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Lord Rose Reid and the Lost Lady (The Contrary Fairy Tales Book 3)

Page 9

by Em Taylor

  “Hmm, stop tempting me.”

  “Tempting you to do what, my lord?”


  He rolled her onto her back, kissed her thoroughly then spread little kisses down her neck, chest and belly. She wriggled as he got near to the horrible marks, but he seemed not to notice. He was insinuating himself between her legs. All Sophia was able to do was run her hands through his hair and enjoy the delight of his kisses.

  When Jason arrived at the hair which covered her most intimate area and did not stop the kissing, Sophia gasped. As he opened her legs wider, she gasped in horror and whimpered in distress, as she watched his tongue extend and lick her. Good God, what was he doing… and why did it feel divine?

  “Jason,” she squeaked. He licked her a few more times and she threw her head back to revel in the wonder of the pleasure he was invoking.

  “Would you like me to stop, or carry on, my love?”

  “No,” she managed.

  “Hmm,” he said as a different pressure circled that spot that had made her want to scream. “No is not an answer to my particular question, love. Would you like me to stop?”

  “No!” she was panicking now. She needed to know how this ended.

  “As I suspected.” And Jason set back to work. Sophia threw her arm over her eyes and tried to forget a man was licking her there so that she could just feel. But this was Jason, not just any man. Jason who had made her come alive for the first time… well, ever. Jason whose kisses she craved as though she would die if she was told she could not have another. Jason whose very touch soothed her, but also thrilled her and now made her want to leap off the bed.

  His lips and tongue on her most sensitive parts were making her feel the same way she had in the stables. A great deal of tension needing to burst. Was that what he was trying to achieve? He had pushed something inside of her. Not his manhood surely? He would have to be a contortionist. She glanced down and indeed, it was not his manhood. She could see his hard, white arse hanging off the bed. So what? His fingers? They felt divine. And she wanted to move. To… well, almost ride them. But he would think her gauche.

  Almost as if he had anticipated her internal dilemma, he spoke against her skin.

  “Work with me, love. If you need to move or rock your hips or thrust, do it.”

  Sophia moved into his touch and it felt more divine than it had previously. Could she call this divine? Was that heresy? She thought she may be in heaven. His tongue played her as though she were a musical instrument in a string quartet and he was a great musician from the continent.


  “Shh, my love.” Oh God, they were in an inn. She grabbed a pillow and pulled it onto her face. She was close to madness.

  When her body gave in to the burst of pleasure, Sophia screamed into the pillow as she arched off the bed. But Jason continued to lick and devour her and she cared not. Her intimate place was tender and sensitive, but she was craving his touch. She realised the muscles inside her body were still fluttering around his fingers.

  As her breathing began to slow, she chanced a peek from under the pillow. Jason grinned up at her and removed his fingers from inside her, licking them and sucking on them.

  “You may come out now,” he said, chuckling and pressing a kiss to the inside of each of her thighs.

  “Do you promise not to cart me off to Bedlam, my lord?”

  He pressed one last kiss to her needy flesh then crawled up her body. “It is I who needs to be in Bedlam, my lady. It is I who is insane with need. You have had an orgasm. Look how hard my cock is.”

  She looked at the hard protuberance, with the angry purple head.

  “Tell me how to give you pleasure like you gave it to me,” she said looking down at it and wondering again how that would fit in her. “Can I lick it, like you licked me?”

  “Oh God,” Jason lay back on the bed and covered his eyes with his own arm.

  “Jason, can I?”

  “Yes you can but…”

  She did not allow him to say any more. She placed her mouth around his cock and started to suck. It tasted a little salty and musky, but it did not taste horrible. Jason groaned and placed his hand on her head.

  “Move your mouth up and down. Take me as deep as you can, without wishing to cast up your accounts.”

  She did. Oh this sort of mimicked the movement of the marriage bed, she supposed. That must be why he liked it.

