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Rebecca's Awakening Complete Love Story and Book Series

Page 7

by J. H. York

  We played that one off great! AND ... he totally wants me. I know it!

  “Are you going to have sex with him Rebecca?” Deb asked.

  Rebecca could just imagine her wide blue eyes and innocent face. Opening her eyes and looking at Deb, that is exactly what she saw and she burst out in a laugh, unable to help herself.

  “Of course she is.” Jill answered for her.

  The waitress came over and they ordered their drinks.

  “I don't know...”Rebecca answered Deb. “I mean...he's famous. I don't know if he would want to date me.”

  Jill made a sound and said, “ Date? Who wants to date? Just get dirty girl! You've read his least one anyway, and numerous times judging from that worn out thing you have.”

  Shrugging Rebecca asked “So?”

  The waitress came back with their drinks and started to set them down. She was a pretty blonde with brown eyes and a slim figure. She was probably 19 or so.

  “What's your name, hon.” Jill asked.

  Blushing the waitress said. “ parents were...are...kinda hippies.”

  She placed the last drink down and was about to leave but Jill stopped her.

  “That's a wicked cool name! Solar...I like that. Listen. I have a question.”

  Solar stood looking at Jill nervously. “Okayyy...” She responded.

  “Do you read? Do you know who Jefferson Hughes is?” Jill asked.

  Solar snorted. “Ha...of course. Plus he's here! He was doing a book signing at the main building. I couldn't go because I had this shift...but I have all of his books. Hard cover.” She grinned.

  Nodding as she listened Jill sipped her drink. “Exactly. NOW...he has a fancy for our young friend Rebecca here...” Jill nodded in Rebecca's direction.

  Solar's eyes went wide with shock and admiration. “Really? That's awesome!” She said.

  “Yes...” Jill agreed then continued. “So the question, Solar, is if you had the chance to have hot, torrid, earth shattering sex that you only could read about in one of his books, with Jefferson fucking Hughes...! Would you? OR...would you worry that he might not want to date you.” She said, “date you” with a nasal tone filled with disdain.

  Solar answered immediately. “ I would fuck his brains out.” Blushing she added. “Sorry for the F word...but...goddamn...he is one sexy bitch. The other staff and I have a bet to see who he might get with on the resort. He's kind of a player I hear. But now I have a inside tip!”

  Laughing Jill added on, “And if Rebecca plays her cards right she can have an inside tip too...but not just the tip...the whole gall dang thang!!!”

  Holding her glass up they laughed, and Deb and Rebecca toasted along with Jill. Speaking of playing cards...I think I hold a pretty good hand...and a great poker face.


  The girls stayed for two drinks, laughing and joking around with each other and Solar.

  Rebecca maintained her stance that, “If anything happens it would be a miracle.”

  All the while smiling to herself about the juicy secret that she harbored.

  She had to restrain herself on several occasions from crying out “We did it! Okay! We have fucked and it was AWESOME. You hear me? His cock is beautiful, and he eats pussy like a champ...and yes Deb...we had sex in the boutique dressing room!”

  As she walked into her room she smiled. What would they do if they found out? Would they be pissed? Well Deb wouldn't be...but Jill would. She might even be hurt that I didn't tell her sooner. But I can't! He wants to keep us that's how it is.

  She took her phone out and pulled up her “Spotify” app. Turning it on she typed in “Mumford and Sons” and the music began to play. As “Whispers in the Dark” played she smiled. I always liked the banjo... She started to take off her white outfit but stopped to take another look at her ass in the mirror. Look at that thaaang. He was totally checking it out. Walking away from the mirror she resumed unbuttoning the outfit and began to take it off. She let it drop to the floor and stood in her bra and panties as she carefully folded it.

  “...And my heart was cold and when you've gone...and I lost my head, but found the one that I love... under this sun...under this sun...” Rebecca sang in time to the music that blasted from her phone. She stopped and frowned. It's just're just crushing on him...don't be silly.

