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Love, Laughter, and Happily Ever Afters Collection (Eight Fun, Romantic Novels by Eight Bestselling Authors)

Page 33

by Violet Duke

  The way she’d responded to his lips on her skin earlier…

  His hands gripped the steering wheel tighter.

  The woman was still an expert at zapping his control. Before getting ahead of himself and hoping for more than he ought to at this point, he launched into the explanation her bamboozled, utterly confounded, but thankfully unshuttered expression was patiently requesting.

  Ten minutes later, she was still gaping at him.

  “So the man that Liv is all gaga over is the guy she was with today.”


  “And the last three weeks—”

  “Have been unmitigated torture for me,” he broke in.


  “For me, too,” she said quietly.

  He frowned. “I didn’t want it to be that hard for you. Honest. That’s the part of their plan I hated the most. That was why I asked Skylar, Connor, and Abby to keep you company when they could.”

  Startled, she gave him a small grin. “I thought they’d been a little clingy these past few weeks.” Her voice got watery. “I can’t believe you did that for me, even though you were going through the same thing.”

  He shrugged. “I didn’t want you to be sad and lonely the entire time. You’ve had enough of that in your life.”

  Giving him a look he couldn’t quite decipher, she said softly, “Thank you. Not just for trying to spare me that, but for giving me time as well.”

  He didn’t want to push, so he didn’t ask what the results of all her time thinking and sorting had led her to. He was just happy she was there with him now.

  “Listen, Brian—”

  “Nope. No big relationship conversations yet. Please.” Just in case she still didn’t want to be with him, he still wanted her to have this day. “I have a surprise for you first. We’ll talk after, I promise. Deal?”

  After a long beat, she nodded. “Deal.” As they got farther and farther from the city, she peered out at the passing streets. “Where exactly are we going?”

  “I told you, it’s a surprise. Actually, cover your eyes. No peeking.”

  A minute later, he parked and helped her out of the car door, placing his hands over her eyes so she could use hers to balance. “I know the ground is a little rough. Just keep walking straight, about ten more steps.”

  She tilted her head a bit and sniffed the air. “Are we at a lumberyard?” she asked, her voice brimming with adorable anticipation. He wondered then if Tessa had ever had anyone surprise her with a gift. From all accounts of her past, it seemed unlikely.

  He stopped and pulled his hands off her eyes. “Okay, you can look now.”

  Blinking rapidly to take the scene before her in, she absorbed every square inch of the deserted lot behind the lumberyard her dad had worked at, which had been transformed to now include strategically placed piles of dirt and gravel, some shallow trenches, a few small boulders, and the equivalent of mini ‘speed bumps’ and winding pathways with traffic cones.

  Just as he’d envisioned for weeks.

  The more she took in, the more her curious smile just grew and grew.

  When the star of the show—a big yellow construction vehicle—pulled up and stopped dead-center in the lot, she spun back around. “Is that Frank driving?”

  “Yep. He and I spent the past few days putting together this little obstacle course for you.”

  “Obstacle course?” She turned back to survey the lot with a whole new light in her eyes.

  “That’s right,” called out Frank, walking over. “Your gentleman friend here tracked me down and came up with this little surprise for you. He was here at the butt-crack of dawn with me clearing this side of the lot out and getting all this set up.” He pointed back at the construction vehicle. “My only condition on you riding the backhoe loader was that I be the one to teach you how to handle it, for safety reasons.”

  Her eyes widened with delight. “You mean I’m going to drive that through the obstacle course?”

  “Not just drive it, dollface. You’re going to be operating it. Brian here’s made a few little challenges for you that you need to use the digger and the shovel for. It’ll give me a chance to see if you inherited any of your dad’s genes.” Frank winked. “Because let me tell you, your old man was great with the equipment but, god rest him, he drove like shit.”

  Tessa burst out laughing and wrapped Frank up in a giant hug. “That’s why I always used to drive us everywhere.”

  He ruffled her hair lightly. “Then there’s hope for you yet. So come on now, let’s get cracking.”

  “I’ll be right there. Just give me a minute to talk with Brian first.”

  “Alright, but keep it PG-13, you hear? It’s not like the boy bought you a ring or nothing. No need to be thanking him all that hard.”

  Embarrassed shock flooded her expression. “Frank!”

  “What? I’m just saying. Wouldn’t want to have to get your friend acquainted with the business end of my shotgun after all the hard work he put in this morning.”

  A deep blush tinted her cheeks as she hollered again, “Frank!”

  “I’ll be over there if you need me.”

  Tessa shook her head in disbelief. “I don’t know what’s gotten into him.”

  “Can’t blame the man for watching out for you.” Brian chuckled, brushing his knuckles over her flushed cheeks. “You’re like the daughter he never had.”

  Reaching into his backseat, Brian produced a small hardhat along with a pair of socks and sneakers in her size. “With actual backs to them,” he added with a pointed look at her backless sneakers.

  She giggled softly.

  “So do you like your surprise so far?”

