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Omega Force 7: Redemption

Page 11

by Joshua Dalzelle

  "Grav-drive is ready," Twingo said, eyeing the view outside the canopy anxiously.

  "Hold off on that for a second," Jason said tightly. "I don't want to risk switching over while we're down here. Let me know when we have shields."

  It was another few minutes of tight turns and dodging obstacles, all while bleeding off more speed than Jason could have liked and allowing the pursuing fighters to get closer, before he saw the tactical board light up with a green status on the combat shields.

  "Shields up," he said to Kage before Twingo could open his mouth to let him know the change in status.

  "Shields up," Kage repeated. Jason felt the ship buck a little as the shields disrupted the airflow over the lifting surfaces and the repulsors kicked in to keep them stable. He leveled the wings and snatched the stick back into his lap, sending the Phoenix roaring up out of the chasm.

  "Standby to switch over to the main drive," he said as he continued to pull the gunship into a pure vertical climb. Two quick blasts of weapons fire peppered the aft shields and let Jason know the fighters were much closer than he had anticipated. "Switch over," he said as he kicked the right rudder pedal and chopped the throttle, pulling the Phoenix into a lazy hammerhead turn. Twingo efficiently switched from main engines and repulsors to the grav-drive so that when Jason pushed the throttle back up to pull out of the dive he had the awesome power of the gunship's main drive on tap.

  Once the ship bottomed out in the dive and was flying level Jason pushed the power all the way up and sent them streaking away from the engagement at an incredible rate of acceleration the smaller fighters simply couldn't match although they still doggedly pursued. He debated coming back around and keeping the fight down close to the ground, but with the grav-drive now pushing them along he had a definite advantage once they were in space.

  "Plot me a course up top," he said, making his decision. "We're sure these are just a group of pirates looking for a target of opportunity?"

  "Fairly sure," Doc said. "Those fighters are new, but seem poorly maintained and the fact they haven't fired any missiles at us makes me think they don't have any. Someone looking to force us down because of Kalette would almost certainly have deeper pockets and better equipment."

  "Makes sense to me," Jason said. "Once we reach orbit plot me a course to the outer part of this system. We need to figure out a destination while the slip-drive is charging."

  "We'll have weapons online in a few minutes," Kage said.

  "I'm not interested in shooting down a bunch of small time criminals," Jason said. "We can escape without incurring any damage and they'll be fortunate enough to live and steal another day."

  "Actually, they will likely go back and dismantle our cargo ship and sell it for parts after they realize they cannot catch the Phoenix," Lucky said. Jason just stared at him in horror as he realized they'd left their other ship parked on the tarmac with the cargo ramp still lowered.

  "Son of a bitch."


  "So now that we have a faster ship, we have to figure out what our plan of attack is," Jason said. "We can't just fly to the edge of Avarian space and begin broadcasting that we have one of the hostages."

  "We need to find the netjere," Kalette insisted.

  "That's not exactly practical," Jason said gently. "We've not even been able to determine who abducted her, much less where they would have taken her."

  "So that's where we start," Twingo said. "We need intel more than anything else at this point."

  "I still do not understand why you can't simply take me back to Avarian space and allow the Sovereign's intelligence service to take over," Kalette said.

  "A few reasons," Jason said. "For one, I'm not sure I want to invite foreign agents into ConFed space to operate freely. I've got no love for them, but I also don't want to be partially responsible for people getting hurt when this inevitably turns bad and the shooting starts.

  "The big reason, however, is that I'm completely certain your abduction was an inside job, and your boss's intelligence agency would be at the top of a short list of suspects. If we fly you back you'll be squeezed until they get everything of use out of you and then they'll dispose of you. We would mourn your death if we could, of course, but we'll have been dead long before that as there is no way they'd let us leave Avarian space after being in contact with you for so long."

  "I see," Kalette said, paling noticeably and placing her hands flat on the table to steady them.

