Winning Love's Lottery

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Winning Love's Lottery Page 12

by Zoe Piper

  "Great. Already have. Both," he replied. There was no point trying to avoid answering. They'd only keep at him until he did.

  "Woohoo!" cheered Stuart. He started to say something else but then Jase's answers registered. "Wait. You've already had a repeat?” At Jase's nod, Stuart looked around the room. "So, where is he?"

  "Yeah, why didn't he come with you this morning?" Sarah asked. Jase couldn't help but smirk at the question, remembering his morning activities.

  "I never said he didn't."

  A gagging noise came from the kitchen. "TMI mate, TMI," said Mike.

  Sarah gave him an exasperated glance. "Don't be gross. You know what I mean. He should have joined us this morning. I hope you invited him?” She paused as a thought occurred to her. "Oh. Did you not want him to be here?"

  "I asked him to, but he has a family Skype call this morning."

  "Alright then. Have you got plans to see him again?" Sarah asked as she pushed out of her chair and headed to the kitchen to help Mike.

  "He's going to call me later, I think. We may catch up again in the week, I guess." Jase shrugged.

  "Well, make sure you bring him to the barbeque on Labour Weekend," Charlie said. Charlie's family hosted a big barbeque on the Sunday of the first long weekend after the winter. Everyone was welcome, and it unofficially heralded the start of summer, even if the weather was sometimes a bit fickle.

  "Yeah. Maybe." Jase didn't like to presume Kyle would want to still see him, even though it was only a couple of weeks away.

  "Well, if you don't want to invite him, I will. The poor guy needs some friends." Sarah added as she set plates and cutlery out for them. "Right, then. Let's eat."

  The guys all got up and helped themselves to food. Settling back at the table, they continued their good-natured ribbing of each other.


  Kyle propped his open laptop on his knee and waited for his family to call through. He let his mind wander over the events of the weekend so far. He hadn’t felt a connection with another guy like this for years. He had been in a fairly serious relationship a few years ago and had even thought that he and Paul would get married, but he'd found out Paul was cheating on him and the relationship had ended. Since then, he had thrown himself into his work and only had casual hookups and brief affairs.

  The incoming call alert brought him out of his thoughts and he accepted the call from his sister, Chloe. Her smiling face appeared on the screen, freezing slightly as the computer buffered the incoming stream.

  "Hey, sis," he said.

  "Hey, big brother. You're looking well."

  "Where are Dad and Mama?" he asked. He was sure it was supposed to be all three calling him this morning.

  "Oh, they'll be here in a minute. I just beat them to it," she replied with a grin. She had the same dark hair and blue eyes he did, but her features were more like their mother’s, fine and delicate. "I have something I wanted to tell you before they got here."

  "Oh yeah? What?"

  A masculine hand appeared on Chloe's shoulder and she shuffled over as a good-looking, red-headed man sat down next to her.

  "Hey man. How ya doin'?" drawled Kyle's best friend Luke.

  "Luke. Hey. Didn't know you were crashing the party. How are you?" Kyle felt a rush of pleasure at the sight of the familiar face. He and Luke had been college roommates and became best friends in the process. Luke had not had a problem with Kyle being gay, and together they had wreaked havoc on campus, dating up a storm.

  "I'm really good. Missing your ugly face around here, but Chloe has been helping with that." Luke shot a warm glance at the woman sitting next to him. Kyle noticed the same glance was returned.

  "No. Oh no. Don't tell me you two are dating? Dammit, man. What happened to the bro code?"

  Laughter echoed through his speakers and Kyle watched his best friend throw his arm around his sister's shoulder and pull her close to him. Together they looked at Kyle.

  "Please don't be mad," Chloe implored. "We didn't mean to hide it from you, but we've liked each other for a while and well, please, be happy for us."

  Kyle saw the smile on Chloe's face when she looked at Luke and the adoring look on Luke's face when he watched Chloe. They didn't realise but he had suspected there was something going on before he left, and truth be told, he couldn't be happier. He knew Luke would look after his sister and she deserved some happiness. She had been virtually left at the altar a few years before when it had been discovered her fiancé was only marrying her to get his hands on the Foster money while continuing his affair with his lover. The repercussions had affected the whole family and it had taken a while for them to trust anyone again.

