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The Beginning Of Rain In December

Page 12

by Law, Josephine

  “Belle, Belle, why are you crying?” Rain asked hugging her friend.

  “Because of all you have went through, you’re pregnant, wanted by some mysterious government agency, on the run for your life, you don’t have any family.” She sobbed. “And you’re not married,” she cried, slumping down to the bed. “I’m stupid, I know, women have babies all the time but no one and I mean no one has been in your situation.”

  Rain smiled. “That’s not exactly true. I’m sure there have been lots of women wanted by some dread government throughout the history, pregnant by some mysterious, handsome man.” She said, sitting next to her friend and patting her on the hand consolingly.

  “But with super powers,” Belle said.

  “Super powers,” Rain said. “You make me sound like a comic book character or something,” Rain laughed. “I’m sure those women were all unique in some way,” she said. “Just as you are,” she said.

  “I can’t read minds or appear like a ghost to others,” she said.

  “And you wouldn’t want to,” she said. “Your special talent is your beautiful, giving and loving spirit. Your ability to be strong and caring for your family, your selfless giving of yourself to others. That is why Mark still stares at you as if it was your wedding day. This is why your children are just as loving and beautiful. This is why you befriended a stranger on her first day of work. This is why so many people trust you and come to you when they need help, advice or just a comforting word. You are a true super hero, Belle. You always have, you always will be.” She said.

  Dinner was a loud, raucous affair, the children happy and excited at the large beautiful home, the adults enjoying their innocence, Olivia going from one warm arm to another arm, gumming on bread and string green beans. She finally settled in Rain’s arms, as Rain kissed and tickled her, the baby merry and happy as she was lightly bounced.

  It didn’t go unnoticed by Enlai how the children enjoyed Rain, the older children constantly trying to get her attention to tell them about their school or friends or something Yoda had done. Afterwards, Rain had put the children to bed after baths and bed time stories. When they were finally settled she pulled Enlai into the bedroom, holding on to him.

  “I don’t want you to leave,” she said, holding him to her tightly.

  “I don’t want to go,” he admitted. “But I have to play it carefully. As far as the agency knows, I still work for them; there have been no changes and I want to keep it that way as long as possible.”

  “That is so dangerous,” she said.

  “It has been this way for the past two years,” Enlai said.

  “You’re a double agent,” she stated. “Who is able to fly. Things like this do not happen, Enlai.”

  “We need to stop second guessing and disbelieving, this is the world we find ourselves in now, Rain. There is no turning back. We have to do what is right we have to continue on.” He said.

  “Okay. When is your plane departing?” She asked.

  “I’m not flying in an airplane.”

  “Oh,” she said, a slight smile on her face. “You don’t have to, do you?” She asked.

  “Only for appearances. But I leave at eleven tonight.”

  “How long will it take you to get to London?” She asked.

  “Maybe an hour, depending on how I push myself.”

  “You will be careful, won’t you?” She asked.

  “I will be careful.”

  They made love one last time, Rain holding on to him with all of her heart, needing and wanting his touch and comfort before he kissed her goodbye.

  She followed him in her mind without him knowing it, following his flight path, how he swept through landscapes low to the ground, going through only the darkest of areas, well away from cities and airports or military bases. He had been right, he made it to London in fifty eight minutes and she watched him as he settled down, he smiled. “You still there?” He asked.

  She smiled, forming her shape next to his and walked beside him. “Yes. How did you know?” She asked.

  He shrugged, smiled, looked at her shadowy form. “I told you, you are here now, in my head, my very soul, you and the baby,” he said.

  “I’ve never been to London,” she said. “Where are you going?” She asked.

  “To meet up with Song, although I’m not telekinetic, Song and I have a bond, stronger than the usual twins.”

  She nodded and did not tell him that she also went in search for Song while she walked with Enlai in downtown London, it was quite early in the morning and the city was just waking up. She found Song in another safe house, he was talking to a male, Dayton, as they studied plans on a laptop.

  She didn’t trust Song, still slightly scared of him, and she didn’t want anyone to hurt Enlai, not even his own brother and searched his mind to make sure that he was trustworthy. For now, Enlai was safe, Song would die for his brother, would kill for him. She searched the minds of everyone within a five mile area of the city where her and Enlai walked, searching for anything suspicious, when she found one.

  She kept abreast of Enlai before speaking. “Someone is following you, Enlai,” she said quietly. “Three blocks behind, he works for John, his orders are to keep tabs on you and Song. He’s been on the job since you flew into Seattle. He is six feet two, one hundred ninety pounds, white male, blue eyes, black hair, half scar through his upper right eyebrow. He’s armed. John doesn’t trust you and he’s not working alone. Someone in the agency tipped John off.”

  “Who?” He said quietly.

  She searched. “Dayton.”

  Enlai bit his lips. “Where are the others?” He asked.

