Book Read Free


Page 2

by Ahren Sanders

  “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “Who’s the hunk on the video footage coming and going into the shop last night?”

  “Are you serious? What possessed you to look through the footage from the security system?” I kick my foot, hoping to connect with one of his body parts. He grunts when I hit his hip.

  “You told Mom you were thinking of closing early because of the creeper that came in. Of course I was going to look. I don’t like you there by yourself at night, Ember. You know this.”

  My eyes open to see my cousin wiggling his eyebrows at me suggestively.

  I groan and throw one arm over my eyes. “Don’t get any ideas. He was being nice. That’s Robbie Hayes.”

  “Why would I get any ideas? Maybe because he left and came back fifteen minutes later with take-out and then walked you to your car after closing? And now you have three text messages from this ‘Robbie Hayes’. So, yeah, safe to say, time to spill.”

  I love my cousin more than anything in the world. He and my Aunt Chloe saved me from a dark and twisted path that was inevitable if I stayed in Alabama five years ago. If it wasn’t for them, there’s no telling where I’d be today. For years, they tried to get me away from the shit happening in my home and move to Tennessee. But I never left, hoping things in my house would change. Finally, I realized it would never get better, so I moved.

  He’s more like a brother, always protecting me, pushing me to come ‘out of my shell’, wanting to test my limits and enjoy life. So it shouldn’t surprise me that he would question my visitor last night. But knowing he has my phone alarms me. There is no telling the lengths he would go to if he thought there was a chance to set me up on a date.

  “What do you mean, three texts? He doesn’t have my number.”

  Cruz lays back and props up on an elbow, watching me expectantly. I sigh and replay the story from last night in detail. Then I tell him about all the other times I’ve been around Robbie, and his cold reception towards me. When I’m done, he exhales loudly and pats my hand gently.

  “Sounds like he has seen the error of his ways. Maybe he recognized what an ass he’s been.”

  “I don’t think so. I’m working with his sister and their friends. For all I know, he was told to stay with me to make sure no one else came in.”

  “Ember Walker, open your fucking eyes! He’s texting you this morning, asking if you have plans this weekend. He’s interested.”

  “Cruz, he’s so out of my league it’s ridiculous.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “You know what it means.” I can’t look at him and instead pick at my comforter.

  “It won’t matter if I live to be the oldest person on the planet, I’ll never forgive Natalie for the shit she put you through. Even after five years, it still haunts you. You’ve been in Nashville for a while now and haven’t dated more than a dozen times. Are you ever going to move on?”

  The mention of my sister causes tears to pool in my eyes.

  “Em, sweetie, look at me.” Cruz’s soft voice causes more tears to fall.

  “I’m totally okay with who I am, Cruz. I’m a quiet introvert with a lot of emotional baggage. My social skills are subpar. You don’t understand this crew. It’s an enormous group of friends and family, and the siblings have a bond similar to ours. They range from students, to soldiers, to rockers. Raven and Robbie Hayes’ whole group is an anomaly. It’s unbelievable how beautiful everyone is. The guys in the band look the part- piercings, tattoos, cocky yet charming. The other guys range from boy next door to clean-cut soldiers.

  “And the girls, don’t get me started. But Robbie takes my breath away. His dark hair, the deep blue eyes, his build and physique— everything. I can hardly form a coherent sentence around him. Even the briefest of touches last night caused my skin to actually tingle. Tingle!”

  “Can it be!?! Does my little wallflower have a crush on a hunky man? And I do mean man. Even from the grainy footage, it’s obvious he’s all man.” Cruz fans his face as he teases me.

  “I guess that’s what it is, without knowing much about him. He did tell me about his time in the Marines, and we talked about his friends. I tried to keep the conversation on him, so he wouldn’t ask me too many questions.”

  “Text him back now, or else I will.” He pulls my phone from his back pocket and shoves it at me.

  My stomach flutters when I open the messages from this morning and read through them.