  She cupped his face in her hands. “I love it. Thank you.” The kiss she brushed against his lips was soft, just barely edging over the line of friendship. “But I thought you said this was a date. I thought we’d get to do something together. I really have missed you.”

  He growled and pulled her back in for another kiss…which was not at all soft, with his foot way the hell over that friendship line. But he kept it short. He’d never actually seen the business end of a shotgun and didn’t have any desire to.

  Rubbing his thumb across her lower lip, he commented lightly, “Can’t say I ever kissed someone in a hardhat before. I gotta tell you, it’s a little weird.”

  Her eyes danced. “Now you’re starting to sound like me. I think I’m rubbing off on you.”

  “Woman, keep talking like that and that shotgun will be here before I know it.”

  This time her chuckle was laced with a touch of heat.

  A loud, warbly throat-clearing from across the lot effectively put a buzzkill on that.

  “I think our time’s up.” He gave her one last kiss. “And by the way, this surprise was just for you. Our part’s after. But I wanted you to have this regardless. I remember you telling me how your dad used to be so happy doing this, even after his HD symptoms started setting in.”

  She nodded, eyes watering.

  “I just wanted to give you back a little of that happiness.”


  AN HOUR LATER, Brian still couldn’t take his eyes off Tessa’s face. Watching her go through the obstacle course was like watching a child experience her first miracle.

  The way she was smiling now was unlike any smile he’d seen from her yet. It was priceless. She was having the time of her life out there gouging out holes in the dirt and shoveling up branches and rocks. As an added bonus, this was the slowest he’d ever seen her drive, so that was also a nice miracle to observe
in action.

  As she passed the three-quarter mark of the obstacle course, Frank joined him, looking like a proud papa as he watched Tessa clear her last pile of debris before making her way over to the trench she had to roll over and extend about ten feet. “I meant what I said earlier, you know.”

  “About the shotgun?” Brian smiled. “I know.”

  “Well, that too. But mostly about the ring. Tessa mentioned you two just started getting friendly a couple of months ago. That may not seem long to you, but take it from me, when you know, you know.”

  He actually wholeheartedly agreed.

  “Any man who would give Tessa-girl a construction vehicle obstacle course instead of a dozen roses is a man who should be getting down on one knee if you ask me. God knows that girl deserves some happiness.” A flash of pain etched across his features. “She’s been alone for too long. Even as kid, I can’t tell you how many times I rushed over to the hospital on account of Willow. Each time, I’d see Tessa just sitting out in the hall all by herself. Damn near watched her grow up in that hall. Used to break my heart.”

  “Every so many months, I’d see an older version of her sitting in that spot, worrying over her sister and her parents.” His jaw clenched in anger then. “And after that flake of a mother stopped being able to cut it, hell, Tessa just stepped in and took care of her sister and daddy both. Never seen anything like it. That kind of grit and heart…you can’t fake it, can’t even pray for it. But Tessa, she’s got it in spades.”

  Just then, Tessa stopped working the two huge joystick-looking controllers and spun the seat out of operator mode to wave at them, hollering out, “I did it! And in a pretty straight line, too!”

  Well. It probably looked straight from where she was standing. Brian laughed and waved back. “Looks great, honey.”

  After doing a little dance—to which, Frank scolded, “Seatbelt!”—she spun her into drive mode and proceeded to steer the backhoe loader over the last stretch of dips and mounds on her way to the finish line.

  “You better not hurt her, boy. Because I have a lot full of equipment that can guarantee your body never gets found if you do.”

  A squealing hoot, pounding footsteps on soft dirt, and an airborne hug flying into his arms prevented him from answering.

  “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Tessa was out of breath and absolutely radiant in her happiness. “That was so much fun!”

  Shotgun be damned. Brian pulled her into a python hug and captured her lips to share in some of that joy.

  When he finally let her down, he watched her cheeks flush as she turned to look at Frank.

  Who was already walking away. “Looks like I don’t have anything to worry about. Okay, kids, it’s been fun but I need to get home to the missus and whatever fish she’s cookin’ tonight.”

  “Wait!” Tessa ran over and gave him another hug. “This was amazing, Frank. Thank you.”

  Frank looked about as close to emotional as a big, rough construction guy could look. “It’s been a while since I’ve seen this smile, dollface. If your man there is the cause of it, hold on to him. You deserve to be happy.”

  The quiet, fleeting look of hope on her face gutted Brian wide open.

  When she came walking back, bright-eyed smile back in place, Brian pulled her into his arms tight and just held on. “He’s right you know. You do deserve to be happy. I don’t care what your quack of a mom may have drilled into your head.”

  She untangled herself from his arms. “Does this mean it’s time for our talk now?”

  Damn. He hated seeing her smile disappear. “No rush. We can grab dinner first—”

  “No. We should talk first.” She took a deep breath. “I know you don’t think highly of my mom, but you can’t say she’s completely wrong on this. The only thing I can offer a man long term is heartbreak. And in your case, it’s so much worse. You already had one HD wife. I can’t sentence you to having another.”

