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Margaret Thatcher: The Authorized Biography

Page 111

by Charles Moore


  1. Interview with Lord Burns. 2. John Hoskyns, Just in Time: Inside the Thatcher Revolution, Aurum Press, 2000, p. 270. 3. Walters to PM, 10 Feb. 1981, The Thatcher Papers, Churchill College, Cambridge, THCR 1/5/13. 4. Hoskyns, Just in Time, p. 272. 5. Interview with David Willetts. 6. Hoskyns, Just in Time, p. 269. 7. Interview with Sir Douglas Wass. 8. Interview with Lord Wolfson of Sunningdale. 9. Margaret Thatcher, The Downing Street Years, HarperCollins, 1993, p. 135. 10. Interview with Sir Alan Walters. 11. Ibid. 12. Hoskyns, Just in Time, p. 273. 13. Ibid., p. 276. 14. Ibid., pp. 276–7. 15. HM Treasury papers, PDF file 51: drafts of the Budget speech c, 24 Feb. 1981 ( 16. Interview with Sir Alan Walters. 17. Hoskyns, Just in Time, p. 279. 18. Interview with Sir Douglas Wass. 19. See Geoffrey Howe, Conflict of Loyalty, Macmillan, 1994, p. 202. 20. Interview with Sir Adam Ridley. 21. Ibid. 22. Interview with Sir Peter Middleton. 23. Interview with Lord Burns. 24. Interview with Andrew Duguid. 25. Interview with Lord Burns. 26. Interview with David Willetts. 27. Interview with Sir Clive Whitmore. 28. Interview with Lord Prior. 29. Interview with Lord Walker. 30. Interview with Lord Gilmour of Craigmillar. 31. Interview with Lord Prior. 32. All quotations from Sir Robert Armstrong, Cabinet Secretary’s notebooks, 10 Mar. 1981. 33. Ingham digest, 11 Mar. 1981, THCR 3/5/4. 34. Speech to Guardian Young Businessman of the Year, 11 Mar. 1981 ( 35. Ingham digest, 12 Mar. 1981, THCR 3/5/4. 36. Ingham digest, 13 Mar. 1981, THCR 3/5/4. 37. Hoskyns, Just in Time, p. 288. 38. Ingham digest, 30 Mar. 1981, THCR 3/5/4. 39. Ibid. 40. Interview with Sir Peter Middleton. 41. Nigel Lawson, The View from No. 11, Bantam, 1992, p. 98. 42. Interview with Sir Peter Middleton. 43. See Alan Walters, Britain’s Economic Renaissance, Oxford University Press, 1986, p. 157. 44. Interview with Sir Douglas Wass. 45. Ingham digest, 14 Apr. 1981, THCR 3/5/5. 46. Interview for ITN, 13 Apr. 1981 ( 47. John Hoskyns, diary (unpublished), entry for 18 May 1981. 48. Howe to PM, 8 Apr. 1981, Prime Minister’s Papers, Economic Policy: Economic Strategy: Pay and Prices (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 49. Howe note on Economic Strategy, 12 June 1981, Prime Minister’s Papers, Economic Policy: Economic Strategy: Pay and Prices (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 50. Armstrong to PM, 16 June 1981, Prime Minister’s Papers, Economic Policy: Economic Strategy: Pay and Prices (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 51. Sir Robert Armstrong, Cabinet Secretary’s notebooks, 17 June 1981. 52. Party political broadcast, 8 July 1981 ( 53. Hugo Young, One of Us, Macmillan, 1989. 54. Ingham to Pym, 8 July 1981, Prime Minister’s Papers: Economic Policy: Economic Strategy: Pay and Prices (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 55. All quotations from Sir Robert Armstrong, Cabinet Secretary’s notebooks, 9 July 1981. 56. Ingham digest, 14 July 1981, THCR 3/5/8. 57. Ingham digest, 16 July 1981, THCR 3/5/8. 58. Note of meeting between Reagan and Thatcher, 20 July 1981, Prime Minister’s Papers, Economic Policy: Ottawa Economic Summit (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 59. Interview with Mike Deaver. 60. Richard Aldous, Reagan and Thatcher: The Difficult Relationship, W. W. Norton, 2012, p. 50. 61. Interview with Kenneth Duberstein. 62. New York Times, 23 July 1981. 