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Once Found: The Pocket Watch Chronicles

Page 19

by Ceci Giltenan

  Elsie sighed. “Dr. Rose believes it because he has met Gertrude and used the pocket watch himself. Over the years, he has been called upon to counsel other time travelers.”

  “And you believe you are on a mission to bring Elizabeth and Dr. Soldani together? And by the way, if he is involved with this in any fashion, I will include him in the suit.”

  “Gabe is not involved. He doesn’t know anything about this. He believes I am Elizabeth, and he loves her with his whole heart. And while I believe the primary mission was to put Elizabeth where she could help Lady MacKenzie, I also think Gabe and Elizabeth are meant to be together.” Elsie thought it better not to mention that the rift between Elizabeth and her parents needed to be mended as well.

  “I don’t believe any of this.”

  “Then perhaps you should call Dr. Rose now.”

  “After you told me he believes this nonsense? Not a chance. I need to get you out of that quack’s clutches.”

  Fear rose in Elsie like hot bile. Telling Elizabeth’s mother had been a huge mistake. “Please, you must believe me. What would it take to prove it to you? There are other people who have used the pocket watch. I would need their permission first, but perhaps talking to one of them would help.”

  “Talking to similarly deluded people will not change my mind. Nothing short of, what did you call the old woman?”


  “Well, nothing short of Gertrude stepping in off that balcony and offering me the pocket watch will convince me that this isn’t a well-developed delusion.”

  Before Elsie could respond, a tap came at the balcony door. She glanced that direction, but the drapes were drawn.

  “How did you do that?” Charlotte demanded.

  “I didn’t do anything.”

  The tap came again.

  “There is no access to that balcony from anywhere but those doors. You must be doing something. Stop it this instant.”

  “I swear, I’m not…”

  The balcony door slid open, and Charlotte jumped to her feet just as Gertrude pulled the draperies aside and stepped into the room. “I am not in the habit of entering without an invitation, but I fear ye’d have left me standing out in the cold all night. Besides, ye did say the only way you would be convinced that Elsie is telling ye the truth would be if I stepped in off the balcony and offered ye the pocket watch. I’ll accept that as an invitation.”

  “Who are you, and how did you get out there?”

  “I’m Gertrude.”

  “How long have you been hiding out there?”

  “Ye know I wasn’t hiding out there. Ye stepped out to look at the skyline right before ye drew the curtains and ye haven’t left since then.”

  “You could only know that if you had been hiding out there.”

  “Where would I hide, lass? I’m a rather conspicuous size.”

  “This is impossible. People can’t just appear from nowhere.” She rounded on Elizabeth. “How did you set this up? How did you know I’d—I’d—,”

  “Say ye’d believe her if I stepped in off the balcony? She didn’t. And people can’t just appear from nowhere. However, I can. I am one of the ancients, just as Elsie told you.”

  “And why are you calling her Elsie? I haven’t called her that since she was a little girl.”

  “I call her Elsie because that’s the name she goes by. She is not your daughter Elizabeth.”

  Charlotte sat down, looking bewildered. Elsie moved to sit beside, placing an arm around her shoulders.

  Charlotte looked her in the eye. “Elizabeth, why are you doing this? Why is it so important to draw me into this delusion? You need help, my darling.”

  “I’m so sorry to have caused you this distress. Truly, I am. But it isn’t a delusion. Elizabeth accepted the watch and…well, here we are.” What else could she say?

  “Do ye mind if I sit down?” asked Gertrude.

  Charlotte nodded her head absently.

  Gertrude settled herself in the chair across from them. She reached in her pocket and pulled out the pocket watch. Opening it, she held it so Charlotte could see its single hand pointing to six. “Elsie has been here for thirty days. There are thirty days left to switch places again before the exchange becomes permanent.”

  “You expect me to just believe that? Did you hypnotize Elizabeth? Is that why she is in the fugue?”

  Gertrude sighed. “There are some people who simply refuse to take anything on faith. Charlotte, we actually met years ago.”