  She went to the mini-bar and fixed a drink. Once again...let's go over the facts teacher. He's just having a good time, and you should also. Walking back to her luggage she wondered what she should wear tonight. She wore her sexiest dress last night, and had just worn her new outfit. She did have a few summer dresses, a pair of tight jeans, and another long dress to choose from. She held up one of the dresses. It was a light fabric, a striking yellow with spaghetti straps. I like this one...maybe if he calls I won't wear panties. She grinned at the thought of pulling up her short dress to reveal her naked smooth mound. She could just imagine him dropping down on his knees and giving her oral pleasure.

  Her fantasy was interrupted, as was her music, by the ringing of her cell phone. Frowning she walked over to it. Picking it up she noted the caller I.D. registering “Jill” as she pressed the answer button.

  “Hi” she said. “Turn on the fucking TV... Deb and I are coming over! Channel 5.”

  The phone went dead and Rebecca stood for a second looking at her phone.


  Rebecca had just turned on the television and switched it to channel 5 when there was a knock at the door. As the program returned from commercial she realized it was TMZ. Before she opened the door she glanced on the left hand side of the screen to read what topics they were covering. Immediately standing out was “Jackson Hughes’ new fling?” It was three items down on the scroll. Heart pounding she opened the door. Jill and Deb burst in. Jill had a drink in her hand and was visibly excited. She looked at the TV and smiled.

  “Good. You got it on...” She rushed over to the bed and sat down.

  Deb followed and Rebecca slowly closed the door with a feeling of nausea. What if it's not me? …What if it is...? Oh 'Becca...what have you done? Rebecca slowly walked over to the nightstand where she had placed her drink.

  “I mean...I'm sorry Rebecca...But seeing as he is here and all...I mean...You might end up being the other woman.” Jill was saying.

  Rebecca was dimly aware that her “Spotify” had started playing again, and the words of “Reminder” seemed to be taunting her. She quickly grabbed the phone and turned off the music. Standing behind her friends on the opposite side of the bed she took a healthy drink from her glass. Her stomach was in knots and she felt a cool sweat breaking out all over her body. Nobody seemed to notice that she was still in her bra and panties.

  “I was just you know...getting ready and I like to have the TV on and all...” Jill was saying.

  Rebecca looked around for some clothes to cover herself up with. She grabbed a pair of shorts from her luggage and pulled them up. The TMZ host Harvey Levin was finishing up his discussion about Brittany Spears lip-syncing controversy.

  “ that was a mystery.” Jill snorted as she downed her drink. “Anyway I looked at the scroll and saw his name and I was like DAMN! So I called you.”

  She turned to look at Rebecca and instantly a look of concern flashed over her face. “Are you okay? You look pale as shit. Are you sick?”

  She started to get up but Rebecca waved her off. “ I'm fine...I just...I mean It's kinda like a kick in the gut I guess...”

  Turning back to the TV Jill proclaimed, “Well we all know he's a playa...”

  Deb turned and was staring intently at Rebecca.

  Rebecca couldn't be sure but she thought she saw a flash of recognition in Deb's eyes. A hint of a smile as if to say, “I know what is going on here...I'm only playing dumb.”

  Smiling feebly Rebecca took a shaky sip from her glass.

  Deb turned back when Har
vey began his report. “So here we go with Jefferson Hughes...”

  Rebecca took a shaky step forward and sat down on the edge of the bed. Jill had grabbed the remote and turned the volume up. God I hope I don't get sick....

  Harvey continued. “We all know that renown romance novelist Jefferson Hughes seems to act out his writing. In fact his bachelorhood is border-line mythical...along with Hugh Hefner and Bruce Wayne. The playboy tends to go through women like we go through tissues.”

  The others on the screen laughed at this joke, but Rebecca was finding very little to laugh at. The knot in her stomach was making its way up to her throat.

  “Yeah, yeah...”Jill was saying, “Get to the good stuff.”

