Lord Rose Reid and the Lost Lady (The Contrary Fairy Tales Book 3)

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Lord Rose Reid and the Lost Lady (The Contrary Fairy Tales Book 3) Page 11

by Em Taylor

  “Of course.”

  Sophia suddenly realised that Jason was speaking in a Yorkshire accent. It was quite refined, like a merchant or a solicitor would have, but it was still much more local than his usual accent. Had she made an error in speaking? And he had called the baby a girl. She supposed that was clever. Unless the doctor took off Oscar’s clout, he would have no way to know whether he was a boy or a girl. Jason was very clever. He was however struggling with his shirt.

  “Husband, shall I help with that?” His eyebrow raised slightly and she gave him a meaningful look.

  “I left my bag next door. I shall go and fetch it then,” said the doctor.

  “Aye, you do that,” said Jason.

  “If I am Sadie, what is your nom de plume?” she asked.

  “Ah, I signed myself in as James Rhodes. So you are Mrs Rhodes. I made up Sadie on the spot and thought to make Oscar a girl.”

  “That was very clever, husband.”

  “You worked out what I was doing quickly and did not question me. You are the clever one.”

  Just then the doctor returned. Jason ran his knuckles down her cheek, his gaze soft. The slight purse of his lips told her that if they were alone, he would be kissing her now.

  “Let’s see that arm of yours, Mr Rhodes.”

  Sophia helped him finish removing his shirt and waistcoat, running her hands down the taut muscles of his back before he moved to sit in the chair.

  “How is it?”

  “Actually, ‘tis not bad at all. The lead ball has skimmed your arm which is mayhap why you did not feel it at first. Your greatcoat, coat and shirt have protected you well. Sure, ’tis bleeding badly but ‘tis not deep. Again, you must be wary of infection. Change the bandage often and clean the wound.” He set about cleaning the wound and Sophia watched. She was suddenly transported back to a wet afternoon when her friend Emily had cleaned out a hand wound that her brother had sustained. His wound had become infected, unfortunately. Sophia had struggled with the smell, because she had been increasing with Oscar at the time, but this time, she watched so that she would be able to tend to Jason, when his arm was required to be redressed.

  At least this time, there was no smell and Sophia was able to watch without feeling as though she was going to cast up her accounts. If she was honest, she felt very proud of herself. Not many ladies of the ton would even consider watching a doctor bandaging a wound, or being in a room with an injured man, far less being prepared to do it oneself.

  Once Jason was bandaged, he paid the doctor, who made one more visit to Maggie and pronounced her comfortable. Soon the doctor was gone, and Sophia breathed a sigh of relief. Alf and Dickson arrived just then. They were absolutely frozen and Jason insisted that they both be given hot baths, good dinners and sent to bed. Despite the disappointed glances, they were obviously too well-trained to complain to their master.

  During all the hubbub, Oscar woke and started crying. The innkeeper had been kind and given Sophia a couple of clouts for him.

  Sophia then fed the child as Jason made the necessary arrangements for dinner. By the time Jason arrived back in the room, Sophia was practically falling asleep on the bed with the baby. Jason chuckled. Sophia managed to pry one eye open and scowl at him. The day had been more than just a little vexing. She was bone weary, she had a dull thudding headache, and her stomach was growling with hunger—though it was very unladylike to say such a thing.

  “Do you think it is funny that both you and my maid were nearly killed because of me”

  “I do not know who looks more angelic when you sleep, you or Oscar. I was not laughing at someone trying to kill you, nor at your maid being injured. Fear not, my love, I will track him down and he shall pay.”

  “Jason, you cannot. You may get hurt… again.”

  “You think me a coward who cannot defend my woman? You think me an idle, rich bachelor who cares nought for a lady in danger, would allow her and her child to come to harm at the hands of a blaggard intent on murder, in order to gain some land and a title? Good God, Sophia, I may not have my own estate to run as yet, but I have morals.”

  And with that he picked up Oscar.

  “What are you doing with him?”