  "Kyle. Buddy. Are we good? You know I'd never do anything to hurt Chloe." His best friend was watching him through the video link for his reaction.

  He grinned back at them both. "Yeah, we're good. Congratulations. You make a good-looking couple." He gave a short laugh. "At least I know you aren't after her money." Luke's family was very wealthy, and he didn't have to work if he didn't want to, but he did, with a very successful property development company.

  "What about you, brother? Have you met anyone out there?" his sister asked. Kyle flushed at the question. Of course, his eagle-eyed sister picked up on it. "Oh, you have, haven't you? Spill."

  Kyle was saved from answering by the ringing tone of his parents’ Skype. He watched as they joined the group video call.

  "Son. It's good to see you. How are you?" Kyle's father asked him. He smiled at his parents. It was good to see their faces. They had spoken several times since his arrival in Auckland but hadn’t done a video call. He hadn’t realised how much he’d missed seeing their faces.

  "I'm good, Dad. You and Mama look well."

  "Oh, honey. I do miss you." His mother wiped away a tear.

  "I miss you too, Mama, but I've got to make my own way in the world."

  "I know you do, son, but why do you have to do it so far away?" she lamented.

  "Now now, Heather. Let the boy be." his father gently admonished his wife. "So, son, what do you think of Chloe's news?" he asked, turning his attention back to Kyle.

  "Well, Daddy, if you're okay with it, then I am too." Kyle winked at the images of his sister and best friend.

  "Yes, well, she assures me she's happy."

  "I am, Daddy," interrupted his sister. "Very happy."

  "That's all that's important then." Kyle smiled. As the conversation turned to news of family and friends, Kyle settled back and enjoyed watching his sister and best friend together. They were a good match and he was happy for them. He wanted to find the same, maybe with Jase.

  An hour later he was saying his goodbyes. His mother and sister were quite tearful, but he reminded them he would be speaking to them again soon, and it was only a short time until Christmas when they would be coming down to New Zealand to spend time with him for the holidays.

  Later that evening, after he had caught up on some work and had a simple dinner, he slipped into his bed, noticing how empty if felt, even after only a couple of nights with Jase. He checked the time on the clock. It wasn't too late, but rather than call and possibly wake him up, he decided to send a quick text message.


  A few seconds later he got a response.

  Jase: Hi yourself.

  Kyle: Okay to talk?

  Kyle's phone buzzed in his hand. Accepting the call, he settled back on his pillows and lifted the phone to his ear.

  "Why wouldn't it be okay to talk?" Jase's husky voice came over the line.

  "I wasn't sure if you were asleep and not wanting to," he replied.

  "I told you to ring me anytime. I was hoping you would," came the admission. Kyle smiled at that.

  "Yeah? Did you miss me today?" Kyle heard a shuffling and he imagined Jase in his big bed, sprawled out like he'd seen him that morning.

  "Maybe. Did you miss me?"

  "Maybe. How was your brunch?"

  "Ugh, got t
he third degree and I apologise now if things are awkward between you and Sarah tomorrow. She knows we spent the weekend together except for today."

  "Oh. I hadn't thought of that. I'm sure we're all professional enough to keep work from interfering in our relationship."

  "Hmm, I like the sound of that." Jase hummed.

  "Sound of what?" Kyle frowned, even though Jase couldn't see him.

  "Relationship. I know it's only been a couple of days, but I'd like to see more of you, Mr Foster, and see what develops. What do you think?" A wave of emotion washed through Kyle at the words. Jase was laying his cards on the table. It was only fair he did the same.

  "I'd like that too," he said softly. "I agree we haven’t known each other long, but something just feels right with you. I haven’t had that for a very long time."

  "Same. So, when am I going to see you again?" Jase asked.

  "Oh, you're not going to be a demanding and pushy boyfriend, are you?" Kyle teased, secretly pleased Jase was as keen to see him as soon as possible.

  "Only when you want me to be." Jase's voice dropped lower and Kyle's body responded to the husky tones.

  "Dammit, Jase," he groaned.

