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Love, Laughter, and Happily Ever Afters Collection (Eight Fun, Romantic Novels by Eight Bestselling Authors)

Page 77

by Violet Duke

  He was the one who embraced my soul in the palm of his hands. The one who lent his ear while I rambled endlessly about my parents and all their bullshit. He was the one who supported me when I fell on my ass and the one whose broad shoulders carried all of my tears.

  Clark introduced me to surprises. Bringing me flowers after school just because. Leaving bags of Hershey’s Kisses in my locker with little notes like “I love you, sweetness.” Even blindfolding me and taking me on little adventures to the beach, my favorite place in the world.

  God, I loved Clark. He made me giggle and gave me those crazy butterflies. In high school, we’d make out under the bleachers, in his car, basically anywhere we could get our hands on each other. A single wink from him would cause my heart to explode, and that musky scent of his drove me beyond the borders of desire. I lost my virginity to Clark when we were seventeen. We were so in love, and while it was incredibly romantic, honestly, it hurt like hell. Nothing like you see in the movies. But Clark was gentle and sweet, and never made me feel the least bit embarrassed or uncomfortable, even when he saw spots of blood on the sheet. While Clark had experienced sex before, that was my first time, and it was glaringly obvious. Nonetheless, I’ll never forget it. He moved inside of me with such tenderness and cradled me with his touch. Afterwards, he gently touched his lips to mine before walking away and coming back with a warm washcloth. “Let me clean you up Angel.” Could he have been any sweeter?

  “Gabby.” A voice startled me from my nostalgic moment. My beloved mother. It’s fascinating that even over the loud music, I could still hear the shrill of her voice. “I’d like to speak with you for a minute.”

  I cupped my hand to my ear. “What?” I said, pretending I didn’t hear her.

  “I need to speak with you, dear,” she said again, her face set with a frown so deep it was probably where the term frown lines came from.

  My mother followed behind me, her heels clicking on the hardwood floor as I walked toward the sliding glass doors leading to the patio. I pulled open the handle, only to be met by a blast of muggy air and the heavy stench of cigarette smoke. She grabbed my hand to stop me.

  “No, not outside dear. Let’s go in the hallway.”

  We made our way down the hall and she stopped short, shaking her head as she glanced up and down my body at the white t-shirt, faded blue jeans, and blue Converse sneakers I’d decided to wear.

  “Gabby. This is a party. Don’t you think you could have chosen something a bit more festive, like a dress perhaps?” She was impeccably dressed, as always, in her emerald green Vera Wang silk dress and her black Manolo Blahnik slingbacks. Her sleek brown hair was pulled up in a perfect bun, complete with diamond clip, and her makeup was flawless, almost as if she’d just left the Chanel counter at the mall.

  “Mom,” I began, the alcohol causing my words to slur a bit. “When was the last time you saw me in a dress? You know I don’t like to wear them. Remember, you’re always telling me they make my hips look too curvy and my legs look too thin?”

  She fanned her hand in front of her face. “My God, Gabby, you smell like a brewery. I don’t think you should have anything else to drink.”

  I let out an exasperated sigh. “Mom. First of all, this is a graduation party; and secondly, I’m twenty-two years old, how much I drink is currently up to me.”

  She clenched her fists at her sides and rolled her eyes at me, a look of pure disgust crossing her face. “I also didn’t realize Clark’s parents were going to be here.”

  I had to contain myself from hauling back and shaking around any sense that might have been left in my mother’s body. “Mom, Clark and I have been together for seven years, and this is our graduation day; of course his parents are going to be here.”

  My parents were not fans of Clark’s mom and dad. The mail clerk and the bus driver just didn’t meet their social status requirements.

  I tried my best distraction technique. “Where’s Dad?”

  My mother sucked her teeth. “He’s out back with his latest girlfriend.”

  “I haven’t seen Olivia either. Where is she?”

  “Olivia had another party to go to,” she said nonchalantly.