  Jason moaned and rocked his hips gently. He twisted his fingers through her hair, she suspected to urge her on.

  “Use your hand to stroke the base,” he said, his voice barely a whisper. She tried, but she was so unsure of what she was doing. His fingers closed over hers and he guided her. “Damn, you feel so good, Soph.”

  She sucked and sucked him and he rocked into her mouth, muttering encouraging words. After a short while, his thrusts became quicker and he increased the speed of their hands.

  “Sophia lift your head away.” She did and he tightened his hold on her fingers. She looked at his face and he watched her. He held her gaze for a few moments, then he grimaced and looked down. White liquid was spurting out of his manhood onto his belly and chest. Her fingers under his were white. Jason grunted an apology, but she just watched fascinated, as he slowed his strokes as though milking the appendage for every last drop. Then he let go of her hand and sank against the pillows.

  He closed his eyes as if he were ashamed, but Sophia just sat and stared. That was what had made Oscar?

  Jason opened his eyes and scowled. “Are you disgusted? I should not have asked you to do that.”

  “Disgusted? No. Besides, you did not ask me. I offered. I am fascinated that this stuff is what made Oscar.”

  Jason chuckled and pulled her to his side. “Well not that stuff exactly, or he would be mine and not the late Lord Rutherford’s.”

  “That is true.”

  “It shall soon be time to dress for the day and start our journey again.”

  “I cannot believe we did that in the middle of the night, my lord.”

  “And not on a Tuesday or Saturday. Today is Thursday, my lady. How very daring of us.”

  “You are teasing me, my lord.”

  “Only a little.”

  “Speaking of little…” She looked down at his now, much-reduced-in-size member.

  “Even it is allowed time to recover from the attentions of a beautiful lady, Sophia.”

  “When will it grow again?”

  “With you looking so deliciously rumpled… about ten minutes I would imagine. Why, would you like me to tumble you?” He arched an eyebrow and Sophia looked down at her hands.

  “Oh! I am not sure.”

  “Then I shall not. You must be sure.”

  “It is not that I would not like it. Well, I have no idea if I would. I tolerated it with my husband, though it was not particularly pleasant. But you seem different. I would be afraid to have your child and this is all very new to me. It frightens me.”

  He held her against his chest and ran his hand up and down her back. “Shh! I am told you are less likely to get with child because you are breast feeding, but I would withdraw so that my seed would not enter your body to lessen the chances too. I would never put you in an intolerable situation. If worst came to worst and you did end up increasing, I would marry you.”

  “You would marry me?”

  “Yes, if it came to that.”

  “But would Oscar not inherit your lands?”

  “No. Oscar was born within thirteen months of your husband’s death. He is Rutherford’s son and heir no matter what. Any child of ours, assuming it is male would be my heir, so long as we were married by the time he was born.”

  “Oh, I see.”

  “Oscar would be my stepson officially.”

  “My son shall have no father. I have not really thought on that until now. What a terrible shame for him.”

  “If you marry, and I think you should as you are still very young, you shou
ld marry someone who would treat Oscar like any of his own sons.”

  “Someone like you?”


  “I do not think there are many men like that in the ton, my lord. And how would I know until after I had married him and bore him a son?”

  “You would know if he was honest, would you not?”

  “It seems I did not know my husband.”

  “Only in one small area. I suspect your husband was everything you thought he was in all other aspects.”

  “Mayhap. He was kind and he entertained me with many stories of his travels. I was comfortable throughout my marriage and never wanted for anything. He just got very frustrated in the bedchamber. I thought that was all part of it.”

  “Well I have certainly been frustrated in my bedchamber since you arrived, but that has been from not being able to have you.”

  “Oh my Lord, you are trying to vex me, are you not?”

  “Only a little.”

  “He never took his frustration out on me. If he could not get it in, he left and that was that. Once early on in our marriage, I did try to ask my brother about it, but I was so terribly embarrassed and had no idea how to explain it to him. He just made a snorting noise and said I should be a biddable wife and stop telling tales outside the bedchamber. I had not meant to. I wanted to know how to please him.”

