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Rebecca's Awakening Complete Love Story and Book Series

Page 2

by J. H. York

  Rebecca took a drink and wondered if she had made a mistake in coming.


  The wax hurt like crazy, but the salon applied a lotion on after that soothed the burn. It smelt of coconut and lilac, and Rebecca smiled. ‘Jill was right,’ she thought as she checked out her newly smoothed mound, ‘I do feel sexy.’ She ran her fingers over the smoothness and felt a tingle rush throughout her body that ended with a warmth in her vagina. A knock on the door snapped her out of her trance.

  “Just a...just a minute.”

  She started to pull on her bikini bottoms when Jill called, “Don't bother putting on that frock...I went and got you a suit.”

  Her laughter tinkled from the other side and Rebecca could just imagine the mischievous grin on Jill's face. “Open up…”, Jill demanded.

  Hesitantly Rebecca opened the door slightly. Jill pushed it open more and stood in the doorway holding two drinks in one hand and a string bikini in the other. Rebecca absentmindedly moved her hand to cover herself, but Jill's smile stopped her. “Veryyy nice.” She said as she looked at Rebecca's crotch. “No reason to cover the goods! Feels nice doesn't it?”

  She entered the dressing room and closed the door. “Here...” She said as she handed over a drink. “And ... here.”

  She handed the bikini to Rebecca. Rebecca took a sip of her drink and smiled as the liquor brought the familiar warmth back. She set down her drink. “I could get used to this life,” she thought. Holding up the bikini she felt her eyes go wide. “Where's the rest of it?” she exclaimed.

  It was a sexy red, but there was barely enough material to cover her up.

  “That's the idea...just enough there to entice and cover. You have a nice it off a little!” Jill smiled that mischievous smile again and turned to leave. “We're out by the pool when you get changed...don't bother with a cover or anything...half the resort is topless anyway.”

  She gently clicked the door closed and Rebecca was left standing in the changing room nude, holding little more than dental floss. She started to put on the bikini and caught a look at herself in the mirror. The yoga had been paying off, as she was plenty tight. Turning sideways she looked at her profile and smiled as she remembered Jill's comments about her boobs.

  “They are nice! Look at them!”

  She moved her hands up and boosted her breasts a little so they sat higher. The roundness of her breasts filled her hands and she sighed a little. She traced the contours of her body with her hands and marveled at the sight of her newly waxed area. She giggled a little as she flicked over her smooth area and touched her privates gently with her pinky. Shaking her head she reached down and picked up her drink. She turned full frontal in front of the mirror as she took a drink. She spread her legs a little and slid her left hand down across her tight belly, moving slowly towards her area.

  A knock on the door startled her and caused her to jump a bit, spilling a little of her drink. The dribble ran down her front and across her belly. Slowly the string of pineapple juice and Malibu Rum slid past her naval downward.

  “Are you all right Miss?” A female voice from the other side of the door asked.

  Rebecca hastily slid her hand down and caught the runaway stream of alcohol, keeping it from traveling lower. Without thinking she brought her finger up to her mouth and licked the alcoholic concoction off. She caught sight of her naked, smooth body in the mirror with her tongue extended licking her finger and felt herself get wet. “Jesus! Why am I so horny? Must be the drinks...” Her cheeks reddened immediately just as her nipples hardened to an aching level. “Yes...yes I'm fine...” She stammered. “I'm just...I'm just trying to figure out this ...umm...this bikini.”

  There was silence for a minute, then the female voice from the other side of the door asked quietly. “Do you need some assistance?”

  Rebecca had a flash of a thought of the woman from the other side helping her with her bikini, only to end up in a passionate kiss. A tickle on her inner thigh brought her back to reality as a thin line of wetness ran down her leg.

  “No ... No thank-you. I...I'm fine. I think I have it figured out now.”

  Another moment of silence passed. It seemed like an eternity as Rebecca's heart hammered in her chest and her insides contorted between turned on and embarrassed.