  “Putting him in this cradle that the inn so kindly provided.”


  “What did you think I was doing?”

  “I did not know.” And she had not known. She had just known he was angry and had panicked. He placed the sleeping baby in the rather old looking cradle, rocking him for a moment or two before running his hand through his hair and turning.

  “I may have been annoyed, Sophia, but I am not violent. I would never hurt Oscar.”

  “I know.”

  “Has someone hurt you before?”

  “No.” She shook her head.

  “Your husband?”

  She chuckled. “No. He had his faults but he was very sweet.”

  “Your brother?”

  She breathed in and pulled herself up to her full height at that insinuation. “Viscount Beattie is a kind and honourable man. How dare you suggest…”

  “Why do you call your brother by his title?”

  “You do not deserve to hear his given name, if you will sully him by suggesting he would hit me. He is a wonderful brother and he shall be beside himself with worry over my disappearance from London. What a ninny I have been.” And suddenly the floodgates were opened. Gideon had promised to protect her. Of course, he was all cow-eyed for Emily and she had not wanted to intrude. Now her maid was injured, Jason had been hurt and she was out here in the middle of nowhere in the snow, with a man she hardly knew but was rapidly falling in love with and… as her mind tumbled through the awfulness of her situation, big strong arms wrapped around her and she was drawn against a wide, strong muscled chest. He had not put his shirt back on, so Jason was almost naked.

  “Shh!” Jason crooned into her hair. “We can send word to Beattie from my father’s estate that you are safe and well. I apologise. You had such a strong reaction to me being angry, I thought you must have been the victim of a man who hit you.”

  “B… Benson came to the house and stayed sometimes. He came when Octavius died. He w… was not happy to f… find out I was …. increasing. He started shouting and throwing things. A… and then he b… bac….h… h… handed me.” Jason’s growl of fury made her start and she backed away from him, but she pulled herself up to her full height and found the confidence to go on. She knew in her heart it was not she with whom he was angry. “He pulled my hair and shouted at me. Spittle was wetting my cheeks. He yelled that I would not have his uncle’s son. That I would marry him. He said something about the Bible and me being his responsibility now. He said I would have an unfortunate accident and something about not having the same compunctions as Onan. I left for my brother’s early the next morning before he was awake.”

  “I am not surprised.”

  “My brother would not explain what he said about Onan. Just that it was a man in the Bible who would not do his duty by his brother’s wife, but there has to be more to it than that. Will you tell me?”

  Jason sighed but gestured for her to sit on the bed. Now that she had vented, she did feel a little better.

  “I apologise for casting aspersions on your brother and late husband.”

  “Are you planning to ignore my question?”

  “No. Tell me, is you brother older than you?”

  “By one year.”

  “That explains his protectiveness in part. So you understand the mechanics of how a baby comes to be in a woman’s belly. The seed and so forth?”

  “Yes. I just had not seen it before last evening. Or this morning, I suppose.”

  “Well a man can enter a woman and, just before he releases his seed, can pull out of her and release it outside her body. Sometimes that is known as Onan’s sin. Onan was punished for doing that, by God.”


  “Well in biblical times, if a man die
d, his brother had to take on his wife and any children she bore were classed as his brother’s sons. Onan did not want the woman to bear sons for his dead brother, so he spilled his seed on the ground. Thus in God’s eyes, Onan did not do his duty to his dead brother.”

  “What an odd story.”

  “It is, rather.”

  “Mr Benson was quite angry when he explained what was going to happen.”

  “Mr Benson needs to become acquainted with the wrong side of my fists. It sounds as if he planned to make you miscarry, then impregnate you himself.”

  Sophia pulled back and blanched. “I would not have wanted that, my lord.”

  “It is fine. You made the correct decision to go to your brother’s.”

  “Then why do I feel like a coward?”

  “You are no coward, Sophia. You have been braver than many men I know. And you dealt well with the situation in which we found ourselves today. I did not hear you complain once even though you were concerned about Oscar.”