  “Aye, well, mayhap your brother was as embarrassed as you. I should not like to discuss the goings-on in my sister’s bedchamber were she wed.”

  “Yes, well, his embarrassment hardly helped solve my situation.”

  “It is pretty appalling that young ladies go to the marriage bed completely unprepared for what will happen to them.”

  “If I had a daughter, I would explain it all.”

  “So would I, even if her mother was not there to do it for me.”

  “I should like to see that.”

  “Mayhap you shall.” He pressed a kiss to her temple and Sophia suddenly felt a cold chill settle on her spine. Jason was leaping too far ahead.

  “Shall we arrive at your home today?” She tried for nonchalance. She suspected she failed, but after a beat Jason answered.

  “We should.”

  “I should wake Oscar and feed him.”

  “Hmm, perhaps I should kiss you first.” He tucked his hand behind her neck and drew her lips to his. She tasted herself on his mouth and he pressed his tongue through her teeth, deepening the kiss. Then his hands were on her hips and he was urging her to straddle him. He hitched up her shift and her needy flesh touched his hardening length.

  “My lord?” she gasped, dragging her mouth away from his.

  “Shh, I only want to hold you. I have no plans to put it inside you.”

  “Oh I…”

  Just then Oscar’s cry rent the air and she looked towards the makeshift cot. Jason brushed his lips across her cheek.


  She climbed off him and the bed and hurried towards her son, scooping him up. He was rooting for her breast immediately and she climbed back onto the bed, undid the ribbon at the neck of her shift and pulled down the cotton, helping her son find his food. With a heavy sigh, Jason climbed out of the bed and walked to the dressing table and the ewer of cold water. He poured some into the bowl and dipped a cloth in. He sucked in a breath as he placed the freezing water onto his abdomen and chest to clean away his seed.

  “You should ring for a maid and get warm water brought up. They must be up and moving by now,” she said.

  “There is probably someone always available at an inn.”

  “Probably. Jason?”


  “Are you upset with me?”

  He turned and raised an eyebrow. She noted that his manhood was quite large again.

  “Why would I be upset with you?”

  “Because… well I have frustrated you, have I not?”

  “No.” He put down the cloth and dried himself with a dry linen, then moved over to the bed. He climbed back onto the bed and cupped her face with his hands, careful to not nudge Oscar. The little mite was oblivious, so intent was he on breaking his fast. “I had no intention of doing anything. I was merely settling you so I could kiss you more thoroughly. I apologise if you misconstrued my actions. I am not frustrated. I do want you, that is true but I am a gentleman. I can wait until you are ready.”

  “And if I am never ready?”

  A lazy smile spread across his features. “You are an intelligent, curious woman, Lady Rutherford. Curiosity shall win out for you.”

  She sucked in her lips, knowing he was correct. If for no other reason than he had piqued her interest. What would it be like to have something so big and hard inside her while she was… well she had been delirious with desire? Would it hurt? It had quite often with Octavius, but now that she knew he was doing it incorrectly, perhaps it would be different.

  “Perhaps,” she mused.

  “What is going on inside that head of yours, Sophia?” His gaze was narrowed on her and his lips were pursed as if he was trying to see into her very soul. She was glad he could not. She was very glad that Lord Rose-Reid had no idea just how much she liked him and how much that almost marriage proposal had set her on her back foot.

  Chapter 10

  Within two-and-a-half hours they were back in their two carriages and heading for the Northcolt estate. Warm bricks were at their feet and Maggie and Dickson were riding in the carriage behind with Oscar.

  At first, Sophia had fretted and had kept checking in the tiny window at the back of the carriage, but eventually tiredness from their early morning activities had over taken her and she had leaned against his chest, allowing sleep to claim her.

  Jason dozed fitfully, but he was vaguely aware of every jolt of the carriage. It was a well-sprung vehicle, but the roads were in a worse state than usual after the dreadful summer and now what looked like being a harsh winter.