63. Ronald Reagan, The Reagan Diaries, HarperCollins, 2007, 20–21 July 1981, p. 32. 64. All quotations from Sir Robert Armstrong, Cabinet Secretary’s notebooks, 23 July 1981. 65. Ibid. 66. Ingham digest, 24 July 1981, THCR 3/5/8. 67. Interview with Sir Tim Lankester. 68. Louis to Secretary of State, 31 July 1981, UK (01/20/1981–08/13/1981) [5], Box 20, Exec Sec, NSC: Country File, Reagan Library, Simi Valley CA. 69. Ingham digest, 30 July 1981, THCR 3/5/8. 70. Ingham to Pym, 31 July 1981, Prime Minister’s Papers, Economic Policy: Economic Strategy: Pay and Prices (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 71. The Times, 3 Aug. 1981. 72. Sun, 6 Aug. 1981. 73. James Prior, A Balance of Power, Hamish Hamilton, 1986, p. 132. 74. Interview with Sir Michael Scholar. 75. Interview with Lord Jopling. 76. Charles Douglas-Home to PM, 18 Aug. 1981, THCR 1/3/6. 77. Interview with Sir Michael Scholar. 78. Interview with Sir Clive Whitmore. 79. Ibid. 80. Interview with Lord Kerr of Kinlochard. 81. Interview with Lord Jopling. 82. Correspondence between Sir John Hoskyns and the author. 83. Ibid. 84. All quotations from ‘Your Political Survival’, Hoskyns to PM, 20 Aug. 1981, document in the possession of Sir John Hoskyns. 85. Hoskyns, Just in Time, pp. 327–8. 86. Ibid., p. 327. 87. See Stanley Crooks, Peter Thorneycroft, George Mann, 2007, p. 277. 88. Correspondence with Sir John Hoskyns. 89. See Hoskyns, Just in Time, pp. 332–3. 90. Daily Mail, 27 Aug. 1981. 91. Note for the record, 2 Sept. 1981, Prime Minister’s Papers, Economic Policy: Industrial Relations Legislation (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 92. Gilmour to PM, 14 Sept. 1981 ( 93. Ingham digest, 15 Sept. 1981, THCR 3/5/9. 94. D. K. Britto to D. Howe, 1 Oct. 1981, THCR 2/6/2/135 part 1. 95. Heath speech to Federation of Conservative Students, Manchester, The Times, 7 Oct. 1981. 96. Speech at Monash University, Melbourne, 6 Oct. 1981 ( 97. Interview with Lord Patten of Barnes. 98. Ibid. 99. Interview with Lord Waldegrave of North Hill. 100. Howe to PM, 9 Oct. 1981, Prime Minister’s Papers, Economic Policy: Economic Strategy: Pay and Prices (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 101. Hoskyns, Just in Time, p. 338. 102. Notes for conference speech, 16 Oct. 1981, THCR 5/1/4/24. 103. Hoskyns, p. 339. 104. Speech to Conservative Party conference, 16 Oct. 1981 ( 105. Ingham digest, 17 Oct. 1981, THCR 3/5/9. 106. Sir Robert Armstrong, Cabinet Secretary’s notebooks, 20 Oct. 1981. 107. Ibid. 108. Ingham digest, 29 Oct. 1981, THCR 3/5/9. 109. Sir Robert Armstrong, Cabinet Secretary’s notebooks, 29 Oct. 1981. 110. Interview with Lord Prior. 111. Interview with Lord Kerr of Kinlochard. 112. Howe, Conflict of Loyalty, p. 233. 113. Speech to Lord Mayor’s Banquet, 16 Nov. 1981 ( 114. Interview with Sir Michael Scholar. 115. Ibid. 116. Sir Robert Armstrong, Cabinet Secretary’s notebooks, 26 Nov. 1981. 117. M. Jopling to PM, 4 Dec. 1981, THCR 2/6/2/49. 118. Guardian, 3 Dec. 1981. 119. Ingham digest, 6 Dec. 1981, THCR 3/5/11. 120. Daily Telegraph, 9 Nov. 1981. 121. See Ingham digest, 9 Dec. 1981, THCR 3/5/11. 122. Ian Gow to PM, 29 Dec. 1981, THCR 1/3/6. 123. Interview with Sir Mark Thatcher. 124. Ingham’s digest, 14 Jan. 1982, THCR 3/5/12. 125. Interview with Sir Michael Scholar. 126. Sun, 14 Jan. 1982. 127. Daily Express, 14 Jan. 1982. 128. Interview with Lord Laing of Dunphail. 129. Interview with Sir Michael Scholar. 130. Coles to Thatcher, 12 Feb. 1982, TNA: PRO PREM 19/893. 131. Ingham digest, 15 Jan. 1982, THCR 3/5/12. 132. Sir Robert Armstrong, Cabinet Secretary’s notebooks, 28 Jan. 1982.