  His heart stopped. “Are you saying you’ve thought about being my wife someday?” Saying it out loud made his heart restart at triple its original rate.

  She looked stunned, but quickly stuttered back with, “Seriously? That’s your only takeaway from everything I just said?”

  “No, I also heard what sounded like—no offense—absolute crap.”

  At her astonished glare, he bulldozed right along. “You’re so much more than your disease and you know it. And sweetheart, heartbreak doesn’t scare me. Being without you does.”

  Her soft gasp had hope surging through his veins.

  The truth of the matter was that Tessa inspired him. She made him want to do more than just survive love; she made him want to make the most of it, continue hoping for it when it seemed all but lost.

  That’s why they belonged together.

  In so many ways, they were as different as night and day. Folks used to say that while he and Beth were like two peas in a pod, he and Abby were like the same pea split in half.

  Now he and Tessa, on the other hand… Hell, they were like two different vegetables altogether. And he wouldn’t have it any other way.

  “No one’s okay with heartbreak,” she argued back, bringing him out of his own head. “Can you honestly say you didn’t think for even a moment when you found out I had the HD gene that the universe was giving you a lightning strike for the second time in your life?” she demanded.

  “No, I can’t. Because you’re right, I did think it. But that’s my point. I have been struck by the very thing you’re afraid of before. I’m not being idealistic here. I know it’s going to be hard. But I love you, Tessa. You make me love harder and with less restraint than even I thought possible. And now, I just can’t imagine my life or my future any other way.”

  Emotions fully charged now, he asked finally because he just had to know, “If the positions were reversed, Tessa, would you stay with me?”

  “In a heartbeat,” she whispered without hesitation. “’Til your very last heartbeat.”

  When he eventually managed to get air back into his lungs after that fierce declaration, he asked simply, “Then why the hell aren’t we together?”

  The answer surprised even him.

  “Because I’m scared.” She bit her lip. “I’m scared, and for so many years now, there’s been no one in my life to care whether I was scared or not. It’s kind of like that tree in the woods that no one would hear fall. No one cared before that I had HD, and I’d built my life around that. Being that tree in the woods made it all easier. But now…now, I care that you care. I care that you know just how terrified I am. Not just about how that damn disease is going to steal my body, but how terrified I am that it’s going to slowly steal you away from me too. The thought that one day, I might not remember your name, your face, an entire lifetime with you…scares me so much I can’t even bear the thought.” The last came out on a broken whisper.

  His hands speared through her hair with an almost bruising force before he admitted quietly, “I know, sweetheart. I’m terrified of that too—for you and for me. Even thinking about it kills me every time.”

  “Then why put yourself through that nightmare a second time? I wouldn’t wish how I’m feeling on anyone, let alone someone I love as much as I love you.” Her voice cracked, faded. And though she didn’t say it, her expression screamed at the top of her lungs: How can you honestly think I’m worth it?

  He stared into her eyes and shook his head. “You don’t get it do you? Every nightmare I’ve had since you told me about your HD gene test hasn’t been about the tough future ahead for us—it’s been picturing us apart. The thought of
you facing this alone breaks my heart, and the thought of my life without you just plain rips out my soul. I’ve only just found you and I can’t bear the thought of losing you. You’re not getting rid of me. So please say you’ll give us a chance. And please say it now because I really don’t think I can take another minute apart.”

  When she just stood there, looking at him with tears in her eyes, he kicked himself for pushing. It was too much, too soon. He’d scared her off—

  “I can’t bear the thought of losing you either.”

  “Thank God.” His mouth went slamming down onto hers, and he all but lost it when she began kissing him back with the same raw urgency.

  It took a while, but eventually he remembered that they were out in public with a trigger-happy father figure to Tessa not far away. So, he grabbed her hand and walked them back to his SUV. “Now, do want me to take you back to your car?”

  She shook her head, those wide, witchy eyes of hers—darkened with red-hot longing and half-dazed with arousal—drifting down to his mouth. It was all he could do not to toss her over his shoulder right now.

  His heart pounded in his chest. “So where do you want to go?”

  She turned and climbed into the passenger seat. “My place is closer.”

  Hot damn.


  THEY GOT BACK to her apartment in record time.

  And still, Tessa had very nearly asked him to pull over twice on the way.

  Something told her he would’ve said yes.

  Crashing through the door and shedding their clothes on their way to her bedroom, he looked almost predatory as he advanced on her, pure alpha lust rolling off of him in waves.

  Though her body was responding in kind, she felt her feet backing up, her breathing going haywire.

  Then he smiled. Slow, hot, and sexy. And she swore her panties almost slid off her hips on their own accord.

  Her legs eventually bumped into the foot of her bed and she took her eyes off of him for a second to catch her balance. Within that second, he pounced. His lips came down on hers with a hunger that simply fed her own. Her hands slid under the hem of his shirt, and his slid down her body.


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