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The Beginning Of Rain In December

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by Law, Josephine






  Copyright 2012 JLaw/ss

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  December 2011, Seattle

  Rain looked over her shoulder, she was paranoid from a hard life, a horrible early beginning and there was an uneasiness within her that would not be quenched. Yet, she had persevered, had wonderful friends that were closer to her than family and enjoyed her life in Seattle, the city that she’d called home for the past six years. Yet, for the past few weeks she had felt an uneasiness that was near constant, an uneasiness that she hadn’t felt since she was twenty four years old, six years ago.

  It wasn’t that she was in fear, but the uneasiness couldn’t be shaken, no matter if she spent time with friends, coworkers or by herself. Something in her life was about to change, just as it had done every six years of her life. Some of the changes had been well accepted but others had created the very ends of the very essence of who she was. She didn’t know what was going to happen. She couldn’t prepare for it, she only knew that whatever was to happen would change her life forever.

  It didn’t matter if she was increasingly more careful, watching traffic before crossing the street, making sure to not stay out late, checking the locks on her doors repeatedly. She refuted the idea of living her life with such caution and fear. She hated to do such; yet, the increasing uneasiness would not be shaken.

  “Rain, Rain?” A feminine voice interrupted her musings and she glanced towards her best friend, nearly in shock that she’d not heard one word, Annabelle, or Belle as friends and family called her, had spoken.

  Belle stared quizzically at Rain; the beautiful woman’s face seemed distant. “Rain, where are you? I’ve spoken to you non-stop about setting you up on a date with Mark’s coworker and you didn’t say one thing.”

  Rain smiled, Belle and her husband Mark were forever attempting to set Rain on one blind date after the other. She’d politely resisted further setups after her sixth date, with once again, the perfect man. “I’m sorry, Belle,” she said, using her friend’s nickname. “But I told you, no more set ups. I’m fine. I’m not looking for anyone.”

  Belle rolled her large, brown eyes. “I know you aren’t looking, you never look, when was the last time you had a date?”

  Rain scrunched her face, trying to remember. “Maybe January of this year,” she finally admitted. “Eleven months ago.”

  “My god, Rain, you have will power of steal. You have to start dating.” Belle adamantly stated. “You talk about babies all the time.”

  “I don’t need to date to have a baby,” Rain retorted, smiling.

  “I know this; however, you also said you would not have a child without being married and in a wonderful and stable relationship.” Belle retorted back.

  Rain cocked her head to the side, staring pensively towards her best friend. They were more than best friends, closer than any sister that Belle had, able to tell each other the inner most secrets of their lives. They had instantly connected at the museum where Rain had started working for six years ago and been nearly inseparable since then. “Belle,” Rain said. “I know, I know. I just.” She trailed off. She had told Belle every sordid, horrid detail of her life and Belle had not judged but had simply hugged her best friend towards her. Belle was the only one on the planet who knew Rain’s secrets. Rain did not trust easily and it had taken her five years to finally admit the pain and horror that often kept her awake at nights.

  Belle’s eyes widened, she looked at Rain, then dropped her voice, whispering. “Rain…Rain, is it that time?” She asked in shock and horror.

  Rain’s hands tightened on the napkin that she was in the midst of twirling. She glanced at her best friend with equally, large beautiful brown eyes in her dusky mocha colored skin. Rain could have been a model, with her exquisitely beautiful skin color, full lips and alluring brown eyes. Her hair was righteous soft sable curls that reached the middle of her back. She was petite, lovely, exotic and currently staring at her best friend in no small form of anxiety.

  “It’s time…” Rain finally admitted. “I’m trying to shake the feeling. It shouldn’t be this way…” she said slowly.

  “What is going to happen?” Belle asked in worry. “Do you want to stay with us for a while?” She asked. Along with Mark, the couple had three adorable and sweet children whom Rain loved with all of her heart. She spoiled them horribly and was known as Aunt Rain.

  “No, dearie, running away is only going to make it worse. I have to face it…whatever ‘it’ is.”

  “I am here for you, no matter what.”

  Rain smiled, patting her friends hand in reassurance. “Don’t worry, okay, in fact, I’ll go on that date, just don’t expect anything. Now, what is his name?”

  Belle looked relieved that Rain was seemingly fine. Breathing a sigh of relief she gratefully switched subject. “His name is Enlai, he is Asian,” she said. “And absolutely gorgeous, over six feet, masculine build but lean, jet black hair, green eyes,” she rambled off happily.

  Rain knew Belle was truly ecstatic, Belle believed it was her mission in life to couple up every single person she knew.

  “What does he do?” Rain said, not in the least bit interested in looks. In her book, the more handsome a male was, the worse attitude they had and she was expecting this Enlai to be a total jerk.

  Belle scrunched her nose. “I’m not exactly sure.” She admitted. “He is a transfer to the department.”

