Lord Rose Reid and the Lost Lady (The Contrary Fairy Tales Book 3)

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Lord Rose Reid and the Lost Lady (The Contrary Fairy Tales Book 3) Page 12

by Em Taylor

  When he lifted her, she instinctively wrapped her legs around his hips. Her wet core rubbed deliciously against his aching length as he took the few final steps to the bed.

  He laid her down, settled her on the pillows and crawled on top of her. Sophia’s little moan of disapproval as they lost contact for a moment made him chuckle. He had worried she may be unwilling when it came time and he would be facing another night of frustrated, unrequited lust. But it seemed she was possibly more keen than him and he was very keen indeed.

  He did not rest his full weight atop her, but placed his hip on the mattress. He pressed his mouth to hers, kissing her deeply, lashing his tongue around her mouth, parrying with her tongue as he slipped his hand over the curls at the apex of her thighs and urged her to open her legs. She did so willingly and his fingers slid easily though her damp flesh. Her hips lifted to meet the heel of his hand and he slid the tips of his fingers into her opening before smearing her juices around her soft nether lips.

  She gasped and pulled out of the kiss, offering her neck to him, which he took advantage of. If he could not kiss her breasts, he would suckle on the tasty flesh of her neck, shoulders and upper chest. Luckily she wore a fichu and any signs of their lovemaking would not be noticeable.

  He pushed his index and middle fingers back inside her to the first knuckle and Sophia moaned.

  “Jason, are those your fingers?”

  “Mmhmm.” He was pressing butterfly kisses to her chin and her responses to his caresses were making him ache. But he was a patient man.

  “Jason I need your… your cock inside me.” The last bit came out in a rush as though she had gathered her courage to say it. Jason was torn between laughing at the delightful blush blooming on her cheeks and thrusting into her without further ado.

  Instead he slowly moved between her legs. “I was making sure you were ready, my love. I did not want this to be uncomfortable.”


  “Yes. You are. You are quite wet. Deliciously so.”


  Jason paused for a moment and decided now was not the time for explanations. She would understand. No wonder the poor chit had not enjoyed her marital bed. The man could not get an erection properly, he had made her do it in a less than romantic position and he’d obviously not prepared her. And yet now his fingers were sliding in and out of her with ease. He moved the tip of his cock through her wet folds and felt her tense.

  He took her mouth with his to distract her and when she pushed her fingers into his hair to deepen the kiss, he eased into her warm body.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  There was a stretching sensation and Sophia automatically wrapped her legs around Jason’s hips. He sank even deeper into her, if that was possible then broke the kiss, grinning at her.

  “Are you in pain?”

  She shook her head. “No.”

  He started to withdraw and she yelped in protest. He chuckled as he tugged at her wrists and placed her hands above her head. When he sank back into her, she sighed in relief. It felt almost natural to have him inside her. As he thrust in and out of her, he kissed her hard, his tongue moving at the same time as his hips. She thrust back, not knowing if it was the right thing to do, but following her instincts. When he did not break the kiss to tell her to lie still she continued. The rasp of his day beard on her cheek should have been annoying, but it simply encouraged her to kiss him more deeply. A deep need had settled where they joined and the sound of their joining, the rhythmic squeak of the bed and the light scrape of his chest against her sensitive nipples were making her mindless.

  The same sensations she’s had twice before were upon her without warning and she arched her back, crying out as her internal muscles pulsed around his hard length.

  “Dammit,” he growled. He thrust hard and fast for a couple of moments then withdrew, holding himself in his hand and stroking the turgid flesh a few times. She watched the muscles in his belly ripple, then hot white liquid landed on her stomach.

  She rested her arm on her forehead and observed, aware that her muscles inside were still fluttering and there was a residual ache where they had been joined. But it was a nice sort of ache. Jason was just staring at his red, angry-looking shaft. It appeared it was up to her to break the tension.

  “That was rather quicker than it was with Octavius.”

  Jason grimaced. “I apologise. When you had an orgasm, I was not prepared and it caused me to have one. I should have been able to hold it at bay.”

  Oh she had offended him. She had meant it as a compliment. Octavius had sometimes taken hours and it had not been a pleasant experience. This had been… well wonderful.



  “That was not a complaint. Octavius sometimes… well it was painful and took a long time. This was… well… did you not say something this morning about being able to do it again in ten minutes?”

  His lips lengthened into a smile and his eyes crinkled at the corners.

  “Ten to fifteen.”

  “I should very much like to.”

  “Very well, but only twice tonight or you shall get sore.”

  He climbed off the bed, moved to the dressing table and picked up a linen cloth. He brought it over and wiped her belly. She giggled and he bent and kissed the skin he had just cleaned before laying the linen on the bedside table, tugging the bedclothes from under her and nudging her over in the bed, climbing in beside her.

  “I apologise that I did not last longer, my love. It must be a disappointment for you.”

  Sophia giggled. “It was no disappointment. I thoroughly enjoyed the experience. It was so big and filled me completely. There was nothing but pleasure. I now understand why many ladies enjoy their marriage beds. I do not understand why Octavius did not know how to do it properly.”

