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1831 Page 28

by Louis P. Masur

Franklin, Benjamin

  Franklin Lectures

  free blacks: and abolitionist movement; condemnation of colonization by; discrimination against; removal of; rights of

  Freedom’s Journal

  Free Enquirer


  free thought

  free trade

  Free Trade Convention

  Frelinghuysen, Theodore

  Friends of Domestic Industry

  Frugal Housewife, The (Child)

  Gaines, General Edmund

  Gallatin, Albert

  Garrison, William Lloyd

  Genius of Universal Emancipation

  Georgia Guard

  Georgia legislature

  Gettysburg Address

  Gholson, James

  Gilbert, Amos

  Gilmer, George

  Goode, William Osborne

  Gray, Thomas R.

  Green, Duff

  Guide for Emigrants (Peck)

  Hall of Science (New York City)

  Hamilton, Alexander

  Hamilton, James

  Hamilton, Thomas

  Hammond, James

  Hayne, Robert

  Henry, Patrick

  Hone, Philip

  House of Representatives, U.S.; Indian Affairs Committee; Ways and Means Committee

  Houston, Sam

  Illustrations of Masonry (Morgan)


  Indian Removal Act (1830)

  Indians; antiremoval missionaries and; Catlin and; Christianity and; comparisons between blacks and; forced migration of(see also removal of Indians); property rights and; right to self-government and; Tocqueville’s observations on; treaties with; see also specific tribes

  individualism, American

  Infant School Society

  Ingham, Samuel

  inheritance laws, abolition of

  Jackson, Andrew; annual messages to Congress of; Anti-Masons and; Bank of the United States and; cabinet and; Calhoun and; cartoons of; description of; Indians and; internal improvements and; nullification and; railroads and; Supreme Court and; tariffs and; and wife’s death

  Jackson, Rachel

  James Perkins (ship)

  Jay, John

  Jefferson, Thomas; on emancipation; racial beliefs of; on states’ rights

  John Bull (steam locomotive)

  Johnson, William

  Jones, Evan

  judicial review, doctrine of

  Kennedy, James

  Kentucky legislature

  Kentucky Resolutions (1798, 1799)


  Knight, Charles

  laboring class, see working class

  labor movement

  Latrobe, John

  Lectures on Revivals of Religion (Finney)

  Lewis, Meriweather

  Liberator, The

  Liberia, emigration to

  lien law

  Lincoln, Abraham

  Liverpool and Manchester Railroad

  Louis-Philippe, king of France

  lower class, see working class

  Lumpkin, Wilson

  Lundy, Benjamin

  Madison, James

  Magdalen Society

  Malthus, Thomas

  Manual of the Ornithology of the United States and Canada (Nuttall)

  Marie, or Slavery in the United States (Beaumont)

  Marshall, John; Cherokee Nation and; and removal of free blacks; wife’s death and

  Massachusetts General Colored Association

  Massachusetts Horticultural Society

  Massachusetts Journal

  May, Samuel J.

  Maysville Road Bill

  McCormick, Cyrus

  McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)

  McDuffie, George

  McLane, Louis

  McLean, John

  Mechanics’ Free Press

  Mechanics Union of Trade Associations

  Men and Manners in America (Hamilton)

  middle class

  militia system

  Mississippi legislature

  Missouri Crisis of 1819–20

  Mohawk and Hudson Railway Line

  monopolies, abolition of

  Monroe, James

  Monthly American Journal of Geology and the Natural Sciences

  Moral Physiology; or, A Brief and Plain Treatise on the Population Question (Owen)

  Moral Physiology Exposed and Refuted (Skidmore)

  Morgan, William

  Mormon Church

  Mother’s Book, The (Child)

  Mount Auburn Cemetery


  National Bank

  National Gazette

  National Intelligencer

  National Republicans

  Newburyport Herald

  New Divinity theology

  New Divinity Tried, The (Rand)