  Robbie: I hope you don’t mind, but I put my information in your phone when you were in the back last night. I’d prefer it if you call me the next time someone stops in and asks too many questions.

  Wow— not exactly heartwarming. The fluttering stops and is replaced with a knot.

  Robbie: Shit, Ember, that sounded rough. What I meant is that Raven has a lot on her plate. I’d like to be available if you have to avoid or lie to anyone else. I’m around the corner and can get to you sooner. Do you mind telling the other associates as well?

  “Cruz! Did you read these? They’re business related. He’s totally protecting his sister.”

  “Read the last one, Little Star.” His eyes are warm as he uses my nickname.

  I hesitantly open the third text and gasp.

  Robbie: Ember, I obviously suck at this texting thing because I haven’t heard back from you. What are you doing this weekend? I enjoyed dinner last night and would like to see you again. Are you available?

  “Yep, he’s not just being polite. It took the guy three messages to get it right, but that is a bona fide invite on a date,” Cruz says through a smile.

  “Really? A date? Why didn’t he call? I’m not sure how I feel about being asked out through mobile technology.”

  Cruz looks to the ceiling and runs his hands down his face. “Because he’s a guy, and as much as I hate to say it, we’re idiots sometimes.”

  There’s something he’s not telling me, so I punch him in the gut to make him talk.

  “Don’t do that. I can only assume he knows very little about you or our situation. Is that correct?”


  “Then he has no clue you aren’t like other girls. The fact that you used the term ‘mobile technology’ is proof that you’re out of touch. He doesn’t know your dating experiences are limited. He’s treading in shallow water and feeling you out. No offense, babe, but when you are as closed off as you appear to be, men have a hard time.”

  “I don’t mean to be closed off. I’m damaged.”

  “Fuck No! You are not damaged. Maybe you were, but you’ve pulled yourself from that shithole and made yourself into a beautiful woman. I’ll never sit idly on the sidelines and allow anything else to happen to you again. That’s why you’re going to call him, not text, and let him know you’re interested in getting together. Give it a chance, Little Star. Give something a chance.”

  His pleading voice causes tears again. “Why am I so adolescent when it comes to this? I mean, you’re in a committed relationship. Aunt Chloe is dating. Hell, I see dreams come true all the time with weddings through the shop. Why can’t I let it go?”

  “One step at a time.” Cruz wraps an arm around my shoulder, comforting me.

  “Okay, I’ll call him, but you better be prepared for a drunken, soggy, night if I get embarrassed.”


  I pull back and shakily dial Robbie, hoping he doesn’t answer. It would be great if I could leave a message.

  “Hello.” His deep voice vibrates through the line, and my stomach dips.

  “Hey, Robbie, it’s Ember.”

  He says something muffled, and I hear a door shutting. “Hi.”

  “Are you busy? I can always call back later.”

  “No, just hanging out with Finn. How are you?”

  “Good, I saw your texts.” I’m a dork.

  “Must say, thought you may be mad since I didn’t hear back from you.”


  “Yeah, E
mber, it’s been almost two hours since I sent the first one.”

  “Wow, I slept late. My roommate brought me my phone.” Great, now he’s going to think I’m lazy.

  “Did you see all my messages? Are you available for dinner tomorrow night?”


  “Yes, do you have plans?”

  “No, she doesn’t!” Cruz yells, clearly listening to us. I swat his chest and lower the volume.

  “Who was that?” Robbie asks suspiciously.

  “That was my snooping cousin, Cruz, also known as my roommate.” I shoot a death glare to Cruz, who is now dancing around my room.

  “You live with a guy?”

  “My cousin,” I clarify.

  Robbie laughs, and the sound warms my heart. I can practically see the small dimple on his left cheek as he chuckles. “Listen, I can understand nosy. Remember who my sister is? She doesn’t really have boundaries.”

  “That’s something I can relate to.” Even though the conversation is light, there’s an uneasy feeling bothering me from one of his earlier messages. “Robbie, about your message earlier, no one else at Clyde’s would sell Raven out. We’re a family run company.”

