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Ethereal King

Page 7

by Ariana Hawkes

Boreas laid a hand on her shoulder and squeezed, as if he was congratulating her. A fast glance showed a smile ghosting over his face, making a tiny scar on his forehead wink at her before his expression changed to a fearsome scowl. She’d lay odds he was a sweetheart.

  Caiden threw Xephyr a contemptuous glance and snorted. “Come on, Alaric, let’s go. Someone needs to continue looking for a way home while Xephyr is busy playing pussy.”

  When the hostile elements had departed, Xephyr turned to face her, eyes twinkling. “Does this mean I have flies now?”

  Secret satisfaction tiptoed through her. “You listened. Well done.”

  He nodded. “Indeed. I have two ears and super-sensitive hearing.”

  She restrained a grin. “That you do. And, yes, now you’ve attracted flies.”

  He looked thoughtful. “Your way of leading might not be a bad idea. Caiden seemed deflated. The honey approach. Who would have thought?” A smile played at the corners of his mouth, his golden eyes warm. He licked his lips.

  Josie tracked the movement. “You were truly impressive.”

  He lowered his head toward her but didn’t completely close the distance. At the last moment, he pulled up short. “I have a special surprise for you.”

  “Is it a boat?”

  Xephyr shuddered. “No, it is not a boat. Just come.” He wrapped his fingers around hers possessively. Warmth seeped into her system at the touch of his skin. He didn’t release her as he sauntered along the winding path.

  “Hey, slow down, buster.”

  “Xephyr. My name is Xephyr,” he corrected her.

  “Where are we going?” she demanded. The bright sunlight temporarily blinded her.

  “You’ll see soon enough. And I promise it will be worth the wait.”


  Xephyr led Josie along the rock-strewn path. Their descent was slow to allow for her stilettos. She’d rolled the bottom of her jeans up, exposing her ankles. Black writing arched along her instep, surrounded with decorative scrolling green vines.

  “What do they mean, the words on your foot?” he asked as he helped her around a boulder.

  “Can’t you read?”

  “I can read, but I do not grasp the meaning so well. I only learned to speak your language when I met your friends, Tamika and Kyle. Yet, I am a prince of the royal blood. For me things come easily. I would learn quickly if you teach me.”

  “I’m not sure I’d be the best teacher.”

  “As my mate, it is your responsibility to see I have all I need. To have a job, I must be able to comprehend what I read.”

  Josie rolled her eyes. “Xephyr, put a pin in it.” When he opened his mouth to request an explanation, she held up a hand. “And don’t ask what that means. The words say the only happiness in life is to love and be loved. It’s a reminder that I am worthy.”

  “Of course, you are.” Xephyr snorted. “Who has said you aren’t worthy?” He’d find that person and turn him to cinders.

  Reaching a hand out, Josie trailed her fingers through the soft pine needles of the trees bordering the path, a slight grimace marring her face. “I had a boyfriend who liked to put me down. Especially when things were going badly for him. He tended to take it out on me.” She shrugged and moved along the trail.

  “What is his name?” How dare someone harm Josie? Smoke puffed out of his nostrils.

  “His name isn’t important.”

  “It is to me. I wish to find this sad excuse for a man and teach him that treating you badly is forbidden. I would not spit on the wounds I give him.” Rage boiled inside him at the thought of someone causing Josie to doubt herself. He would never let anyone harm her.

  She laid a calming hand on his arm. “Really, it doesn’t matter. He is no longer in the picture.”

  “You could remove him from pictures? That is a special talent.” His mate was magical.

  She paused on the trail and faced him. Her lovely blue eyes searched his face. “Xephyr, I promise to try harder not to use sayings and expressions you’d take literally.”

  “Good,” he grasped her fingers, giving them a squeeze. “Come on. Let me show you the surprise. It is just around the next bend.”

  She trailed behind him, the rhythmic crunch of her heels on the ground the only sound. Leading her around a sharp rock, he stepped to the side and drew her forward.

  “Oh! It’s beautiful.” Her words were breathy and delighted, her tone filled with wonder.

