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Taken! 19-24 (Donald Wells' Taken! Series)

Page 1

by Donald Wells

  TAKEN! 19 – 24



  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Opening Quote


  TAKEN! 20 – ALIVE!





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  About The Author

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  COPYRIGHT | TAKEN! 13-18 | Copyright © Donald Wells, 2013

  Further Reading: The Thirty-Nine

  About the Author

  Opening Quote

  “All stories, if continued far enough, end in death, and he is no true-story teller who would keep that from you.”

  Ernest Hemingway


  Chief of Police, Jack Dent looked up to find Sarah Callaway standing in the doorway of his office; she was wearing jeans and a red, short-sleeved sweatshirt.

  Sarah Callaway walked in and tossed a newspaper atop Dent’s desk, and he glanced down at the headline—Local cop believed responsible for deadly helicopter crash

  “Have you read this?” Sarah said.

  “I saw it.”


  “And it’s true, Dave is a suspect.”

  “My brother would never do something like that. Just because he used to work on a bomb squad doesn’t mean that he would make a bomb to kill innocent people, and this crap about him having an obsession over Jessica White, that’s nuts.”

  Dent motioned to the set of chairs in front of his desk.

  “Please, have a seat,”

  Sarah sat down and Dent began counting off on his fingers.

  “One, Dave did show interest in Dr. White. Two, we found his thumbprint on the last note. Three, Dave was torn up over having killed that old woman and was drinking to excess. Four, when questioned about his interest in Jessica White by Rob Stevens, Dave assaults Stevens, who by the way is a federal agent, and then runs off. And finally, five, the lab says that the two devices that disabled the helicopter were relatively simple bombs, something that Dave was more than knowledgeable enough to assemble.”

  Sarah Callaway stood and leaned over Dent’s desk. She was twenty-four, and like her brother, she had dark hair, but lacked her brother’s height. Although shapely, she carried twenty pounds more than she should have, the result of a raging sweet tooth. Her blue eyes burned into Dent’s as she spoke.

  “My brother is being framed and he didn’t run off, he’s missing. Something has happened to him, something horrible, and whoever is responsible for killing the people on that helicopter is also the one who’s responsible for Dave’s disappearance. You’re looking at the wrong man. Who else had something to gain by the crash? Have you looked into Dr. White? Maybe she wanted her husband dead and sent the flowers and notes to herself.”

  Dent shook his head.

  “Jessica White isn’t behind this; she’s a victim, pure and simple.”

  “What makes you so sure of that?”

  Dent sighed.

  “All you have to do is look at her. The woman is devastated by her husband’s death.”

  “Alright, then what about this Rob Stevens?”

  “The groom? Hell, Sarah, there are easier ways to cancel a wedding.”

  “I know, but we only have his word that Dave hit him and as far as we know, he was the last one to see Dave.”

  “Still, why would he do it? What would he gain?”

  “I don’t know, but I’ve been thinking...”


  “Dr. White’s husband and the bride to be, Juliet Hamden, have you found their bodies yet?”


  “Isn’t that unusual? I mean it’s been nearly a week.”

  “It’s unusual, but that lake is large and there’s only one dive team searching for them now that it’s considered a recovery and not a rescue.”

  Sarah sat back in her seat.

  “I have another theory.”

  “Such as?”

  “Maybe the reason that no one has found their bodies is because they were never on that chopper in the first place.”

  The chief leaned back in his chair with a thoughtful look on his face as his fingers began drumming atop his desk.



  Sarah left the chief’s office and walked out to her car, where Traci Vargas caught up to her. The two women had known each other since grade school and had stayed friendly over the years.

  “So, what did Jack think of your theory?”

  “He said that it was something he never considered, but then he asked me why I thought they would do it and I had no answer.”

  “The longer we go without finding the bodies the more weight the theory gains.”

  “Is it possible that they faked their deaths so that they could run off together? The papers say that Dr. Juliet Hamden was an old friend of Dr. White and her husband. Maybe she and the husband were more than friends?”

  Traci tilted her head as she considered the possibility.

  “It’s possible of course, but I doubt it. Dr. White’s husband seemed devoted to her and Dr. Hamden was getting married, plus, it would mean that they killed an innocent pilot.”

  “Someone did, and it sure as hell wasn’t my brother.”

  Traci’s phone rang and she looked at the caller ID.

  “It’s Jack,” she said, before walking off a little ways to take the call. “What’s up?”

  “I want you to go to the hotel and reinterview anyone who was on staff that day. I also want to go over the hotel’s security footage again. I think maybe we’re missing something.”

  “Alright, anything else?”

  “Yes, I’m sorry, I know I promised you dinner and a movie tonight, but I’ll have to make it up to you.”

  “I’ll grab some take-out on the way back from the hotel and we’ll eat it while we watch the security tapes, and that way you’ll keep your promise.”