  New Echota, Treaty of

  New England Anti-Slavery Society

  New England Artisan and Farmers, Mechanics, and Laboring Man’s Repository

  New England Association of Farmers, Mechanics & Other Working Men

  New-Haven Register

  New Haven theology, see New Divinity theology

  New Jersey Journal of Commerce

  New Orleans, Battle of

  New School theology, see New Divinity theology

  newspapers; abolitionist; Anti-Masonic; black; Democratic; labor; see also specific titles

  New York and Harlem Rail Road

  New York Evening Post

  New York Journal of Commerce

  New York Mirror

  New York Register

  New York Telegraph

  Niles, Hezekiah

  Niles’ Weekly Register

  Norfolk Herald

  North American Review

  Notes on the State of Virginia (Jefferson)

  nullification; Adams and; Calhoun and; Congress and; Constitution and; Jackson and; slavery and; tariffs and; as threat to Union

  Nullification Proclamation

  Nuttall, Thomas

  Old Ironsides (steam locomotive)

  On the Formation of the Christian Character (Ware)

  Ordinance of Nullificat

  Ornithological Biography (Audubon)

  Osage Indians

  Owen, Robert (utopian planner)

  Owen, Robert Dale (editor, social reformer, and politician)

  Parliament, British

  Peck, J. M.

  Pendleton (South Carolina) Messenger

  Pennsylvania Whig

  Petersburg Intelligencer

  Philadelphia, Germantown, and Norristown Railroad

  Philadelphia Gazette

  Philadelphia Museum

  Phipps, Benjamin

  Pigeon’s Egg Head (The Light) Going to and Returning from Washington (Catlin)

  Pinckney, General Charles Cotesworth

  Pinckney, Thomas

  Pleasants, John Hampden

  Poinsett, Joel

  Pontchartrain Railroad

  prejudice, racial; see also segregation

  Presbyterians, see Calvinists

  Preston, William

  Prison Discipline Society

  private property


  public relief

  Quitman, John


  Rand, Asa

  Randolph, Jane

  Randolph, Thomas Jefferson

  Randolph, Thomas Mann

  “Rats Leaving a Falling House, The” (Clay)

  reaper, mechanical

  Reform Bill, British

  removal: of blacks to Africa; of Indians from native lands

  Report on Manufactures (Hamilton)

  Republicans: Revolutionary-era; see also National Republicans

  Results of Machinery, The (Knight)


  Rhea, John

  Ricardo, David

  Richmond Enquirer

  Ridge, John

  Ridge, Major

ights of All

  Rights of Man to Property, The (Skidmore)

  Roane, William Henry

  Robert Fulton (steam locomotive)

  Roebling, Johann

  Ross, John

  Ross, Quatie

  runaway slaves

  Rush, Richard


  Saturday Bulletin

  Sauk Indians

  Scott, General Winfield


  Second Great Awakening

  Sedgwick, Catherine

  Sedgwick, Henry



  Seminole Indians

  Senate, U.S.; Patents Committee

  Sergeant, John

  Seward, William


  Simpson, Stephen

  “Sinners Bound to Change Their Own Hearts” (Finney)

  Sioux (Dakota Indians)

  Six Months in America (Vigne)

  “Skating Scene on the River Delaware” (Clay)

  Skidmore, Thomas

  slave insurrections; see also Turner, Nat

  slavery: abolition of; antiliteracy legislation and; Congress and; Constitution and; nullification and; Tariff of 1828 and; technology and; as threat to Union; Tocqueville’s observations on; Trollope’s observations on; Virginia legislature and; see also emancipation; runaway slaves; slave insurrections

  Smith, Joseph

  Smith, Margaret Bayard

  solar eclipse of 1831, see eclipse of 1831

  South Carolina Canal and Railroad Company

  South Carolina legislature

  Sprague, Peleg

  states’ rights

  States Rights and Free Trade Party

  steam engine; rail travel and; river travel and

  Stephenson, Robert

  Stevens, Robert

  Stevens, Thaddeus

  Storrs, Henry

  Story, Joseph

  Story, Louisa

  Superior (steamboat)

