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Rough Stock, the Novel

Page 19

by Alexandria Hunt

  Our eyes locked and everything in the world fell away except for the man between my legs, the men on my breasts, and the muscled beast of a cowboy masturbating over my hips.

  I could feel the motion of his hands as he tugged his cock and my orgasm slammed into me as hard as a freight train. I couldn’t hold back, I screamed and bucked again, but my men stayed put. They were used to riding the rough stock in the rodeo, hanging onto me as I crashed into an intense release wasn’t going to stop them any time soon.

  Charlie spasmed and I saw his face go stony still, I felt his hot spunk flood my lower abdomen and I reached down to rub it into my skin as I eased down from my wicked ride.

  “Oh god,” I moaned and the four of them moved back, watching me.

  “I need to fuck you, darlin,” Ty said, and I figured he’d earned it with his skilled oral attention. I grinned, spread my legs wider and pulled him inside of my slick and waiting cunt.

  “Fuck me hard,” I groaned and dug my fingernails into his dimpled ass. He thrust forward and lifted me off the bed to meet him, slamming our bodies together. “Harder, Ty, come on.”

  “Hold still,” Charlie commanded suddenly, and we both obeyed. Charlie was always the unofficial leader of the group, his word was law and it was final and even though none of us talked about it, when he said something, we all obeyed.

  He dropped to the bed beside me, pulled me into his arms and partially onto my side, my body becoming enveloped in his. “I want your ass, darlin’,” he drawled and prodded at me from behind.

  Ty hung on and remained buried deep inside my pussy while Charlie pushed his thick cock inside of me. My body resisted at first, but his dick was wet from his come, so it provided a natural lube for him to ease himself inside, popping in at last as I forced my body to relax and accept him in that most private of places.

  “Oh damn,” I exhaled slowly when he was in. I could feel two cocks inside of me, slowly moving against each other, separated by such a thin wall of pure nerve endings and bliss for me.

  They ramped up speed, developing a wonderful rhythm where one was slipping in as the other was pulling out, pistoning in and out until I felt filled to the brim and pleasured like nothing else.

  Clive dropped to the bed and stretched out facing me, angled to allow Ty his access, but close enough that he could play with my breasts, suck them and kiss them as I was being royally fucked.

  Harley wasn’t one to be left out though, he maneuvered to the head of the bed and started to jerk off near my face. I heard him, so I looked up and stretched for his cock, seeking another hole to be filled.

  He slid down my throat with practiced ease and I realized I’d lost count of the number of times I’d done this over the years.

  I cried out, but it was muffled by Harley’s cock. I reached down and found Clive’s unattended, so I began to stroke him in time with the men fucking my pussy and my ass.

  My brain was on fire, bright sparks of absolute joy and pleasure were lighting up my world, and my body felt as if it had turned to liquid heat. My limbs were boneless and felt light, as if they could float above my body if I wasn’t hanging onto Clive’s cock and the sheet woven into my other hand.

  I screamed and writhed, I rolled back and forth but four men held me down, kept me in place until the intensity was too much and my body arched backwards like a bow and I felt as if my back could break from the absolute all-consuming intensity of the moment.

  “I love you,” I moaned against Harley’s dick, sucking on it and taking it down my throat greedily. My words weren’t clear, but the meaning was obvious because each one of my men repeated my words back at me.

  “I love you too, darlin’,” they said almost in unison.

  “Fuck,” Harley grunted and I felt him tense up, his cock pulsed and he came in my throat, his hot spunk gulped down as quickly as he offered it up.

  “I’m going to fill your ass, sweetheart,” Charlie groaned and thrust up inside me one final time, deep and hard and stiff.

  Ty slowed his pumping and let Charlie finish. His cock throbbed and I felt a flood of his hot seed.

