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A Misplaced Massacre: Struggling over the Memory of Sand Creek

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by Ari Kelman

  Abrams, Robert, 244–245

  Adorno, Theodor, 251

  Alcatraz Island, Red Power movement and, 211

  Allard, Wayne, 247, 251, 261

  American Historical Review, 210

  Anderson, Robert, 41

  Anthony, Scott, 14, 23, 27, 28, 94, 192

  Arapaho representatives. See Cometsevah entries

  Battle at Sand Creek: The Military Perspective (Michno), 235

  Battle of Sand Creek, The (play), 149

  Bearss, Ed, 219–220, 222

  Beauregard, P. G. T., 41

  Bell, Thaddeus, 227

  Bent, Charles, 263

  Bent, George, 16, 20, 33, 221; story of massacre, 8–9, 33–43, 48, 119, 155, 266–267; writings and maps of, 94–95, 96, 97, 98–99, 102–103, 105–106, 126, 134, 136, 139, 140, 143–145, 267, 274, 276

  Bent, William, 16, 33, 95, 131, 156, 263

  Bent’s Old Fort National Historic Site, 263, 265

  Berge, Mark, 57–58

  Big Medicine, Joe, 121, 202, 248; artifacts and, 124, 132; Dawson property and, 65, 198, 251, 255–256; Hillard’s casino project and, 238; Jeff Campbell’s theory of Sand Creek location and, 275–276; management of memorial and, 162, 256–257, 272

  Black Bear, Eugene, Jr., 203, 232

  Black Hawk Mining Journal, 192

  Black Kettle, 67, 91–92, 94, 174, 227; Bent’s story of massacre and, 33, 36, 37, 39, 41, 48; bust of, 255–256; Chivington’s story of massacre and, 11, 14–15, 89, 119; Soule’s story of massacre and, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 266–267; treaties and, 118, 131, 132, 156

  Black Kettle’s village, 50, 71, 89; Dawson property and, 44, 105, 181–183; National Park Service’s search for location of, 133–154

  Blind, Bill, 251–253

  Blunt, Marl, 174

  Bomar, Mary, 20–21, 261

  Bonsall, Samuel: mapping of Western military sites, 99–100, 101, 102–103, 105–106, 143, 166, 274; treatment of remains at site, 144–145, 149, 150

  Bowen, Charles, Sr., 103

  Bowen, Chuck and Sheri, 162, 240; archeological research and, 103–105, 122–124, 129–130, 132, 185–187; Dawson’s sale of property and, 185; OIW and, 219–220; Lee Pedro’s remarks about September 11 and, 249–250; property values and, 240–242, 257

  Brady, Luke, 129, 258; oral history research and, 116–118, 141–142, 160

  Brady, Ray, 231

  Brady, Steve, 47, 80, 259–260; archeological research and, 132–133; Bonsall as source and, 145; Civil War monument and, 76, 153; Colorado National Guard visit to site and, 231; congressional hearings and, 177; Dawson and, 51, 64, 65, 183, 198; described, 49; distrust of federal government, 48, 66, 68, 108; Ellis’s search and, 49–50; Hillard’s casino project and, 233–235, 237; management of memorial and, 271; oral history research and, 48, 108–111, 115, 116–117, 141–142; reparations and, 158, 159; repatriation of remains and, 263, 265; Sand Creek Trust Act and, 248; Site Location Study, 173; Soule-Cramer letters and, 174; written history records and, 143, 155–156

  Braided Hair, Otto, 47, 107, 259; Civil War monument and, 202–203; Dawson and, 51; Hillard’s casino project and, 238; Jeff Campbell’s theory of Sand Creek location and, 275–276; management of memorial and, 269, 270, 272; oral history research and, 115, 116–117; repatriation of remains and, 263; Sand Creek Massacre National Historic Site Establishment Act and, 180; Sand Creek Trust Act and, 246–247; Soule-Cramer letters and, 175