  “I think not. I certainly would remember being offered a time-traveling pocket watch.” Her voice was thick with disdain.

  Gertrude smiled indulgently. “I’m sure ye would have, if I had offered it to ye then. But I didn’t.”

  “I don’t remember ever meeting you.”

  “Perhaps I can help ye a bit. Do ye remember going to the New York World’s Fair in 1964?”

  Charlotte canted her head. “Yes.”

  “Ye were eighteen at the time. And you had gone with some friends who had managed to get tickets to Les Poupées de Paris.”

  Charlotte smiled for the first time. “The adult puppet show with the naked puppets. It was scandalous, and everyone wanted to see it. I’d forgotten all about that.”

  “But ye didn’t see it.”


  “Because you had seen the boy you were dating waiting in a line with another girl. If I recall correctly, he was practically eating her.”

  Charlotte blushed but chuckled. “Well, he was. I’d never seen anyone kissing like that before. Now that I think back, his technique was awful.”

  “But at the time, yer heart was in tatters. Ye ran away in tears and didn’t go to the show. I found ye sitting on a bench, crying.”

  “That couldn’t have been you. It was forty years ago and that woman would have to be well over a hundred. She looked to be about the age you are now.” Charlotte looked at Gertrude as if really seeing her for the first time. “It can’t be…”

  “I sat with ye and listened as ye poured yer heart out to me. We chatted for a bit and ye had decided ye were well shot of him before long. Then we walked around the fair, marveling about all of the futuristic ideas being presented.”

  “It was you.”

  Gertrude nodded. “Yes, it was. And at one point, I asked ye if ye could, would ye take a trip to the future.”

  “I remember that. Dear God, you were serious?”

  “I was indeed. But ye said nay, ye’d rather meet each day as it came. ‘Twas a very good answer and an excellent philosophy. So ye didn’t need the watch.”

  Charlotte looked from Gertrude to Elsie. “But you came to the future.”

  “Not exactly by choice, as I told you.”

  “Elizabeth is as discontent a soul as I have encountered in ages. She longed to practice medicine as it once was. And yet, she never slowed down enough to look around and experience each day as it came. She was always charging forward, planning three moves ahead. She was never happy.”

  Charlotte looked away for a moment, her eyes becoming bright with tears. “I guess I stopped living by the philosophy of my eighteen-year-old self at some point. By the time we had Elizabeth, James and I were building our careers. She learned her perpetual forward motion from us.”

  “Yes, she did.”

  Charlotte looked wryly at her. “You don’t sugar-coat anything, do you?”

  “Why would I do that? The fact is many people create the circumstances in which they find themselves. To let them believe otherwise accomplishes nothing.”

  “But Elizabeth is well?”

  “Extremely well. The pace of her life has slowed down, and she is finding exactly what she sought.”

  Charlotte turned her attention to Elsie, taking her hand. “I’m so sorry I didn’t believe you. This has to have been beyond frightening, especially since you didn’t choose this path. And we certainly made it no easier for you.”

  “It was scary at first, but I am getti
ng used to it. Dr. Rose has been a huge help.”

  “Does Dr. Soldani know?”

  Elsie shook her head.

  “And you believe he and Elizabeth are meant to be together?”

  “I don’t know why I would feel so strongly about him otherwise. From the first moment I saw him, I felt it. It had to be one of her memories influencing that.”

  “What do you think, Gertrude?”

  “I think the universe is unfolding as it should.”

  Chapter 22

  Once Charlotte finally believed Elsie was not delusional, she’d been full of questions. She fired them off at Elsie, one after another in rapid succession. Elsie was reminded of when Mrs. Soldani scolded Angela for doing much the same thing.

  Eventually, Gertrude put up a hand. “Charlotte, I know the lawyer in you wants to know all the details, but you can’t learn it all in one night, and it’s getting late. I must be going.”

  Charlotte took Elsie’s hand. “I’m sorry, Elsie. I’ll hold my other questions for now.”

  Elsie smiled and nodded. “I understand. Really, I do. I don’t mind answering your questions, but I am tired.”