  1. Lord Luce, private memoir. Lord Luce has also published a memoir, Ringing the Changes (Michael Russell, 2007), which gives an account of his Falklands experience. Since his earlier manuscript memoir is fuller at most points, however, it is the source for quotations here. 2. Carrington to OD, 12 Oct. 1979, Prime Minister’s Papers, Argentina: Position of the Falkland Islands (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 3. Carrington to PM, 20 Sept. 1979, Prime Minister’s Papers, Argentina: Argentine Relations (papers seen by the Prime Minister that may be required during the Falkland Islands inquiry). 4. OD memo by Carrington, 12 Oct. 1979, Prime Minister’s Papers, Argentina: Position of the Falkland Islands (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 5. Record of Anglo-Argentine talks on the Falklands, New York, 28–29 Apr. 1980, Prime Minister’s Papers, Argentina: Position of the Falkland Islands (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 6. This and subsequent quotations are from Sir Robert Armstrong, Cabinet Secretary’s notebooks, 7 Nov. 1980. 7. Papers relating to the compilation of Lady Thatcher’s memoirs, The Thatcher Papers, Churchill College, Cambridge, THCR 4/3. 8. See Lawrence Freedman, The Official History of the Falklands Campaign, 2 vols, Routledge, 2005, vol. i: The Origins of the Falklands War, p. 127. 9. Sir Robert Armstrong, Cabinet Se
cretary’s notebooks, 7 Nov. 1980. 10. Ibid., 3 Dec. 1980. 11. ‘Record of a meeting held in 1 Carlton Gardens’, 30 June 1981, FCO Archives ( 12. Joint Intelligence Committee, July 1981, JIC (81) (N) 34, Prime Minister’s Papers, Argentina: Position of the Falkland Islands (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 13. Interview with Lord Bramall. 14. Interview with Sir David Omand. 15. Luce, private memoir. 16. Hunt to Carrington, 19 Jan. 1982, Prime Minister’s Papers, Argentina: Position of the Falkland Islands (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 17. See Freedman, The Official History of the Falklands Campaign, vol. i, p. 154. 18. Luce, private memoir. 19. See Freedman, The Official History of the Falklands Campaign, vol. i, p. 158. 20. Ibid., p. 160. 21. Cable, ‘Travel of Assistant Secretary Enders’, 3 Mar. 1982, FOI Electronic Reading Room, US State Department ( 22. Luce, private memoir. 23. See Freedman, The Official History of the Falklands Campaign, vol. i, p. 167. 24. Alan Clark, Diaries: Into Politics, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2000, 22 Mar. 1982, p. 305. 25. Williams to Foreign Office, 27 Mar. 1982, Prime Minister’s Papers, Argentina: Position of the Falkland Islands (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 26. All quotations from Sir Robert Armstrong, Cabinet Secretary’s notebooks, 25 Mar. 1982. 27. Prime Minister’s Papers, Cabinet Conclusions, 25 Mar. 1982 (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 28. Luce, private memoir. 29. Falkland Islands Review Committee: transcript of oral evidence by the Prime Minister, 25 Oct. 1982, TNA: PRO CAB 292/47. 30. Ibid. 31. Interview with Sir John Coles. 32. Luce, private memoir. 33. Ibid. 34. See Freedman, The Official History of the Falklands Campaign, vol. i, pp. 84 ff. 35. Ibid., p. 206. 36. Luce, private memoir; ‘Sir Rex Hunt’, Daily Telegraph obituary, 12 Nov. 2012. 37. Freedman, The Official History of the Falklands Campaign, vol. i, p. 207. 