  Cruz stops dancing and looks at me confused, shaking his head.

  “That’s great to know, but do you think that’s why I’m asking you to dinner? Because of Raven?” His tone changes from playful to serious.

  I stay silent because that’s exactly what I’m thinking.

  “Let me make my intentions clear. I want to get to know you. Your business relationship with my sister has nothing to do with me. I was an idiot to mention it earlier. What I should have said was I don’t appreciate people up in my family shit, and if another asshole comes in asking questions, they need to ask them to my face. Not put you on the spot.”

  He blows out a breath and my pulse quickens.

  “I’d like to take you out on a proper date.”

  Robbie Hayes wants to take me on a date!!!

  “So, are you comfortable with me picking you up tomorrow night, or would you rather meet somewhere?”

  The very few times I have dated, I’ve always wanted my own car. But with Robbie, it’s different. He’s safe. And if we’re going on a date, I want it to be a real one that begins with him picking me up and ends with him dropping me off.

  “I’d like it if you picked me up.”

  Cruz smiles widely at me.

  “Great, text me your address. I’ll be there at seven.”

  “Okay, Robbie, see you then.”

  “And Ember, I look forward to it.” He hangs up before I can reply.

  “We have a lot to do to get ready for tomorrow night, so stop staring at your phone. Get up, get dressed, and meet me in the kitchen in thirty minutes. Only you could get me to go shopping on a Saturday,” Cruz bosses me.

  I throw off my comforter and make my way to the bathroom without any argument. As I turn on the shower, I smile to myself and dance around in a circle. Robbie Hayes, the man who has filled my thoughts for weeks and makes my insides quiver, asked me out!

  Robbie: Ember, something came up and I need to reschedule tonight. Sorry for the short notice, but it’s a family thing I can’t get out of. I’ll call you later.

  I re-read the text for the fifth time. Of course something came up. The first thing that I’ve been looking forward to in a long time, canceled. For once, I’m grateful for the technology of text messages.

  Me: No problem. Hope all is well.

  There. Simple and acknowledging. No emotional distress at all.

  “This guy know about Cruz and me?” Alex asks from my doorway.

  Alex Carson is Cruz’s boyfriend and like another brother to me. Even if he was no longer dating my cousin, we’d be close. He’s always been my sounding board. Cruz is emotionally involved with all my choices, while Alex has more of a reasonable ear. He’s helped guide some of my most important decisions, including finishing my Fashion Design degree.

  Cruz and Alex have been together for three years and are one of the happiest couples I’ve ever seen. They’re a lot alike in their looks- tall, built, blonde hair, and hazel eyes. But their personalities are opposite. When Alex heard I had a date, he made sure I had mace in my purse and gave me a refresher course on how to give a right hook. Whereas Cruz made sure I had the most stylish skinny jeans and new black-heeled boots.

  I smile at Alex slyly. “Not sure what you mean. Does he know that Cruz is gay and has a boyfriend? Or does he know that I have two men that are extremely overprotective and may embarrass me to death?”

  “The last one. I’m thrilled that you are going out with this guy tonight, but don’t expect me to go easy on him.”

  “Hate to tell you, but you won’t get your chance. He canceled.” I wave my phone at him. “Through text message.”

  Alex’s face falls, and he comes to my bed to sit next to me. He puts one arm around my shoulders and uses his other hand to lift my chin up so I have to look at him.

  “What did he say?”

  “Family thing.”

  “Do you believe him?”

  “Yes,” I sigh. “There’s a good possibility it has to do with his sister.”

  “Cruz told me she’s marrying the lead singer of Sayge.”

  “They’re really close.”

  “So it sounds like he has a legit reason. Tell me what you’re thinking.”

  “That I was an idiot to get my hopes up.”

  “Why were you an idiot?”

  “Don’t make me say it.” I break eye contact and lower my head to lean on him.