  They said goodbye to Gertrude, and Charlotte called for a driver. She rode with Elsie and saw her all the way to the apartment. She frowned when she saw the interior. “Oh dear, this is tiny.”

  Elsie nodded. “But I like it. It’s cozy.”

  Charlotte smiled. “I’m sure it is. Well, I should be getting to bed myself. Tomorrow is an insanely busy day. I’m glad you told me everything.”

  “I know it was hard to believe. Really hard to believe. But I’m glad you know.” Elsie frowned. She didn’t want to cause any hurt feelings, but she really needed to say something.

  Charlotte picked up on Elsie’s hesitation. “I can tell you want to say something.”

  “I’m sorry, but I am a little worried about something.”

  “What is it?”

  “It was so very hard for you to accept my story that you believed I had a serious psychological problem and were prepared to sue Dr. Rose…and Gabe. It took an appearance from Gertrude for you to believe it.”

  “I’m sorry, darling. It’s my nature to question things.”

  “I know. And I think it will be even harder to convince Elizabeth’s father. In fact, I don’t think he could be convinced even if Gertrude materialized out of thin air directly in front of him.”

  “Ah, I see where you are going, and you are right. As much as I hate to keep this from him, we must.”

  “I think that’s best. I suppose you should also keep calling me Elizabeth.”

  “I’m going to let you in on a little secret. Your father and I called you Elsie for years. When you started school and the teacher used your given name, you insisted on being called Elizabeth and wouldn’t answer if we called you anything else. I like calling you Elsie. It actually makes me feel closer to Elizabeth. At least to the Elizabeth I knew before we all went our separate paths. Everyone will understand if I call you Elsie.”

  “Okay. Honestly, I’d like it, too.”

  “Good. And another thing, Elsie, I would like to continue spending time with you. Gertrude was right. Elizabeth has grown very distant from us, and it is our fault. I had to make more time in my life for her because of all of this. I don’t want that time to fill up again before she returns.”

  Elsie smiled. “I’d like that.”

  “Excellent. Perhaps we could spend Wednesday afternoon together again. Lunch, Dr. Rose, and shopping?”

  “That sounds perfect.”

  To Elsie’s surprise, Charlotte gave her a kiss on the cheek. “Good night, Elsie.”

  ~ * ~

  The rest of the week seemed to drag by. As planned, Elsie spent Wednesday afternoon with Charlotte and Tuesday and Thursday with her own mother.

  But Friday belonged to Gabe. He’d explained that he would normally have to work one more night, but he had made some changes to be off for Joe’s birthday.

  “I’ll be working days Saturday, Sunday, and Monday and then an extra Friday night in a few weeks. I’m just going to sleep a little now. Otherwise, I won’t sleep tonight and I’ll be trashed tomorrow.”

  Even with Charlotte and Jo keeping her busy during the day, Elsie still hadn’t slept all that well. She longed to curl up next to him for a while, so she told him so.

  “Sweetheart, if you come to bed with me, we won’t sleep—and it was a crazy night. I need a little rest. When I get up, we’ll go do something touristy.”

  She sighed heavily. “All right.”

  He chuckled and gave her a kiss. “Don’t let me sleep for more than three hours.”

  She nodded. “Okay.”

  “I mean it, Elizabeth. No matter what I say, absolutely no more than three hours. Don’t take no for an answer. Promise me.”

  “I promise.”

  She thought the warning and the promise he forced from her were silly until three hours later when he groaned and rolled over. “I’m exhausted. Wake me in another hour.”

  “You said not to take no for an answer.”

  “I know I did, but one more hour will be okay.”

  “You made me promise.”

  “I know I did, but I really need another hour. It will be fine.”


  “It’s just an hour, Elsie. Let me sleep for another hour.”

  His tone was a little sharp, so she decided to give him the hour he requested. Then his words came back to her. No matter what I say, absolutely no more than three hours.

  She smiled to herself. Challenge accepted. Wardrobe change required.