  “No problem. If you need me, let me know. My name is Camilla.” She said, and after a moment Rebecca heard her depart from outside the door.

  Rebecca sat down on the small stool in the changing room and wiped the slight stream of wetness from her inner thigh. She shook her head and laughed slightly, grabbing her drink and taking a sip. She held up the bikini and stared at it wondering how to start to put it on. Five minutes later she emerged from the changing room with an empty glass and a barely-there bikini on. It had just enough material to cover her breasts, and a set of bottoms that weren't quite a G-String, but close. The crimson red on her light olive skin was a stunning contrast and she caught another look in a mirror as she passed. Her auburn hair was down to her shoulders, and even without heels her calves were nicely elongated as she walked. She walked up to the counter where there was a rack of designer sunglasses and she stopped.

  She slowly spun the rack looking over the glasses, stopping on a nice pair. As she reached to select the glasses she caught a reflection of her hazel eyes in the little mirror, and she smiled slightly. She had always liked her eyes, and the mixture of alcohol and new-found sexiness was showing in them. Her eyes would change color depending on what she wore. If she wore dark clothes they were a rich bluish gray. When she wore light colors her eyes turned greenish gray. That was their color now.

  A woman appeared behind the counter and she smiled at Rebecca. “Those are nice sunglasses...” She breathed.

  She was a tall blonde, no doubt hired at the resort because of her statuesque beauty. “I'm Camilla, by the way.”

  She started, and then she gasped. Rebecca started to follow Camilla's stare when she whispered quietly.

  “Don't turn around! Don't turn around...! It's really him!!! O-my-God, O-my-God ... How's my hair? Is it good? Does it look good?”

  Rebecca was so startled by the scenario that she nodded without knowing why she was agreeing.

  Camilla seemed to loosen slightly at Rebecca's approval of her hair and she slowly exhaled a breath that smelt faintly of cinnamon and cigarettes. “I can't believe it's him!” She whispered.

  “Who?” Rebecca whispered back.

  Camilla looked quickly at Rebecca and smiled a brilliant smile. “Jefferson Hughes! That's who!”

  I get out without putting us in a pickle?” He whispered.


  “Get the fuck outta here!” Jill exclaimed, spilling her drink.

  “Hey watch it...” Deb muttered.

  She and Jill were both leaning in to hear Rebecca's juicy details about the exchange in the boutique.

  “Jefferson fucking Hughes!” Jill cried out, and took a healthy drink from her glass.

  Rebecca was smiling and nodding. Deb sighed wistfully. “He's not really my type as far as body goes, but DAMN can he write!”

  Jill turned and stared incredulously. Deb was staring blankly off to the horizon, lost in her thoughts. Rebecca smiled and watched the scene. Deb was a pretty blond. Really cute would be the best way to describe her. She reminded Rebecca of Meg Ryan, only a little thicker. Deb was a healthy size 8, and had very little fat to her. She was just a healthy woman. “Not the sharpest knife in the drawer though.”

  Jill was still staring at Deb when Deb turned and noticed. “What...? Do I have a boogie or something?” She wiped at her nose and looked on her hand.

  “No...You don't have a freaking, flipping BOOGIE! How can he not be your type? How? You tell me that!” Jill took a drink and shook her head.

  Deb looked at Rebecca and shrugged. “I mean he's handsome enough, but he's a little skinny for my taste. That's all.” Deb shrugged again and went to take a sip of her san
gria. “I like bigger guys...what's wrong with that?”

  Jill stopped her arm before she could get her sangria to her mouth, Deb was caught midway, and had her lips puckered a bit in anticipation of the glass coming up to her lips. The scene struck Rebecca as highly comical and she burst into laughter. She really was having a great time, and it seemed to be exactly what she needed. Jill pushed Deb's arm down, and Deb had un-pursed her lips. “Handsome enough? He's HOT. Get it? HOT! And in case you didn't know...skinnier guys have big cocks! So...imagine him reading one of his stories wait...YOU'RE reading one of his stories....and he's doing you...doggie style....while your face is in his book . Oh shit...I just got wet.”