  "And now we're back to where we started," Kage said. "Who do we know that would have access to any sort of intelligence service that might have heard something?"

  "The Eshquarians?" Doc asked.

  "No," Jason shook his head. "They've had two full election cycles since we last helped them. Nobody there is going to talk to us."

  "Crisstof is out," Twingo said.

  "Oh yeah," Jason laughed. "That's not happening. Besides, if he knew anything he'd have already acted on it instead of chasing Kalette down at the behest of ConFed Intel."

  "There is someone we could ask for help," Twingo said hesitantly.


  "Galvetic Marine and regular Legion infantry units have been deploying across the quadrant since Mazer's successful pilot program on Crisstof's ship," Twingo said, talking fast before Jason could cut him off. "Crusher is back in command of the legions and is in charge of all the deployed units. Those warriors are likely feeding intel back to him continuously as they go about their assignments." Jason maintained a neutral face, forcing himself to consider the option before dismissing it out of hand.

  "It won't work," he said finally. "Even if the deployed warriors had given him something related to this situation I don't think Crusher would just give it to us."

  "I think you might be letting your own feelings get in the way," Doc said. "Crusher left on his own terms, but I don't think he harbors any lasting animosity towards us."

  "Not you guys: me," Jason said. "For whatever reason, he feels I'm personally responsible for what happened to him. I've tried to reach out to him a few times and have never gotten a response."

  "Well we need to figure something out," Twingo said, sounding annoyed. "We can't just fly around until we run out of fuel or get lucky. How about this ... we go to Galvetor and Doc and I will approach Crusher. He was at least staying in contact with us and might be persuaded to give us the information we need if nothing else." Jason kicked the idea around in his head for a few moments before answering.

  "Fine. Set a course for Galvetor. When we land you two go talk to him and then we'll leave right afterward," he said.

  Chapter 11

  Jason hadn't been to the Galvetor system for years, not since they'd been instrumental in stopping a military coup by elements of the Galvetic Legion leadership. The Phoenix flew through the system unchallenged, their identification codes still valid for unrestricted travel all the way to the surface of both habitable planets in the system. He was certain, however, that the codes flagged and Crusher was already aware they were in the system. His suspicions were confirmed when neither Doc nor Twingo could raise him with a personal com message.

  "Maybe he's going to meet us at the landing pad," Kage said.

  "I'm sure someone is," Jason said. "Speaking of, do we have a landing destination yet?"

  "It just came in," Kage said. "We're being directed to the smaller auxiliary spaceport outside of the capital."

  "Not exactly the VIP treatment considering what we've done for them," Twingo snorted.

  "I'll be happy to be allowed to land, and leave, without too much hassle," Jason said.

  "Does your friend hold grudges for a particularly long time?" Kalette asked.

  "He can," Jason said. "And this seems to be one of those times."

  They flew in the rest of the way to Galvetor without further contact with anyone on the planet. Even the descent through the atmosphere was oddly quiet, all the course correction data coming through the automated systems. The first person they sa
w was a bored looking gelten, the actual name of Crusher's species, negligently waving a pair of light-wands letting Jason know he needed to taxi into the hangar in front of him and not to shut down on the ramp.

  The gear touched down gently, but when Jason grabbed the taxi control a loud screech came from somewhere in the aft part of the ship and there was a shuddering vibration through the hull, but no motion. He looked guiltily at Twingo, who only shook his head in quiet condemnation.

  "Sorry," he said as the engineer looked away in disgust. Jason reached over and decoupled the drive motors from the wheels and throttled up the drive just slightly to push them into the hangar while the gelten continued to gesticulate wildly, apparently not wanting to stand outside any longer than necessary.

  The Phoenix lurched to a hard stop, the actuators on the right main gear hissing and spitting fluid across the hangar floor. Jason switched all the primary flight systems to standby, not wanting to shut them completely down until he was sure they wouldn't be leaving in a hurry. The others were milling about impatiently on the main deck once he was satisfied with his security measures and walked off the bridge.

