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Unexpected Complication (Harlequin Super Romance)

Page 21

by Knupp, Amy

  “Probably? Just fine?” He raised one eyebrow.

  “Definitely. Perfect.”

  She pulled him down to seal the deal with a long, soul-baring kiss.

  “Welcome home,” he said softly. He slid down her body and placed gentle kisses on her abdomen. “And to you, too, little girl. Can’t wait to meet you.”


  “YOU…ARE…MINE, sucker,” Carey said as she reeled in a hefty bass. The fish flopped against the boat at the water’s surface. “Okay, Dev, you’re up.” She bent and pulled the net out, holding it in his direction so he could take the fish from the line.

  “I’ve got more important things to take care of right now,” he said to her. His voice softened, changing to syrupy baby talk. “Isn’t that right, Princess?”

  Holding the pole with the frisky fish as steady as she could, Carey turned enough to see her husband doing diaper duty on their eight-month-old daughter on the back bench seat. She’d convinced Devin to trade in the fishing boat for a larger, family-friendly one. She couldn’t help smiling. She’d never get tired of watching him with Carla. Something about the gentleness of a sexy, muscular man goo-gooing over a baby turned her inside out.

  The blasted fish demanded her attention as it thrashed about. Gritting her teeth, she captured it with the net and brought it close enough to study where the hook jabbed at its mouth. She looked over her shoulder again and was treated to a view of Carla’s bare behind, legs flailing in the air as Devin cheerfully cleaned her up. “Damn,” she muttered to herself. She could see the hook, had watched Devin take them out countless times now, but she’d never done it herself.

  Finally, squeezing her eyes most of the way shut, she opened the fish’s mouth and twisted the hook out. She rushed to the livewell and dropped the slimy creature in with a shudder. “Did it.”

  Devin chuckled. “I never thought I’d see the day when your mommy would take a hook out,” he said to Carla.

  “I could say the same about you and dirty diapers.” She grinned when he shot her a shamed look. She knew he still regretted his initial doubts about being able to love the baby, but she’d gotten over it long ago—the second he’d proposed, in fact.

  They’d never looked back on that dreadful night when she’d been rushed to the hospital. She’d spent the next two months being pampered by Devin, who had become involved in every aspect of planning for the baby. He’d even spent an entire weekend painting the room they’d made into a nursery and then repainting it when Carey decided the yellow she’d chosen was too dark.

  When she’d suggested naming the baby after his grandpa, Carl Thaylor, he’d been overcome with emotion.

  Life was better than she’d ever thought it could be. Devin’s work was going gangbusters. He’d recently expanded by taking on a second security specialist, and Monica still assisted him, even though she was expecting her own baby in less than three months.

  Carey’s photography business was growing as fast as she wanted it to right now. She averaged about two weddings per month and still took some freelance assignments when she could arrange to have Devin or Monica stay with Carla. It was ideal—enough work to challenge her and keep her fresh, but not so much that she couldn’t bring up her daughter herself.

  Trent and Devin were no longer hostile toward each other. They could all spend time together without any disagreements erupting, with the exception of Carey and Trent arguing over whether he needed to get married and have his own kids. He tended to lavish tons of attention on Carla, which Carey secretly loved. But she still maintained he needed his own babies to fuss over. She aspired to be an aunt soon. She just had to find a sister-in-law first.

  Carey’s mother had kept her promise to help with the baby, even though Carey hadn’t ended up a single mother as she’d expected. She and Phillip were willing, doting babysitters whenever Carey and Devin needed an evening alone. As she’d suspected, Phillip had done wonders for Penny.

  Devin carried Carla to the driver’s seat of the boat and sat down across from Carey, upholding his side of a very serious conversation about fish with his daughter. “Business,” he said in his indulgent voice, “is okay. It feeds the bank account. But fishing…it feeds the soul.”

  Carey rolled her eyes. “You’re poisoning her mind.” She leaned forward. “Don’t listen to him, girly. Fishing is nasty, smelly boy stuff.”

  “So much for feminism,” Devin muttered.

  “She can stay home and run Daddy’s business.”

  They laughed together, and Carey decided she couldn’t wait any longer to tell him her news. “Speaking of business…it’s a good thing CMT is doing so well now.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  She watched him play with Carla’s toes, thinking for the millionth time what a good father he was. “Because it’ll get pretty expensive to keep two in diapers.”

  He whipped his head up, his lips hinting at a smile. “Did you say two?”

  She nodded.

  “As in Princess here and a sibling?”

  A wide grin spread across her face, and her heart melted at the excitement in his voice.

  “That’s what I meant. I’m seven weeks pregnant.”

  They hadn’t been able to consummate their relationship until after Carla was born, but they’d made up for lost time since then.

  He howled in happiness, and the sound echoed over the water.

  “Way to scare the fish away, Ace,” she said, her elation overflowing.

  “Forget the fish. You’re going to be a big sister, Carla.”

  The baby gurgled in delight, as if she understood her daddy.

  Devin leaned forward and kissed Carey long and hard, until a giggle from their daughter pulled them apart. They both glanced down at Carla to discover she had a death grip on the fishing pole.

  Carey laughed. “Looks like someone’s ready to fish. Are you going to drop a line in?” she asked Devin.

  “Hell, no. I’ve got me the catch of a lifetime. Let’s go celebrate, girls.”

  ISBN: 978-1-4592-2184-0


  Copyright © 2006 by Amy Knupp.

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