  Rebecca burst out laughing again, and took a sip of her own drink. Deb was squirming a little on her lounge chair, and she had a crooked little grin on her face. “Is that true? Skinny guys have big cocks?”

  Jill was nodding and raised her glass up and took a drink. Deb did the same and Rebecca just sat smiling. “Is it true Rebecca? You're a petite thing. You must have had a skinny guy. I don't know how much I can believe this one.” Deb said as she pointed at Jill.

  “Whore!” Jill joked.

  Rebecca shrugged. “I don't know about all of them...but I can confirm that fact about one Mr. Hughes.” She took a drink and glanced off in the distance to let the words sink in.

  When she turned back to her friends they were both staring at her with surprise written all over their faces. “Wait...what? Like WHAT? How do you know?!?!?! When did you, I mean...what-the-fuck!” Jill exclaimed.

  Rebecca laughed and took a sip of her drink. Deb was sitting wide-eyed. She leaned forward and whispered, “Did you and Jefferson Hughes have sex in the boutique dressing room?”

  Rebecca could contain herself no longer and burst out laughing. “No... no … nothing like that. Although that doesn't sound like a bad idea.”

  This time it was Jill that flashed a shocked look for a second. “Well look at that! Give her a drink or two or seven, and she throws off the frock of nunnery and is ready to have casual sex with a famous writer in the dressing room! Oh yeah...” Jill added a little pelvic thrust to emphasize her point and they all laughed loudly.

  Rebecca smiled and shook her head. “No... my older sister Wendy went out with him when she was a senior. He was a Junior in college I think...She was eighteen, by the way. But yeah....”

  Rebecca took another sip of her drink. “But yeah, what? What the flip does that mean? So what? She went out with him...” Jill said skeptically.

  Rebecca laughed slightly and nodded. She leaned in a little and so did the others. “She used to say he has the perfect cock. Big, but not too big. Not skinny, not fat...just...perfect.”

  Rebecca sat back in her chair and started to take a sip of her drink. “And she should know...She was a slut… Funny...I was eight, but I had the biggest crush on him! He always was nice to me. I wonder if we see him if he'll remember me? Probably not.”

  Jill and Deb both sat back in their chairs and sighed. “The perfect cock.”

  They sighed in unison. A moment passed and then all three woman burst out in laughter.

  Jill lifted her glass and drained the remaining liquid. Rattling the ice cubes in the empty glass she proclaimed, “On that note...I need a refill...”

  She went to get up and stumbled a bit. Deb put her hands out to catch her and they landed on Jill's toned ass. “Watch it girl...”Jill proclaimed. “I might have to take you home since Rebecca has the market on the writer's cock.”

  The women burst into laughter again, and Jill stumbled her way to the poolside bar. As she walked Rebecca couldn't help but stare at Jill's ass. Walking confidently Jill's muscular cheeks flexed in the brilliant green and black thong that she had selected. No doubt to match her eyes and hair... Jill sauntered over to the bar to place the drink order.

  Rebecca moved over to talk to Deb, but she had a blank look on her face. With her pinky raised on her drink hand Deb whispered. “'s him...”


  Rebecca quickly put her sunglasses on and sat back a little so she was slightly shielded by Deb who was still leaning forward and staring at Jefferson Hughes. He was walking with an air of confidence as he sauntered around the pool and past the bar. He looked in Jill's direction and smiled. His straight white teeth flashed and he continued to walk. Jill leaned back against the bar and lowered her sunglasses to get an unfiltered view as he walked past her. From behind him Rebecca saw Jill lean slightly so she was looking at Deb and her. Jill made a motion with her hand to signal “hot” and gave a wink. She turned back to the bar to get her drinks, and Hughes walked into Rebecca's full line of sight.

