Winning Love's Lottery

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Winning Love's Lottery Page 11

by Zoe Piper

  Kyle dropped his gaze and bit his lip. Jase placed a finger under his chin and forced Kyle to look at him. He used his thumb to pull the full lower lip from between the teeth biting it and leaned over to press a gentle kiss to the bruised flesh. "Babe," he whispered, "please talk to me."

  "I like it when you call me babe." Kyle offered with a shy smile. Jase smiled back and pressed another kiss to the inviting mouth.

  "I like calling you babe." He replied. He waited for him to continue.

  "I've never done that before. Had someone smack my ass. Have someone take over and tell me when I can come."

  "You liked it though, didn't you?" At the other man's small nod, Jase asked, "Why have you never tried it before? Is it something you've always wanted to do but just haven't?"

  "I'm not sure why I've never done it before. I think I’ve wanted to try it, but I'm usually expected to be in control, even from the bottom." He smirked at Jase's chuckle and then turned serious again. "But with you, it just felt, I don't know, right? I felt as if you could do whatever you wanted to me and I would be perfectly safe, and everything would be okay."

  A swell of emotion flooded through him. This man was making him feel all sorts of things he hadn't experienced for a very long time. "I would never do anything you didn't want to do, and I would never hurt or humiliate you," he reassured softly.

  "I know that." Kyle's hand reached out clasp Jase's, playing with his fingers. "I would like to do it again sometime. I don't think I want to do anything more than what we just did though."

  "That's fine with me. Whatever you want and makes you happy is good with me." Jase smiled at Kyle. "Do you want to clean up? You haven't moved from that spot and I'm beginning to think you're stuck to the sheets."

  Kyle grimaced as he leaned up on his forearms. "I think maybe you’re right." He looked down his chest and grinned ruefully. "I have never come that hard before, with or without my dick being touched. What the hell did you do to me, Jase?" His amused glance met Jase's own.

  "Well mate, you know what they say..."

  "No, what do they say?" Kyle asked as he rolled onto his back, turning his head to look at him.

  Jase placed a fast kiss on the mouth smiling at him. "Dunno, can't remember. Don't care.” He rubbed his nose up and down Kyle's. "Go and rinse off in the shower. I'll quickly change the sheets."

  "You’re not going to join me?" came the disappointed tone and a mock pout.

  Jase grinned and gave a put-upon sigh. "Oh, alright then, if you insist". He got off the bed, held his hand out. "Come on then, Mr Foster. Let's get you cleaned up."

  Chapter 11

  Kyle lay back on the now clean sheets and gave a contented sigh. He felt totally relaxed and thoroughly fucked. He was alone in the large bed, Jase currently shutting down the television they had left on in their haste to get to the bedroom. He was still feeling slightly embarrassed by how he'd submitted to Jase and his dick twitched as he remembered how good it had felt when the stinging slaps had fallen across his ass. When Jase had leaned over him and commanded him not to touch his dick that first time, something had released inside him, making him feel free and the shudder of desire that had gone through him had almost made him come then. To have someone else take the reins, to just let him feel and enjoy the moment had been something he had unknowingly fantasised about for years. The swats to his ass had just completed the moment. Like he'd told Jase, he had always been expected to be in charge, even when he bottomed, and he had revelled in the sense of freedom.

  The bedroom door opened and a naked Jase came into the room. Kyle ran his eyes appreciatively down the long runner's body. Strong thigh muscles flexing as he came towards the bed, generous cock bouncing gently with the movement. Kyle felt his own dick twitch again. He really didn't think he could manage another round again so soon but could be tempted to try. He let his eyes travel up to meet the green gaze and the smirking face.

  "Like what you see?"

  "You know I do," Kyle replied. He rolled onto his side as Jase slid into bed next to him. Simultaneously they leaned forward, and their mouths met in a soft, lingering kiss. After a few minutes, they pulled apart and lay on their respective pillows, just staring at each other.

  "Thank you for today and tonight," Kyle said quietly into the still air.

  Jase gave a small shrug. "Wasn't a hardship. Spending the day with a hot man and then getting to fuck his perfect arse. What more could a guy ask for?"