  Harvey continued, “We also know that he is taking a break and lounging down at the Resort Baxter. Nice place...anyone been there?” He asked around the room to various yes and no answers. “He was there for a book signing, but in the process allegedly he found another conquest. We, of course, knew he was going down there and since he is good for a story or two--”

  “--Or seven” Chimed in one of the others on screen.

  The room laughed and Harvey smiled.

  “Yes...or seven...We made sure a photographer was around. He was able to get some juicy when we come back we'll share them.”

  TMZ cut quickly to commercial and Jill cursed loudly. “Mother fucker! They always do that shit!”

  She drained her drink as a commercial started playing on the screen. As the TV blared about two “Whoppers for $5” Jill got up to fix herself another drink.

  “I bet it's that blond slut at the boutique...I've seen her...she would be the type to throw her snatch at him without a question as to who or what...”

  Rebecca was sitting numbly on the bed staring at the TV. I'm about to be on just another conquest. It has to be me! Right? Oh God...what if he's been with someone else also? I would just die... Deb turned and looked at Rebecca as Jill poured a drink and continued to rant.

  Leaning in she whispered, “ It's okay can't help who you fall in love with.”

  She reached out and squeezed Rebecca's hand, and Rebecca thought that she was the greatest friend a woman could have at this time.

  Jill strode back to the bed, and sat down. “Oh don't be so melodramatic Deb...”

  She proclaimed as she saw Deb holding onto Rebecca's hand. “They haven't even fucked yet...or gone out. He's banging some douche bag boutique slut, and trying to get a little side of 'Becca...”

  The screen went black for a few seconds, in those seconds of blackness there was no airing of TMZ…the airways were dark… Rebecca thought in that instant Black out...don't come back...technical difficulties...please God. As if someone turned the lights back on… Harvey Levin faded back in, and Rebecca felt her stomach fall.

  “ we said earlier we have some pictures of Jefferson Hughes and what may possibly be a new love interest.”

  A member of the group chimed, “You mean a lust interest.”

  Again laughter from around the room of TMZ’s broadcast.

  And again Jill proclaimed “Come on!!”

  Rebecca's stomach felt like its own performance gymnast doing somersaults and high wire flips.

  “Alleged lust interest.” Levin quipped.

  The group howled.

  A picture of Jefferson flashed up on the screen. “Here is our lover-boy...” Levin announced.

  Catcalls and whistles from the group could be heard.

  “Yes...handsome devil.”

  Another picture popped up of Jefferson staring in the window of the boutique. “Here is our hero doing some window shopping...” Levin continued.

  Rebecca felt sick. She knew what was coming.

  “See! That douche blond at the counter!!” Jill shouted as she stared intently at the TV.

  A picture of Jefferson entering the boutique.

  “Apparently he has his eye on something...or somebody” the panel proclaimed and laughed at their own joke.

  Rebecca could feel herself on the bed...but she was nowhere near that vicinity. Her mind and body seemed to be separating. Everything was sounding fuzzy and distant. Please don't go in Mr. photographer. Please, please, please.

  “Our crack photographer was able to get to a window moments later...” Levin was saying.

  “Did you say he was on crack?” Came a quip from the room.

  Laughter again ensued. Jill and Deb were leaning forward intently. Rebecca tried to take a sip of her drink and spilled most of it down her front as her hand shook. She was on the verge of tears.

  “Here Jefferson is entering the fitting room with a female that we can't get a clear photo off.” Levin was saying as a picture of Rebecca (from the back) and Jefferson (also from the back) entered the fitting room.

  Rebecca stared at the TV in disbelief.

  “Moments later they do emerge” Proclaims Harvey Levin. “Well several minutes...let's give the man his credit.”

  Laughter amongst the panel.

  “Not a two pump chump, huh?” Says one panelist.

  Laughing Levin continued. “The photographer said they were in there a good fifteen, twenty minutes. They even had to answer to some questions from the salesgirl.”