  “Oh,” she said. Mark worked in IT for the Department of Defense. She was slightly wary of dating anyone dealing with law and order, especially with her background.

  “Don’t worry,” Belle said. “I think he is IT, also, nothing important or top secret.”

  “And did he ask to be set up or are you assuming he’s not gay, not involved and not psychotic?”

  “The latter.” Belle admitted. “He’s so handsome, and Mark said he’s a cool guy and he’s really smart. Trust me this time Rain, I know my past set ups have been misses, but I’m going to the bank with this one. Trust me.”

  Rain stared at her best friend warily, so far Belle was 0-6 in set ups.

  “Okay, Belle, pass along my number but please, please, please do not expect us to fall in love, get married and have babies within the week, okay?” She said.

  Belle was a hopeless romantic and sighed dreamily. “Whatever you say, Rain, whatever you say.”

  Rain drove to the restaurant that Enlai had asked her to meet him. It was in Bellevue, a suburb roughly twenty minutes from downtown Seattle. The area was home to the upper middle class and hosted upscale shops and numerous businesses. Turning into the Italian restaurant, Rain sighed, the nervousness still hadn’t left her, even though nothing had occurred in the past week. In fact, life had seemed excessively routine, something that Rain appreciated greatly. She parked in front of the restaurant, a valet at hand already opening her door.

  “Are you Ms. Rule?” The valet asked, smiling politely.

  “Yes,” she said, stepping out the car.

  “Your ticket has already been taken care of and no tip necessary.”

  “Oh, thank you,” she said.

  He smiled, handing her a red stub. “Have a nice evening, Ms.” He said and she watched him pull her car away and park it close to the restaurant.

  “Okay,” she said to herself, making her way up the granite steps to the upscale restaurant where a doorman opened the heavy door for her, tipping his hat as she passed. “Thank you,” she said.

  “Ms. Rain?” The maître d’ asked. “The gentleman is wai
ting for you,” the maître d’ said in an Italian accent. “Please follow me,” he said.

  “Okay,” she replied again, following the hosts tall form as he led her through the crowded and upscale restaurant, lit beautifully with candles and tastefully decorated in dark woods and Italian country motif.

  He led her through the tables before finally he moved towards her right in front of a crisp, white table, set slightly apart from the rest of the diners in a private alcove. “Mr. Zhaou…Ms. Rule has arrived, sir,” he said before departing.

  Her breath stopped as she watched Enlai stand up to his full height of six feet and three inches. Belle had been right, more than right. Enlai was more than handsome, his athletic form flexed with muscles beneath his three piece all black tailored suit with no tie, the black shirt collar slightly open to show a tanned, muscular throat. His hair was jet black, thick, perfectly tapered towards his neck, and brushed back in soft waves, his eyes perfectly emerald green, his five o’clock beard did not detract from the hard granite of his jaw or his high cheek bones, the roman like nose of perfectly flared nostrils. He was masculine, handsome all at once, there was no detracting his masculinity or raw maleness as he nodded, gifting her with a slight smile as he pulled out her chair.

  “Rain,” he began, but not before helping her with her elegant black coat, one hand waving towards a passing waiter. “Coat check,” he said, his voice deep, dark, secretive with a slight British accent.

  The waiter took the coat without question, nodding as Rain observed Enlai. She sat down, watching his hands that were callused, hard, long fingers. “Thank you,” she said. “It is nice meeting you,” she began, watching as he sat in his seat, his body free of any jewelry other than dark onyx cuff links at his wrists.

  “As well as you,” Enlai said. “Mark’s wife…Belle, was right, you are absolutely beautiful.”

  Rain was sure she blushed, she felt her cheeks heat up. “Oh, thank you.” She said, feeling like a stuttering fool. He was just a man, albeit an absolutely gorgeous man. Just a man, she thought once again to herself, imaging him in some unrefined daily business such as using the bathroom. The thought made it easier to meet his eyes. “I am worried about what else she has told you as Belle is sometimes known to exaggerate,” she said.

  “No exaggeration from her part. She merely said you are absolutely beautiful, intelligent, petite, breath taking, cultured, has a wonderful singing voice, charitable, warm, sweet, sensitive and you speak three languages. In a nutshell, you are perfect.”

  “Please, tell me she did no such thing,” she whispered in horror. The next time she saw Belle she would strangle her best friend.

  “She did, and already I believe her,” he said, smiling at her.

  “I’m sure you don’t,” she said and changed the subject. “This is a beautiful restaurant, do you visit often?” She asked, taking a sip of her ice water in a wine glass.

  “Not often enough, the food is absolutely wonderful.” He returned, watching her carefully, slowly. She really was as beautiful as Belle had stated, as he knew her to be. This was the first time he’d been so close to her even though he had seen her often enough. Her skin color was perfectly mocha colored, her lips full and plump, and her eyes wide and alluring. He knew that she usually kept her hair in curls cascading to her back, but for tonight her hair was a perfect collection of soft waves that cascaded to the small of her back, her eyes smoky, staring at him with innocence, wariness.

