationship?”

  “Uh yeah, yes way,” she laughed. “Just because you’ve never done it doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. Human beings are complex creatures, if you can think it up, somebody has probably already done it.”

  “Okay,” I exhaled slowly and closed my eyes, trying once again to see if I could choose a favorite out of the Huntington Four.

  There was no way I possibly could.

  “You’re going for it?”

  “I’m going for it,” I replied.

  “Good girl,” Selena said, “And Morgan, one more thing…”


  “You have to share all the deets after it’s done or I am going to die.”

  “Okay, I promise,” I giggled. “Wish me luck.”

  “You don’t need luck, you’ve already got it.”

  I straightened my back and smoothed my shirt down after I ended the call. I splashed some cold water on my face and looked at myself in the mirror.

  The effect was undeniable; I was glowing from all the attention the four guys had been giving me.

  I opened the bathroom door, walked back into the kitchen and paused in the doorway. With a dramatic flare, I posed in what I considered a sexy position and said, “So when are we going to take this upstairs, boys?”

  I thought their eyes were going to fall out of their heads and I’d never seen four grown men move that fast.

  Instantly I was surrounded by muscled bodies, soft lips, hard rippled flesh and hot breath.

  Charlie took the lead and lifted me into his arms. “Are you sure about this, darlin’?” he asked as we walked up the stairs to the master bedroom.

  “More sure than anything,” I replied and laid my head against his chest. I could feel his heart pounding, matching pace with my own.

  Charlie opened the door to the master bedroom and crossed to the bed in a few long strides. He set me on the bed and I looked up at the four of them and couldn’t suppress my satisfied grin.

  “After everything I’ve gone through in the last couple days, I think I deserve this,” I said.

  “You most certainly do,” Clive told me and dropped onto the bed next to me, his hands working at my blouse, opening it as he bent to kiss me.

  Charlie joined him on the other side, kissing my neck and shoulders as Clive slipped my blouse off.

  Ty dropped to his knees in front of me and began to unbutton my jeans. Harley joined him on the other side and helped Ty slip them off my legs, leaving me in just a bra and panties.

  Thank god I wore the pretty ones.

  “You’re so beautiful, Morgan,” Clive said in my ear as he nipped the flesh of my lobe with his perfect teeth.

  “Funny, smart, you’re pretty much perfect,” Charlie added and trailed kisses from my shoulder down the inside of my arm to my hand, where he kissed each finger tenderly.

  I shivered at the attention, the words and the sensations of having four sets of hands and four mouths kissing me and touching me all at once.

  “And don’t forget fiery,” Ty chuckled and ran his hands up my calf and thigh, massaging slowly as his hot touch lit me up.

  “It’s the red hair, man I have a thing for redheads…this redhead,” Harley joined in, his hands moving across my thigh and his finger hooking into the edge of my lacy panties. “I see it’s natural too,” he laughed and moved up to kiss the crease of my leg meeting my body.

  I wanted to close my eyes, but I couldn’t…I had to watch them, all four of them, each one more attractive than the next, my eyes cycling around until I couldn’t determine who was the hottest or who was the best with his mouth.

  It was all too much, a delicious buffet of fire and liquid molten lava traveling through my veins, my nerves were alight with pleasure and I couldn’t find words to tell them how they made me feel.

  I sank back onto the bed and felt Charlie and Clive help me move up until I was in the center of the huge mattress, each of my limbs being massaged and kissed by one of the cowboys.

  I felt them as one, I lost the need to determine who was touching me where, and who was doing what to my body.

  They were my men, my Huntington Four, and they were slowly and carefully working their ways into my heart.

  Until then, I was going to enjoy every moment of our lust-fuelled explorations.

  I looked at them, one by one, and surprised myself when I said, “Okay guys, fair is fair…take it all off, I need to see you naked.”

  I wasn’t surprised at how quickly they responded or how powerful it made me feel, commanding four incredible men who jumped at my commands.

  For now, I needed to feel like I was in control, but as they slipped out of their clothes and their toned, muscled bodies almost glowed in the dim light, I realized something very important.

  I was willing to give up that control to get what I wanted, and all I wanted was them.

  Chapter 26

  I couldn’t believe this level of ecstasy was possible. I carefully watched the four of them move around the bed and position themselves on either side of me. The mattress dipped from the weight of their bodies, but it simply served to make it all feel more real.

  This was happening. My ultimate fantasy was unravelling before my very eyes. I didn’t know where to look; everywhere my gaze landed was glorious muscular cowboy after cowboy.

  “Is this really happening?” I exhaled softly and tried to keep the stunned expression off my face. “This feels like it’s too good to be true.”