  He pressed a kiss to her head. “Perhaps he knew but was just unable to do it. But the fault is not yours. It may not have been his. His only fault is not explaining it to you. Perhaps if he had explained things and perhaps changed things and the way he made love to you, he may have had more success. He sounds like he was perhaps too proud and used your lack of knowledge to his advantage.”

  She mulled this over for a few minutes and Jason remained silent, allowing her time as he ran the tips of his fingers up and down her spine.

  “I should hate him.”

  “That is entirely up to you, but I suspect you will not. I also suspect what he did was not malicious. We men are brought up and schooled that we must produce an heir and carry on the bloodline and the title. Given the arse that his nephew is, I am not surprised he wanted his own son. If he had any inkling of what a dastardly person Benson is, then he may have been desperate.”

  “I believe the Rutherford estate is well off. At least that is what my brother says. I offered to loan him money from the estate.”

  “You did?” Jason half sat up, a frown on his face.

  “Of course, he would not consider it. My father gambled away the family fortune but between Gideon’s own savings and Emily’s dowry, he is well set up.”

  Jason rested back on the pillow. “Your brother sounds like a decent chap.”

  “He is. You do not need to protect me from him.”

  “I am beginning to realise that.”

  “Good. I was beginning to think I was going to end up vexed with you over my brother.”


  Then he lifted her atop him and brought her lips to his. He kissed her thoroughly as he rubbed his burgeoning erection against her damp flesh. She rubbed against him and he murmured his approval into her mouth. This time, she caught his wrists and moved them above his head. It gave her more purchase against the sheets to rock and move.

  “I was planning to roll you over and take you again, my darling but I am intrigued to find out what it feels like to have you ride me.”

  “To have me ride you?”

  “Would you like to be in control?”

  She bit her lip. Until her husband had died, she had been the one for whom decisions had been made. And now, Jason was giving her a choice. One of the options was to be in control of their love making.

  “I do not know what to do.” She frowned slightly as she looked at the large hard length on which she was sitting. It was lying against his stomach and she was straddling his hips, her most intimate area covering some of it. It seemed her weight did not concern him.

  “If you allow me to sit up, then we can do it even better. Since I cannot pay attention to your beautiful breasts.”

  “Why can you not?”

  “They are full of milk. I should hate to deprive Oscar of his dinner.”

  Heat flooded her cheeks, and he grinned. “I am sorry,” she said, moving to get off him.

  He stopped her. “I knew you had a baby when I met you. I knew you were feeding him yourself then too. On our first encounter in the stable, I got a palmful of milk. Sophia, what sort of man do you think I am, that I would reject you because your son needs to be fed?”

  “It sounded as if you were disappointed that you could not… how did you put it… pay attention to my breasts?”

  “Your beautiful breasts. Yes they are beautiful and mayhap one day I will be able to but, damn Sophia, I need you. I care not if I can suck on your nipples, as long as I can be inside you and kiss you and have you in my arms.”

  She was confused. He was disappointed but he was not disappointed.

  “This is all terribly complicated.”

  He sat up and ran his hand through his hair. “No Sophia, it is not. I want you to sit on my cock and move up and down it. I want to kiss you while you do it. I want to move my hands all over your beautiful body. And just so that we are not both bathed in breast milk, I shall avoid caressing your breasts. Once you stop breastfeeding, and Oscar either has a wet nurse or is eating solid foods, then I shall take great pleasure in making you scream in a good way when I use my mouth on your nipples. Now, would you like to impale yourself on me, or am I turning you onto your back and doing this the way we did it earlier?”

  She had to admit, when he was frustrated, he was very handsome, and his eyes blazed a brilliant shade of blue. A warmth had settled in the pit of her stomach. Did he have any idea how much his irritation aroused her?

  “Oh Jaso….” She bit her lip.

  “God, what now?”

  “I want to impale myself on your shaft.”

  “Thank God. Come here.” He held himself and she eased herself down onto it. It seemed much bigger this way and she sighed as she seated herself on his thighs. “I am deeper in this position.”


  “Is it too much?”

  “No. How do I…?”

  He clasped her bottom and showed her how to move. Once she found her rhythm, he kept one hand on her thigh and placed one on her head drawing her mouth to his. Sophia had never imagined anything like this. It was so freeing, and she did feel completely in control. To know that it was she giving both of them pleasure was very empowering. This time it was her who broke the kiss to move her lips over his cheek and to nip at his ear.

  “And so the student becomes the teacher,” He whispered as his hands roved up and down her spine. Sophia pulled her legs closer to his hips. She was going to have another orgasm. The way she was rubbing against his body was delicious. She was moaning against his neck now and he was muttering that she should let go and let it happen as he stroked her back and bottom. She rolled her hips more deliberately, trying to find that which seemed to evade her. When Jason thrust his own hips a few times she splintered against him. Clinging to him, she revelled in the little sparkling lights behind her eyes, a pulsing in her nether regions and a warmth bathing her. As all the sensations subsided she was aware of a dampness between their bodies. Jason was kissing her neck and shoulders, but he was still inside her so it was not his seed. She pulled back to see the wetness. It was white and watery. Jason glanced down, a momentary frown on his face, then he shrugged.