  "Yes, Kyle?" He could hear the grin in the response. Jase knew damn well what he was doing to him.

  "I think we need to see each other as soon as possible. I owe you dinner from Friday." He tried to get his mind off the memories of Jase pounding into him the night before.

  "The earliest I can do is Wednesday night. Does that work for you?" Jase asked him. Kyle groaned in frustration.

  "Wednesday? I don't know if I can wait that long."

  "Sorry babe, but I've got stuff to catch up from not being at the Foundation last week, and a couple of evening mentoring sessions that I can't put off. If it's any consolation, I feel the same way."

  Kyle sighed into the phone. "Wednesday it is then. I suppose I can manage."

  "You'll survive. We both will. Oh, before I forget, do you have plans for Labour Weekend?"

  "I don't know. Do I have plans for Labour Weekend?"

  "Well, if you want to come to a barbeque at Charlie's parents’ place with me, then yes you do."

  "I'd love to. I liked your friends, even though I only met them briefly." Kyle was happy at being included.

  "You might change your tune after spending more than an hour with them, but they are fairly harmless. If you can give as good as you get, you'll be fine." Jase warned.

  "I’m sure I can cope. You forget though. I have a secret weapon."

  "What's that?" Jase's confused tone came down the line.

  "I can get dirt on all of them from Sarah," Kyle grinned at the answering chuckle.

  "I really do like you and the way you think, Mr Foster."

  "The feeling is mutual, Mr MacKenzie." Kyle gave a yawn. "I'm going to turn in. Talk tomorrow?"

  "Yeah. I'll give you a buzz when I get home. It may be after ten if that's okay?"

  "I'm a bit of night owl, so yeah, that's fine. Night Jase."

  "Night, babe. Have a good day at work tomorrow." Kyle disconnected the call and put his phone on the charger next to his bed. Switching off the lamp, he settled down and felt like a giddy fifteen-year-old. He had a boyfriend. Shaking his head at himself, he drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter 12

  Jase settled back into the passenger seat of Kyle's new SUV and watched a frown of concentration furrow Kyle’s brow as he navigated the winding country road in front of him. They were heading out to the barbeque at Charlie's parents' house in Clevedon, a semi-rural settlement less than an hour's drive from the central city.

  "Are you sure you're okay driving? I don't mind taking over if you want me to," he offered.

  "No, it's fine. I need the practice driving on the left. It's not so bad out here, but it still throws me off a bit when I'm driving in the city traffic.”

  "Yeah, just be careful you don't drift over to the right when you take these narrow turns. It's easy enough to do and there are some idiots out there that think a quiet country road is their personal race track," Jase warned. He'd seen a few accidents out this way and didn't want him and Kyle to become a statistic.

  Kyle threw a quick grin at Jase and then focused back on the road. "Yes, Dad."

  "So, how are you finding the car? Happy with it?"

  "It's good for what I need. Nice handling, especially on these roads." Kyle braked as they entered yet another tight turn. "What car would you have if you could have any make or model?"

  Jase mulled it over. "I like the look of the fancy European sports cars, but I really like the new Mustang."

  "The fancy European cars are very nice, and I did like my Porsche when I had one, but I admit that my first car, the '69 Mustang, was the one I loved the most." Kyle reminisced fondly back to the old car he’d used through his college years. "The new shape models are very nice too. Not sure how they drive, though."

  "We should have taken one for a test drive when you were looking at this one," Jase commented.

  Kyle laughed. "Yeah, we should have. How much farther do we have to go?" Jase looked at their surroundings.

  "Only about another ten minutes. We're nearly there."

  Before long they were pulling up a gently inclined drive, Kyle pulling the SUV to a stop next to a line of others parked along the edge of the gravel driveway. Jase watched him as he looked out at the view.

  "Wow. This is stunning.” Jase's gaze took in the familiar rolling green fields on the horizon, leading to a sun-kissed view over the ocean.

  "It is. Charlie's parents, Jo and Hemi, run an upmarket bed and breakfast from here. Over this last winter they have added some self-contained cabins and are expanding into farm-stay accommodation this summer."

