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The Gladiator

Page 3

by Marianne LaCroix

  That was the worst. Starved animals were tough foes to defeat. Not only that, but when they did feast, it was on human sacrifices, giving them a ‘taste’ for their blood. It was part of the gruesome life.

  Of course, some of the other animal perversities were even beyond his own imagination. Mules mating with women were some of the things he couldn't stomach. Many of the Roman citizens cheered at such spectacles, but he couldn't bear to watch. Chariot racing was more to his taste.

  Finely bread horses charging around Circus Maximus was the epitome of the Gladitorial games. He had been honored to be able to partake in those blood-racing events. As the driver of one of a Senator's team of chestnut Barbs, he had gotten to have a dose of the racing excitement.

  But it paled in comparison to the physical and emotional charge Julia could give with one look from her dark coal eyes.

  Last night had been a dream come true. He had only fantasized her naked within his grasp before, her soft creamy skin beneath his hard body. Granted, proper positioning had been difficult last night, but he still had the great pleasure of filling her to the hilt. And what a woman she'd turned out to be, begging him to pound into her body again and again. Damn, had it been real or one of his dreams?

  Marcus waited in one of the holding cells with the other Gladiators waiting to return to their stockade. Waves of cheers and shouts surrounded him with each surge of fighters that entered the ring. Many of his comrades survived but a few met their death at the end of a Germanian triton.

  "Marcus?” a feminine voice said in a hushed tone.

  He raised his head and saw her, there by the barred edge of the cell. With her servant, he noted they both looked nervous as they glanced around them. She had taken a risk in coming here. Caesar's spies would surely report this visit to him.

  Marcus rose to his feet and stepped over to her. Her dark tresses up off her shoulders and decorated with gold clips, she truly was the goddess of his heart. “What is it, milady?"

  She clutched one of the cell iron bars, and he covered her hand with his own. Warmth of her flesh permeated through his entire body from the contact. It was comforting even in this dirty cell, surrounded by death and pain.

  "Be wary of tonight. I don't know what Caesar is planning, but judging by his mood toward you, it can't be good."

  "Do not worry about me, fair Julia. I can handle whatever Caesar has for me to face.” He traced the top of her hand with his thumb. He noted her quick intake of breath.

  "Marcus Brutus is angry about the dedication, too. Please be careful."

  "Brutus.” How he hated the man. There was something cold and calculating about Brutus. “Thank you for coming to warn me, but you place yourself in danger. Please go before one of Caesar's spies sees you here."

  "Marcus, I.... “Fear filled her eyes and he reached up to caress her face with the tip of his finger.

  "Please go now, Julia."

  "After the dinner, when I retire, come to me."

  He looked to her servant. “Can you make sure I can get in afterwards without anyone finding out?"

  "I'll talk to Cassius and sneak you in. Don't worry. Anything for my lady."

  "Thank you,” Julia said to the girl. Then, turning back to Marcus, she leaned into the bars, her face touching the cool metal. “I almost died watching you fight."

  "'Tis the will of Caesar. I am at his mercy, to carry out his bidding.” Brushing away a tear, he said softly, “Julia, I do not want to kill those I face in the arena. But if I do not strike, I will be punished at the whim of the Caesar."

  She closed her eyes and another tear ran down her cheek. “I know. I just can't stand seeing you used like this."

  "'Tis my fate. I was condemned and now I must fight to stay alive.” He leaned in closer and kissed her cheek. “Thoughts of you give me the strength to survive.” He added softly, “Your kisses have renewed my will to live."

  "Marcus,” she breathed.

  He bent down and brushed her lips lightly. It appeared chaste, but the feelings it invoked were hardly that. He wanted more than anything to confess the longing within his heart, years of pain for the one woman he was denied to love.

  Moaning, he broke the tender kiss and stepped back from her, breaking all physical contact. “Go, milady. I will fight for you tonight and entertain Caesar."

  He watched her stride off with her servant and he groaned inwardly. This was not the way he wanted his life to be. He shouldn't be dragging her into it either. Danger lived with him like a flea on a rat. They were inseparable.