  Harley pulled out and I cried in pleasure, “God, this is so hot…this is so good. Fill me, fuck me, love me…”

  I felt Ty lift my hips again as Charlie’s cock popped out of me. Clive moved up the bed and shoved his cock in my mouth as Ty began to attack me, pumping into me hard, like a man possessed.

  My body was twisted and flailing with the force of his thrusts, but I loved it, every damned minute of it.

  Clive pushed deep down until I almost gagged, I forced my throat to relax and take him all.

  Ty finally stiffened and groaned, a long, deep, sexy exultation…just my name falling from his lips as if in wonder at the way I made him feel.

  “Morgan,” he rasped and his hot seed flooded my pussy, my clenching, twitching, waiting womb. “Fuck, you’re so fucking amazing…”

  I would have responded, but Clive’s cock was jamming my mouth with its thick demands. He was the last of us to come, and I let him build until he finally finished. I sucked down every last drop of his cum, licked and sucked and felt his cock soften until he relaxed and withdrew.

  I was spent. I was limp and loose, unable to even gather the strength to sit up. I lay back and signed, laughed and said, “I can’t believe I ever worried that you would get bored of this.”

  “I can’t believe it either,” Charlie said and fell to the side of me.

  Clive lay down on the other side, Harley on his side, Ty beside Charlie.

  The five of us snuggled under the covers and soaked in our post orgasmic sensations, talking and laughing until we were ready for more.

  And more.

  And more.

  Sometimes I wondered if I would ever get enough of them.

  But that night, I didn’t care.

  Chapter 52

  “So when can I expect grandbabies?” Mom asked me for probably the twentieth time in the past month.

  “Not any time soon,” I replied and rolled my eyes at Clive who was helping me cut vegetables for the dinner we were making. He winked at me and grinned.

  “Well you’ve got four perfectly healthy men here to do the job, tell at least one of them to get on it,” Mom continued, obviously not getting the hint.

  Ty was on the other side of the expansive marble prep island seasoning some steaks for the grill. He also shot me a grin and no sympathy. They were incorrigible, and every one of them was on Mom’s side. They were dying to breed me up like an old broodmare, but I wasn’t sure I was ready.

  Clive and Charlie were out in the fields with my dad and I envied them and their freedom from my mom and her demanding ways.

  Dad’s health had improved steadily since his scare way back, but he still grumbled about eating boring food and not drinking. He was allowed a little treat now and then, like today he was going to drink a beer and eat a steak because it was his birthday.

  But of course mom made it like it was all about her, hence me rolling my eyes and doing my best to make it through dinner without yelling at her. Not even once.

  “The timing isn’t good,” I told her with gritted teeth. “I’m still working on bringing up my views to the blog and handling all the interviews and offers for other work. I’m a pretty busy girl.”

  Mom tipped some wine down her throat and hopped down from the stool where she’d been perched, watching my guys helping me with dinner.

  She wrapped two hands around one of Ty’s bulging triceps, raised her eyebrows at me and said, “I’ll bet you’re a busy girl. I’m surprised you can even walk.”

  “We take care of her well, ma’am,” Harley drawled and grinned even harder at me. They all knew how much she drove me crazy at times, and even though I loved her dearly, some days she could be a bit much.

  “I’m sure you do,” mom replied and held up her empty wine glass. “How well do you take care of your mother in law? And none of this ma’am stuff, you can call me mom or—“ />
  “Just don’t call her late for dinner!” Selena’s voice drifted over to us, cutting mom off.

  Thank god, Selena had arrived and everything would be okay. She knew how to run interference between me and my mom and could help me handle some of the more delicate situations mom always seemed to be pushing me into.

  As much as mom had initially disapproved of my unconventional relationship, she sure was obsessed with it now. I half expected to find out she’d moved three other men into the house at some point in the near future. Maybe it would mellow her out.

  “Ahh my other daughter from another mother and her incredibly handsome cowboy stud,” mom said and hugged Selena, then Selena’s husband, Chet. Selena was almost due with their first child so she entertained mom with stories of the pregnancy and nursery designs and I was momentarily off the hook.