  A small, pristine pool lay in the middle of a clearing ringed with trees and tall grasses. Wildflowers grew in colorful clumps: yellows, reds, pinks, even white and purple flowers. The surface of the water reflected the stunning blue sky. Birds chirped and fluttered around the grove.

  “This is the only place on the island where there’s any vegetation. When I need some space, I come here to think.”

  “I can sure appreciate that. It feels like such a peaceful place.” She settled on a boulder and looked expectantly at him.

  “It reminds me of a spot in my garden in Ethereum.”

  “Do you miss it?”


  Josie nodded at him.

  “Yes, I do. I miss my family. We lost my younger brother a few years ago. He was a soldier, a member of Ethereum Special Air Forces, an elite special missions unit. He was killed in service. My mother took it very hard. My father buried himself in work to cope with his grief, and my mother was very lonely. I tried to spend as much time as possible with her.”

  “Oh, Xephyr, I’m so sorry! That’s terrible. You must miss her a lot.”

  “She is a very strong woman. I know she’ll be fine, but I just wish I could be there for her. Maybe one day we’ll find a way back there.”

  Josie looked at him, brows lowered, the pain in her eyes jabbing at his heart. What a fool he was! He had saddened her with his words. He should make her happy, not sad.

  “My father was devastated after we lost my mother. They were so in love—” She broke off.

  He stared at her, surprised she’d brought up the topic. Last time she’d mentioned her mother, she ran away from the topic immediately.

  “I’ve never known two people to love each other as much as they did,” Josie continued. “Mom died from cancer, and she was ill for a long time before that. Dad never showed his grief to her while she was alive. He wanted to make her days as happy as possible. And when she was gone, he just collapsed. I was afraid I’d lose him, too.”

  Xephyr put his hand over hers and squeezed her fingers gently. His heart was breaking for her. This woman, who he at first thought was just a feeble human being like they all were, was the strongest person he’d ever met.

  “I’m so sorry, Josie.” His voice came out unnaturally coarse. He cleared his throat. “You must love your father a lot.”

  “I do.”

  “My aunt Calista, dad’s younger sister, helped us a lot. She practically raised me after Mom passed away. I was twelve and having a really hard time at school, both the boys and the girls teasing me about my weight. Aunt Calista would tell me that weight didn’t matter, that the important thing was my medical statistics and my mental attitude were healthy,” Josie laughed. “I didn’t believe a word she said, the mean words of the kids screaming in my head every night when I went to bed. But I had a lot of appreciation for her care and unconditional love. She never encouraged me to eat smarter or make better choices. She loved me just the way I was and taught me to embrace life.”

  “Your aunt sounds like a very smart woman.” He smiled at her, looking deeply into her eyes. “You’re perfect, Josie.”

  He lowered his head and rubbed his nose alongside hers, his supersensitive hearing picking up the skipping beat of her heart.

  A small breath escaped Josie when his lips grazed hers. Mint, mixed with the sweet scent of flowers. At first touch, Xephyr’s own lips tingled. He eased away, waiting for her protest. But eyes closed, she didn’t pull back. In fact, she stretched toward him.

  Unable to
help himself, he edged closer, wrapped his hands around her hips and pulled her into his body. His firebox heated. Just touching her fueled his passion and desire.

  Angling his head, he deepened the kiss. Ran his hands up her supple, lovely curves. He sat down and urged her onto his lap. Desire snapped along every nerve when she straddled his hips.

  Never in his life had he experienced such a fierce physical reaction. His dragon loved the feel of her, the heat from the spot between her legs flowed onto his cock. Tightening his arms around her waist, he dragged her hard against his chest.

  Josie placed her palms to his chest and pulled her mouth away from his. She leaped away from him, scurried to the water’s edge, and kicked off her shoes. She dipped a toe in the water. “Do you swim?” She stooped down and wiggled her fingers in the serene blue pool, creating ripples that floated away from her.

  “Dragons do not swim,” Xephyr declared, laying a protective hand over his chest. He strode to a large, flat rock and perched. “You may dive in, however.”