  "We in a hurry?"

  "I am," Kalette said.

  "I could use something to eat that didn't come out of that food synthesizer," Kage said, pointing towards the galley. "I'd almost forgotten how bad that thing is."

  "Really?" Jason asked, surprised. "You never said anything."

  "Are you serious?" Kage asked as he fell in line with the rest of the group as they walked towards the hatch that led to the cargo bay. "I complained about it nonstop."

  "That should teach you a lesson about your incessant complaining," Doc said. "Everyone ignores you."

  "You all ignored me anyway," Kage griped as Jason opened the rear pressure doors and dropped the ramp. Jason tuned out the chatter. He could sense that everyone's nerves were stretched a little tight and the mindless banter was simply a relief valve. As the ramp dropped smoothly to the hangar floor Jason could make out another gelten standing near the base, this one much larger and imposing than the lackey that marshaled them to their parking spot. He knew immediately that this wasn't a normal gelten, but a Galvetic warrior. He could also see that it wasn't Crusher.

  "Greetings, Jason Burke," the figure said. "Forgive me for excluding any title you may have but I am unaware of your current status."

  "Morakar?" Jason asked with genuine pleasure as he recognized Mazer Reddix's brother and a friend. "It's been a while!"

  "It has indeed, my good friend," Morakar said, seeming pleased that Jason remembered him. "Hello to you all. Lord Felex could not meet you personally, but he asked me to convey his best."

  "Did he really?" Jason asked.

  "I may be taking liberties with his exact words, but I'm sure the sentiment was there," Morakar said uncomfortably.

  "It's okay, I'm sure he'd be happy to see ... some of us," Jason said, clapping the big warrior on the shoulder. "How's your brother?"

  "He's back on Restaria," Morakar said. "After Crisstof Dalton's contract was terminated he decided to work at the training center for a while before deciding if he wants to take another contract with a different unit."

  "Will we be permitted to speak with Crusher?" Lucky asked.

  "The Lord Archon does not provide me with his schedule," Morakar said by way of an apology. "I will stress to him that you wish to see him."

  "While that'd be nice, it's not actually necessary," Jason said. "Perhaps you'll be able to help us out. We're looking for some intelligence on an incident that happened near S'tora ... it's in the Delphine Expanse near the ConFed outer boundary."

  "I am unfamiliar with that area of space," Morakar said. "Why do you think we'd have any particular information about an isolated incident there?"

  "With the multiple contracts you're now servicing with Legion personnel we had hoped your intelligence service would be taking advantage of the situation," Jason said.

  "I see," Morakar said slowly. "And I must ask why you think we'd willingly give you access to such a sensitive resource, should it actually exist."

  "As payment for services rendered," Jason said. "We did avert a civil war for you, after all without so much as asking for you to foot the bill for the fuel and ammo we burned through."

  "I see," Morakar repeated, his emphasis on the last word changing the meaning. "If it were up to me I would, of course, see to it that you had anything you asked for. However intelligence is something that I do not oversee. I will have to pass this up my chain of command. Could you perhaps give me something more specific to work with?"

  "Sure," Jason said in an offhand way. "Tell Crusher that unless he wants the full might of the Avarian Imperial Fleet to roll over Galvetor and Restaria in the invasion we're currently trying to prevent then he should probably just give us what we're asking for, and then we'll be on our way."

  "I see."


  They were sitting around cooling their heels in a well-appointed reception area, drinking a bitter tea and generally becoming more impatient by the moment when an officious looking gelten walked into the room.

  "The Lord Archon will now see you," he said in a bored tone.

  "About damn time," Jason said, tossing his tea mug onto the serving table from five feet away where it shattered into dozens of pieces and knocked a handful of others to the floor. "Let's go." The bored expression on the gelten's face gave way to mild distress as he eyed Jason's casual destruction of the carefully prepared serving area.

