Book Read Free

The Gladiator

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by Marianne LaCroix

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  New Concepts Publishing

  Copyright ©2007 by Marianne LaCroix

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  NOTICE: This work is copyrighted. It is licensed only for use by the original purchaser. Making copies of this work or distributing it to any unauthorized person by any means, including without limit email, floppy disk, file transfer, paper print out, or any other method constitutes a violation of International copyright law and subjects the violator to severe fines or imprisonment.

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  Marianne LaCroix

  © copyright July 2007, Marianne LaCroix

  Cover art by Marianne LaCroix, © copyright July 2007

  New Concepts Publishing

  Lake Park, GA 31636

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, events, and places are of the author's imagination and not to be confused with fact. Any resemblance to living persons or events is merely coincidence.

  Dedicated with love to my husband, Mark

  Chapter One

  Julia Williamson rubbed her tired eyes as she leaned back in her chair, taking a short break from the scrolls she had studied for the past few hours. Their translation had taken weeks, but it would be complete soon.

  Found in a remote part of Rome when an ancient part of a temple collapsed, the scrolls were now treated with extreme care and gentility. Encased in glass, she was only able to touch them with gloved hands. The blackboard behind her was covered with the ancient Roman text and their English translations.

  From what Julia was able to determine, the text spoke of forgotten spells to help lost souls find their loves. She smiled at the preposterous beliefs of the ancient race. If pleading to several gods did not answer their wishes, the people tried to conjure magical means to get their heart's desire.

  Getting up from her chair, she stretched her tired, stiff muscles as she absently rubbed her lower back. Hours of sitting were taking their toll, so she ambled about the room.

  The walls were lined with various treasures found and donated to the museum over the years. Anything of worth was restored and preserved, then put on public display. The items lining the numerous backroom shelves were of no particular value other than to her. Broken Egyptian pottery, shattered Roman tablets, and fragmented Greek tiles were some of the riches that lay scattered and forgotten about the room. The only modern item that seemed out of place was the large glass encasement containing the scroll, Julia's chair, and the large blackboard standing close-by.

  As she strolled around her cluttered workroom, she glanced once again at her translations. One line to go and that would complete the stanza. She read her translations of the last three lines of the verse over aloud.

  She walked over to her work table and glanced at the text of the next line, then stepped to the blackboard and wrote the following Latin verse. In a few minutes, Julia translated the line and said it aloud.

  Over land and sea, throughout all time,

  find my destined love, the one forever mine.

  Backing up to look at the entire verse, she murmured it to herself once again. After the last word, a strange dizziness washed over her senses. Suddenly light headed, Julia brought her shaking hand to her head in an attempt to steady herself. Her wobbly legs threatened to buckle and she tried to make it to her chair.

  Instead, she fell to the floor in a motionless heap.

  * * * *

  "Milady, wake up.” A cheerful voice spoke as the person shook Julia's shoulder. “Milady, you must get up."

  Julia opened her eyes to see a blurred shape of a young woman, probably not much more than sixteen, smiling down at her. As the image cleared, Julia noticed the strange language the woman spoke, and instantly realized it was Latin, the language dead for hundreds of years. Oddly enough, Julia understood every word immediately without a conscious thought.

  "Where am I?” Julia asked in a groggy voice. She had answered in Latin without thinking twice. How could that be?

  "I don't understand, milady,” the girl said as she stood back from what Julia figured was a type of lounge.

  That was when she looked down at herself. Discovering she was dressed in a white silk sheath dress, a gold arm band on each upper arm, and numerous jeweled rings, she bolted up startling the other woman. “What in the world?"

  "Milady?” The young woman's face looked concerned and she reached a hand out to steady Julia.

  "What's going on?” Julia got up and spotted a mirror on a far marble wall. Glancing around the fine grand room made of polished marble and decorated with various colorful linens, she realized something was deeply wrong. When she gazed into the mirror, she saw herself, but strangely not her, reflected back.

  The woman staring back was adorned in a toga and her long raven hair was pulled up into an elaborate twist with assorted jewels weaved through the tresses, flashing their brilliant colors in the light. Her creamy white skin had no trace of the sun anywhere, unlike what she had seen after spending time at an excavation site in Egypt the week prior. Her eyes were lined slightly in a dark liner accentuating their deep brown color. The look was striking and she liked it.

  Was she dreaming?

  "Milady, the Gladiator of your choice awaits you."

  "What?” A Gladiator? What was happening to her? Where was she, better yet, when was she?

  "Yes, the one you chose today at the games. You told me to inform Cassius of your choice and prepare him for your pleasure.” The young woman smiled a mischievous grin. “He is a fine choice, milady, very handsome and well built.” The girl placed a cloak about Julia's shoulders and drew up the hood.

  Good lord, what had she gotten herself into? How did she get to be here anyway?

  It had to be that spell. But how?

  Julia looked up into the excited face of the woman she assumed was a servant. Might as well play along and take a look at the ‘handsome and well built’ Gladiator. After all, what woman didn't fantasize about a sexy Gladiator after seeing that actor in the movie? “Take me to him.” As she followed the young servant, Julia asked, “What is your name again?"

