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Use Me [Dungeon Masters 5] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

Page 9

by Cara Adams

  She smelled coffee and looked into the kitchen area. Darcy had scrubbed out the coffee pot and put coffee on to heat and now he was washing some mugs.

  “That’s a good idea. Thanks.”

  “There was even some powdered milk in the pantry. It’s a fraction after its best before date but it smells perfectly all right and I hate my coffee black.”

  “I do, too. I can’t imagine that will hurt but you can drink yours first to be our taste tester.”

  “You’re so kind.”

  Raff came out to join them, a smile on his face. “Everything is exactly how I left it. Well, as best I can remember. I wasn’t thinking terribly clearly toward the end. But all my documentation was in the file so that’s a huge relief.”

  “Coffee’s ready. Come and sit with us,” said Darcy.

  “You can look through your mail while you drink your coffee,” said Violet.

  “I found some trash bags in the pantry. I’ll bring one over with me.”

  Raff and Violet laughed but she felt incredibly relieved. His apartment was untouched, and he had the papers he needed. All they had to do now was keep his appointments at the bank and at his old employer’s. He needed to choose what he wanted to bring with him and that would fit in the suitcases, and then they could leave. Surely that wouldn’t be too hard.

  * * * *

  By midnight they were all tired, but they’d achieved a hell of a lot, at least in Darcy’s opinion. “Time for bed. Ugh. After I wash my hands.”

  “Mine, too. My fingernails are black.”

  “There you go. No need to paint them to be a Goth,” teased Raff.

  Darcy hadn’t brought any toys with him. He supposed he could have tied Violet up with neckties and spanked her with a wooden spoon or a hairbrush, but they were all very tired and just finding out the apartment was safe had been a huge release of tension for them all. Vanilla sex was all they needed tonight. By Sunday night they’d be home again and he could spend the airplane journey planning a refreshing dungeon scene for them all.

  He had packed lube and condoms. He wasn’t completely laid back. They clambered into bed and snuggled together for so long, Darcy thought perhaps they’d all just fall asleep where they were, but his dick badly wanted to be inside Violet so he thought he’d test her feelings on the matter. Darcy slid a hand down between their bodies and rubbed her nipple. It was a hard little point. It seemed she was interested.

  As soon as he did that, Raff pushed a leg between Violet’s legs and pressed closer to her back. He gripped her shoulders and said, “I wonder if I have any lube in the nightstand.”

  “Don’t worry, I bought some with us. And condoms.”

  “Oh good. Milk powder past its best before date is one thing. Condoms I prefer not to be out of date,” said Violet.

  Darcy handed Raff a condom and said, “Why don’t you entertain our pushy woman while I prepare her ass?”

  “My pleasure.”

  “Oh, I think some of that pleasure will be mine as well.” Violet giggled.

  “As I said, pushy.” Darcy waited until she had settled herself over Raff and he was licking and sucking her nipples before he spread her ass cheeks and began softening and opening her back door.

  She was so enticing. The day had been a long one. They’d all worked until midafternoon, caught an airplane, flown from Ohio to New York, made their way to Raff’s apartment, and then spent several hours sorting and packing Raff’s possessions.

  Yet despite all that, the moment he touched Violet’s warm, soft skin, he wanted her, needed her, had to possess her once again. She was a wonderful companion. Bright and fun, intelligent and vivacious. Never boring or grumpy. But it was more than that. The three of them belonged together. They were a team, a group, a family. Nothing could change the fact that they had an invisible tie that bound them together. And in a few moments he and Raff would be united inside her body once again, affirming their unbreakable link.

  Violet was wiggling and murmuring, responding to both Raff’s hands on her breasts, and his fingers in her ass. He loved the way she fidgeted, mumbling and grumbling as she fought her body’s desire for release while remaining determined to wait for them both to be inside her.