  “I don’t deserve you.”

  “Too bad, you’re stuck with me anyway. See ya later, Jack,”

  Vargas’ ended the call and found Sarah staring at her.

  “What did the chief say?”

  “I think you got to him. He’s having me recheck the hotel.”

  Sarah opened her car door and climbed in.

  “While you’re doing that, there’s something that I need to do.”

  “What’s that?”

  “I’m going to see Jessica White. I’ve a feeling that she’s the key to this whole mess.”

  “Maybe you two should meet, but do me a favor?”


  “Take it easy on her. That woman is in a world of pain.”


  Jessica White opened her eyes and looked at the bedside clock, and was again amazed at her new capacity for sleep. A moment more and her eyes drifted to her husband’s side of the bed, and grew teary.

  She wiped at her eyes, sat up, and with a sigh, walked into the bathroom.

  She went downstairs twenty minutes later and, the dog, Stitches, wagged his wiry tail, before flipping over onto his back and letting loose with a few happy barks. Jessica smiled and bent down to pet him.

  Jessica’s sister, Gabriella, leaned in a doorway and pointed at Stitches.

  “He’s been lying at the foot of those steps like a lump all morning, but as soon as he heard
you coming downstairs he sprang to life.”

  Jessica stared at Gabby.

  Gabby looked back at her and shook her head.

  The gesture meant, that no, there’s been no word.

  This has been their ritual all week, as Jessica braced for news that her husband’s body had been recovered by divers.

  She gave the dog a final pat on the head and stood, to take in a deep breath, preparing herself to face another day of dread, another day without him.

  She and Gabby entered the kitchen, where her father was at the stove making French toast and bacon.

  “Daddy, you don’t have to cook. Gabby and I will do that.”

  Dr. James White turned around and sent her a smile.

  “I miss cooking for my girls, especially my French toast. It was a Sunday morning tradition, remember?”

  Jessica walked over and hugged him from behind.

  “I remember.”

  “How are you doing, baby?”

  “Coping, Daddy, I’m coping,”

  “We’re here for you, honey,”

  “I know.”

  The back door opened and George Carver entered along with his wife, Lena. They were each carrying a bag of groceries.

  “Hey Jessica, Lena and I went out and got steaks for dinner. Hell, it’s so warm outside today that I might even throw them on the grill.”

  “That sounds good, George,”

  George sent her a supportive smile, as Lena walked over and kissed her on the cheek.

  The kitchen lights blinked and Jessica checked her phone.

  “We’ve got company, Gabby, would you please go see who that is?”


  Sarah Callaway stood at Jessica’s front door and wiped her palms on the front of her jeans. When Gabby opened the door, Sarah sent her a tentative smile.

  “Dr. White?”

  “No, I’m her sister, and you are...”

  “I’m... Dave Callaway’s sister. Can I please speak to Dr. White?”

  “What’s this about?” George said, as he and Lena joined Gabby in the doorway.

  “Um, well, I’d really rather discuss it with Dr. White.”

  “Is this about your brother; do you know where he is?” George said.

  “My brother didn’t do what he’s accused of; someone’s framing him.”

  Gabby began closing the door.

  “I don’t think it’s a good idea that my sister talk with you, please leave.”

  Sarah opened her mouth to protest, just as the door was yanked open and Jessica stepped out onto the porch.

  “Where is your brother? You know, don’t you?”

  “No! Are you Dr. White?”

  “Yes, and I won’t stop until I find your brother. Tell me where he is.”

  “I...I don’t know where he is.”

  “You’re lying. I can see it in your eyes. You know something, don’t you?”

  “No, I swear I don’t know anything. All I know is that my brother would never do the things they say.”

  Jessica grabbed Sarah by the arms.

  “Where is he?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “You know, you know and you’re going to tell me right now.”

  “I swear I don’t know.”

  Jessica shook her like a doll while screaming into her face.

  “Where is he?”

  Sarah began crying as she sank down to her knees.

  “He...he...he’s dead. He must be dead. Whoever framed him must have killed him too, otherwise... he could defend himself, but he can’t because someone killed him. Oh God, someone killed him.”

  Jessica stared down at the crying young woman.



  “Tell Daddy to make more French toast; we’re having company.”


  Sarah declined the offer of food, but did take a cup of coffee.

  One look into Jessica’s eyes and she decided against discussing her theory that the helicopter pilot was the only one aboard when the chopper went down. She still thought the theory valid, but to offer it seemed cruel, and after all, odds were that she was wrong and that the dive team would discover the bodies eventually, and the last thing that Jessica needed was false hope.

  Jessica sat back in her seat with her arms crossed.

  “Let’s say that your brother was framed, then, we have to ask why and by whom, who would frame him and for what reason?”

  “Well, I don’t know why, but it must have something to do with you. All of this started with the roses, didn’t it?”