  She stripped off her clothes and slipped into the bedroom. She watched him sleeping for a minute. With his face completely relaxed and his curly black hair tousled on the pillow, he looked almost boyish.

  I hope you remember that you asked for this.

  She padded over to the bed and climbed on next to him. She began stroking his body softly. Clearly enjoying her touch even in his semi-conscious state, he rolled toward her. She rose up on her knees, replacing her hands with her lips, sprinkling kisses across his chest and down his stomach.

  He gave a contented sigh, but didn’t open his eyes.

  Her touch became more insistent. She stroked and kissed his chiseled muscles, pulling the covers back and moving lower. When she reached his manhood, she wrapped a hand around it, stroking it tentatively at first and then with increasing confidence.

  He opened one eye and emitted a low, rumbling growl.

  “Don’t worry. You’ve had your three hours of sleep, but if you don’t wish to wake, you needn’t.” Even as she said it, she crawled on top, straddling him. “Still, ye might regret sleeping through this.”

  His eyes flew open. The shocked look on his face brought on a fit of laughter.

  After a moment, he began to chuckle. “I did say not to take no for an answer.”

  “You did.”

  “Well then, do your worst.”

  She took his rigid length in her hand, guiding it toward her opening and lowering herself onto him. He filled her, stretched her, completed her. She rose up on her knees and slowly sunk down again. She moved her hips in a small circle, and the sensation was exquisite. She repeated the action again and again, finding a rhythm that suited her. As she rode him, she was vaguely aware of how much control she had: her movements, her speed, her pleasure. Based on his moans of bliss, her pleasure was clearly his, too.

  He cupped his hands around her breasts, massaging and teasing the firm peaks.

  As her need built, she was no longer satisfied with the steady pace she’d set. She increased it, rising higher, falling faster, and burying him even deeper within her. The feeling was sublime, and she reached her climax almost without warning. The world shimmered around her, and she was lost in pure sensation. She was barely aware of Gabe’s primal groan and the heat that filled her as she floated back to consciousness. She collapsed on his chest, panting and sated.

  He wrapped his arms around her, gently moving her to his side. He kissed the top of her head. “That is, hands down, the best wake-up call I’ve ever received.”

  She chuckled. “You said not to take no for an answer.”

  “And I meant it. I’d say I’m sorry that I didn’t wake when you first tried, but honestly, since I so enjoyed your creative solution, I am not sorry in the least.” He kissed her again. “Let’s have a shower and go explore the city.”

  He climbed out of bed and froze. “Elizabeth, you didn’t use a condom.”

  She frowned. “What’s a condom?”

  “Sweetheart, it’s the sheath I cover myself with every time we have sex—so you don’t become pregnant.”

  She knew that he did that, but didn’t know what it was for. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”

  “Oh God. I should have explained it. I just assumed. Damn it.”

  “Gabe, I’m sorry.”

  He put two fingers to his forehead. “It’s not your fault. Sometimes, it’s hard to remember that you aren’t exactly Dr. Elizabeth Quinn at the moment.” He shook his head and smiled. “Don’t worry. It happened, and the universe unfolds as it should.”

  ~ * ~

  Gabe had suffered a moment of panic when he realized that they’d had sex without protection. He had never done that before, and it weighed heavily on him for several hours. But as he spent the day with lighthearted, adventurous Elizabeth, his worries dissolved.

  It didn’t matter. He loved her. He intended to marry her and have lots of children with her. If they had just started one, then it was God’s will. If they hadn’t, that too was ordained. Just as Gabe had told Elizabeth in the moment, the universe unfolds as it should.

  That night, he slept with her spooned against him. This was right. This was perfect. He never wanted to be without her again.

  Work over the next three days sped by, punctuated at the end of the day with mind-numbing sex and a sound night’s sleep with the woman he loved.

  Before Elizabeth landed in his life, he’d planned to escape the city for the whole week of Joe’s birthday. He could catch a late train home when he got off Monday evening, and he wouldn’t have to return until the next Monday evening because he didn’t have to be a work again until the following Tuesday.


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