  A picture of Robin at the fitting room door flashed on screen. “Ma'am...everything alright in there?

  In here...everything is allll good.” Shouted out one of the panelist and the room filled with laughter.

  A moment later a picture flashed up on the screen. “Here is our mystery lady...” Levin stated as a picture emerged on the screen.

  Rebecca's face poked out from the fitting room door, as she checked to see if the coast was clear. Her face filled the screen, as the camera focused in to reveal her. There was no denying it. Rebecca was Jefferson Hughes’ new mystery lady. She appeared on TMZ and on the TV screen just as clear as day.

  Rebecca’s Decision



  Copyright © 2016 Jessica Hart

  All rights reserved.

  Published by Heart2Heart Bookreads, 2016.

  This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


  First edition. October 21, 2016.

  Copyright © 2016 Jessica Hart.

  Written by J.H. York and Jessica Hart


  All is fair in love and war... Twenty three year old Rebecca felt left behind after she was dumped for her inexperience in reaching orgasm. In part I, Rebecca's Awakening of the Rebecca series, she got breakup recovery advice from a group of girlfriends during a one-week get away. She met Jefferson, bestselling romance novelist at the same getaway, now her two girlfriends coach her on how to improve her sex life.

  All of her fantasies seem to be simmering in all the right places until her best-laid plans get a blast of cold water in part II of the Rebecca series, Rebecca’s Education. Rebecca gets one large dose of education in the most challenging way. She didn’t see her way clear before falling down the rabbit hole as her own best laid plans ricochet and catch her off guard leaving her unprepared to deal with her own reality check.

  Now in part III, Rebecca’s Decision, her very own desires come into question. Is she chasing the dreams she really wanted to come true or some form of what might be expected of her at this stage of her life. Rebecca has some final decisions to come to terms with. Will she make the right choice given the conditions of her considerations…? She’s got just a few short days to find and make the best decision she can…

  Rebecca’s Decision


  Rebecca Hollis and Jefferson Hughes' love affair had just been exposed on TMZ. Rebecca was mortified, and for what seemed like an eternal second her girlfriends Deb and Jill sat staring at the TV. Rebecca had known Jefferson when they were younger. He had since gone on to be a world-renowned romance
novelist. They had run into each other at the Resort Baxter, and had started a steamy sexual affair. Even while Rebecca had wondered about Jefferson in the few days that they had been intimate, she had fallen for him. Yet, she didn't expect to be exposed on Hollywood gossip television. Jefferson had said that he had wanted to maintain a certain amount of privacy in his love life, and he had also warned that there always seemed to be someone watching. Now as Rebecca watched in horror, the TV was airing footage of Jefferson coming out of the fitting room that they had just had sex in.

  “I'd say his hair is a little jostled...” One of the TMZ panelist quipped. Even as Rebecca felt her world swirling and crashing around on her, she knew that this was only the beginning of her angst. Right on cue Jill whirled around looking at Rebecca with fierceness in her eyes. Rebecca thought that she saw hurt there as well, but Jill didn't give her time to think on it.

  “WHAT the T-total FUCK!!! Rebecca!! How? I mean....”

  Turning around Deb looked at Rebecca with a sad look. “You should have told us Rebecca...”

  Standing up Rebecca turned around. Looking for a top. She felt embarrassed that she had just been exposed to her friends, Oh God...the whole country... knows … and she felt completely and absolutely embarrassed that she was in her room with her friends in a bra. Finding a shirt she began to put it on. Her stomach was doing all kinds of jumps and flips, and she wondered if she was going to get throw up every piece of food she was still digesting.

  “He wanted to try and keep it private...” She said softly as she threw on the t-shirt.

  “Yeah...private from fucking TMZ...not from US!” Jill yelled.

  She stood up and stormed over to the mini bar. Rebecca was faintly aware of the TV still blabbing, and she reached down and pushed the “off” button on the controller. It clicked off, and the silence in the room became deafening.


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