  “Do you want to continue in this position or will I take over?”

  “What is that?”

  “Your milk, I assume.”


  “I have heard men in the gentlemen’s clubs saying it can happen. Usually it is only mentioned when gentlemen are in their cups. Things get a bit bawdy and silly stories of what has happened in the bed chamber come out. Someone invariably tells this story and it gets po0-pooed at, being of no consequence as it has happened to any gentleman whose wife is either breastfeeding, or who had sex not long after their wife’s confinement.”

  “You knew this might happen?”

  “I must say I had completely forgotten.” He leaned to the side and picked up the linen he had wiped his seed from her belly with and dried first her, then himself.

  “I am mortified,” she said, again trying to climb off him, but he held her where she was.

  “It is a natural function.”

  “So is going to the necessary. I would be mortified if I did that while in bed with a gentleman.”

  “Going to the necessary can be controlled unless you are Oscar’s age or unless you are insane. This cannot. Christ, Sophia, stop making a drama out of this.”

  “You really are not upset about this?”

  “No, why are you?”

  “Because, once I had not fully completed my courses. I thought I had but I bled on Octavius and he was not happy. He did not like the bleeding, but it was not my fault. It was the first time he practically attacked me when he was amorous.”

  “Good God. It was probably not your courses. It was probably your maidenhead, from what you tell me of your marriage.”


  “If I was disgusted, my cock would not still be hard and inside you. I would very much like to continue doing something about the situation.”

  “Ah yes.” She started to move again and Jason placed his hands on her bottom to help her. Soon she was almost ready for another orgasm. Jason however also seemed close. He had dug his heels into the mattress and was thrusting as hard and fast as she was. When he moved his finger around to her front, to where they were joined and started to work her pearl with his fingers, Sophia found it hard to breathe.

  “Jason. I can’t… Jas… Oh…” Everything shattered around her and Jason’s guttural moan of her name was accompanied by a warmth of fluid inside her as he slowed his thrusts.

  “Devil take it,” he grunted a few times as he filled her with his seed.

  When he settled his bottom back on the bed, he wrapped his arms around her and apologised. Once she caught her breath she became aware they were still joined.

  “That was wonderful, Jason.”

  “I was an imbecile. I am sorry. I should have withdrawn before releasing but I forgot. I was so enthralled by you.”

  “You said I could not have a baby if I am breast feeding.”

  “It reduces the chances.”

  “But does not eliminate them?”

  “I doubt anything eliminates them completely other than abstinence.”

  Sophia pouted. “You cannot introduce me to the delights of the bedchamber, then tell me the only way to do it without having your child is to not do it.”

  He chuckled. “That does not even make sense, my love. You are right. And I am sorry. I should have withdrawn. I apologise from the bottom of my heart for putting you in a situation where you may end up with child. I shall, of course marry you if you do end up bearing my child.”

  She climbed off him and flopped onto the other side of the bed. “At least Octavius’s proposal was romantic.”

  “Mayhap, but he fucked you like a dog and made you think it was your fault he could not perform.”

  “Jason!” She had never heard that word spoken aloud and had only once seen it in a naughty poem she had seen in a book in Gideon’s library, during the three weeks her brother had been unconscious last year. She had been nosing about in the library through sheer bore
dom and come across a book of bawdy poems.

  “I know, I should not have said such a word to a lady, Sophia, but the truth is still the truth, no matter how one phrases it. I made a mistake and I have apologised. I will make reparations if they are necessary. What more do you want from me?”

  “I do not want you to marry me under sufferance, my lord. I have already been in one marriage where the husband could not bear to be inside my body. Now if you do not mind, I shall go to sleep as my son, no doubt shall waken for a feed later.”

  She turned her back on him and pulled the covers over her shoulder. Despite his attempts to speak to her, she refused to speak further to him. She turned her head into the pillows, so he would not see the tears spill onto them.

  Chapter 13

  The baby was crying. He turned to see Sophia at the cradle lifting him and bringing him back to the bed.

  “Shh! Are you hungry my beautiful boy? Shh! Do not cry. You will wake the nasty man.”

  So, she was still vexed with him. That was a shame. He could see by the small sliver of moonlight coming through the curtains that she was still naked. His cock started to harden at the very sight. Vexed or not, she was beautiful and he was aroused at the thought of being inside her. If truth be told, the idea of spending his life with her was not entirely unappealing.

  There was nothing shameful about marrying a widow, even if she did have a son who would be the viscount of another estate. He could work with Beattie to do their best for the boy, making sure he was properly educated and learned how to run the estate. There was no reason not to pop up to Cumberland every-so-often, so the lad knew it and the servants knew him.

  But he was jumping ahead. Sophia was very vexed with him.

  A loud sucking sound told him Oscar had latched on and was happily feeding. He could start talking now, but Oscar needed to feed and it was better for the child that Sophia not get upset and pass on her upset to him. So instead he lay and watched her. She was obviously thinking, as her facial expression changed every-so-often from frowning annoyance, to damp eyes as if she was about to cry, to pursed lips as if she was considering a conundrum. Then her gaze would rake up his body and she would sigh loudly.


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