  Broome, Jeff, 187, 219, 240; Sand Creek Internet forum and, 224, 226–228

  Brown, Dee, 208–213, 230

  Brown, Rod, 6, 188, 189, 200, 248

  Brownback, Sam, 21, 30

  Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee (Dee Brown), 209–213, 230

  Bush, George H. W., 264

  Bush, George W., 190, 251

  Byers, William, 131, 215–217, 221

  Campbell, Ben Nighthorse, 142, 179, 219; background, 29–30; Civil War monument and, 74, 76; congressional hearings and, 177; Dawson property and, 59–60, 62, 65–66, 68–70, 184, 196, 232; Hillard’s casino project and, 233, 235, 239; National Museum of the American Indian and, 243, 245; at opening ceremony, 29–33; reparations and, 159–160; retirement of, 247, 254; Sand Creek Massacre National Historic Site Establishment Act and, 181; Site Location Study and, 173

  Campbell, Jeff, 272–273, 278; theory of Sand Creek’s location, 273–278, 275

  Cannon, James, 176

  Carman, Diane, 251

  Carson, Kit, 156, 229

  Century of Dishonor (Helen Hunt Jackson), 217–218

  Charles Pinckney National Historic Site, 62–63

  Chestnut, Steve, 112, 161–162

  Cheyenne and Arapaho Business Committee, 196, 198, 206, 232, 234–235, 238

  Cheyenne-Arapaho Homecoming Project, 233–239, 241, 247, 253

  Cheyenne representatives. See Cometsevah entries

  Chicago Tribune, 195

  Chivington, John, 7, 94, 132, 147, 149, 176, 205; background, 9–10; Bent’s story of massacre and, 34–40, 94, 119; Soule’s story of massacre and, 22–29; story of massacre, 8–18, 40, 41, 42–43, 52, 67, 89, 191–195; twentieth-century defense of, 191, 208, 225–228

  Chivington Canal Company, 274, 276

  Churchill, Ward, 58–59, 81, 249

  Civil War: Ben Nighthorse Campbell and, 31–32; Bent’s story of massacre and, 34–35, 41; Chivington’s story of massacre and, 8–9, 15–18, 46; Denver monument and, 72–78, 75, 77, 153, 201–205, 204; 1950s-era memorials and disentangling from massacre, 54–55; Soule’s story of massacre and, 24–25; U.S. creation narratives and, 278–279

  Clinton, Bill, 66, 178

  Coffin, Morse, 60–61

  Collins, Susan, 152–154

  Colorado, University of, at Boulder, Nichols Hall controversy at, 90–93, 268

  Colorado Historical Society: monuments of, 53–54, 54, 56–57; Roadside Interpretation Project, 76–77

  Colorado National Guard, visit to Sand Creek site, 229–231

  Cometsevah, Colleen, 47, 70, 206; Black Kettle’s village location controversy, 135–137; death of, 258; oral history research and, 114–115; reparations and, 158; Ridgleys and, 155; Sand Creek Massacre National Historic Site Establishment Act and, 180

  Cometsevah, Laird, 47, 66, 80, 180, 248, 262; archeological research and, 121–122, 124–125, 129, 132, 133; beliefs about site location, 139–142, 162–163, 267–268; Black Kettle’s village location controversy, 135–137; Bonsall as source and, 145; Civil War monument and, 76, 78–79, 153, 202, 203–206; Colorado National Guard visit to site and, 230–231; Dawson property and, 51, 55–56, 64, 65, 70, 126, 183, 196–197, 206, 232–233, 251–255; death of, 267; described, 49; distrust of federal government, 48, 68, 94, 108; Ellis’s search and, 49–50; Flute and, 160–161; Hillard’s casino project and, 233, 235, 237, 238; management of memorial and, 256, 257; oral history research and, 108–111, 114–115, 121; reparations and, 158; repatriation of remains and, 246; Sand Creek Internet forum and, 228; Sand Creek location and, 274; Site Location Study and, 167, 173