  And now, he placed Julia in danger by giving her his heart. If Caesar had any say in their relationship, he'd see Marcus dead before wedding her to him, a slave. Was there any way Julia and he could live without a threat hanging over their heads?

  Chapter Three

  Julia sat and shook within her seat. Granted, she looked the part of calm composure, but inside, she was a nervous wreck.

  Around her, Caesar had a bounty of foods and drink for his guests, who were all seated on large cushions around low legged tables. Fruits of all sorts—dates, apples, figs, pomegranates, and cherries—sat on elaborate silver dishes, while plates of pork, salmon, and quail where steaming nearby along with heated bowls of leeks, carrots, turnips and onions. Everyone washed down the meal with numerous cupfuls of wine.

  During the meal of never ending courses, dancers shimmied and gyrated to the sounds of drums and stringed instruments. Scantily clad women danced and stripped off their delicate veils to reveal bodies in perfect form. Breasts were tipped with gold dust or had clips secured to the nipples to allow tassels or gems to dangle from them. Julia sat in amazement of how they could twirl those danglers in circles before the eyes of the ogling Roman guests, who cheered and showered the women with coins.

  Caesar and Cleopatra sat in the midst of the activity, feeding each other, licking food and their juices from each other's fingertips. It was easy to see that lust and sexual stimulation was all part of their relationship. No wonder the Roman Senators had eventually rebelled against the rule. The man flaunted his mistress right under the nose of his wife. But then, many Romans had their assorted sexual partners.

  The current dance ended and Julia felt a wave of dread wash over her nerves as Caesar clapped and called for the next set of entertainment.

  She saw Marcus walk in and her heart leapt to her throat. He moved with power and magnetism with each step. Clothed in only a meager Roman tunic, his strong, oiled body of muscle reflected the soft glow of the lamps set about the room. Heated desire coursed through her veins at his approach.

  "Caesar, I must say, our Lady Julia looks particularly enchanting this evening,” Cleopatra said with a smile. “I said Egyptian fashions would look well on her."

  "Yes, my love. She is all beauty,” then he turned his glance to his mistress and added, “She rivals your own."

  Julia felt very uncomfortable, as she knew this was all meant for Marcus. He stepped onto the marble floor with sandaled feet, and stood before Caesar and his queen mistress. Bowing his head, he signaled allegiance by placing his fist over his heart.

  "Marcus, you have done well in the arena. Each day, I see you gain more favor in the eyes of Rome. Tonight, I wish to have that for just the eyes of my guests.” Caesar sounded a bit too smug for Julia's comfort. “In wanting to show off the best in fighting skill, I arranged for our last champion to come and battle with today's hero of the arena."

  In stepped a large muscular man, a Nubian, judging by his dark skin. He was massive and commanded the room once he entered. The look of a killer etched his face, and he growled as he stopped next to Marcus before Caesar.

  "This is Melik, my champion wrestler. I wish for you both to exhibit the strength and skill of well-trained killers.” Then, Caesar added, “To the death."

  Julia gasped aloud and Caesar shot her a menacing look. Obviously, he was not pleased in her interest in Marcus, but it was beyond her control at this point. Her heart was already engaged
with the fierce Gladiator.

  And now she'd be forced to watch him fight this black mountain of a man, struggling to live within the man's deadly hands.

  A gong rang through the hall, vibrations echoing through the marble palace.

  "Begin.” Caesar sounded unlike the kinder man she had met earlier that day. He was the commanding leader with a grudge. But, why?

  "We about to die, salute you.” Marcus and Melik both said in unison, then turned to each other and began.

  Julia chewed her hand watching the spectacle unfurl before her. Marcus and Melik grasped at each other's shoulders and tried to throw the other off balance. The crowd of bloodthirsty Romans around her cheered as Melik kicked Marcus in the shin, taking the advantage to throw his body to the marble floor.

  Above the noise about her, she heard Caesar say to Cleopatra. “This will teach him to never look upon a woman with hopes to find him worthy."