  He knew this area well and reckoned they must be about an hour from the nearest inn. They would stop there to rest the horses. It was a little early for lunch, but they would eat something and let the animals have a break. The snow would be hard on them. He was just thinking to pull down the window to tell the driver when a crack and a massive jolt bounced him and Sophia out of their seats. Screeching from his horses and a shout from the driver followed as the carriage began to tip to Sophia’s side. Without thinking, Jason grabbed the woman and hauled her to his other side, so he would bear the brunt of the impact.

  His torso thwacked onto the window as the side of the carriage hit the ground. He grunted in pain and a waking Sophia cried out as she landed on his chest. With the wind knocked out of him and his mind fuzzy from a knock on the head, he was unable to get his bearings for a few moments.

  Then, sound outside the carriage.

  “My lord, my lady?” That was Dickson’s voice.

  “Oh God, my lady,” He did not recognise the girl’s voice. She sounded like she was from near where Whitsnow lived.

  Whitsnow. Oh yes, he’d visited him.


  An elbow dug into him and he cursed in pain.

  “Devil take it. Watch whose ballocks you’re digging that elbow into.”

  “I’m sorry, I… it’s difficult to get up.”

  She was a refined lady. He blinked. Memories of this morning and her damp sweet… oh yes.

  “Are you well, Sophia? Sorry I was dazed.”

  “I believe I am. I think you broke my fall.”

  “Hmph! I think I broke more than that. Devil take it.”

  The crying of a baby got louder as the door, which was now on top of the carriage, was flung open.

  “Oscar!” Sophia screamed, nearly deafening Jason.

  “He is fine, my lady. He just does not like being out in the cold. We came to see if we could help.”

  “Take him back into the warm carriage.”

  “Yes, my lady.” Jason pulled himself up into a seated position, then with an arm
around her waist, somehow managed to get them both into a standing position.

  “Bert!” It was Maggie the maid shouting. “Bert come back where are you going? Come back. Hoy!”

  “Hey Bert!” That was Dickson’s voice. Jason knew Bert was the coach driver of the other coach that the maid, Oscar and Dickson had been travelling in.

  “What the devil is going on?”

  “He just took off, my lord. He’s taken the coach, the horses and all the bags.”


  “I don’t know. He’s going mighty fast for these conditions, mind. I don’t fancy his chances.”

  “Where’s Alf?”

  “I’m here, my lord. I just got myself back. I was half-tossed and I half jumped free. I heard you and Her Ladyship talking. It sounds like you are well. It’s more than I can say for your horses. Please say you have a pistol in there, so I can put these poor beasts out of their misery.”

  “Aye, Alf, I do.” He pulled a pistol from a drawer that was currently at shoulder height, but would normally be under the seat and handed it out.

  “Dickson, help me get Lady Rutherford out. Sophia, I will boost you up with my hands. You shall use my hands like a moving stool, is that clear?”

  “Yes. But how shall you get out?”

  “Brute force and bloody-mindedness.”

  “That should not be a problem for you, my lord.” She gave him a sweet smile. He took the opportunity while they had it to press his lips to the exposed part of her neck.

  “I thought you liked my bloody-mindedness.”

  “I do.” She pushed her hand behind her and cupped his ballocks. He groaned. She was such a tease. “Along with other things about you.”

  “You are a naughty wench. I shall punish you for that later.” She stiffened. “Oh do not worry, my love. It shall be a punishment you will enjoy. Now place one of your feet on both my hands and both hands on the sill of the window, then hold on as I lift you up. Are you ready to catch her, Dickson?” he called out the last.

  “Aye, my lord.”

  He boosted her up and halfway out. Dickson shouted that he had her and Jason lifted her legs and pushed her farther out, taking care not to scrape her legs or skirts on the sill. When another pair of hands came around her feet to finish lifting her the rest of the way, Jason sighed with relief.


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