  "Aelia, milady. You do not remember?"

  "I'm sorry. I'm not myself right now.” That was an understatement!

  They walked the stone corridors, lit with numerous torches set in sconces along several intervals. “Where is he waiting for me?” And what am I supposed to do when I get there? A nervousness curled over her spine as she realized this was a man unlike she had ever met, a true Gladiator, a man living to kill just to survive, a warrior that fought to exist another day. It was no wonder why the Roman women of wealth and circumstance bought the favors of such men. They wished the luck of the victory was contagious.

  "In a cell at the Gladiatorial training area, milady. He is chained for your protection, of course.” They walked out into the late evening, and Julia realized the building she came out of was almost as big as any palace.

  Whose life was she living anyway? That had to be the answer. The spell had swept her into some woman's life in ancient Rome. Julia wasn't exactly sure why, but she had to make do until she figured out how to return to her own time. Could she return?

  And whose life was she intruding upon?

  A slight breeze blew across the dry streets as they walked along together. They eventually arrived at a gated stockade, which Julia imagined was where the Gladiators resided and trained. A jolt of fear ran through her at the enormous risk she was taking in this strange time.

  A broad looking man met them at what Julia figured was a side entrance and let them in. Aelia and he exchanged a few words quietly, and then he turned to her.

p; "Lady Julia, we are honored with your visit. I have arranged everything for you.” He motioned a large hand for her to proceed. “Come, I will lead you to him."

  She tried to conceal her stunned reaction to his use of her name. At least she didn't have to answer to something different. It was all so overwhelming, and now she was being led to a cell where a real Gladiator awaited her.

  The guard directed her to the cell. Torches lined the hall, their flickering light dancing along the shadows, casting a warm glow to the otherwise dismal walkway. Then they stopped at an iron door and the guard took out his keys and fit one into the lock. The rusty catch released and then the door creaked open. The guard waited at the entryway, allowing her to pass into the cell.

  She brushed into the cell and the door shut behind her. Clanking of chains against stone at the far end of the cell drew her attention. She looked up as she pulled back the hood of her cloak.

  There chained to the wall was the most perfect specimen of a man. His muscular arms were both manacled and chained with heavy looking links. His wide chest appeared powerful and well tanned. Standing almost completely naked, save for a meager cloth covering his groin, nothing much was left to the imagination. The sight caused a liquid heat to build between her thighs. When was the last time that a man had that kind of stimulating affect on her? A very long time.

  Then he peered at her with the most striking ice blue eyes she had ever seen. They bore into her, piercing her soul with their intensity.

  And then, the chained Gladiator spoke.

  Marcus knew why he had been brought here tonight, although he'd never been summoned before. Many of his comrades were chosen to pleasure the well paying ladies of Rome, but not him, until now. Of course his victory today in the arena had attracted the attention of many Roman citizens, and they chanted his name after the magnificent defeat of the Germanian soldiers. They had fought bravely, but were untrained to meet the superior skills of the Roman Gladiators.

  The woman strode into the cell. When she heard his movement, she pulled back the hood of her dark green cloak to reveal the face that had haunted his dreams so many nights before. Always seeing her from afar, he had never thought she took notice of him. At least, that was before fate made him a slave of Rome, to entertain her bloodthirsty citizens in the arena.

  "Lady Julia Titius. So, it is you who wished for my company."

  "You know who I am?” From the look on her face, she was surprised at his recognition.

  "Yes, milady. I know who you are.” He watched her come closer to him with unsure steps. Her beautiful pale complexion a stark contrast to the dark eyes he had wished to glance his way so many years ago. Was it so long since he was respectable and worthy of her attentions?

  "What is your name?"

  "I am Marcus Atronius Magunnus, former Royal Guard to your uncle, Julius Caesar."

  "What happened to make a Royal Guard into a Gladiator?"

  He hesitated. Speaking of the moment he was thrust down was a painful memory to relive. “I was accused of insubordination by my commander. I was sold as a Gladiatorial candidate the next day, to fight for my right to stay alive. It was either that, or be sentenced to immediate death. Julius believed I would serve better in the arena to entertain the mob.” How could she know he was caught looking upon her in a way that displeased Caesar, then wrongfully accused of insubordination to condemn him as a slave? And now, she summoned him to her presence because he caught her eye in the Arena. Life was truly ironic.

  "I'm so sorry.” Her voice was full of emotion as she stepped closer enough for him to capture her fresh scent of lilies, an odd aroma in this dank cell.

  His eyes grazed slowly over her body, sending sensations of awareness through him, something he had not felt since the last day he had seen her three years ago. “There is one compensation for my fate, as I have the pleasure of your visit now, Lady Julia.” His voice was low and seductive, and he knew it affected her when she gazed up into his face. Her expression told him of an internal battle of her own.

  She turned from him and began pacing the cell. He watched her fluid movements. Raven black hair shined in the torch light as she moved throughout the cell. Her goddess like beauty had never ceased to bewitch him whenever he had seen her those years ago, and she seemed even more enchanting now.