  My brother and Sarah showed up just as dad and the guys came in off the fields, so we threw the steaks on the grill and served all the side dishes for his birthday feast.

  All in all it was an amazing night full of laughter and love in spite of how much mom drank and asked about our sex lives.

  The way dad’s face lit up when we brought out his gorgeous cake made it all worthwhile, especially since he didn’t realize I’d gotten a local vegan chef to make it for him.

  He had two pieces, thinking he was being naughty about his diet, but it was pretty healthy in reality.

  It felt great to be at a point in my life where I could do those things for my family, I could provide and spoil and treat them to the things I believed they deserved.

  Everybody left far too late for my liking, I was yawning like mad by the time my brother and Sarah made their way to one of the guest cabins across the main yard, my parents had taken the other one an hour or so earlier.

  It was after midnight and I was sleepily trying to put dishes into the washer, and pack up the leftovers when I felt arms around me from behind.

  Charlie kissed my neck and said, “Leave this to us, darlin’, you’ve done enough tonight.”

  I turned in his arms and kissed his mouth, looked up at him, then at the other three men and said, “Are you guys sure?”

  “You’ve earned the night off,” Ty said with a smile, “unless you want company.” He gave me a sly wink.

  I did want company, but I didn’t want sex. I needed sleep, but I wanted to cuddle, to feel their bodies against mine and to know that I was safe and secure and comforted all night.

  “Can we just leave all of this?” I asked. “I need to sleep, but I need you guys too.”

  “Of course,” Clive said and immediately they were surrounding me, lifting me and carrying me up the stairs again like I was the most precious, delicate, beloved woman in the world.

  And I supposed to the four of them, I truly was.

  The morning found me lazing in bed later than normal, but I was exhausted and drained of any energy.

  The four of them went downstairs early enough and I heard them laughing and talking and the telltale clatter of plates being tidied up and the kitchen being cleaned.

  Talk about being the luckiest woman in the world, not only were they all equally handsome, muscled, and wonderful in their own unique ways, but they spoiled me too. How many women had even just one man who would clean up her kitchen for her, let alone four?

  Although that was probably part of it: their desire for competition kept them working harder to impress me and continue to woo me.

  Things would never get stale in our kind of relationship, if one of them started to slip up they knew the other three would be diving right in to pick up the slack.

  And I didn’t mind at all, I couldn’t help it, competition kept them eager and their testosterone flowing.

  I fell back asleep until the smell of bacon sizzling in the frying pan woke me up. I heard my family talking loudly along with the guys and realized they’d come in from the guest cabins to join us for breakfast.

  I slipped out of bed and stood, felt dizzy, and the smell of bacon hit me like a brick in the stomach.

  Nausea washed over me and I doubled over, fighting the urge to heave right there on the soft cowhide rug next to the handmade wooden bed.

  I steadied myself and made my way to the bathroom, splashed some water on my face and brushed my teeth.

  As soon as the brush hit my molars, that urge to vomit hit me again and I bent over the sink, breathing deeply to keep it at bay.

  I couldn’t stand up straight, every time I did I felt dizzy and sick to my stomach.

  I must be getting the flu or something, I reasoned, I hadn’t had any alcohol last night so it couldn’t be that.

  Maybe I’d overdone it on the cake?

  I stood straight again and pulled on a robe, went downstairs and managed to pick at a little breakfast before starting my day.

  My family left in the afternoon and by dinner I felt fantastic, all concerns of illness gone from my head.

  Until the next morning.

  It was like rinse, repeat. I was exhausted, my stomach lurched, and it took me an hour or so to feel normal.

  I had to text Selena and let her know I’d be a little late for our visit at her place so I could freshen up and get over my stomach issues.