  Conservation Fund, 184

  Contiguglia, Georgianna, 79, 180–181

  Cook, John, 81–83

  Cooley, Dennis, 172

  Corbridge, James, 90, 93

  Council Tree Communications, 233–239, 241, 247, 253

  Cramer, Joseph, 174–175, 177–178

  Crazy Dogs Society, 47, 259

  Curtis, Samuel, 9, 11–12, 14, 27, 29, 67, 146–147, 148, 170, 192

  Custer, George Armstrong, 38

  D’Amato, Alfonse, 245

  Dawes, Henry, 214, 218

  Dawes Act, 42

  Dawson, William, 122, 132, 161, 162; Bowens and, 242; changing beliefs about massacre, 50–51, 55–56; described, 51; Spude and, 80–83

  Dawson, William, property of, 44, 57–58, 179, 181–184; Ben Nighthorse Campbell and, 59–60, 62, 65–66, 68–70, 184, 196, 232; Druck’s purchase and transfer of, 195–201, 205, 206–207, 219, 232–233, 236, 251–255

rlo, Linda, 248–249

  Decatur, Stephen, 227

  Denver Post, 60–61, 78, 177, 181, 204–205, 235, 236, 251, 257

  Denver Times, 95

  Derryberry, Larry, 71

  Dicke, Sam, 157

  Dickens, W. H., 60–61

  Dodge, Grenville, 171

  Dog Soldiers, 28, 37–38, 118, 137

  Dole, William, 148–149, 172

  Doolittle, James, 171–172

  Downing, Caroline, 266

  Downing, Jacob, 95, 147, 266

  Doyle, James, 59, 120, 154–155, 160, 173, 199–200, 246

  Druck, Jim, 196–201, 205, 206–207, 219, 232, 236, 251, 252

  Dull Knife, 260

  Eads, Colorado, 1, 6–7; concerns about National Park Service, 187–189; Dawson and, 58, 200. See also Kiowa County, Colorado

  Eayre, George, 147

  Ellis, Dick, 46–50, 57, 60, 63–65, 69, 71, 170

  Evans, John, 14, 26, 27, 36, 66–68, 79, 118, 132, 145–149, 156, 170, 194

  Evidence and the Custer Enigma (Greene), 83

  Fetterman, William, 38

  Fighting Cheyennes (Grinnell), 42

  Fisher, Conrad, 110–111

  Fixico, Donald, 212

  Flute, Homer, 70–71, 160–161

  Flyingman, Darrell, 239, 254–255, 256

  Force, Roland, 244

  Forsythe, Scott, 99

  Fort Carson, 229

  Fort Wise, Treaty of, 118, 130–132, 156

  Fowler, Hugh, 92–93

  Franklin, Vera, 201

  Frederick, Janet, 7–8, 187, 188, 191, 248, 257–258; Hillard’s casino project and, 235; Lee Pedro’s remarks about September 11 and, 249; Sand Creek Trust Act and, 247

  Frontier magazine, 34–39, 94

  Frost, Rick, 108–110, 124, 150, 186; archeological research and, 121, 122, 129, 130, 132; background, 82–83; Black Kettle’s

  village location and, 135–136, 139, 154; management of memorial and, 160–162; oral history research and, 143; reparations and, 159; Site Location Study and, 173

  Goodrich, Earl, 184

  Gorneau, Norma, 48, 107, 238, 271

  Greene, Jerry: archeological research and, 93, 95, 98–99, 102–106, 123, 127; Black Kettle’s village and, 153, 154, 181–183; Bonsall as source and, 145, 150, 166; conclusions about site location, 138–139; described, 83; Jeff Campbell’s theory of Sand Creek location and, 274; National Park Service map of site and, 166, 168; OIW and, 220; Sand Creek Internet forum and, 222; Site Location Study and, 166–169; written history records and, 88–89

  Greenwood, A. B., 131

  Grinnell, George Bird, 34, 41, 42, 110, 143

  Hafen, Leroy, 53–54

  Halaas, David, 46, 72, 78, 99; Black Kettle’s village location and, 152–154; Civil War monument and, 76, 78–79, 201–202; initial search for site and, 44–45, 49, 50, 60; Jeff Campbell’s theory of Sand Creek location and, 276; management of memorial and, 272; oral history research and, 109, 110, 112, 114; Soule-Cramer letters and, 174, 177–178, 269