  By the time he pushed his dick into her ass, his own need was intense. He wanted to be inside Violet more than he’d ever wanted anything before. That was insane because they hadn’t been playing a scene in the dungeon. They hadn’t been eating, or dancing, or doing any of the other standard things men used as foreplay before they went to bed with a woman. Sorting through old photographs, and putting out trash hardly rated up high on the scale of “how to woo a woman,” especially when it wasn’t even her trash they were sorting, but Raff’s.

  Yet, now they were in bed together. They were all intensely aroused and incredibly passionate in their touching of each other. All three of them were on the verge of exploding.

  Darcy waited while Raff pushed his cock inside Violet as well, and then the two of them withdrew as slowly as Darcy could manage. He grit his teeth and forced his body to relax and wait. Then they drove in together again, only to stay inside her for a heartbeat, and pull out. In, pause, out. In, pause, out. But no matter how much he tried, he knew he and Raff were already accelerating the pace. They couldn’t hold back. Violet was their every dream come true and their cocks were leading them to pump faster, to pound harder, to thrust deeper into their amazing woman’s cunt and ass.

  And then it was all over. Violet swiveled her hips and gripped them both with her internal muscles. The quick rotation followed by the hard clasp of her luscious ass and cunt had her own body exploding, and the rippling waves of her climax sent both him and Raff off the cliff with her. He managed two more strokes inside her and that was all.

  “Damn pushy woman.” He groaned into the back of her neck. He wasn’t sure, but he thought she giggled.

  * * * *

  Raff put on one of his business suits, a button-down shirt, a necktie, and shiny polished business shoes. When he looked in the mirror, he almost didn’t recognize himself. His hair was longer and lighter colored from working outside for two years, and his skin was darker for the same reason. His body was leaner, which made him feel taller, although he hadn’t grown, because his pants length was exactly right. His belt was buckled a couple of holes tighter though and his suit coat fit a little tighter across his shoulders. It wasn’t him in the mirror. He wasn’t how he’d used to look, and he wasn’t how he looked now. It was weird.

  “Don’t stress. You look very handsome.” Violet patted his shoulder.

  “Would you prefer me to dress like this?” he asked her, watching her face in the mirror.

  “I’d prefer you to dress however you want to dress.”

  “Nonetheless, this is the right image for today to go to the bank. You need to look as much like how they remember you as possible,” said Darcy.

  It was good advice which matched with what he’d thought, too. Which was why he was wearing the suit. He picked up the leather-bound business folder he’d always carried into special meetings in the past. It was now filled with his personal documents and hopefully would give him access to his money again.

  They stopped at a tiny café for a quick breakfast and reached the bank a few minutes early. The manager was waiting for him and once again Violet patted his shoulder as he walked in.

  An hour and a half later he came out and looked around. Neither Darcy nor Violet was in the bank, but that didn’t surprise him. His automatic payments had all been closed off and his shiny new credit card was in his wallet despite the bank having originally told him it’d take several weeks to approve and activate. It seemed when a person pushed hard enough, miracles could happen. That was a lesson he’d learned from Ms. Pushy herself and he was grateful to her for that. Although, in fairness to himself, his old business skills hadn’t completely deserted him. His brain could still kick itself into gear when he needed it to.

  He left the bank and stepped ou
t onto the sidewalk, looking up and down for the road for Darcy and Violet. He glimpsed movement in the distance, a hand waving at him, so he walked in that direction. They were sitting outside another tiny café, once again with coffee, and Darcy had a bowl of fries as well.

  “Did everything go okay?” asked Violet.

  “Are you hungry?” asked Darcy.

  “Yes, and yes.” Suddenly he was hungry. He’d leaped the hurdle of the bank accounts, his apartment was sorted out, and in a little while they’d go and collect his things from his former employer.

  “What’s next?” asked Violet as the server placed coffee and another bowl of fries in front of him.

  He took a handful of fries while he thought. “I think I should sell my car this afternoon. I expect it won’t start after all this time, but I can get it towed to a dealer. I have the papers for it with me. Although likely I should actually go look at it before I phone the dealer.”