38. Interview with Sir John Nott. 39. Luce, private memoir. 40. Interview with Sir John Coles. 41. Interview with Sir Henry Leach. 42. Ibid. 43. Ibid. 44. Ibid. 45. Interview with Sir John Coles. 46. Interview with Sir Henry Leach. 47. Ibid. 48. Interview with Sir Clive Whitmore. 49. Interview with Sir John Nott. 50. Interview with Sir David Omand. 51. Sir Robert Armstrong, Cabinet Secretary’s notebooks, 1 Apr. 1982. 52. Ibid. 53. Luce, private memoir. 54. Interview with Dennis Blair. 55. Interview with Judge William Clark. 56. Alexander Haig, Caveat: Realism, Reagan, and Foreign Policy, Macmillan, 1984, pp. 264–5. 57. Interview with Jim Rentschler. 58. Interview with Roger Fontaine. 59. Lord Renwick of Clifton, unpublished manuscript. 60. Luce, private memoir. 61. Ibid. 62. Ibid. 63. Sir Robert Armstrong, Cabinet Secretary’s notebooks, 2 Apr. 1982. 64. Ibid. 65. Falkland Islands Review Committee: transcript of oral evidence by the Prime Minister, 25 Oct. 1982, TNA: PRO CAB 292/47. 66. Private information. 67. Sir Robert Armstrong, Cabinet Secretary’s notebooks, 2 Apr. 1982. 68. Interview with Sir Henry Leach. 69. Luce, private memoir. 70. Weston to Coles, 2 Apr. 1982, Prime Minister’s Papers, Argentina: Position of the Falkland Islands (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 71. Margaret Thatcher, The Downing Street Years, HarperCollins, 1993, p. 181. 72. Luce, private memoir. 73. Interview with Sir Clive Whitmore. 74. Interview with Sir John Coles. 75. Interview with Lord Kerr of Kinlochard. 76. Clark, Diaries: Into Politics, 3 Apr. 1982, p. 312. 77. Hansard, HC Deb 3 Apr. 1982 ( 78. Ibid. 79. Hansard, HC Deb 3 Apr. 1982. 80. Clark, Diaries: Into Politics, 15 June 1982, p. 333. 81. Interview with Sir John Coles. 82. Clark, Diaries: Into Politics, 3 Apr. 1982, p. 313. 83. Interview with Sir David Omand. 84. THCR 4/3. 85. See John Nott, Here Today, Gone Tomorrow, Politico’s, 2002, ch. 8. 86. Interview with Sir Clive Whitmore. 87. Interview with Lord Jopling. 88. Ibid. 89. Interview with Sir Antony Acland. 90. Interview with Lord Parkinson. 91. Interview with Sir Michael Palliser. 92. Margaret Thatcher’s manuscript account, THCR 1/20/3/1. 93. Interview with Lord Luce. 94. Interview with Lord Carrington. 95. THCR 4/3. 96. Interview with Sir Brian Fall. 97. Interview with Sir Michael Palliser. 98. Ibid. 99. Interview with Sir Antony Acland. 100. Ibid. 101. Lord Deedes, diary (unpublished), 5 Apr. 1982. 102. Thatcher, The Downing Street Years, p. 181. 103. Interview with Lord Jopling. 104. ITN News, 5 Apr. 1982 ( 105. THCR 1/20/3/1. 106. Jacques Attali, Verbatim, vol. i: 1981–1986, Fayard, 1993, 5 Apr. 1982, p. 201. 107. Pattison to Coles, 3 Apr. 1982, Prime Minister’s Papers, Argentina: Position of the Falkland Islands (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 108. Interview with Hubert Vedrine. 109. Luce, private memoir. 110. Telephone conversation with King Hussein, 3 Apr. 1982, Prime Minister’s Papers, Argentina: Position of the Falkland Islands (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 111. THCR 4/3. 112. See Freedman, The Official History of the Falklands Campaign, vol. ii: War and Diplomacy, p. 21. 113. Interview with Sir John Coles. 114. Ibid. 115. THCR 1/20/3/1. 116. Interview with Lord Kerr of Kinlochard. 117. Interview with Sir John Coles. 