  He had on an expensive bathing suit that had a half blue, half white large block pattern. He was wearing a simple white t-shirt that showed a little bit of muscle definition in his chest and shoulders. His dark hair was tousled in a gelled fake mess, and he had on an expensive pair of leather sandals. A towel was tossed lazily over his shoulder, and he had on some expensive sunglasses. He had a drink in his hand and a smile on his lips as he came toward Rebecca and Deb. Rebecca heard Deb sigh lightly and she couldn't help but smile.

  “Ladies...” He said as he walked past.

  Both Rebecca and Deb said “Hello” in unison, and followed him with their eyes as he walked toward the end of the pool.

  He kept walking but looked back with a curious look on his face. It seemed that he was looking at Rebecca, and she was certainly looking at him. The quick pitter-patter of Jill's approaching shoeless feet broke the silence. She sat down quickly, and her eyes were also still on Hughes. He had reached a lone chair at the back of the pool and was setting his drink and towel down.

  “Wait for it...Wait for it...” Jill was saying softly.

  Rebecca looked over at Jill and she was staring unabashedly at Hughes. Jill took a sip, licked her lips and squirmed slightly on her chair. Deb was also intently staring at him.

  “Guys, seriously...” Rebecca began.

  “Shut it old maid...”Jill hissed.

  Rebecca chuckled and turned casually to follow her friends’ gazes. Hughes had taken off his sunglasses, and was reaching down to the bottom of his shirt.

  “Come on...give it to momma.” Jill whispered.

  He grasped the bottom of his T and started pulling upwards in one smooth motion. In a flash his shirt was off, exposing a surprisingly defined stomach and chest.

  “Ohhhh...that's the money shot.” Jill exclaimed softly.

  Rebecca found herself transfixed as he bent over to straighten his towel, and pick up his sunglasses. A well-defined “lat” muscle flexed as he was bent over and Rebecca felt a tingle in her privates. He put on his sunglasses and sat down on the lounge chair.

  “O.K. Fella...give us a package glimpse please.” Jill was muttering.

  He laid back and lifting his hips he adjusted his trunks. Not so subtly he reached over and adjusted his “goods.” It was apparent he had a significant amount to adjust, and Jill and Deb both let out little moans of pleasure followed by a quick whisper exchange.

  “Did you see that cock and balls Deb?”

  “Yes…yes I did.”

  There was a moment of silence as the women sat and stared, until a cell phone ringing broke it. Hughes sat up and his tight stomach muscles clenched as he reached in his pocket for his phone.

  He pulled out his phone and answered. “Billy...what's happening? Hold on a sec.”

  He got up and walked over to the gate and leaned up against it, out of earshot from the women. He was on the phone for about five minutes, then returned to his chair. He picked up his towel and exited the pool area on the far side. Rebecca felt a pang of disappointment as she watched him leave. He did a double take though when he walked by...

  ‘I wonder.’ Jill and Deb were expressing similar sentiments.

  “Damn...that was too quick.” Jill sighed.

  Deb nodded in agreement and then sat back in
her lounge chair.

  Rebecca sat back in hers and took a little sip of her drink. She was both disappointed and a little turned on. I really do need to get laid. She thought. Looking around the pool area she started to feel better. The resort was really a beautiful place, and there were palm trees all around. The sun was bright in the clear blue sky, and there wasn't a cloud in sight. Life was good.


  “So we'll meet in an hour or so. You know what? Make it two. I think I want a nap.” Jill mused.

  The girls all agreed and went to their rooms. Rebecca walked over to the balcony doorway and looked out. She took in the vastness of the resort, and smiled. Even as she was taking in the beauty of the place, her mind kept going back to Hughes at the pool. The smoothness of his skin, the definition of his muscles, and yes...the size of his cock as he adjusted it under his trunks. Rebecca turned and slowly walked into her room. She set her drink down on the nightstand and slowly laid down. In her mind Jefferson Hughes was here with her. He was standing behind her, clothed only in his trunks. He had put his arms around her and was kissing her neck, gently. She sighed as his lips moved to her ear. He lightly sucked on her lobe and his hands had moved up to her breasts.


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