  "Would you, um, want to do it again?"

  "What? Fuck your perfect arse?" Jase leaned over and kissed his mouth, hard and quick. "I want to do it again now, and tomorrow, and the day after. Wash, rinse, repeat."

  "It’s like that is it?" Kyle asked, feeling equal parts amused and relieved Jase felt the same way he did.

  Jase nodded. "And I want the favour returned."

  "Oh, you do, do you?” Again, Jase nodded. "Well then, I think I can work with that arrangement." Tiredness crept over him, the long day and evening finally catching up with him, making him yawn. "Gonna have to take a rain check on now though. We can pick up again tomorrow if that's all right with you?” He snuggled his head down into the pillow and reached for Jase, pulling him close.

  "Poor old man," Jase teased him as his own yawn threatened. He was gently kissed before Jase turned over and shuffled back into his arms and chest, spooning together. They both sighed in contentment and drifted off to sleep.

  A pinging noise penetrated Kyle's sleep. He slowly surfaced to consciousness, noting he was pinned to the bed by a heavy arm across his chest. The owner of the arm was sprawled next to him on his stomach, face turned away. The pinging noise came again. In the dim morning light, he tried to figure out where it was coming from. As it sounded for the third time, a sleep-roughened voice said, "For fuck's sake.” The arm pinning him to the bed was removed, much to his disappointment, as Jase pushed himself up onto his elbows and leaned over to grab his cell phone off the bedside table. Kyle realised the noise he'd heard was an incoming message, or three.

  He watched Jase type a reply to whoever was trying to get hold of him and then throw the phone back onto the table. With a groan, the Kiwi dropped face first into his pillow. Kyle watched in fascination as Jase's body tensed as if suddenly remembering he wasn't alone. Kyle hoped this wasn't going to be an awkward morning after moment, considering it was their second time waking up together. Jase's sleep-tousled curls dropped into eyes as he finally turned his head and looked at Kyle. "Hi. Sorry about that. Hope it didn't wake you?" Jase asked in a husky voice.

  Kyle shook his head. "It's okay. Nothing urgent I hope?"

  "Nah, just Sarah reminding me about brunch and a couple of the guys confirming they were going to be there too. We've got a group chat thing.” Jase yawned and then stretched his arm over to gently caress his chest. "Did you want to join us? Sarah would love to have you over, I'm sure."

  Conflicting emotions ran through Kyle. The hand on his chest was making his dick perk up but his rational brain was still functioning and was running through all his options.

  "Kyle?" Propped up on his other elbow, Jase waited for a reply.

  "Sorry, not quite awake yet," he half lied. "I don't think I will join you, but thank you for the offer."

  Jase frowned at him and started to move his hand away from where it was lying on his chest. Kyle made a grab for it and held it tight. "Not that I wouldn't love to, but I have a Skype call with my family this morning, and, what would your friends think?"

  "My friends would think I'm a lucky bastard having you...come...with me.” Kyle noticed the deliberate pause and wink that was given with the cheeky statement. "And then they would give you shit for lowering your standards to be with a guy like me."

  Kyle frowned at the last statement. "What does that mean? I'm not lowering my standards at all. You are..." His voice trailed off as he tried to articulate the thoughts racing through his brain. Surely Jase's friends could see what a wonderful, caring guy he was as well as being
sexy as hell. Kyle felt like he was raising his standards having Jase in his bed.

  "I am what?" A soft kiss landed on his shoulder before Jase rested his chin in the same spot.

  "Fishing for compliments, Mr MacKenzie?" Kyle asked, shifting his weight so Jase was dislodged, and he was able to lean over the man now grinning at him.

  There was no reply, just hands sliding down his back and a face lifting to meet his own. Their mouths met in a slow dance, opening to questing tongues and gentle sighs. Goosebumps raised on his skin as light fingers trailed up and down his spine and he unconsciously began to rock their hips together.