  “Dammit, Ember! Not this shit again. What do we have to do? You deserve happiness in your life.” Cruz walks in, obviously hearing our discussion.

  “Come here.” He jerks me up and pulls me in front of my mirror.

  He towers over my five-foot four-inch frame and puts his hands on my waist.

  “You are gorgeous. You are smart. You are kind and generous. Anyone who gets the chance to know you is a lucky person. Alex and I both would kill before we ever let another thing happen to you. So why can’t you forgive yourself?”

  I stay silent and lock eyes with him in the reflection. It kills me when he’s disappointed.

  “This is it. No more! As of today, the guilt and shame you carry around is gone! Do you hear me? Ember Walker is reinventing herself and letting the dark ghosts from her past go. You’re stronger than this.”

  I nod in agreement.

  “Alabama is your past. This is you and the people who love you. Robbie Hayes is missing out tonight by canceling on you. So instead of dwelling, Alex and I are taking you out.”

  “Not only are we taking you out, you’re getting drunk and letting your hair down.”

  “I’ll feel like shit at work tomorrow.”

  “No, you won’t, because I’m taking your shift. You have some sketches to complete.”

  I smile at both men in the mirror and meet their eyes. “No more dwelling. It’s done.” And this time, I mean it.

  Chapter 3

  Total Dick


  What a dick, I think to myself, twirling my phone through my fingers. I feel like shit, canceling on Ember last night, but what bothers me more is her menial six-word response.

  No problem. Hope all is well.

  So fucking proper and void of emotion. For the first time, I’m at a loss for what to do. There’s no doubt I’m attracted to Ember. I’m usually not into timid girls, but the way her creamy skin heats when she gets rattled does something to me.

  The first time I laid eyes on her, I knew she was too sweet and wholesome for a man like me. When she showed up at The Steamroom looking like a fucking siren with her tight dress and thigh-high boots, every head in the place turned. Instead of welcoming her, I stalked to Raven to demand she quit her matchmaking. It wasn’t until weeks later when Tripp called me out that I realized I was being an idiot.

  “Robbie, what’s the hold up? She’s fucking h
ot. At least talk to her.” Tripp’s words sunk in. When she smiled at me that night, exposing her dimples, something in me woke up.

  It pissed me off more than it should when Raven called and asked me to drop by Clyde’s and check on Ember. Not only because there was some jackass prying into my family’s business, but also because it was putting her in a bad position.

  The whole ride over to her shop, my mind swarmed with ways to apologize for being so rude the last few times we were around each other. When she walked out of the back room, my heart skipped a beat. She wasn’t looking at me, which gave me a few brief seconds to soak her in. Her shiny auburn hair hung straight, pulled back in a braid on one side and secured by a large jeweled clip. The black dress hugged her waist and fell loosely at her hips. I braced for her reaction to my presence, hoping there was a trace of happiness. Blood rushed to my head, wanting to see her smile and flash those dimples.

  Then when she fell into my arms and looked up at me, I couldn’t fight it anymore. My resolve to stay away crumbled. No one had ever captured me so fully with their stare. The idea of dinner came to mind, and I wasn’t taking no for an answer.

  One thing I realized is she has a beauty like I’ve never seen, not just a physical beauty either; it runs deeper. She’s intriguing and genuine. Her smile touches me somewhere deep and stirs within. Without saying a word, her eyes and expressions give away what she’s feeling. That’s why I didn’t push when she shied away from discussing herself. It was obviously an uncomfortable subject.

  But damn, if she didn’t make me feel so comfortable that I almost told her about my accident.

  Even with all the counseling, the only two people who could relate to my PTSD were Finn and Max. Almost losing my leg in the roadside bomb was nothing compared to the guilt and despair of losing six lives. I fought like hell to get better and go back, but it was the looks on my mom and sister’s faces that helped me make the decision not to return. Finn and I talked a lot, but we both decided that since the accident, our roles in the Marines would change and it was best to get out all together. He came home and enrolled in school, working part time. I did physical therapy until I came to work for my dad full time.


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