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The Billionaire's Dance (Billionaire Bachelors - Book Two)

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by Melody Anne

  “Alex, what are you doing here?” she finally asked after composing her features.

  He chose to ignore her question and repeated his, “I asked you, where’s my son?” He wasn’t the kind of guy to have any patience and he’d already missed out on her entire pregnancy as well as first three months of his son’s life. He wasn’t going to stand in the doorway and miss another moment.

  Before she was able to say anything more, he heard a cry from inside the apartment. His eyes rounded with wonder, at the first sound he heard from his son. He was done standing in the doorway, so he grabbed Jessica by the waist and physically removed her from his path.

  Jessica let out a shocked gasp and chased after him as he followed the sound of his son’s cry. “Alex, I did have a son but he isn’t yours,” she tried to lie to him. He’d reached the swing his son was in by that moment, staring in fascination at the tiny human in there.

  The baby was wide awake and staring at his father, momentarily distracted from his angry howls at being left alone. At her words, Alex whipped his head around to glare at her. She took a step backwards at the violence in his expression.

  “Do not lie to me for one more second. You’ve already stolen three months of my son’s life from me. You will not deceive me anymore,” he spat, with venom dripping in his tone.

  She knew to try and deny it again would only unleash more of his anger so she sank to the couch, as her knees would no longer hold her up. She said nothing else, just watched as he stared at his son. The baby finally got tired of the staring game and let out a cry of displeasure. He wanted to be picked up.

  Jessica started to rise to grab her son but Alex was already taking care of it. “Hey little guy, you want your daddy to pick you up?” he lovingly spoke to his son. The adoration in Alex’s voice brought tears to her eyes. He unlatched the safety belt and gently pulled Jacob from the seat.


  Copyright © 2011 by Melody Anne

  All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including xerography, photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, is forbidden without the written permission of the author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Books by Melody Anne

  *The Billionaire Wins the Game

  *The Billionaire’s Dance

  *The Billionaire Falls

  *The Billionaire’s Marriage Proposal

  +The Tycoon’s Revenge

  +The Tycoon’s Vacation

  +The Tycoon’s Proposal

  See Melody on Facebook at

  Or her website


  “That’s grandpa’s sweet baby girl,” Joseph whispered as he nuzzled his only granddaughter, Jasmine. She coo’d up at him, while gripping his finger and tugging at his heart.

  “Now that grandpa got your daddy and mommy married and gave grandpa you as an added bonus for Christmas last year, we have to start working on getting Uncle Alex a wife,” he continued talking, while tickling her tummy.

  “I love you to pieces, Princess and I want a lot of cousins for you running around the house.” He continued talking to her as if she understood each and every word he was saying.

  “I sure didn’t get any thanks from your mom and dad for their marriage but of course I’m not looking for a bunch of praise. My boys finding good women and giving me many grandkids to spoil is thanks enough,” he said. He smiled with pure joy while looking at Jasmine.

  “Of course, a little thank you wouldn’t be so bad,” he muttered quietly.

  “Well, I guess I’m going a bit off course here, aren’t I? I’ve found the perfect bride for your Uncle Alex and I have a feeling we’ll see a cousin for you in a year or so.” He chuckled as he pictured Alex and Jessica together.

  Joseph had known Jessica since she was a newborn. He knew she and Alex would be perfect together. It was simply a matter of getting them in the same room so nature could take its course.

  Joseph thought about Alex’s playboy lifestyle. It was time that boy settled down and got married.

  Joseph loved his first granddaughter so much. His heart felt like it would burst when she was in his arms. He wanted that feeling with many, many more grandchildren.

  “Joseph, did I just hear you plotting with your granddaughter about meddling in our son’s life?” Katherine said from outside the room, catching him off guard. He could hear the clear disapproval in her tone and knew he’d been caught.

  “No, not at all dear,” Joseph said, as innocently as he could. “Jasmine and I were just discussing what a blessing she is in our lives,” he finished.

  Katherine shook her head at her husband as she reached down to take their granddaughter into her arms. “Joseph, Jasmine is only three months old and isn’t discussing anything with you. She’s just happy to hear the sound of your voice, no matter what nonsense you’re spouting.” All sternness fell from her voice as she held the precious bundle close to her.

  Katherine didn’t approve of her husband interfering in their children’s lives but she had to admit the end result of Lucas and Amy getting married and having precious little Jasmine was worth the troubles.

  Joseph sighed at the sight of his beautiful wife holding their granddaughter. Life was certainly good. “Lucas will be back in a few minutes so help me get the baby changed,” Katherine said as she walked from the room.

  Joseph stood and looked at the picture on his wall. “Alex my boy, you are in for a surprise,” Joseph whispered to the frame so his wife wouldn’t overhear. He quietly chuckled to himself as he walked out of the door.

  Chapter one

  “Alex, good to see you,” Joseph said. He wrapped his arm around his son’s shoulders while leading him into the den.