  Their kiss deepened, and Kyle’s ass was being squeezed and massaged and pressed harder into the hips now pushing up against his. The quiet in the room was broken by the sound of soft moans and sheets rustling as they were slowly pushed off their bodies and down the bed. "You feel so damn good," he muttered, nibbling his way down Jase's strong throat. He latched onto the top of the solid pec muscle, just under the collarbone and suckled gently enough to leave a red mark, but not a bruise. He felt fingers tangle in his hair and allowed Jase to press him closer. He trailed his lips down to Jase's nipple, puckered and tight. He swiped his tongue over the nub and then gently blew on it. He raised his eyes as a groan emitted from above him. Their hips began to thrust faster and harder together, cocks sliding hotly against each other, slick with precum.

  A tug on the back of his head had him moving up the bed and Kyle balanced his weight on his forearms, looking down at the man slowly coming undone as their releases got closer. "," Jase strained out as he grabbed Kyle's backside and pulled him as tightly as he could against his body. Kyle dropped his head and let his hips grind fast. He heard his name being shouted as he felt the hot sticky spurts of Jase's release coat his own dick and stomach. The added lubrication increased Kyle's own excitement and with a soft grunt, his own release joined Jase's.

  Their breathing slowed and with one last soft kiss, Kyle rolled off Jase. They both laid there, sated. Jase's cell phone pinged with another incoming message. Groaning and muttering something about friends not appreciating a Sunday lie in, Jase grabbed his phone, quickly looking at the message but not replying. He returned the offending item to its spot, and Kyle turned his head to look at him as Jase spoke.

  "Shower?" Jase asked.

  "Yeah, I suppose I'd better. I need to get back to my apartment so I can take my call.” He sighed and rubbed his hands over his face before sitting up and swinging his legs over the side of the bed. He grimaced at the dried remains of cum on his stomach and chest. He shivered as light fingers trailed down his spine and he looked back over his shoulder.

  "I can run you home before heading to Sarah and Mike's," Jase offered. Kyle nodded his thanks.

  "That would be great.” He stood and walked to the end of the bed. "You gonna stay there all morning, or come and scrub my back for me?" He drawled as he took in the man sprawled out on the bed.

  "You do like company when you shower, don't you?" Jase teased back as he sat up and got out of the rumpled bed.

  "Why would I want to be alone when I could have a hot, naked and wet guy with me?" Kyle mock frowned.

  "You have a very valid point there," Jase agreed as they stepped towards the small shower room off his bedroom. The shower cubicle really wasn't made for two people, let alone two tall males of their stature, but they made it work, with wandering hands and soft kisses interspersed with soaping and shampooing.

  Twenty minutes later they were both dressed and after a quick cup of coffee for Kyle and a hot tea for Jase, they headed out the door. True to his word, Jase dropped Kyle off at his apartment building. Kyle undid his seatbelt and turned to face his chauffeur.

  "Thanks again for yesterday and, um, last night.” He grew warm as a slight blush coloured his face. Jase grinned and leaned towards him. Kyle met him halfway, the centre console preventing them from getting too close. Kyle was disappointed when the too short kiss came to an end. Jase pulled back and said softly, “I am more than happy to have your perfect arse in my bed, anytime.”

  As he opened the car door, he asked, "Talk later?"

  "Yeah, call me anytime," Jase replied. Kyle climbed out of the car and with a wave, he watched as the blue Nissan drove off. He really wanted to spend another day getting to know the Kiwi and his friends, but duty called. Turning towards his apartment, he headed upstairs.


  Jase balanced the bakery box in one hand and fumbled for the door handle with the other. He pushed the door with his foot and managed to get it open without dropping anything. As he entered the hallway he could hear voices at the rear of the house. He made his way towards the kitchen and open living and dining area where Sarah and Mike, along with Charlie and Brett were sitting at the round dining table.

  "Kiaora, bro," Charlie greeted him with a big smile that lit up his face and made his brown eyes sparkle.

  "Morning, all," Jase replied putting the box of pastries on the kitchen counter, then heading to the coffee machine. He was as comfortable in this house as he was his own. The space was bright and airy, Sarah and Mike having slowly renovated the 1970's single storey house, bringing it into the twenty-first century.

  "So, what's been happening with you?" asked Brett.

  Jase turned back to his friends and leaned against the counter, sipping at his coffee before replying. "Oh, not much. Just the usual work and life."