  “I just thought the sooner we got to the inn, the better for Oscar. No point in complaining. You could not improve our situation and complaining about my wet, cold feet and worries for Oscar would not help you. I knew you were struggling too.”

  “You did?”

  “Your breathing was laboured, and I noticed a few times that you did not grip the snow properly with your boots.”


  “You were also making little grunting noises, as if you were stifling the pain. Is it troubling you very much?”

  “Not now. Only with the burden of Maggie in my arms.”

  She sighed. “You are very brave.”

  “No braver than you.” He allowed his gaze to rake down her and she felt uncomfortable under his assessment. “Your gown is damp where it has been trailing in the snow. I think you should take it off and slip into bed for a while as it and what is left of your underskirts dry by the fire.”

  “Your feet must be cold and wet too. You must dry your stockings by the fire and join me.” She felt terribly daring making such a suggestion, but he was the one who had been injured.

  “I was going to organise tea,” he protested.

  “I do not need tea. It has been a trying day. I need rest and warmth.” Jason pursed his lips for a moment then nodded his acquiescence.

  “As you wish.” She stood and presented her back to him. He unlaced her gown for her. Once the fabric hung loose on her shoulders, she was prepared to step forward, but instead he moved his hands inside her gown and around her waist, drawing her back against the hard muscles of his chest and abdomen. She could feel the hard length of his arousal at her bottom. He lowered his mouth to her neck and pressed a kiss to the sensitive flesh near her shoulder. “How the devil am I supposed to share a bed with you and not make love to you?”

  Sophia closed her eyes and felt behind her for his buttocks. As her movement rubbed the cheeks of her bottom against his hardness, he let out a pained moan. “You are not, my lord. I am ready.”

  “You tempt me so, but I must get you warm and rested and I must get out of these damp boots.”

  “Yes. Come, let me remove your boots.”

  “I can get a servant up…”

  “There is no need. I know they can be a bit awkward to remove, but I can manage.” She turned in his arms and urged him onto the bed. Because the boots were damp, they came off rather easily and she enjoyed the hitch of his breath as she reached under his breeches to untie his stocking. She smiled up at him and he licked his lips.

  “Are you having wicked thoughts, my lord?” she asked. His smile broadened.

  “Your gown is completely undone, my lady. I can see a scandalous amount of your flesh and it is making me hard.”

  “Hard?” She finished removing his second stocking and sat back on her heels, looking at the top of his breeches. They were bunched up, so she was unable to see a bulge. Feeling very daring, she moved her hand up his thigh. He raised an eyebrow, but he made no move to stop her.

  “Very, very hard.” His voice was a low, rough growl. She pressed her hand to the fall of his breeches and gasped as she curled her fingers around his hard shaft. It felt so large and unyielding. She bit her lip and immediately his gaze turned to one of concern.

  “What is the matter, Sophia?”

  “It is really large.”

  “Not unusually so. It is going in the same place that Oscar came from. It is not bigger than Oscar was, is it?”

  She chuckled. “No but that pained me tremendously.”

  “There should be no pain with us. You did not tear when you had Oscar, did you?”


  Jason pursed his lips. “My father was not happy with me for studying anatomy at university. I now understand why. Knowing too much can be a curse. Some women can tear if the baby is too big. The opening rips. You would know if you had.”

  “No. The doctor said the birth was uncomplicated and I was very lucky.”

  “I did not think you had. I saw no signs of any damage or scars this morning, but I did want to ask.”

  “You looked?”

  “I had my tongue there. Of course I looked. Does one not observe a delicious cream cake before one takes a taste?”

  “I am not a cream cake, my lord.”

  “No. You are much more delicious than a mere pastry with cream, my lady. And I can feast on you for hours without giving out.”

  “I do not believe I could take that sort of pleasure for hours. I may die.”

  “I would not let you. Some day soon we shall lie abed all day, naked and loving each other, until we are completely and utterly sated.”

  “It sounds wonderful, but it is more a fairy tale for now. I have responsibilities.”