  “Hi Dad, sorry I haven’t made it home in a while. That contract in Spain took a lot longer than I thought. Of course, I’m not complaining because those beaches are hot and the women are even hotter,” he said with a laugh.

  “Now son, there’s more to life than going out all the time and picking up pretty ladies who don’t have a lick of brains or an ounce of heart,” Joseph admonished.

  Alex gave a hearty laugh. He knew his father wanted him and his brothers all married. He was more than a little suspicious Joseph had something to do with Lucas’s recent marriage. Lucas wasn’t complaining though. His wife, Amy was a true gem and their precious daughter was about the cutest thing there ever was.

  “Dad, you know I’m far too young to tie the knot. I don’t need some woman in my life telling me what to do. I like having a lot of ladies to wine and dine. You don’t want to break the hearts of all the single ladies in Seattle, now do you,” Alex asked with far too much confidence, in his father’s opinion?

  Joseph knew it would take a very strong woman to bring his middle child to his knees. Luckily, he figured, the right woman wasn’t far away.

  “Okay, I get it, you like the single life but you should know you’re breaking your mother’s heart. She wants many grandkids running through these cold hallways but children never think of their poor parents. After all, parents only sacrifice everything to raise their kids and bandage their wounds and love them unconditionally. There wouldn’t be
any reason to want to give back to them, I guess,” Joseph said with a dramatic sigh.

  Alex smiled at his father’s antics. He and his brothers were used to the whole guilt trip charade since Joseph had perfected it. “You know I appreciate everything you and mom do for me. That doesn’t mean I’m going to let you guilt me into getting married. I’m smarter than Lucas,” he said with a wink.

  Joseph chuckled to himself. The harder they fought, the more satisfying it was when they fell, he figured.

  “All right then, enough of this marriage talk,” Joseph conceded. “We have that fundraiser banquet this weekend and I need you to attend. Both of your brothers can’t because of previous engagements and it would look really bad for the company if at least one of my sons didn’t show up to our own fundraiser,” Joseph said, while acting like a martyr.

  Alex hated going to those things. The people were boring with a capital B and it was all about being seen. He wished they could just give the money away without having to go through all the motions of a fundraiser. But he also knew millions of dollars could be raised in one night because the rich liked to be seen giving their money away. It made them feel self-important, he supposed.

  “Just let me know when and where. You know I’ll go.” He sounded more like he was headed to the guillotine, instead of an evening with great food and dancing. On a positive note, he would most likely take a lady home for a steamy night of lovemaking. That was something to look forward too.

  “It’s being held at the Fairmont Olympic Hotel on Friday night, starting at nine,” Joseph told him.

  “Well, at least if I have to go out and act like I actually care about the newest and greatest fashions, I’ll be in a great place,” Alex said.

  The Fairmont was spectacular inside and out. It was listed on the National Register of Historical Places and they’d done a fantastic job of bringing in the new designs without taking away from the old history. Alex enjoyed doing business there and he knew the food was going to be top quality. His mouth started watering a bit at the thought of having some Cedar Plank Smoked Salmon, one of their specialties.

  “Oh, and keep an eye out for Jessica Sanders. She’s the daughter of my dear business associate John Sanders and she’s going to be there alone, as her father’s out of town.”

  “Dad, what have I told you about matchmaking? I can choose my own dates,” Alex said, losing some of his patience. He didn’t want to be set up. Marriage was simply not in the cards for him and in no way did he want kids. He idolized his gorgeous niece but the family thing was for Lucas, not him. He was still young at thirty-two years old and he wasn’t ready to trade in the Lamborghini for a mini-van. He shuddered at the thought.

  “I’m not trying to be a matchmaker. I didn’t ask you to take her to the fundraiser. I simply asked you to keep an eye on her and say hello; maybe ask her for a dance. She’s not from around here and her father said she isn’t used to huge events. She normally avoids them at all costs but this fundraiser is something very important to her. She’s always wanted to spend an evening at the Fairmont. Here’s a couple of pictures so you can recognize her,” Joseph said while holding them out.

  Alex reached for the photos, just for the sake of curiosity. He looked down and was surprised at how attractive she was. She wasn’t the typical socialite he was used to. Her features seemed softer, more inviting. One of the pictures was her and her father. She had her head thrown back in laughter, while her eyes were rounded, causing a sparkle to shine through the still shot.

  Alex may have to change his mind and at least meet the woman but he was sure she’d turn out to be just as fake as the rest of them. A picture may be able to capture an unguarded moment but from his experience, all women had an agenda. He didn’t see how she could be any different from the rest.

  Jessica walked down the wide staircase, admiring the beautiful golden railing with its intricate design. She had a mixture of feelings running through her. She hated parties that masqueraded themselves as fundraisers. They were only an excuse for the rich to rub elbows and talk about who had the most money. On the other hand, she’d always wanted to come to the Fairmont.