  “Two blocks ahead of us, white male, brown hair, brown eyes, wearing black sunglasses, gray business suit, there are two more, they are going to box you in.”

  “Warn Song about Dayton,” he said, slipping into a bakery and stopping at the cash register to peruse the goods, or so it appeared. He ordered two grand coffees while Rain waited with him, but searched back for Song.

  “Song, listen,” she said in his head. “Do not appear startled, not before Dayton, it is me, Rain. Dayton is a double agent, he is working for John, he sent four men after Enlai. They are boxing him in now. He is at a Nyla’s Bakery on Fourth and Queen’s Road. Please, come, don’t let Dayton know.” She said before leaving.

  “I told him,” she said in Enlai’s head. “Two of the agents are three yards from the bakery,” she urgently said. Wanting him to do something, yet, he just waited patiently for his two coffees eating a free piece of cinnamon roll.

  She kept quiet, although biting her lip expectantly as he paid for his purchases. “Two feet away,” she said.

  Enlai made his way through the back exit while Rain turned, staring at the agents now entering into the bakery. “They are here,” she said.

  “I would ask if you wanted a coffee, but I don’t think your form could hold the cup,” he jokingly said.

  “Enlai,” she fiercely said. “Now is not the time for jokes,” as she followed him through the back door that led out into an alleyway.

  “No, I guess not,” he said, turning towards the door as the agents barged through.

  Enlai immediately took action, throwing the coffee at one of the agent’s faces, while kicking the gun out of other agent’s hand. He moved so fast he was nearly a blur, as he quickly gave one of the agents three upper cuts to his side abdomen, the agent moaned, broke free of Enlai’s choke head but Enlai swiftly gave him a round house kick to the head, blood spewing from his mouth where he fell unconscious to the floor. The other agent was able to give Enlai two quick punches to the stomach before Enlai gave him four front jabs to the face, already destroying a face marred by hot coffee before throwing his fist back so hard and slamming it into the agents face he crumpled to the ground like a doll.

  “Two more,” Rain said, seeing the agents round the back of the alley, guns already out but Enlai made quick work of them.

  She couldn’t tell if
any of the men were dead, didn’t want to ask, Enlai had decimated the men in seconds with barely a mark on his person.

  Song arrived a mere second later and Rain knew he had arrived by his powers. He nodded curtly at Rain’s shadowy form, not in the least surprised that she appeared like a ghost next to Enlai.

  “Just four,” Song said, smiling with a wry grin on his face. “Next time, Rain, only call me if there are at least ten. Then it might be a challenge, small, but somewhat,” he said, leaning over the men. He placed his hand over one of their faces, his hand glowing bright in the light.

  “What is he doing?” Rain asked to Enlai, as Enlai took the clips out of their guns, poured water on their cell phones from a garden hose.

  “Keeping them unconscious longer,” Enlai said before Song was finished and they dumped the men in the large garbage dumpster.

  “What if the dump truck comes?” She asked.

  “Dumpster already empty, they already made their rounds,” Song said.

  She nodded, following the men out the street, no one had seen the commotion in the back, as she searched. “They have a conference call with John in two hours.” She said. “Along with Dayton.”

  “What are we going to do about Dayton?” Song asked.

  “Kill him,” Enlai said matter of fact. “He knows where all the safe houses are. To keep him alive will endanger the free agents.”

  Rain gasped next to him as the men walked briskly through the streets. “Enlai,” she began. “Please don’t.”

  “Please don’t, what? Dayton knows where Taka and Levi are. He now knows where Belle and Marc are, the little ones. We either kill him now, or the others are as good as dead. Search him and tell me I am wrong,” he bit out angrily but she knew he was right. He took out his gun, as they walked down a deserted alley way, checking it for rounds as Song did the same. “Search his mind, Rain, and John’s and tell me how much they know.” Enlai commanded and he was not to be disagreed with.

  Rain nodded, left them and searched inside Dayton’s mind and then John’s before returning to the brothers in her shadowy form less than a minute later.

  “Dayton has not told John yet where the safe houses are, he is using it as one of his bargaining chips. John is promising him one billion untaxed dollars to find out not only if you two are double agents but to find the free agents, those that escaped the agency. Dayton is double crossing him and is working for the Chinese government also, they are promising him even more money. They know the same amount of information as John. Dayton will use you Enlai as a bargaining chip for me. He doesn’t know your powers but is guessing that you aren’t quite normal. He is cocky, he is fooling everyone and has no remorse.”

  “Why did John become suspicious and when?” Song asked.

  “When you two were hired by Lebna to find me, Lebna said something to John. That there had been other fetuses experimented on. But he did not know that his wife experimented on you, your parents kept that from Lebna. John is guessing however that it is you and Song.”

  “Where is Dayton now?”

  “He is driving a black motorcycle, going to…” She paused. “Bath? That is where he was to meet up with the agents.”