  “Mayhap. Or once we get you to safety, we could employ a wet nurse for you.”

  “I have only considered feeding him myself, because safety has never been something I thought was possible.”

  “We must take care until we are at my father’s estate but once there, you should be safe.”

  “Perhaps then it was not Benson. Perhaps it was just bandits,” she said hopefully

  “Bandits would not just shoot us, Sophia. They would rob us. But they took nothing.”

  “I know. But I do not understand how they realised we were here.”

  “Maybe they heard Oscar. Maybe they recognised your horse in the stable. Maybe one of Whitsnow’s servants is not as loyal as he thinks and can be bought. Maybe Whitsnow is not as good an actor as I think.”

  “That is a lot of maybes.”

  “But it only takes one to have given the game away.”

  “You are still wearing that wet gown. Please Sophia, undress and slide into bed for a while. I wish to take care of you.” She moved to the fire and began to tug the gown off.

  “I would prefer you do more than care for me, my lord,” she muttered in frustration. It had taken much courage to touch his… well… that. It had sent a thrill through her and she had even contemplated undoing the buttons of the fall of his breeches and stroking it properly. Now she felt like a ninny. Or a courtesan. What must he think of her? She was now standing in only her shift, but she was prevented from turning by his hands on her waist.

  “You know I want to do a hell of a lot more than care for you. My cock is as hard as a poker and my ballocks are aching. But you are no good to me or Oscar if you are delirious with fever. Now…” He lifted her shift and gave her a smart smack on the bare buttock… “Get into that bed.” She gasped in surprise.

  That smack on the bottom had been… well she could not actually say she had disliked it. She was gaping at him and he raised an imperious eyebrow, but his lip quirked at the side. “Bed!” Then he unbuttoned his breeches and laid them on a chair on the opposite side of the fireplace. He climbed into bed, completely naked and pulled her into his arms. Despite the hardness poking her in the belly, it did not take long before Sophia’s eyes were drooping and she was pulling herself closer into
the arms of the man she was beginning to think of as her own.

  Chapter 12

  Dinner seemed to have taken forever. Feeding Oscar had taken hours—or so it had seemed to Jason. He’d had a cockstand all day. He had seen to Maggie, Dickson and Alf. The men had eaten in the tap room and Maggie had been given broth in her room. She was looking a little better, but he suspected she was drowsy from the laudanum. He had refused the opiate. He did not want to be drowsy, just in case the men who had shot them turned up again. Alf and Dickson were also on high alert. The men were not stupid.

  At last, the babe was down for the night. Jason had offered to pay for a maid to look after him but Sophia, understandably, was concerned and wanted him in the same room in case Oscar became ill. Jason had given in easily, but he was not about to give in on the idea of bedding the beautiful woman. Peasants had sex in single rooms with the entire family in attendance. He was sure he could do it with a sleeping infant in the same large inn room.

  When she undid the simple knot at her neck, he offered to brush her hair again and Sophia accepted with alacrity. This time she placed her hands behind them both on his thighs, pulling him closer to her. At this rate, she would feel his cockstand against her head.

  “Would you like me to leave it down, my lord?” she asked suddenly, then leaned her head back and this time, she did nudge his cock with the crown of her head.

  “I… uh yes. Though shall it not be tangled in the morning?”

  “No matter, I can brush it more.” He ran his fingers through the hair at the sides of her head. It was so silken and soft.

  “Are you sure about this, Sophia?” He felt he should give her one last opportunity to change her mind. She nodded and stood, removing her chemise in one fluid motion and then standing there, biting her lip as if she was regretting her impulsiveness. His cock twitched and Jason undid the buttons of his breeches, stepping out of them easily.

  In two steps she was in his arms and he claimed her mouth. Her hands were in his hair and his own hands were on her pert bottom, urging her to rub herself against him. His mind was telling him to slow down, but his body was on fire with need for her. His body had been prepared for this moment since he had plucked her out of the snow.


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