  “You have a car? I thought you said you always used public transportation because parking is too difficult here?”

  He smiled at Violet. “Status symbol. Part of the old job. Tell me what you want to see while we’re here. We can do some sight-seeing tomorrow morning.”

  “Oh, I haven’t been here since I was a teenager. Times Square, Central Park, the Statue of Liberty, the Empire State Building…”

  Darcy laughed. “All in the one morning? I don’t think so.”

  Raff jumped to his feet, full of excitement and energy. “Let’s wrap up my business then and see if we can knock a few items off Violet’s to-do list before dark. We can finish my packing and sorting later tonight.

  * * * *

  It was late that night as they finished tidying the last box of Raff’s possessions. Her own suitcase was crammed full with his clothing, as was Darcy’s. Raff’s suitcase held the last of his clothing, mostly used as wrapping to protect his two original oil paintings. They were delicate Impressionist works of fields and skies that exuded light, peace, and harmony. Violet suspected he loved them simply because they were what his old life had lacked.

  Raff’s luggage also had his personal possessions in it, except for all his documentation which was in her carry-on bag.

  She picked up a gadget which was at the very bottom of the box she was sorting. “What’s this, Raff? Do you want to keep it?”

  It looked like a game console but had no brand markings or identification on it.

  “Time Traveler. I’d forgotten all about that. Since my game has done so well, I’ll definitely keep it. Although likely I’ll have to start it all over again.”

  “Start all over again doing what?” she asked, still quite confused.

  Darcy and Raff came over to where she was sitting on the living room rug and squatted down beside her.

  “When I was making my game, I realized my idea was too complicated for a single game, so I sliced away one aspect of it to use to make a second game. In ‘Explore My World’ the characters do just that. They go to the Amazon jungle or somewhere and explore it. They get three lives and if they lose them all they have to go back and start again. If they’re still alive after they’ve visited each site in the Amazon jungle, they advance a level and can choose somewhere else to explore.”

  Violet smiled at him. “That sounds like a lot of fun. I’m not surprised it’s still selling well. So what’s Time Traveler?”

  “Originally I had wanted the option for the characters to go back or forward in time as well, but it was too complicated with the different lands to explore. So in Time Traveler each player still has three lives per session but they take an elevator and end up somewhere in history. It’s always at a place and time where something is happening. I mean, you can’t just sit on the beach in 1908. It’ll be a beach where there’s a tsunami or an invasion, or something,” Raff explained.

  “I like that idea. You should finish making it,” said Darcy.

  “I agree. We could help you by playing it and testing it for you.” Violet was excited by the idea of helping develop a game. Although perhaps Raff no longer wanted to do it. Maybe it was in his past. Although he’d said he would keep it.

  “Some of those letters here were from BJP Games and Gaming, the gaming company. Perhaps I’ll read them on the airplane tomorrow.”

  “Why not read them now? Then you can think about your answers to them tomorrow. Unless they’re just trash of course, in which case you can throw them away.”

  “Pushy.” Darcy pressed his lips to the back of her neck.

  “No, I’m not. Someone here has to do the thinking.” Violet jumped up and went to her carry-on suitcase which was lying open on the living room floor. She picked up the pile of letters, which were held together with an elastic band she’d found in the kitchen, and handed them to Raff.

  Darcy shook his head at her, but Raff riffled through the pile, pulling out four letters and opening them one by one. Then he laughed and dropped the letters onto the floor in front of her. Violet snatched up one and read it, and then another, and a third. She didn’t bother to read the fourth, she was too busy laughing.

  Darcy must have been reading the letters over her shoulder because he said, “Well then, Raff, it seems as though Ms. Pushy was right after all. Likely it’s time to tell the company you’re working on a new game.”

  “But what if it’s stupid and doesn’t work?” Violet thought Raff sounded really unsure of himself.