  “We can’t fly,” Enlai said. “It’s daytime and too many witnesses.”

  “I have bikes,” Song said.


  “Follow me,” Song said.

  Rain followed the men as they walked rapidly through the now crowded London streets as he turned down one busy intersection and another. They made their way to a dingy garage less than a mile away, the garage doors opened and men working on motorcycles and what appeared to be race cars.

  “Song,” a handsome, chocolate skinned man with hazel eyes and a Jamaican accent said in greeting when Enlai and Song entered. He was dressed in a V-neck white t-shirt, denim pants and military boots, grease on his hands and shirt, his hair was cut in a Mohawk, both muscular arms lined with tattoos.

  “Eric,” Song said, smiling briefly. “We need two bikes, unregistered,” he said quietly and Eric nodded.

  “Follow me,” he said.

  He took them through the body shop, to a back office, down a narrow dimly lit hallway and in front of a door where he punched in a code and opened the door to a brightly lit garage filled with state the art motorcycles.

  “How much?” Song asked.

  “For two, since you are a repeat customer, twenty percent off, one hundred g’s flat. They aren’t registered, tags in the system, speeds up to three hundred.”

  “Done,” Song said, pulling out a credit card that Eric scanned and he nodded once it went through.

  “Helmets, bikes, gloves,” he said handing Song and Enlai the items.

  “And Eric,” Song said. “You know the deal.”

  “Shit, man, do you think I want your ass coming after me?” Eric returned, smiling slightly.

  “No you don’t,” Song said as he and Enlai settled on the bikes, Eric opening up one of the garage doors.

  The bikes roared with life and Song and Enlai hit the throttle, the men left without another word and Rain sat on the back of Enlai’s bike, she didn’t have to hold on, couldn’t even if she wanted to. Once they made it to the main highway heading to Bath the men drove at speeds of up to two hundred and fifty miles an hour, with expert ease sometimes going so fast, motorist thought they were simply seeing a shadow out of the corner of their eyes.

  Dayton wasn’t going nearly as fast. “He’s just fifteen miles ahead,” Rain said inside of Enlai and Song.

  The men gunned their motors even more pushing at three hundred, covering the miles so rapidly, Rain knew she would have closed her eyes in anxious fear had her physical body been with them.

  “Over this hill,” she said. “He’s there,” she said.

  Enlai nodded, as he and Song immediately slowed their bikes, there were few vehicles on this stretch of road so far into the country, the weak winter light shining bleakly upon the gravel.

  Dayton was within one hundred feet of him, Rain knew exactly when he knew something was wrong, his heart beat a little bit heavier in his chest as he glanced in the rear view mirror.

  “He doesn’t know who it is but he knows something is wrong,” Rain said, in Dayton’s thoughts. She paused. “Now he does. He knows it is you and Song. He is certain now of your powers, just not what. He has a…some type of special gun. It’s specialized, made by the Chinese. It will kill you two, unlike a regular gun, or so he was promised.”

  “We can’t kill him here,” she heard Song say in her head.

  “It is too many people,” she told Enlai.

  “Can you make him go off road?” Enlai asked. “There is a road two miles ahead, to the right, it travels four miles to a deserted barn, can you make him turn there?”

  “I’ll try,” she said.

  She went inside of Dayton’s head, urging him to turn, not to question what he was doing, it took her a moment, because she had expended so much of herself already, traveling with Enlai, reading so many minds, keeping her form with his and Song’s.

  She didn’t think it would work until Dayton turned at the last minute off road “Enlai, there is no more, I have no more strength, my head hurts so badly. I have to go back into myself,” she said.

  “I understand, go, and Rain, thank you,” Enlai said before she disappeared and he knew Song and he were alone.

  Rain breathed deeply, not able to sit up, her head was pounding, there was blood coming out of her nose, she turned on her side, using her shirt to staunch the flow, careful to not get any on the bed linens. She felt like a coward, weak. She could have lasted maybe an hour longer, she could have pushed herself but she did not want to see what Enlai and Song were going to do with Dayton. She could not bring herself to watch them kill him.

  As soon as Dayton turned off road, Enlai drove his bike behind some bushes and flew ahead of Dayton, stopping on the road, blocking his path. He heard Dayton gun his engines and he smiled.

  “Come on, you traitor,” he whispered to himself as Dayton barreled down on him, his friend, and Enlai in one split second jumped on top of the motorcycle pulling Dayton off his bike and flying the man swiftly to the air as he slammed him into an oak tree. “Where the fuck are you going, Dayton?” He asked, levitating him and the man, as Dayton stared with wide, gray eyes, trying to grasp what was occurring.

  “Let, me, go,” he said, struggling from Enlai’s grip and Enlai smiled, chilling.

  “Do you want me to let you go?” He asked, flying higher in the air until they were about three hundred feet up. “Here?” He said.

  Dayton struggled, holding on to Enlai. “No! No!” He screamed.


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