  The crew followed the now-huffy gelten out of the room, Kage's mocking laughter only slightly drowned out by the gasps and mutters of the other beings that were in the reception area waiting their turn to see whichever government official they were petitioning. Although he'd been maintaining a calm exterior, Jason's temper had been exponentially climbing since arriving on Galvetor. While he understood Crusher's wish to leave Omega Force, they didn't deserve to be treated like what happened to him was their fault.

  Jason recognized the hall they were led into from the last time he was on Galvetor, but he was still somewhat taken aback by the sheer size and opulence of Crusher's new office. Well, that and the sheer ridiculousness of the warrior's new attire. If he wore a costume from a production of Henry VIII while walking through Time Square it wouldn't have been more absurd than the outfit Crusher was wearing.

  "Captain," Crusher said stiffly. "You're looking well."

  "You too," Jason said. "I can see the sedentary lifestyle of a bureaucrat agrees with you." At the last comment Jason stared pointedly at Crusher's slightly expanded midsection. The warrior narrowed his eyes and clenched his jaw as Doc just shook his head in resignation.

  "Before you two resume hostilities could we possibly take care of why we came here in the first place?" he said, placing himself between the two of them.

  "Certainly," Crusher said, motioning to the warrior standing by a side door. The Legionnaire immediately pulled the door open and out walked Crisstof Dalton, Kellea Colleren, and two troopers wearing uniforms that identified them as being from the Defiant.

  "What the hell is this?" Jason demanded, ignoring the sub-arctic glare from Kellea.

  "It seems they had the same idea you did, but they were looking for you and not the missing Avarian princess," Crusher said, smiling and walking closer to his old crew. "It seems they would like the young girl you're traveling with handed over."

  "That will not happen without a fight," Kalette spoke up, her soft voice lined with steel.

  "First Attendant, perhaps we could--"

  "Shut up!" Jason snapped, leveling a finger at Crisstof. The tone in the room changed and the guards all began looking at each other nervously. "You're not abducting anyone against their will, Crisstof, greater good or not ... or whatever bullshit you're peddling this time."

  "I see some things never change," Crisstof said coldly.

  "And some things do," Jason said, directing his comment at Crusher. "You fucking coward. Wha
t is this? Some petty payback for--" He didn't get to finish his sentence as Crusher backhanded him across the face with enough force that if he hadn't turned with it and spun he'd have been taken off his feet. As it was, he was barely able to continue all the way around and maintain his balance. He came back and swung hard, crashing his right fist into Crusher's face and catching him completely by surprise. But he carried too much momentum and as he was pitching forward the big warrior kicked him hard enough to send him flying.

  The room erupted into chaos after that. Crisstof's troops surrounded him and Kellea, the Legionnaires all tried to move in to protect Crusher, and Kalette simply began screaming. Two warriors grabbed Jason and forced him to the ground. While down there he could see Crusher's silly boots walking towards him, but there was a pop/whine and the gold on the boots took on a red tinge and he heard Crusher grunt in pain.

  "Order your guards to release the captain," Lucky's amplified voice boomed, cutting through the confusion. "I will not ask twice," he said after nobody moved. Jason felt the weight lift off his back and he was able to roll forward and onto his feet. When he bounced up he saw that Lucky was in full combat mode, his eyes blazing red, and had Crusher's left wrist clamped in his right hand. His left arm, complete with deployed plasma cannons, was aimed at the two guards that were holding Jason down.

  "Are you always going to take his side?" Crusher asked, wincing in pain.

  "Always," Lucky said simply. "We will be leaving and taking Kalette with us. Do not attempt to apprehend us or there will be bloodshed." Crusher angrily shook his arm free from Lucky's grasp.

  "I want you off my planet by tomorrow," he said. Jason walked back over to where his crew stood, spitting a huge bloody glob onto the carpet right at Crusher's feet.


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