  “Jessica?” Lena said. “Are we certain that the roses were left for you and not your husband? Were you ever referred to by name in the notes?”

  Jessica unfolded her arms.

  “Well, no, however the last note was sent specifically to me, but then, that only happened after Dave Callaway was named a suspect. Oh my God, could we have had this backwards all along?”

  “It doesn’t seem likely,” Jessica’s father said. “And forgive me Ms. Callaway, but the most obvious explanation is that your brother became obsessed with my daughter and... and did something unthinkable to get back at her for rejecting him.”

  “It’s possible, I know that, but I also know my brother. He seemed fine right up until the moment he was tricked into killing that innocent woman, and then he began drinking out of misplaced guilt. Chief Dent said that the first bouquet of roses was discovered prior to that.”

  “So, what’s your theory?” Jessica said.

  Sarah very nearly tossed it out there, but instead, she sent Jessica a shrug.

  “You seem like a nice young woman who is as much a victim as anyone else, Ms. Callaway, but until I have a reason to believe otherwise, I still think that your brother is behind all this.”

  Sarah nodded. “I understand.”


  No sooner had Sarah Callaway’s car left the property, when another vehicle pulled up to the house.

  The passenger side door opened and when Jessica spotted her new visitor, she smiled wide.

  “Maggie, hello honey,”

  Maggie Walker ran to her sister-in-law and fell into her arms as her mother got out of the car.

  Jessica kissed Maggie on the cheek and felt the moistness of her tears. She tilted the girl’s chin and stared into her eyes.

  “Hey, no tears, there’s still hope,”

  Maggie sniffled. “Really?”

  “Yes, until they find... until we know for certain,” Jessica said, and then looked over at her husband’s mother.

  Her mother-in-law pointed at Maggie.

  “She made me come here. That little girl has a steel will when she puts her mind to something.”

  “Not unlike her brother. I’m glad you two came, now let’s all go inside.”


  Out on the patio, George looked at the phone number written on a pad and made a call.

  Sarah answered her phone as she drove home.


  “Miss Callaway, this is George Carver.”

  “Mr. Carver? Is something wrong? Did something happen?”

  “When you were here I got the impression that you were holding something back, what is it?”

  Sarah hesitated, but then she pulled over onto the shoulder and cut off her engine.

  “I have a theory, Mr. Carver, but it’s not one that Dr. White would enjoy hearing.”

  “Why don’t you try it out on me?”

  Sarah gave George her theory and heard silence on the other end of the phone.

  “Hello, Mr. Carver, hello?”

  “I’m here.”

  “I know it’s a crazy theory, Mr. Carver, but it would explain why they haven’t found their bodies.”

  “Call me George; and I think we need to talk.”


  Chief Dent handed George a cup of coffee, before walking behind his desk and taking a seat. Seated next to George was Sarah Callaway.

  The chief sent George an expectant look.

  “I’m ready when you are Mr. Carver.”

  “It’s George, Chief, and I want you to know that I don’t believe Sarah’s theory, but I pray she’s right anyway, because if she’s right, then there’s a chance that my buddy is still alive.”

  “I feel the same way, so, what’s your story?”

  “I met Jessica and her husband when I was in college. Back then, Jessica and Juliet were roommates. Jessica knows that Juliet once had a crush on her husband, what she doesn’t know is that it was more than a crush, actually, at one time Juliet was obsessed with him.”

  “Obsessed? In what way?” Sarah said.

  “I guess you could call it stalking, but she didn’t have to stalk him. Her roommate was his girlfriend and his best friend was her boyfriend. She had access to him all the time.”

  “Who was her boyfriend?” Chief Dent said.

  George pointed to himself.

  “Me, I was her boyfriend, but she was only dating me so that she’d have more excuses to be near him.”

  “She told you this?” Sarah said.

  “Yes, but that came later, after she’d gone through therapy. You see, Juliet is—was? No, Juliet is a very intelligent woman and saw what was happening. She knew that the man she wanted was devoted to one of her best friends and that even if he slept with her, that he would never love her. Now, realize that she never did anything about her obsession. As far as Jessica knows, Juliet was just smitten by—”

  Sarah giggled. “Smitten?”

  George sent her a smile.

  “I’m older than you are young lady and I’m also from the South. Let’s just say that Juliet had the hots for him but that she got over it and moved on. At least, I hope she did. Jessica and Juliet had stayed in touch after college and met from time to time at professional gatherings, but Juliet hadn’t actually laid eyes on Jessica’s husband again until the three of them consulted on a case together. Jessica mentioned that it was also when Juliet first met Rob Stevens.”

  Chief Dent nodded in understanding.

  “I see where you’re going. You think that history may have repeated itself and that Dr. Hamden, Juliet, was using Rob Stevens to get close to the true object of her desire.”

  “Well, Rob Stevens says that moving here was Juliet’s idea, and lately the two couples have been spending time together.”


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