  So, that was the case. Caesar disliked Marcus on a personal level, and she was the reason behind this hideous display of deadly strength.

  Marcus didn't stay on the floor long. He knocked the other man off his feet by pulling one of his legs. The floor shook when the giant collapsed. She noticed the man's weakness then. He might be large and menacing in size, but he moved slower. Marcus was more lithe and took advantage of the man's hindered speed.

  Seizing the opportunity, Marcus pinned Melik to the floor. Melik used his great leg strength and pushed him away. Marcus flew off the man and slid across the floor. Momentarily stunned, he lay there for a second, but Melik was upon him and jerked him up off the floor.

  Julia squeezed her eyes shut, unwilling to watch Marcus receive a blow across his jaw. That wasn't wrestling! Caesar laughed above the crowd and she knew he had given Melik permission to destroy his opponent by any means.

  "Caesar, that's not fair!” she pleaded.

  He face turned cold. “It's a fight, Julia. All is fair."

  "I do believe Lady Julia may care about the man.” Cleopatra smiled sickly before plopping another red grape into her mouth.

  How can they be so cruel? Julia stood and glared at Caesar. Dare she defy Julius in this strange time? “I'll buy him,” she blurted.

  "He is mine, Julia. You forget your place, niece."

  Marcus was once again punched, but this time in his stomach. He doubled over in pain and the crowd about them cheered.

  "Please, Great Caesar. I beg you."

  He glanced at the fighting men and a slick, calculating smile graced his face. “If Marcus wins, I will give him to you, niece.” He obviously thought Marcus wouldn't survive.

  "Done!” She turned to Marcus and the black man struggling to throw the other to the ground.

  Marcus must have heard the exchange. He seemed to have a wave of power overcome him as he threw Melik to the ground. The large man landed stunned, and Marcus took the chance and encircled the man's head within his arms. Julia couldn't look away. He fought for his life, his future. He glanced up to her and tugged on the man's neck, then Melik went limp.

  The man's death was swift and painless, and she felt sickened by the entire episode. There was no holding Marcus responsible for the deaths he inflicted. It was all by order of Caesar. Marcus was an instrument used by a cruel ruler.

  Marcus staggered to stand as Melik's body slumped to the floor at his feet.

  Julia turned to look at Caesar and saw the smug smile replaced by an irritated scowl. His eyes passed between her and the Gladiator.

  Standing, he gathered his white robe onto one arm like many marble portraits of Roman dignitaries. “Very well done, Marcus. Come forward."

  Marcus stepped before Caesar and knelt to the floor.

  "For your performance here today, I would have deemed you my new champion. For that, you'd live here in the palace and have a place of respect and freedom to become a citizen of Rome once again. With it, I'd grant wealth and prosperity.” Glancing over to Julia, watching and trying to control her shaking body, he continued, “But, the Lady Julia wishes for you to belong to her. So, I give you a choice. Come with me and I will grant your freedom and wealth, or go with Julia and be her slave to do with as she sees fit. Make your choice."

  Marcus turned his eyes to Julia then back to Caesar. “I wish to go with Lady Julia, Great Caesar."

  Obviously irritated by this response, Caesar frowned. “So be it,” he snapped, then turned in haste and stormed from the room with Cleopatra and several others following in his wake.

  "Milady,” Aelia whispered from behind Julia.


  "Should we go now?"

  She nodded. “Yes, I think that very wise. Have Marcus come with us. He'll stay at my home from now on."

  "Yes, milady."

  * * * *

  They arrived back at her home and Julia had Marcus visit the bathing chambers. While he waited, she went to her room and stripped away the Egyptian sheath and gold collar. As beautiful the collar was, it was heavy and made her itch. She should be happy Cleopatra hadn't suggested wearing one of their wigs, too.

  Wrapping in a bathing sheet, she dismissed Aelia and the rest of the servants for the evening. She had every intention to enjoy her Roman lover to the fullest and without observers.