  Hale, Irving, 74

  Hancock, Winfield Scott, 38

  Harden, David, 60–61

  Harjo, Suzan Shown, 233–234, 245–246

  Harlan, James, 171, 172

  Hartmann, James, 56–57

  Hawkins, Kish, 157

  Hersch, Seymour, 211

  Heye, George, 244–246

  Higginson, Thomas Wentworth, 213, 214

  Hillard, Steve, 233–239, 241, 247, 253

  Howitzer shell artifact: Bowens and, 123, 186; Chivington’s story of massacre and, 11; National Park Service research and, 105, 126–127, 137; Red Cherries and, 129

  Howland, John, 74

  Human remains: archaeological research and, 121–122, 231; Bonsall’s treatment of, 100, 144–145, 150; Chivington’s treatment of, 267; National Park Service treatment of, 133; repatriation of, 149, 179, 253, 257–259, 263–267

  Hungate, Ellen, 17, 66, 147–148, 216

  Hungate, Nathan Ward, 147–148, 216

  Hunt, Edward, 213

  Hutton, Paul, 212

  Hyde, George, 34, 36–39, 40, 41, 94, 95, 98–99, 110, 143

  Indian Country Today, 233

  Indian Wars, 35, 37–38, 41–42, 170–173, 225

  Inouye, Daniel, 245

  Jackson, Helen Hunt, 213–218, 221

  Jackson, Jesse, Jr., 208

  Jackson, William Sharpless, 213

  Jacobs, Ruthanna, 191

  Jarman, John, 157–158

  Johnson, Rod, 188–189

  Johnson, Steve, 203

  Joint Committee on the Conduct of the War (JCCW), 194–195

  Kelly, Bliss, 157

  Kempthorne, Dirk, 261–262

  Kern, August “Pete,” 122, 129

  Kiowa County, Colorado: Alexa Roberts and, 221–222, 228, 248; population loss in, 7; Sand Creek forum on website of, 221–228, 241–242, 250–251. See also Eads, Colorado

  Koury, Mike, 79, 218–219

  Lamar Daily News, 53

  Lame Man, 113

  Lask, Thomas, 210–211

  Lean Bear, 35, 37, 39, 147

  Left Hand: Chivington’s story of massacre and, 11; massacre and, 67; Soule’s story of massacre and, 23, 25, 29; treaties and, 131

  Legacy of Conquest: The Unbroken Past of the American West (Limerick), 90

  Life of George Bent: Written from His Letters (Hyde), 38–39, 40, 42, 95, 144

  Limerick, Patricia Nelson, 89–93, 177–178, 268–271

  Lincoln, Abraham, 3, 279

  Little Arkansas, Treaty of (1865), reparations promised in, 33, 50, 69, 70, 80, 155–161, 173, 177, 233, 234, 237, 245–246, 253

  Little Bighorn, Battle of, 38, 64, 83, 84, 218, 228, 260

  Little Coyote, Eugene, 32

  Little Raven, 14, 118, 131, 156

  Little Wolf, 37, 260

  Lobode, Modupe, 202, 203–204

  Lonebear, Lee, 263, 265

  Lucky Star Casino, 231–232

  MacNabb, Sandy, 212

  Mankiller, Wilma, 243

  Martinez, Robert, 76, 201, 203

  Masich, Andy, 45, 49

  Meeker, Nathan, 215

  Meier, Tom, 113–114, 155

  Memorials, generally: history of neglect of Native Americans and, 4–5; unifying purpose of, 3–4