  I finally made it over and she was in full nesting mode. She was in the nursery and needed my help to assemble the crib. She’d begun, but being the size of a house meant she couldn’t twist into places where she could screw the parts together.

  “Help me up,” she panted from the floor, “seriously, I’m like a turtle. If you tip me over I won’t be able to get back up.”

  “Ha, don’t tempt me,” I laughed and reached down to offer her my hand. I yanked and helped her to her feet.

  “So why were you late? Too exhausted after being ridden like a show pony all night?”

  I snickered and rolled my eyes. “No, not that at all.” I went on to explain all my symptoms and as she listened, her eyes grew wide and her grin grew even wider.

  I finally stopped, looked at her and asked, “What?”

  “Could you be…you know…”

  “Could I be what?”


  “No, I’m on the pill,” I replied and set my lips in a grim line. “Although…”

  “Although what? Are you? You are, aren’t you? Oh my god!”

  “Although I did miss a couple days when we went to the cattle sale. I forgot them at home and didn’t think it would make much of a difference.”

  “Are you nuts? You’re young and fertile and have four hot men all over you, of course you’re pregnant!”

  “No, I’m not ready,” I moaned, “I still have so much to do.”

  “Well, babies decide when they want to be born. Sometimes we don’t get to choose the time.” Selena smiled and rubbed her own belly.

  “I’m not exactly the mom type, though,” I replied, frowning at the thought of giving up my lazy weekend mornings.

  “That’s why you have four men to help out.” She smiled.

  “Four fathers, how am I going to handle that?” I cried out. “Seriously, this is too much.”

  “You handle it how any other unconventional family handles it. As long as the baby is surrounded by love and support, everything will be fine. Love is really all you need.”

  “I guess,” I replied, hesitating.

  “Come on.” She smiled again, clapping her hands together. “Our babies will be so close in age they can grow up together. We can raise them like cousins!”

  I was quiet for a moment as I took it all in but it started to dawn on me.

  Being a mom wouldn’t be that bad, especially with Selena by my side. And like she said, I had four devoted men to care for me and any children I had.

  It could be a good thing, a very good thing after all.

  “We won’t know anything until I figure it out, so let’s get this crib built and prepare for the baby we’re definite about.” I smiled and sat cross legged on the floor to start putt
ing the crib together at last.

  “You can stop and get a test on the way home and call me the second you pee on that stick,” she replied and sat down in a rocking chair nearby.

  “Would it be mean of me to make you sit down here with me?” I laughed.

  “Only if you’re prepared for me to get revenge when you’re as big as a house,” she giggled.

  “Good point, if there is a baby in here then I’d better start treating you nice,” I laughed.

  We managed to get the crib together and spent some time talking about the good old days when we’d both been single and running our butts off for Mr. Monty and the newspaper.

  It had been fun, but I couldn’t imagine living alone now, even the moments I was by myself in the sprawling ranch house were too much.

  I said my goodbyes to Selena and wondered if I’d see her again before the baby came, I swear she was about to pop at any moment. I couldn’t wait to meet the little one and be an auntie, though.

  And maybe a mommy to one of my own.

  I stopped in at the pharmacy on the way home and perused the home pregnancy test aisle, confused and overwhelmed by all the choices. I wasn’t sure what I needed or if any of the special features were necessary.

  Did I need one that sent a message to my cell phone?

  Or did I need the one that played a little song if it was positive?

  I settled on a run of the mill old fashioned one.

  I blew a frustrated breath out and pushed a strand of hair away from my forehead. In a mild panic, I picked up three or four of them and headed to the cash register.

  The girl there lifted one eyebrow, smirked, but didn’t say anything.

  “I didn’t know which one would be the most accurate,” I blurted nervously, laughed a little too loudly.

  She didn’t respond so I immediately felt a little awkward, handed her my money and escaped the moment I could.

  I drove home and walked into the house holding the store bag under my arm as if in a daze. Was I really taking a pregnancy test?


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