  "This is all so confusing and strange,” she murmured to herself in a voice he could hardly hear. Stopping to turn and graze over his body with her deep brown eyes, he knew she could not miss the obvious bulge at his crotch. As soon as he had seen it was Julia, his cock had come to life instantly. Her eyes lingering there only caused him to harden more. By the will of Mars, he wanted to plunge into her and rock with her into a pleasurable oblivion.

  The scraping of chains drew her attention as he lifted a hand out to her in invitation. He was thankful the generous length of chains allowed some movement. She had paid for a night of pleasure, and he intended to see she received it.

  "Come here, Julia."

  She froze as he waited for her to respond to his command. Part of her wanted to have him wrap those powerful arms around her and protect her from this strange world. It was all so much to take in in one day. But then again, he looked the part of a Gladiator, a condemned slave of Rome living through brute strength and combative skill. She had no idea if he was a brute or a gentle man.

  Glancing up into those striking blue eyes, she sensed he would not hurt her. Something inside told her she could trust him. An overpowering need to be protected washed through her as she moved quickly into his awaiting arms.

  She laid her cheek against his muscled chest, his manacled arms encircled her. The feel of his warm flesh about her was oddly comforting. She wrapped her arms around him as they stood in silence except for the clanking and scraping of his chains.

  He nuzzled her hair and inhaled deeply, his hold on her tightening slightly.

  "You're just as I always imagined, Julia, warm, soft and sweet."

  She looked up into his face as he studied her features, memorizing each line.

  "How do you know me?"

  "As a Royal Guard to Caesar, I saw you many times."

  "Of course.” She had almost forgotten he had mentioned she was Julius’ niece. His history flooded her mind. The conquests. The affair with Cleopatra. His assassination. What year was it anyway?

  His finger lightly traced her chin and stroked the skin along her jaw. All worries washed away and Julia became entranced under Marcus's magical touch. His lips brushed over her forehead along her hairline, his warm breath sending tingles along her skin. It was hard to believe such a simple act could be so erotic and arousing.

  Her fingertips grazed over the hardened muscles of his back and a small moan escaped her lips.

  "Ever since I saw you those years ago, only you have haunted my dreams, Julia,” he breathed softly against her hair. “To have you here, now, I can hardly believe my own senses.” His arms pulled her body harder to his as his lips tasted her neck's tender skin. “How can this condemned slave show his gratitude?"

  Julia's lips parted and she inhaled deeply, taking in his intoxicating scent of sandalwood and male. His lips were doing incredible things to her senses as his hands awakened the sensual being she had never known existed. Finally she breathed out her wish as her eyelids fluttered closed, “Take me."

  It was all the invitation he needed. His fingers worked the closure to her cloak open, causing the rich green fabric pool at her feet. He began molding his hands to her soft curves over the thin fabric of her sheath. It gave way easily to his touch, as he pushed it aside to reveal the creamy skin of her breast.

  She gasped as his hot mouth enclosed over a taut nipple. She leaned back in his arms allowing him better access to continue his assault upon her body. He licked and sucked one breast, tantalizing and awakening her passions, moaning as he stopped his mouth's ministrations to her breast. He then gave the same attention to the other. Molten liquid filled her. Her sex yearned for his touch.
  Just when she felt like she would orgasm at the attention he gave to her breasts, his hand gathered her dress up allow access to her cleft. His finger slipped through her folds and into moist heat. At one simple touch to her swollen clit, she shattered in his arms. Her hands clutched his shoulders for support as she rode the waves of pleasure rolling through her body.

  In a matter of minutes, with his expert touch, she climaxed within his arms. Her muscles clenched and she clung to his shoulders tightly as her orgasm took control of her body. She screamed out his name, as though she'd known him much longer than the barest of moments. It was a raw moment of ecstasy, a glorious surrender of herself to this captivating man.

  He drew out her climax as he continued to massage her aching nubbin. “Give yourself to me, Julia,” he whispered as her body rode the final waves of her orgasm and spiraled downward into satisfied completion.

  As she began to recover, she opened her eyes and looked up into his eyes. Bringing her hand to touch his face, she ran a thumb over the slight stubble growing along his jaw. She examined him in silence, trying to absorb the events of the past few minutes. How could she have just allowed a man she hardly knew give her the most incredible orgasm of her life?

  Her eyes grazed over his face to his lips. Then it dawned on her, he hadn't kissed her. A fingertip ran over his lower lip as her eyes glanced up to his. Those ice blue eyes held a fire she knew she had ignited. She wanted to feel his heated desire fully, no holds barred. Julia licked her lips slowly, drawing his eyes to her mouth. In that moment, his hand cradled the back of her neck and pulled her to him, and his mouth descended onto hers.

  The kiss was not gentle or tender, but hot and hungry, devouring her. Her arms encircled his neck as she opened her mouth to his tongue which demanded entry. His tongue caressed hers and tasted her in a fierce intense need. She answered that urgency with a passion. Her anxious fingers ran through his short dark hair and he moaned into her mouth. Her desires fed his own as they built the inferno.


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