  Odd how she felt completely calm, even after the entire day's activities. She had watched in horror as Marcus fought within the arena that morning and then one-on-one with a mountainous opponent. She still couldn't believe that Caesar had let Marcus come away with her. He had agreed to let her have him and then gave Marcus the final decision. She was pleased he chose to come with her, but something wasn't right about it. Did Caesar plan to do away with Marcus later? Had she just placed them in more danger?

  If only she knew at what time of his reign this was. Cleopatra had visited Rome during the last months of his life, so it had to be near then. But, was it close to the assassination? Could she and Marcus survive in the mean time until then?

  As much as she hated it, she couldn't do anything to change the course of time. Julius Caesar had his destiny already written in the stars. If she interfered, the entire world's history could feel the repercussions.

  But what of her Gladiator lover? Was she changing his history? Was there another woman meant to love him? Maybe this all wasn't the best of ideas, to take him as her lover. But then, she was in the body of another. Perhaps it was meant to be. The only way she could make sure would be to travel back to her own time. How could she do that? At this point, she was in the past due to a magic spell. There didn't look like any way to return.

  She padded into the bathing chamber. There, Marcus sat in the water, droplets of diamonds seemed to trace along his muscles as he rose to stand in the waist high pool.

  "Seems everyone left us tonight, Julia.” His voice washed over her body in heated tides. Just the sound of him saying her name was enough to get her intimate juices flowing. Already, her nub ached for his touch.

  "I sent everyone away so we could be alone."

  "Is that wise? Caesar was displeased. I do not think he is a man to take this entire situation lightly."

  She sat down on the edge of the pool, her legs dangling into the warm scented waters. About them floated luminaries surrounded by flowers, casting a warm glow onto his wet skin. He looked like Neptune rising from the waves as he approached her.

  "I think he might do something, but not tonight. He is otherwise occupied with his Egyptian lover."

  He stood before her now. His body radiated a warm inviting heat. He placed his hands on her hips and gently massaged her with his fingertips. As if she wasn't already straining with the last thread of control, her body reacted to his closeness.

  "What made you defy Caesar and risk your life for me?"

  Touching his face, relishing the roughness of his stubble along his cheek, she didn't think any other man could be as sexy or alluring as Marcus was now. “I just couldn't sit by and let you die."

  "You gave me the will to fight and win, Julia. The
chance to be with you again.... “He caught her hand and pressed a kiss into her palm. Explosions of tiny firecrackers ignited along her skin, racing along her arm and ending at the apex of her thighs.

  Wrapping her hands about his neck, she grasped his hair and pulled his face to her. Before pressing her lips to his, she whispered, “Tonight, there's just us. You and me. No past. No future. Just now."

  She couldn't help herself. She wanted him, needed him. Since the night before when she had found ecstasy within his arms, she felt like she had found the other half to her entire being. He was necessary to her very existence. As their lips mingled and tasted, the heat built within her, threatening to spontaneously combust at any moment.

  His hands were in her hair, pulling her closer into their embrace. She opened her legs and the bath sheet fell away to her hips. He pushed at the fabric and nestled between her legs, baring her core to his examination.

  His abdomen rubbed along her sensitive folds, already aching for his touch. Their kiss deepened, frenzied and hungry. She just couldn't get enough of him. He tasted like heady wine, intoxicating to the senses. His tongue caressed along hers, driving into her, drinking in her essence. She felt consumed, surrounded by him, and it was heavenly.

  His hands cupped her buttocks and he lifted her off the poolside. She wrapped her legs about his waist and he entered her. He balanced her in the water, allowing her to ride his cock, thrusting into her deeper and deeper.

  She broke her kiss and tossed her head back, completely engulfed by the sensation of their bond. By the gods, this was incredible. She couldn't get close enough.

  He licked her skin at the base of her neck. She moved her hips, taking him to the hilt, and his palms clutched at her bottom, steadying her movements.

  Colors exploded behind her eyelids as she was swept away in the moment. Never before had a man taken such complete control over her senses. She was vulnerable within his arms, and she loved it. She wanted to surrender all to him. He might be the slave in the eyes of Rome, but in truth, she was the slave, and Marcus was the master—the master of her, body and soul.


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