  “It’s a little cool.”

  “I will heat it for you.”

  Josie snapped her head toward him. “Can you do that?”

  “Woman, as you noted, I know a few cool tricks. I am the king of dragons here in this world. Of course, I can.”

  He joined her at the shore. Eyes closed, he ignited his firebox. Heat surged and pulsed in the center of his body and climbed his torso. Opening his mouth, he pushed the fire out, aiming for the water.

  As yellow flames hit the surface, the pool sizzled. Steam wafted low in the air above the pool. He maintained the burst for only a few seconds. Too long, and the water would boil.

  Josie swung her head between him and the water. “You’re turning it into a hot tub.” She laughed.

  The delightful sound wrapped around Xephyr’s mind, caught his heart, and lassoed it in a squeeze. He reveled in the lightness of her laughter. Her happiness seemed to make him happier.

  He reeled in his flame, dousing the heat in his firebox. “I believe you will find the water warm enough now. If you want to go in,” he offered gruffly.

  “What if one of the others comes?”

  “No one else comes here. It’s my secret spot.”

  “I don’t have—” She broke off.

  “Don’t have what?”

  “Oh, nothing.” She was looking down at her clothes and frowning.

  “You’ll be sorry if you miss out.”

  “Okay, okay. You convinced me. But will you keep your eyes closed while I get in?” she said.

  “Dragons’ honor.” He placed his hands over his face. A moment later, his ears pricked up at the sound of fabric moving through the air, and his cock jolted. The temptation to peek was almost uncontrollable.

  “No peeking!” she warned, as if she’d heard his thoughts.

  He heard her going into the water, and he opened his eyes. She was in up to her neck, and her pink T-shirt and jeans lay neatly folded at the side of the pool. His breath caught in his throat. Is she…? But then he repressed a sigh of disappointment when she rose up a little and a black shoulder strap came into view. Well, she’d stripped down to her underwear anyway. That was plenty.

  She wriggled her arms, forming small ripples around her body. “It’s amazing! You should try.”

  He wasn’t a huge fan of water, but seeing her in there looking so happy and excited—and sexy—was very enticing. Josie smiled at him, her face suddenly open and inviting. Ah, damn it. He shed his T-shirt and jeans and slipped into the pool. Silky water waved over his body.

  “Feels nice, doesn’t it?” Josie asked, swimming in his direction.

  “It’s warm,” Xephyr said. “I like it.”

  Josie gently splashed water at him. Her eyes were sparking with happiness, more intensely blue than ever, a mischievous smile on her face.

  Xephyr took a couple of steps toward her, lowered his head, and closed the distance between them. “And I like you, Josie.”

  The kiss was sweet and tender at first. He kept his mouth soft while he traced her lips with the tip of his tongue until she parted them. Then he wrapped his arms around her, dragging her closer and pressing their bodies together.

  He changed the angle of his head, deepening the kiss, before his tongue slipped into her mouth and explored. She parried each stroke, her tongue velvet soft, as she wound her arms around his neck.

  Josie moaned into his mouth, her naked skin setting his on fire, and he stroked his fingers over the exposed flesh of her back, then raised his hand to the tender underside of her breast, cupping it and chafing her pebbled nipple through the wet fabric of her bra. Desire, then passion, flared and intensified until he felt he was being consumed by flames.

  Xephyr tore his mouth away from hers. His heart thumped wildly as he trailed his lips down the column of her throat, sucking, nibbling, licking her. He returned to her lips but quickly pulled away again.

  “You’re so beautiful, Josie,” he murmured. Contact with her lovely flesh was sending electric shocks up and down his body, and his dragon was madly clawing on the inside, desperate for release. He needed to get out of the water or he wouldn’t be able to control himself.

  “Do you like stew?” he said, heaving himself out of the pool and snatching up his clothes to conceal his growing erection. “Saturday is stew day. Eurus and Notus are in charge of cooking today, and they will be expecting us soon.”

  “Yes—sure,” she said, looking a little dazed.