  “Of course. Another one that was more important than her own sister’s.” I let out a sarcastic laugh and felt Clark’s warm hand on my shoulder.

  “Hello, Mrs. Willis,” Clark greeted her with a broad smile.

  “Hello, Clark,” my mother replied, years of disapproval sliding off her tongue.

  My parents were never Clark’s biggest fans. The fact that he loved me and was so good to me didn’t impress them. They wanted me to marry rich and live in the big mansion on a perfect tree-lined street, complete with manicured lawn, fountain, and in-ground pool; perfect replica of our house. Thanks, but no thanks. Granted, they weren’t the best role models for long-lasting relationships. My parents were high school sweethearts, but thirty years later they hated each other. That wasn’t going to be me and Clark. We could get through anything.

  My mom made a tisking sound then skulked away. Clark took my hand and led me into the small den where I used to watch television as a child. The only room that was suitable for us to play in growing up so we didn’t destroy the near perfection of the rest of the house. He sat me down on the yellow sofa, stained with years of chocolate milk spills and my favorite purple marker, ran his fingers through my chestnut strands, then tucked my hair behind my ear.

  “Talk to me, Angel, what did your mother do now?”

  I looked around the room at years of childhood memories. Family photographs from our trip to Disney World, a cuckoo clock that I always got in trouble for playing with, the piano where I learned how to play Chopsticks. “Nothing’s ever good enough for her, you know? I don’t remember the last time either of them had a kind word to say about me. I’m just one giant disappointment in their eyes.” I continued to stare at a spot on the yellow couch.

  “Angel, look at me.” Clark lifted my chin and stroked his fingers gently across my cheek. “Your mom doesn’t define you. You define you, and from where I’m standing, you’re doing a damn good job.” He moved closer and kissed me softly. Taking my hand, he lifted up one finger and kissed it. “Let’s see: you’re smart.” He lifted another one and surrounded it with his lips. “You’re funny as hell.” Another finger arrived at his mouth for a kiss. “You’re caring and kind.” He pulled my pinky to his mouth for a final kiss. “You’re breathtakingly beautiful. So, screw your mom. I’d say you’ve defined yourself pretty well.” Clark wrapped his comforting arms around me and suddenly all was right with the world. “Come on, let’s go back out there and celebrate the beginning of the rest of our lives.”


  THE PARTY WAS rocking. Fran and I continued to get a serious buzz on while Clark eyed us amusingly. For some reason, he decided not to drink tonight, but that never stopped him from having a good time. I was definitely enjoying myself. My new sense of freedom was washing over me like a giant wave crashing on the shore. This was really it. I’d finally be out on my own and out of the grasp of people who I constantly disappointed. I couldn’t wait to surround myself with people who would lift me up, not drag me down. I’ve had way too much of that and it was time to navigate my own future with Clark by my side. Hell, I might even wear a dress.

  We were hanging out on the makeshift dance floor. Clark’s hands were roaming, our hips were swaying, and we were all dancing our free little hearts out. The fuzzy feeling in my head caused me to react as Clark pressed his firm body against mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck and plunged my tongue into his mouth, relishing the familiar taste of him. When I pulled back, I could see Fran staring at us, probably because we
were practically making out in public. I didn’t care, Clark turned me on in ways I never imagined, and there wasn’t a moment that went by that I didn’t crave his touch, his lips, his everything.

  He leaned in close to my ear and his warm breath blew a breeze my way, causing me to shiver. “Angel, let’s get out of here. I need to be alone with you.” The look in his eyes told me he wanted me, not to mention the stiffness I felt pressing against my thigh. I wanted him, too. “There’s somewhere I want to take you,” his hot breath whispered and his musky scent overtook my senses. When he looked at me with those persuasive baby blues, it was hard to say no.

  “Okay, babe. Let me just tell Fran we’re leaving, and then I’m all yours.” I pulled him to me and planted a large, wet kiss on his soft lips; he grabbed me and deepened it. His tongue explored mine tenderly, sucking gently, while his arms brought me in to him. When I broke the kiss, I heard him exhale with a sigh.