118. Interview with Sir John Nott. 119. See John Campbell, Margaret Thatcher, 2 vols, Jonathan Cape, 2000, 2003, vol. ii: The Iron Lady, p. 141, n. 38. 120. Interview with Sir Denis Thatcher. 121. Interview with Sir John Coles. 122. Interview with Sir David Omand. 123. Ibid. 124. Interview with Sir Philip Goodhart. 125. THCR 1/20/3/1. 126. Hansard, HC Deb 7 Apr. 1982 ( 127. THCR 4/3. 128. THCR 1/20/3/1. 129. Interview with Sir Clive Whitmore. 130. Interview with Sir John Coles. 131. Interview with Dov Zakheim. 132. Interview with David Gompert. 133. Interview with Bud McFarlane. 134. Ronald Reagan, ‘Question and answer session with reporters on domestic and foreign policy’, 5 Apr. 1982, The Public Papers of the Presidents, The American Presidency Project, University of California. 135. Sir Robert Armstrong, Cabinet Secretary’s notebooks, 6 Apr. 1982. 136. Henderson to FO telegram, 7 Apr. 1982, Prime Minister’s Papers, Argentina: Position of the Falkland Islands (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 137. Interview with Jim Rentschler. 138. Interview with Roger Fontaine. 139. Interview with Jim Rentschler. 140. Ibid. 141. Ibid. 142. Ibid. 143. THCR 1/20/3/1. 144. ‘The Falkland Islands Crisis’, 7 Apr. 1982, Electronic Briefing Book #375, National Security Archive, Washington DC. 145. Henderson to FO telegram, 6 Apr. 1982, Prime Minister’s Papers, Argentina: Position of the Falkland Islands (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 146. Ibid. 147. Interview with Edward Streator. 148. Jim Rentschler, diary (unpublished), 8 Apr. 1982. 149. Record of conversation with Haig, 8 Apr. 1982, Prime Minister’s Papers, Argentina: Position of the Falkland Islands (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 150. Ibid. 151. Rentschler, diary, 8 Apr. 1982. 152. Interview with Alexander Haig. 153. Interview with David Gompert. 154. Interview with Alexander Haig. 155. Interview with Sir Clive Whitmore. 156. ‘Draft Line To Take’, 11 Apr. 1982, Prime Minister’s Papers, Argentina: Position of the Falkland Islands (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 157. Haig to Reagan, ‘Discussions in London’, 9 Apr. 1982, Falklands War (04/09/1982–04/15/1982), Box 30, Exec Sec, NSC: Country File, Reagan Library, Simi Valley CA. 158. See Haig, Caveat, p. 273. 159. ‘Talking Points: Galtieri’, 9 Apr. 1982, United Kingdom – 1982 (03/01/1982–04/30/1982), Box 90233, Dennis Blair Files, Reagan Library. 160. Haig to Reagan, ‘Discussions in London’, 9 Apr. 1982, Falklands War (04/09/1982–04/15/1982), Box 30, Exec Sec, NSC: Country File, Reagan Library. 161. Haig to Reagan, 091120z Apr 82, ‘Memorandum for the President’, 9 Apr. 1982, released by the US State Department under FOIA Case #200600788. 162. George Bush to Judge Clark, 7 Apr. 1982, UK (1982), Donald Gregg Files, Office of National Security Affairs, Vice-Presidential Records, Bush Library, College Station TX. 163. Interview with Judge William Clark. 164. Los Angeles Times, 16 Apr. 1982. The full transcript of the call, intercepted by an amateur radio operator and passed on to Anderson, can be found among Anderson’s archived papers: ‘Falkland Islands crisis’, Folder 7, Box 293, Subseries 1, Series 4, Jack Anderson Papers, Special Collections Research Center, George Washington University, Washington DC. 165. THCR 4/3. 166. Interview with Sir Clive Whitmore. 167. Haig to Reagan, quoted in Rentschler, diary, 11 Apr.