  He continued to gaze at her.


  “What, my sweet?”

  “Uh, some privacy while I get out of the water.”

  “Of course,” he muttered, not understanding at all why she’d want to conceal her beautiful body from him. “I’ll wait for you behind the rock over there.” He strode over to it, forcing himself to keep looking straight ahead.

  The evening went even better than Xephyr had hoped. The stew was delicious, and he and Josie ate hungrily, sitting side by side on the same rock. She chatted to his friends excitedly, getting to know them and laughing a lot.

  After dinner she and Notus discovered their common passion for singing, and they shared some of their favorite songs while the other dragons cheered them on and joined in with makeshift instruments. Xephyr was impressed by the quality of her voice and remarked that it was as good as some of the best dragonettes in Ethereum. His estimation of this human was increasing by the hour, and the way her knee kept brushing against his thigh as she moved this way and that was a sweet torment. He wished they could be alone together so he could taste her sweet lips again. Soon, he promised himself. When she was his mate, they’d have their own lair.

  When it was time to sleep, he wasn’t thrilled to be relegated to the central cavern again, but he was in high spirits after the evening and hopeful that he would be able to convince Josie to stay for another day.


  Xephyr woke up early the next morning. He’d had such a magnificent day with Josie yesterday, and he couldn’t wait to see her.

  “Josie,” he whispered her name, gently stroking her hair.

  She rolled over and opened her eyes slowly, a rapturous smile on her face.

  Pressing her hand to her forehead, she sighed. “Not a dream. I was kind of hoping it was.”

  Xephyr lifted a brow. “Why would you want a dream if you can have the real thing?”

  “Because not dreaming means dragons do exist and I am still a captive on an island.” She sat up, pulling the sheet to cover herself. “Did you steal these covers, too?” She looked down at his Spiderman sheet.

  “I did not steal. I borrowed the sheets. I made a note of where I took them in case I was ever able to return them.”

  “Couldn’t you have borrowed something a little more mature?”

  “I like the colors. The picture resembles my dragon’s scales when I am in a pleasant mood.”

  She gave a snort of laughter. “Are you ever in a pleasant mood?”
  “When I am near you.”

  Josie scrubbed sleep from her eyes. “Oh, my God. You are a silver-tongued devil, aren’t you?”

  Xephyr stuck out his tongue and focused his eyes on it, trying to get a good look. “My tongue is pink, not silver.”

  “It’s a—never mind.” She flipped her hair over her shoulder. “Let’s have breakfast. What have you got?”

  “Stew,” Xephyr said proudly, glad there was plenty left over from last night.

  She screwed her face up. “Again?”

  His stomach dropped. He found he didn’t like disappointing her. “Yes, I believe you liked it yesterday?”

  “I did, but… whatever. Stew sounds great.” She reached for her jeans and T-shirt. “Can you give me some privacy to get dressed?”

  “Of course,” he said, and although he didn’t understand why privacy was so important after she’d already been half-naked in his arms, he turned his back to her, arms folded and whistling to himself.

  They ate a small bowl of stew each. Josie picked at hers, but finished it eventually.

  “Has the taste of it deteriorated?” he asked.

  “No. But stew isn’t a common breakfast in the human world. We usually have things like cereal, toast, eggs, bacon, or pancakes. It’s all good, though.” She got to her feet. “Shall we go now?”

  “Josie, why don’t you stay one more day?” he asked, forcing his voice to sound casual. “I’ll obtain whatever breakfast ingredients your heart desires.”

  “Xephyr, I really have to get home. I usually help my father on Sundays to prevent him from working weekends. And also, Bella needs me.”

  “Bella?” A strange sensation jiggled his gut. One he didn’t immediately identify as jealousy. But it fit.

  “My cat. She’s home alone. She’ll be hungry.”

  “You have a cat?”

  “Don’t tell me you’re a dog person and can’t abide cats. I don’t think we could be friends.”

  “I am neither a cat nor a dog person. They are animals, food. Not meant to be named and pampered.”


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