  “As long as you only say you’re working on it, if they ask where it is, you just say it’s still being developed. You don’t have to give them a deadline date for completion until you want to. Besides, we’ll help you. It sounds like enormous fun.”

  Violet looked up at Darcy. “Perhaps we can role-pay it out in the dungeon sometime?” he suggested.

  At once her panties were damp and she wanted to go to bed right now with her wonderful men. Two men who she knew she couldn’t live without anymore.

  * * * *

  The airplane back home was very crowded with no spare seats at all, so their conversation had to remain nonpersonal, but Darcy didn’t mind. His brain was full of ideas for a role-playing scene. He wanted to add wolves to the scene, because he still had to explain to both Raff and Violet that he was a wolf.

  Darcy himself still owed allegiance to the Alpha of the pack he’d been born into, but his current pack was the other wolves at The Dom’s Dungeon. Simon, one of the co-owners there, was treated as Alpha by the wolves who worked there or regularly used the dungeons. Technically it wasn’t a pack and Simon wasn’t an Alpha, but the wolves looked to him as their leader. The Supreme Alpha of North America held the mortgage on the property, and had sponsored the BDSM club, so clearly he approved of and supported Simon. All of which meant that to a wolf, being at the dungeon was like being in a pack.

  Occasionally Darcy had wondered if either Violet or Raff already knew he was a shape-shifter. Old man Cambrisi likely did. The old man did business with several of the werewolf packs and in among the crowd at the brunch at Sofia’s house Darcy had glimpsed two men he knew were wolves. Whether they were just friends along for the morning like himself, or workers for the old man, or even family, he wasn’t certain. Although he had an idea one of the wolves had married into the Cambrisi clan. Either way, it reinforced the idea in his mind that the retired businessman was well aware of shape-shifters and had links into the werewolf community. Hopefully that’d mean he wasn’t upset that Darcy was fucking his granddaughter. But what it didn’t do was let him know what Violet’s feelings were about his species. Or Raff’s. Again, he’d seen Raff look at him thoughtfully, and wondered if Raff had sensed some difference in himself. Although maybe that was just all his own imagination. He needed to remind himself that everyone wasn’t thinking about him all the time. Most people were focused on their own lives, not other people’s.

  The whole wolf thing was becoming an issue, though. The renovation of Violet’s farmhouse was progressing quickly. It wouldn’t be long before the kitchen was finis
hed, the painters were at work, and the horse stalls were built in the barn. One month, maximum, he calculated, and the work would be done. And then he’d have no excuse to visit her. Raff would, because of the horses, but he wouldn’t. Which meant he had to have wooed Violet properly by then so they could move in together. Darcy really couldn’t bear the idea of not seeing her every day, even if it was only briefly. Spending every night in bed with her was his goal and he needed to tell her he was a wolf before he could ask her to join with him and Raff permanently.

  Actually, it’d be more likely they’d move in with her on the farm. Even though Raff had some money now, it’d be crazy for them all to keep separate addresses, and Raff’s tiny apartment wasn’t going to be a suitable pace for them. Darcy’s apartment wasn’t much bigger. He had an office and storage depot in the warehouse district of Richmond for his business. His apartment was mostly just the place where he slept. Everything else took place in his office or out on the job.

  So, the next thing was to explain about being a wolf and a role-playing game would be a less confrontational way of doing that, especially if he could meld it into a time-travel theme. But how?

  Violet, squeezed uncomplainingly into the horrible middle seat between him and Raff, chattered happily about their walk through Central Park, and scrolled through the pictures she’d taken of the Statue of Liberty and of New York from the Empire State building. Raff read his letters and scribbled notes on the back of some of the envelopes. But Darcy’s mind was on planning a scene. A scene of punishment, submission, and ultimate fulfillment. Oh, and a wolf.

  On Monday he checked that Wednesday evening would be suitable for both Raff and Violet to play in the dungeon. Then he booked one of the party rooms on the second floor which was set up as a dungeon but usually used for BDSM parties and displays. He also explained very carefully about the props he’d need.


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