  “I love Italian,” she admitted. “Probably too much,” she said.

  “Did you find the restaurant with ease?” He asked, and once again she heard the hint of a British accent, just a hint, making her wonder at his past, the color of his eyes. His looks were so beautifully exotic he could easily have stepped out the pages of GQ magazine.

  “Yes, I did. I like Bellevue and am familiar with most of the restaurants and shops but I have never had dinner here.” She returned.

  How polite they were, feeling each other out, there manners were impeccable, starched napkins in their laps, a respectable distance from the table, meeting each other’s eyes with interests, but not too forward.

  “What do you enjoy?” He asked.

  “Anything Italian. You can order for me, if you wish,” she said, observing as a waiter joined their table in an impeccable starched white shirt, long white apron and crisp pants.

  “Of course,” he replied smoothly, his deep voice causing shivers to rake across her skin, her bare arms. She was dressed in a little black shelf bra dress that hugged the curves upon her body. It had been a splurge gift with Belle begging her to buy the sexy dress. It was altogether too cold in Seattle to wear, especially in December with the temperatures at the freezing mark, yet, Rain splurged and hoping she wouldn’t freeze.

  He gave the waiter there orders, appetizers, three entrees that they could try, and an expensive red wine. When the waiter left, Enlai returned his emerald green eyes towards her, smiling. “You have a very beautiful name…Rain, though somewhat melancholy. Why did your parents decide to name you such?” He asked.

  Rain smiled even though the thoughts of her parents were repulsive to say the least. “I was adopted at a young age so I am not quite sure why they decided to give me this name.” She admitted politely. There was always a careful, blank persona to Rain when meeting someone for the first time. When learning about another person and when that other person asked intimate details of her life. Details that most normal people could and willingly answered, but not for Rain because the first eighteen years of her life had been the equivalent of hell on earth.

  “I understand,” he said, not stating he was sorry or looking at her with sympathy as so many others had responded upon finding out her adoption status.

  She found his reply simple and refreshing and felt one small brick of her security and privacy removed. Just one. “I wish I knew more but I have accepted that I don’t.”

  “You immigrated here?”

  “I don’t know. And you? Do I hear a British accent?”

  It was his turn to nod. “Yes, but I left the country years ago.”

  “Do you visit often?” She asked and paused as their waiter brought their wine and another waiter brought their crisp endive salad and perfect rustic and homemade Italian bread. “To see family?” She started once the waiters had left after serving their beginning course and wine.

  “Yes, but not nearly enough, work keeps me busy,” he said, before lifting his wine glass in his large, hard hands. “A toast,” he said and watched as she raised her own wine glass in petite hands, her fingers elegant. “To blind dates,” he said a rueful smile on his perfectly formed lips.

  “To blind dates,” she said.

  Rain woke with a groan…or more than a groan, more like a moan. She blinked, trying to remember the events of the night before, the gorgeous Enlai who had been the perfect gentleman. Turning, she paused, knowing she was in a bed but not remembering just exactly how she had gotten to bed and why she was dressed in a man’s white t-shirt that reached her mid-thigh.

  Only as she blinked back the fuzziness from her eyes and glanced around did she realize that she was not in her bed, but someone else’s bed and there was a quite large, quite masculine, quite beautiful nude male body lying next to her.

  She knew who that body was, the tantalizing Enlai, she’d found out he was half British and half Chinese, his father a British diplomat, his mother a prostitute. He’d been fostered off to his father after his mothers’ death at the age of six and had lived with his fathers’ new family, a young white, English wife who hated him and a baby sister that he adored. A father that was remote, removed and perfectly British. And she, for some strange reason she wanted to tell them the remembered details of her life, but had refrained, never feeling such an immediate connection to someone so soon. They had left the restaurant, went to view the stars at the University of Washington’s astronomy department, then he’d taken her for a private, closed door tour of the Seattle Aquarium a
nd then they had visited a bar in downtown Seattle and she remembered having more wine and a little bit more and a little bit more.

  And then her memory stopped.

  She didn’t want to move, no matter, how horrible she felt at the position she now found herself in and no matter that this was the first man she had ever willingly laid with. The first male contact she had in twelve years. She was sure he had laughed at her inexperience, but couldn’t remember him doing such. She knew however, that men usually kicked the woman out after sex and she didn’t want to be embarrassed by him politely asking her to leave and she turned, as quiet as a mouse, trying to ease out of the large king size bed.

  “We didn’t have sex,” his voice interrupted her, even deeper due to sleep, a smile in his words.

  Rain blushed again, stilling instantly, her cheeks on fire as she tried valiantly to think of something to say, but in this, dealing with men, lovers, intimate details of the bedroom she was a novice, scared, frightened…usually. Obviously the wine had quieted all of her inhibitions and fears last night.


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