  They got out of the vehicle and Kyle stopped again to breathe in the fresh clean air and just stare at the view. Jase came around the front of the car and stood behind him, sliding his arms around his waist and pulling him back into his chest. Resting his chin on Kyle's shoulder, he murmured into his ear, "Ready to face the hordes?"

  With a chuckle, Kyle said "Yes. Let's go."

  Jase pressed a quick kiss to his cheek and reluctantly moved away. He was aware they were in public and they had people to meet. They had spent as much time together over the last two weeks as they could, and when they couldn't see each other they had spoken for hours on the phone. The physical side of their relationship was explosive, and they had spent many hours exploring each other's bodies. They had also found many common interests in music, movies and sport and their conversations were wide and varied. Jase was starting to think that he and Kyle may have a long-term future together despite only knowing each other a few weeks.

  He turned away from the view and went to grab the chilly bin—or as Kyle had called it, cooler—that contained their beer, from the back of the car. Kyle locked the car and they headed towards the large, ranch style dwelling. Jase led them around the side of the house and as they drew nearer they could hear voices and laughter coming from the people gathered on the large lawn area.

  "Kiaora Jase," Charlie called out as he headed towards them. "Got here alright, then?" He asked shaking Kyle's hand. Jase put the chilly bin down and gave his friend a hug.

  "Yeah. Kyle coped well with the roads. Not bad at all. Only had to close my eyes once," he teased. The Texan was about to comment back when they were interrupted by another man who looked exactly like Charlie except for the short-buzzed haircut. Jase saw Kyle do a double take and grinned.

  "Kyle, this is Carl, Charlie's brother." Kyle leaned forward to shake hands as Jase continued, "Carl, this is Kyle Foster." He faltered slightly. Even though they were exploring a new relationship, it had only been a few weeks and they hadn't discussed labels. Before he could worry any further though, Carl gave a grin.

  "Ah, the hot Texan boyfriend I've heard all about."

  "Let me guess: Stuart has been telling tales again?"

  "Mate, it's not a tale if it's true, now is it?
Come on, let's get you a beer and you can introduce your boyfriend to Mum and Dad." Carl chuckled as he picked up the chilly bin and walked off with his brother towards their friends. Jase turned to Kyle.

  "Ah, sorry about that," he apologised.

  Kyle reached out and grabbed his hand. "Darlin' it's okay. We are in a relationship, aren't we? I'm not embarrassed to be with you and if you don't mind the boyfriend label, then I don't either.”

  "Remember that. You may change your tune by the end of the night. Come on, let's go say hi to our hosts.” Jase gave the hand holding his a quick squeeze and then led him over towards Charlie and Carl's parents.


  As they headed towards a couple who appeared to be in their mid-fifties, Kyle could see where Charlie and Carl got their good looks from. Their Maori heritage was clearly passed down from their father. Hemi Samuels had a large round face and his dark hair didn't show any grey at all. A wide, welcoming grin split across his features as he spotted the two of them walking their way. As they got within arm's reach, Jase let go of his hand and stood still as the older man took him into a warm embrace. Hemi then stepped back, resting his hands on Jase's broad shoulders, and pressed his nose and forehead to Jase's. Thankfully, Jase had warned him that Hemi and many of the elder Maori people attending may do this. It was called a 'hongi' and was a traditional greeting of the indigenous Kiwis.

  "Jase. It has been too long since we have seen you. Where have you been hiding?" Hemi's deep rumbling voice asked.

  "I know. I’m sorry. I’ve been busy with work and the year has just gone by so quickly." Jase smiled. "Hemi, I'd like to introduce you to my boyfriend, Kyle Foster. Kyle, this is Hemi Samuels, our host.” His hand was taken in a strong grip before Hemi pressed his nose against Kyle's.

  "Welcome to Aotearoa, Kyle. I hope you find much happiness here." Hemi greeted him. Kyle noticed he used the Maori word for New Zealand.

  "Thank you, sir. You have a beautiful place here." Kyle responded.

  "We think so. Kyle, let me introduce you to my wife, Joanne." Hemi smiled lovingly as a blonde woman came up to them. "Jo, this is Kyle Foster."


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