  Supreme Court; implied-powers-clause decision; Indian sovereignty decisions; monopoly decision

  Tallmadge, James

  Taney, Roger

  Tappan, Arthur

  Tappan, Lewis

  Tariff Party

  tariffs; free trade and; nullification and; as threat to Union

  Tassel, George


  Thompson, Smith

  Thoughts on Afircan Colonization (Garrison)

  Tocqueville, Alexis de; on American character; on Indians; on penitentiary system; on slavery; on tariffs

  Todd, Francis

  Tom Thumb (steam locomotive)

  Topographical Engineers, U.S.

  Tornado in an American Forest (Cole)

  trade unions; see also labor movement

  “Trait of Tears,”

  Transatlantic Sketches (Alexander)


  Travis, Joseph

  Trollope, Frances

  Tudor, Henry

  Turner, Nat; capture of; death of; as inspiration for slave insurrections; as prophet; rebellion of


  Union and States Rights Party

  Union Church Committee

  Unionists of South Carolina

  unions, trade; see also labor movement

  Unitarians, see Arminians

  United States Gazette

  United States Telegraph

  universal education

  Universalists, see Arminians

  upper classes

  utopian communities

  Van Buren, Martin; Cherokee removal and; as member of Jackson’s cabinet

  Vaughan, Arthur

  Vaughan, Eliza

  Vaughan, Rebecca

  veto, presidential

  Vigilance Association of Columbia, South Carolina

  Vigne, Godfrey

  Virginia Court of Appeals

  Virginia Resolutions (1798)

  Virginia legislature

  Volunteer, The (Rand)

  Watie, Stand

  Walker, David

  Waller, Mrs. Levi

  Ware, Henry Jr.

  Warner, Samuel

  War of 1812

  Warren Bridge Company

  Washington, George

  Washington Globe

  Wayland, Francis

  wealth, reallocation of

  Webster, Daniel; Anti-Masons and; Bank of the United States and; presidential aspirations of

  Whig Party

  Whitcomb, Samuel

  White Cloud

  Whitney, Eli

  Wi-jun-jon (Pigeon’s Egg Head)

  Wilson, Alexander

  Wirt, William; and American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions; as AntiMasonic presidential candidate; and Cherokee Nation; and C & O Canal

  Wisner, Benjamin

  Witherell, George

  Witherell, Lucinda

  women; in middle class; religious revivals and; rights of; in working class

  Worcester, Samuel

  workday, length of

  working class: activism of; cholera epidemic and; religion and; women in

  Working Man’s Advocate, The

  Working Man’s Manual

  Working Men of New York

  Working Men’s movement

  Working Men’s Party

  Wright, Frances

  yellow-fever epidemic

  York (steam locomotive)

  “,00001—The Value of a Unit with Four Cyphers Going Before It” (Clay)

  Copyright © 2001 by Louis P. Masur

  All rights reserved

  Hill and Wang

  A division of Farrar, Straus and Giroux

  18 West 18th Street, New York 10011

  Published in 2001 by Hill and Wang


  Designed by Jonathan D. Lippincott

  eISBN 9781466806801

  First eBook Edition : December 2011

  First paperback edition, 2002

  The Library of Congress has cataloged the hardcover edition as follows: Masur, Louis P.

  1831, year of eclipse / Louis P. Masur.—1st ed.

  p. cm.

  Includes bibliographical references and index.

  ISBN-13: 978-0-8090-4118-3 (alk. paper)

  ISBN-10: 0-8090-4118-9 (alk. paper)

  1. Eighteen thirty-one, A.D. 2. United States—History—1815-1861. 3. United States—Politics and government—1829-1837. I. Title.

  E381 .M37 2001



  Paperback ISBN-13: 978-0-8090-4119-0

  Paperback ISBN-10: 0-8090-4119-7




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