1982. 168. See Freedman, The Official History of the Falklands Campaign, vol. ii, p. 146. 169. Interview with Sir Robert Wade-Gery. 170. Note of meeting between Haig and Thatcher, 12 Apr. 1982, Prime Minister’s Papers, Argentina: Position of the Falkland Islands (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 171. THCR 1/20/3/1. 172. Note of meeting to discuss US draft agreement, 12 Apr. 1982, Prime Minister’s Papers, Argentina: Position of the Falkland Islands (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 173. THCR 1/20/3/1. 174. Telecon with Prime Minister Thatcher, Tuesday 13 Apr. 1982, 1.20–1.24am, released by the US State Department under FOIA Case #200600788. 175. THCR 1/20/3/1. 176. See Thatcher, The Downing Street Years, p. 198. 177. THCR 1/20/3/1. 178. Interview with Sir John Weston. 179. Rentschler, diary, 13 Apr. 1982. 180. Thatcher, The Downing Street Years, p. 198. 181. Interview with Sir John Nott. 182. Memcon Haig telephone call to Thatcher, 14 Apr. 1982, Prime Minister’s Papers, Argentina: The Position of the Falkland Islands (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 183. Memcon Haig telephone call to Thatcher, second conversation, 2000 hours, 14 Apr. 1982, Prime Minister’s Papers, Argentina: The Position of the Falkland Islands (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 184. John Lehman, Keynote Address, ‘The Falklands War Thirty Years On’, 19–20 May 2012, National Museum of the Royal Navy, Portsmouth. See also Weinberger’s contribution to Falklands Roundtable, 5 May 2003, Miller Center, University of Virginia. 185. Interview with Jim Rentschler. 186. Interview with Dov Zakheim. 187. See Freedman, The Official History of the Falklands Campaign, vol. ii, p. 380. 188. Sir Robert Armstrong, Cabinet Secretary’s notebooks, 14 Apr. 1982. 189. Hansard, HC Deb 14 Apr. 1982 ( 190. Haig to Reagan, cited in Rentschler, diary, 15 Apr. 1982. 191. 160512z Apr 82, ‘Memcon for Secretary Haig on President’s phone call to President Galtieri’, 16 Apr. 1982, Falklands Crisis 1982, Box 90224, Dennis Blair Files, Reagan Library. 192. Thatcher to Reagan, 16 Apr. 1982, Prime Minister’s Papers, Argentina: Position of the Falkland Islands (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 193. Ronald Reagan, The Reagan Diaries, HarperCollins, 2007, 17 Apr. 1982, p. 80. 194. THCR 1/20/3/1. 195. Haig to Pym, 19 Apr. 1982, Falklands War (04/19/1982–04/21/1982), Box 30, Exec Sec, NSC: Country File, Reagan Library. 196. Memcon of PM and Parsons, 18 Apr. 1982, Prime Minister’s Papers, Argentina: Position of the Falkland Islands (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 197. Interview with Sir Clive Whitmore. 198. Ibid. 199. Interview with Sir David Omand. 200. Interview with Sir John Coles. 201. Gow to PM, 8 Apr. 1982, THCR 1/20/3/5. 202. Interview with Sir Clive Whitmore. 203. Interview with Sir John Coles. 204. Interview with Sir Clive Whitmore. 205. Interview with Sir Mark Thatcher. 206. Renwick, manuscript. 207. Reagan, The Reagan Diaries, 19 Apr. 1982, p. 80. 208. Telephone conversation between PM and Pym, 18 Apr. 1982, Prime Minister’s Papers, Argentina: Position of the Falkland Islands (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 209. THCR 1/20/3/1. 210. Ibid. 211. Ibid. 212. OD(SA) minutes, 16 Apr. 1982, Prime Minister’s Papers, Argentina: Handling of the Falklands Invasion (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 213. THCR 1/20/3/1. 214. Interview with Sir Henry Leach. 215. Henderson to FO telegram 1376, 21 Apr. 1982, Prime Minister’s Papers, Argentina: Position of the Falkland Islands (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 216. Henderson to FO telegram 1381, 21 Apr. 1982, Prime Minister’s Papers, Argentina: Position of the Falkland Islands (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 217. Ibid. 218. Hansard, HC Deb 21 Apr. 1982. 219. THCR 1/20/3/1. 220. Ibid. 221. Master copy of American draft, 23 Apr. 1982, Prime Minister’s Papers, Argentina: Position of the Falkland Islands (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 222. National Security Council Minutes, 30 Apr. 1982, NSC 00048, Box 91284, Exec Sec, NSC: NSC Meeting Files, Reagan Library. 223. Memcon, ‘Falkland Islands Framework’, 23 Apr. 1982, released by US State Department under FOIA Case #200600788. 224. THCR 1/20/3/1. 225. Ibid. 226. Interview with Francis Pym, The Downing Street Years (BBC), 1993. 227. Interview with Sir John Coles. 228. Thatcher, The Downing Street Years, p. 205. 229. THCR 1/20/3/1. 230. Ibid. 231. Ibid. 232. Interview with Sir Denis Thatcher. 233. Interview with Sir Brian Fall. 234. THCR 1/20/3/1. 235. Ibid. 236. Ibid. 237. Interview with Sir John Coles. 238. THCR 1/20/3/1. 239. THCR 4/3. 240. Thatcher, The Downing Street Years, p. 208. 241. THCR 1/20/3/1. 242. Ibid. 243. BBC Radio News, 25 Apr. 1982 ( 244. THCR 1/20/3/1.


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