  I walked up to Fran, who was doing the bump and grind with our friend Ashley. She was seriously plastered. “Fran, Clark and I are going out for a bit. We’ll be back.”

  Fran gave me a big smacker right on the lips. Yup, she was hammered all right. “Okay sweetie. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” She cackled relentlessly and continued her drunken dance.

  Clark interlaced his fingers through mine as we walked out to the car.

  “So where are we going, babe?” I asked, my mind open to all possibilities.

  “It’s a surprise, Angel. You’ll just have to wait and see.”

  We drove for less than a mile before I realized exactly where we were headed. Clark’s house. His empty house. That made me smile. There’s only one thing I wanted right now, and that was Clark…inside of me.

  When we pulled in the driveway, Clark cut the engine. The look that crossed his face wasn’t one I’d seen before, so I wasn’t sure what to make of it.

  “Angel, I need you to stay here for just a minute, okay?”

  “What’s going on?”

  “Just wait here a minute and then I’ll be back to get you.”


  He gave me a quick kiss and then slammed the door shut behind him. My mind was working overtime. He seemed nervous. What on earth was he doing? It felt like forever before he returned to the car. Coming around to the passenger side, he opened my door and helped me out. Immediately, I grabbed him and pressed my breasts against his tight chest, giving him a sneak preview of what was to come.

  “Come on, hot stuff,” he said, tangling his fingers with mine and leading me around to the backyard.

  As we rounded the corner, I stopped in my tracks and my heart started racing. My eyes were taking in everything all at once. The deck was covered in little white Christmas tree lights. A table sat in the center with a crisp white tablecloth and a vase of crimson red roses in the middle; it was set for two. I heard Train playing softly on the CD player sitting next to the weathered charcoal grill. My feet were frozen, my insides tingled, and my brain was running at mach speed. I spun around and looked at Clark.

  “What is all this?”

  He shrugged his shoulders. “Happy graduation, Angel.”

  Wrapping my arms around his waist, I leaned forward until our foreheads were touching. “I love you so much,” I said as our noses rubbed together and our lips melted into one another.

  Clark settled me in my chair and walked back into the house. I suddenly felt very sober, keenly aware of everything that was happening in that moment. It seemed impossible that I could love Clark any more than I already did, yet every day he did something to make my heart fuller. I sat there with a goofy grin plastered on my face, awaiting his return. He came out moments later with two white plates holding dark chocolate lava cake surrounded by two Twizzlers forming a heart, with whipped cream on the side. My absolute favorite.

  “Thank you, babe,” I said, my heart so full and my body so damned turned on by his kindness. “I’m not really hungry though. Well…I am…but only for one thing.”

  Clark let out a hearty, sexy laugh, and licked his lips. “Eat, Angel. You’re going to need your strength.”


  He didn’t say much while we were eating, but I felt his eyes on me. When we were done, he took my hand and led me to the brown wicker couch that sat facing his mother’s plentiful garden. He sweetly took my face in his hands and I relaxed into him. His thumb caressed my cheekbone and my eyelids fluttered closed. His touch always did that to me. When I opened my eyes, he was staring deeply into them.

  “I love you, Gabrielle Willis. I’ve loved you from the moment I laid eyes on you, the moment I bumped your shoulder in that crowded hallway of our high school. I love everything about you…the way your lips turn up when you smile, your generous heart, your flowery spirit, your two left feet, and of course, your love of all things sweet.” He smiled widely, then brushed his lips ever so softly against mine before he pulled back. “You’re it for me, Gabby. There will never be anyone else. I don’t want anyone else. I want to wake up to every single sunrise with you, and at the end of my day, I want you to be my sunset.”

  Clark left me, but only for the briefest of seconds, to slide off the couch and get down on one knee. He placed my hand in his, brought it to his mouth for a kiss, and then with the most sincere blue eyes I’d ever known, looked into mine.

  “Gabrielle Christina Willis,” his voice shook, “will you make me the happiest damn man alive and marry me?”