  Michno, Greg, 224–228

  Mooney, James, 34, 41, 110, 143

  Moonlight, Thomas, 38, 192, 193

  Moorhead, Paul, 246–247

  Morris, Toby, 157

  Morrow, William, 175–176

  Morton, Samuel, 15

  Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, 245

  Muckle, Pat, 57–58

  Museum of the American Indian, 244

  Musgrave, Marilyn, 21–22, 247

  National Museum of the American Indian (NMAI), 243–246

  National Park Service: Bomar on role of, 20–21; Charles Pinckney National Historic Site and, 62–63; Site Location Study, 151–152, 152, 164–170, 168, 169, 173, 182, 273; “willing sellers” and property acquisition, 69–70, 103. See also Frost, Rick; Roberts, Alexa; Sand Creek Massacre National Historic Site; Sutteer, Barbara

  Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), 149, 177, 245, 264–265

  Nebraska City News, 195

  Neeley, Curt, 250–251

  New York Tribune, 214, 215

  Nichols, David, 90–93

  Noel, Tom, 78, 79

  Northern Arapaho representatives. See Ridgely entries

  Northern Cheyenne representatives. See Brady, Steve; Braided Hair, Otto

  Norton, Gale, 254

  Omaha World-Herald, 181

  Order of the Indian Wars (OIW), 207–208, 218–220, 221–224, 228

  Oswald, Donald, 6, 7, 18

  Owens, Bill, 238, 239

  Owl Woman, 16, 33, 95

  OYATE, 90–93

  Patterson, Thomas “T. M.,” 74

  Pawnee Killer, 37

  Pearson, Phyllis, 211

rson, Sharon, 221, 228, 241

  Pedro, James, 234–235

  Pedro, Lee, 248, 249–250, 251, 258

  Perot, H. Ross, 244

  Perry, Robert, 124

  Pikes Peak Adventure League, 64

  Pike’s Peak Pioneers of ’58, 17–18

  Pinckney, Charles, 62–63

  Pitcaithley, Dwight, 220

  Pope, John, 170–172, 176

  Presentism, in study of history, 93

  Prucha, Francis Paul, 210

  Quantrill, William, 23–24

  Ramona (Helen Hunt Jackson), 218

  Randolph, Smoke, 226, 227

  Rebeck, Linda, 174

  Red Cherries, Mildred, 49–50, 107, 129–132, 141

  Red Power Movement, 29, 42, 90, 128–129, 211

  Red Woman, Arbutus, 117

  Reparations. See Little Arkansas, Treaty of

  Repatriation, of remains. See under Human remains

  Revolutionary War, U.S. creation narratives and, 278

  Ridgely, Ben, 154–155

  Ridgely, Eugene, Jr., 47, 64, 113, 258

  Ridgely, Eugene, Sr., 47, 64, 113, 258

  Ridgely, Gail, 47, 64, 258; Black Kettle’s village location and, 154–155; Jeff Campbell’s theory of Sand Creek location and, 276; oral history research and, 113; reparations and, 159; Sand Creek Massacre National Historic Site Establishment Act and, 180

  Ritter, Bill, 18–20

  Roberts, Alexa, 135, 219; Bowens and, 186–187; Colorado National Guard visit to site and, 230–231; Dawson property and, 199, 207, 232, 251–256; Hillard’s casino project and, 235–238; Jeff Campbell’s theory of Sand Creek location and, 275, 276, 277; Kiowa County residents and, 221–222, 228, 248; Lee Pedro’s remarks about September 11 and, 249; management of memorial and, 84, 186, 258, 260–261, 268, 269–272; OIW and, 220; oral history research and, 85, 107, 110–121, 134, 160; Sand Creek Trust Act and, 247; September 11 and renewed concerns about memorial, 189–190; unable to open site, 239, 240, 243

  Roberts, Gary, 50, 83, 88, 93, 174, 276

  Rocky Mountain News, 61, 131, 149, 176, 191–192, 195, 215–217

  Rogers, Jerry, 62, 63

  Russell, Jerry, 207–208, 212–213, 218–220, 221, 222; Sand Creek Internet forum and, 223–224, 227, 228

  Rutledge, Levi, 52

  Sacred Arrow Keeper, 33, 143; consecration ceremony of, 65, 68, 140–141, 267, 278


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