  “Is it happening too fast for you?” Clive asked, concerned.

  “Not at all, I want it to happen so bad I ache for it,” I replied. “It just feels like a dream.”

  “Then lie back and let it happen like a dream, darlin’,” Charlie chuckled and leaned over me, his rock hard cock pressing against me like a reminder of how much I turned them on, and kissed me.

  I reached up and ran my hands down his broad, muscular back and moaned. That was all it took, the other three men sprung into action and immediately I felt hands all over my, tugging at my bra and panties, sliding them off until I was as naked as the men.

  I sank into Charlie’s kiss, his lips were so sensual and demanding, and I loved the sensation of his stubble rubbing against me.

  “Why don’t you grab a cock, sweetheart, I know you’re dying to…I could see it in your eyes from that first interview. The way you looked at each one of us with that hunger and curiosity. Touch us, Morgan,” Clive breathed near my ear and locked his lips on my lobe, sending shivers of pleasure throb through my body.

  Charlie thrust against my hip, his thick, swollen dick reminding me what we’re here for. That I was going to be impaled by it, by each one of them, one by one until I couldn’t stand it and I lost myself to the four of them.

  I obeyed Clive and wrapped my hand around Charlie’s…and Clive’s. One hand on each and I pumped slowly, feeling the heat and the slight differences between the monsters. I read them like braille, the veins and differences in head shapes.

  I sighed and slipped my tongue along Charlie’s in time with the strokes on their cocks. I felt Ty and Harley’s hands on my thighs again, massaging and stroking me sensually until it felt as if every single cell in my body was on fire and I would surely go insane from all the bliss.

  I didn’t, though, of course; I rode through the waves as they crashed against my mind, heard Charlie and Clive’s breath harsh against my ear and my mouth as I stroked their massive cocks.

  I felt one of the guys, Ty or Harley, slip a finger into my soaking wet cleft and begin to slide along my sensitive clit.

  I struggled to see, but Clive and Charlie were blocking the way. Charlie stopped kissing my lips and neck and looked at me with a heated gaze and smirked. “What are you looking at, darlin’?”

  “Who’s playing with me,” I gasped as the finger hit my clit dead on and sent lighting-quick jolts of joy through my body.

  “Does it matter?” Charlie replied with that lopsided, lazy smiled. “Our goal is to fuck you so good you don’t care which one of us is inside of you.”

  As if to prove a point, his hand moved down my body, across my quivering abdomen, and joined whoever it was sliding along my dripping wet pussy. I moaned and twisted as another hand joined theirs. Three of them fingered my wet heat, one of them slid a finger inside, and I squeezed Charlie and Clive’s cocks hard as I pumped them to match the rhythm.

  “Oh god,
” I exhaled and Clive nibbled my neck, licking and sucking with his ragged breath loud in my ear. “That feels good,” I moaned.

  Charlie’s fingers spread my lips wide and Harley or Ty locked his mouth on my pussy and began to suck my clit as I twisted and groaned in pure ecstasy.

  “Oh we’re just getting started,” Clive whispered in my ear and thrust against my hand. “The night is young, and we’ve been wanting this for days now. Thinking about it, talking about it, plotting to get you here in bed with us.”

  “It didn’t take much,” I sighed and arched my back to open myself wider to the prying fingers and hot mouth on my clit. “I want to suck you, Clive, please.”

  “Get up there, you heard her,” Charlie chuckled and I felt his cock twitch. I wanted him next, or Harley or Ty…I wanted all of them, in me and on me, I wanted it all.

  Clive straddled my chest and I looked up his ridged, muscled body and his angled, handsome face as he watched me take his thick cock into my mouth.

  I licked the ridge and tongued it, wanting to draw in as much as I could manage.

  I’d never been that excited about giving head, but the intensity of the moment had me dying to suck cock, to fuck, to get fucked, I wanted to try everything I’d ever read about or seen online. And I wanted Clive to fill my mouth with his hot cum.

  It was like I wasn’t even myself anymore; I’d become a different person than I’d been just a week or two ago. If I went back in time and told my old self about this, I would have laughed right in my face.

  But here I was, getting it on with four of the hottest muscled cowboys I’d ever met and loving every minute of it.

  Clive leaned forward and braced himself on the headboard. He pushed deeper into my mouth, down the back of my throat and almost made me gag with the width and length of his rock hard cock.

  Almost. I fought against the urge and let the waves of pleasure radiating out from my pussy relax me, and I took more cock than I ever had in my life. He started to slide in and out, matching time with the fingers inside of me, fucking my face as one of the guys finger fucked my pussy.


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