  It was steeped in history and there were so many areas to explore. The room she’d rented had a spectacular view of the gardens. It was decorated to look more like a guest room in a distinguished home.

  She’d walked into the suite to the smell of fresh cut flowers and the sight of a bowl overflowing with fruit. Alongside that had been a bottle of champagne chilling in a bucket of ice. The bed was beautifully made with a note from the staff, welcoming her and offering any assistance.

  Jessica was used to the red carpet treatment, which wasn’t always as great as people seemed to believe it was. When your father was a millionaire, you never knew who liked you for you or who liked you for what they could get out of your father. Every place she went people would do all they could to accommodate her but it was usually a double edged sword.

  After her last tragic break-up she’d decided to forgo relationships altogether. She was tired of her heart being broken. Her last boyfriend had seemed like the perfect man. Thinking about him was a painful experience but she couldn’t seem to stop herself.

  He’d ridden into her life like a knight in shining armor and she’d fallen for him hard and fast. When he spoke, he said all the right things. He also romanced her unlike any other man she’d known. She’d been relieved he was wealthy because she didn’t think he was gaining anything by being with her. To her, the love seemed genuine. She couldn’t have been more wrong.

  He courted her because his company was going under from the millions he’d gambled and lost. He figured if he snatched her up, he could go into business with her father and save himself. His plan would’ve worked too, as she was blinded by his games. She would’ve remained blind if she hadn’t gotten home early from a trip to find him in bed with the maid.

  When she walked into her bedroom and saw the two of them wrapped in each other’s arms, on her bed, she quickly shut the door and walked out of the house. She thought he respected and loved her enough to wait to have sex until their wedding day. He never desired her in the first place and the waiting had turned out to be a blessing in disguise for him, as the ‘maid’ he’d hired was really his long-time girlfriend.

  Jessica snapped back to the present and walked into the ballroom. She wasn’t easily impressed but tonight was an exception. Every detail of the room was exquisite. There were several chandeliers hanging at least three feet down and almost equally as wide. The crystals dripping from them were shooting off prisms of light in every direction.

  The linen covered tables held only the finest dinnerware and the candles were creating a soft glow from the centerpieces. The room had the added appeal of strategically placed tall shrubs, offering privacy if a couple chose to sneak behind one.

  Jessica was feeling more positive about the evening ahead. It was a beautiful night and the organization she often donated to, the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC), was going to receive a substantial amount of money. She’d already decided to enjoy herself. Later she could return to her boring life.

  She sat down at one of the tables and before she knew it, her dinner was finished and she found she was having a delightful time speaking with a few of the other guests. When an older gentleman asked her to dance she gladly accepted. They weren’t on the dance floor for long when they were interrupted.

  “May I cut in?”

  Even though the words came out a question, Jessica had no doubt they were a command. The gentleman she was dancing with heard it as well and stepped aside without a word. Jessica didn’t like men who were so overconfident that they felt they deserved anything they wanted. She wouldn’t cause a scene though. Besides, the man was intriguing, so she allowed him to take her into his arms.

  As she placed one of her hands in his and the other on his shoulder, she could feel the raw power of his hold. He had the most piercing beautiful blue eyes she’
d ever seen. They were the kind of eyes that could penetrate straight into your soul. She would have to be on her guard with him.

  Suddenly it clicked who the man was; Alex Anderson. Their fathers did a lot of business together. This man with the entrancing eyes, kissable mouth and sexy body, was a playboy unlike any other.

  He was known to be ‘uncatchable’, as the single ladies put it. He dated many women but made it clear he wouldn’t settle down. His grin had graced hundreds of magazine covers, making women both young and old, lose a bit of sleep at night over erotic thoughts of him.

  Her heart was racing as they played a game of cat and mouse. He kept attempting to pull her body intimately into his, while she was concentrating on keeping the proper amount of distance between them. If she wasn’t on a self-imposed leave of men she could easily consider a night of flirting with him. She shook her head to clear it and decided to just get through the dance so she could move on as quickly as possible.

  His smoldering blue eyes flashed into hers, as his perfectly sculpted lips turned up into a sexy as sin smile. He knew he was hard to resist and he seemed to be treating her to his full arsenal of charms.

  He slowly brought her fingers to his mouth and ran his lips across her knuckles. She felt a shudder ripple through her body. He then flicked his tongue across the same spot and desire pooled deep inside of her. “I’m Alex Anderson, and you’re intriguing,” he finally whispered to her.

  “Jessica Sanders but I’m assuming you already know that,” she replied.

  The hotel was everything she could’ve ever imagined but it dimmed in comparison to the man holding her. While she was in his arms, the rest of the people and even the room itself seemed to disappear. She knew he was dangerous and she was playing a game with him she couldn’t possibly win but for some reason she wasn’t able to pull away.


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