  "Hear you got to work with Sarah's boss last week" Charlie commented. Growing warm, he took another mouthful of coffee. He hummed and gave a small nod of his head. Charlie continued, "So what's he like?"

  Jase put down his mug and tried for a non-committal shrug as he folded his arms across his chest. "Seems like a really nice bloke. I think he'll do a really good job at BEC."

  Nobody said anything. Jase looked at each of his friends. They just stared back at him. "What?" he asked, scowling at them.

  Mike coughed and stood up He made his way over to where Jase stood. "Nothing, mate. Nothing wrong at all.” He headed to the fridge and started pulling eggs and bacon out and putting them next to the stove top.

  Jase looked from Mike to the others. "Seriously. What the fuck is with the looks?"

  Brett grinned. "So, you've had a quiet week then? Nothing exciting happened? Nothing to share?" Jase was getting annoyed with his friends. He was just about to start with his own questions, when the sound of the front door opening and Stuart's loud "I'm here!" came down the hallway. The noisy blonde came bustling into the room, throwing his jacket onto the back of the couch as he walked past. He too made a beeline for the coffee machine.

  "Sorry I'm late. Had one of those awkward morning-after moments I had to get rid of."

  "Oh no, I hate those," smirked Sarah. She smiled up at Stuart as he leaned over to kiss her on the cheek. "You could have brought him with you if you wanted to."

  "Oh no darling, this was not an introduce-to-your-friends kind of hook up." Stuart pulled a face in mock horror. The others laughed. Stuart was renowned for finding some reason not to go beyond a first or second date.

  "What was the deal breaker this time?" asked Brett.


  "What, did they smell or have holes in them?" Jase grinned at his friend.

  Stuart groaned as he dropped into the vacant chair next to Sarah. He looked at her and lamented, "No, he didn't take them off. At all.”

  Sarah leaned over and pulled Stuart's head onto her shoulder. "Oh, my poor baby. How awful for you."

  "It was. Truly awful. I mean, how can anyone think that fucking with your socks on is sexy?"

  "Maybe he had poor circulation giving him cold feet?" suggested Charlie.

  Stuart tipped his head to one side, as if deep in thought. "No, judging from how hard his dick was, there was no problem with his circulation."

  Cries of "Stuart!" and "Mate!" echoed round the room.

  "You know you won't be able to say things like that once the baby com
es," said Mike from the kitchen. Stuart just waved his hand dismissively. He then fixed his gaze on Jase.

  "So, Mr MacKenzie, how's your Texan hottie?"

  "Don't know what you're talking about, Stuart." Jase hedged.

  "Oh, I think you do."

  Jase shook his head and hid behind his coffee mug again.

  "So, are you saying that you didn't spend Friday night with him?"

  "Yeah, Jase. Are you going to say you didn't spend Friday night getting to know Kyle a lot better?" Charlie pushed.

  Jase looked at Sarah. She just smirked and raised an eyebrow in return.

  "What stories have you been making up, Sarah?" he demanded.

  "I haven't been making up stories at all, Jase." she retorted. Jase heard Mike snort behind him and glanced over his shoulder to glare at him. Turning his attention back to his best friend, he glared at her.

  "So where do you get the idea that I spent Friday night with Kyle?" He asked her.

  "The fact that you were seen with him on Saturday morning in your car may have something to do with it."

  "Oh. That."

  "Yes. That. Spill the beans, Jase."

  Jase thought for a second. Could he get away with just saying he went with Kyle to look at cars or did he come clean and get the teasing out of the way? Sighing, he decided he couldn't lie to them and he was hiding enough secrets as it was. He placed his now empty coffee mug on the counter and shoved his hands into his jeans pockets.

  "Okay. Yes. I did spend the night with Kyle. We then went looking at cars and spent the day together." He watched his friends’ faces for their reactions. There was a stunned silence for all of a minute and then the barrage of questions started.

  "So how was it?" came from Sarah.

  "Are you going to have a repeat?" from Charlie.

  "Top or bottom?" Stuart, of course.

  Brett and Mike watched with interest.


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