  My eyes grew wide and my lips suddenly felt dry. I watched as Clark pulled a burgundy velvet ring box from his pocket, my mouth dropped open at the sight of a gorgeous, emerald-cut diamond sparkling brilliantly in the moonlight.

  He smiled nervously before he spoke. “I like your mouth hanging open like that, Angel, but in this particular case, it’s because I’m waiting on an answer.”

  His words seemed to unfreeze my lips and I began to laugh, something only Clark could make me do. I cupped his face in my hands and leaned in close, teardrops falling rapidly from my eyes. Moving in close so that our lips were touching, I breathed, “Yes, I will marry you, Clark Thompson.”

  He locked his lips with mine, wrapping his arms around me and kissing me like I was the air he needed to breathe. When he pulled back, he took the ring from the plush velvet and placed it on my finger, tears forming in the creases of his eyes. “Do you have any freaking idea how happy you’ve just made me? I love you so much, Angel, with every ounce of my heart. You are my only.”

  “I love you too, Clark…forever.” His head fell against mine, and I swore time stood still. Everything about that moment was perfect. Clark was perfect…perfect for me. I tangled my hands in his hair and sucked on his bottom lip. “So can we have engagement sex now? Because I’ve heard engagement sex is hot.”

  Clark leaned in close to my ear, his warm breath making my skin sizzle. “Angel, anything with you is hot.” He scooped me up under my knees and I kicked my legs in the air, giggling ferociously. Draping my arms around him, I played with the wisps of his hair and buried my face in his warmth. His musky scent and the perfection of the moment made my heart pound rapidly against my chest.

  He set me down on the floor of his room. The familiar room was filled with his delicious smell, hockey trophies aligning the shelves, rumpled sheets, and piles of clothes. I let out a deep breath and my whole body relaxed, recognizing this as home. Smiling, I recalled all the times I snuck into this room through the side window once Clark’s parents fell asleep. It always felt like forbidden fruit and I was a health nut. Glancing down at the giant sparkle on my finger, I looked over at Clark.

  “You do know what this means, don’t you? No more sneaking around! We can be together whenever we like, and however…”

  Clark dropped a wet kiss behind my ear that made me shiver. “Get naked, wife-to-be. I want you in my bed right now.”

  I didn’t need to hear anything else. I jumped on his bed and proceeded to do my best striptease, casually sliding my t-shirt over my head and tossing it at him. It landed on his face, and when he removed it, the sexy grin I received spurred me on. I ran my hands down my body slowly, brushing the curves of my breasts and leading to the zipper of my jeans, slowly unzipping and shimmying them off, revealing my peppermint pink lace panties. Clark’s eyes grew wide as he tore his polo shirt over his head and stepped out of his pants. I brought my hands behind my back and unclasped my satin bra, seductively trailing the straps down my arms until I fell back and hit my head on the wall. So much for my seduction.

  He lunged for me. “You okay, Angel?”

  I rubbed the back of my head. “Yup…so much for my seduction.”

  He licked my bottom lip. “Oh, I quite liked your seduction.” His eyes moved over his erection. “Can’t you tell?”

  I eyed the bulge in his boxers and licked my lips, then chuckled. “I need something sweet. Bring me that honey stick right now.”

  Clark smirked and tore off his boxers. “Is this what I have to look forward to after we’re married?”

  As he climbed over me I said, “Uh huh…and so much more.” I could picture Clark and I in our house together, sitting side by side at the kitchen table eating pancakes and bacon, planting flowers in the yard, brushing our teeth in the same bathroom, snuggling together on the sofa for Friday movie nights, and doing all of the things that married people do. The thought of him being the last person I saw at the end of my day and the first one I’d wake up to made my insides twist with happiness. I could visualize a giggling shaggy-haired, blue-eyed mini version of Clark running around barefoot in the backyard being chased by his adoring father. Sigh. All of the things that people so easily took for granted. I wouldn’t ever do that with Clark.


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