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Rebecca's Awakening Complete Love Story and Book Series

Page 16

by J. H. York

  as Bethany was constantly trying to get her way. Lily had been the only one she would listen to, however, and had begun to show the beginnings of respect for the family. As the kids were nearing college age the diagnosis had come in. Breast and stomach cancer had claimed Lily too young.

  From there Bethany had gone off the rails. She had dropped out of Brown University, more to the point, she had been asked not to come back, due to her behavior. Her attitude was a constant irritant for Evan, and the two were constantly bickering. Roger was hoping that the surprise of this get together and the reason for this meeting would be a chance for his family to unite. The acid in his stomach sent a signal to the contrary. He took a sip of his drink and sighed.


  “Thank-you for being here today.” Roger began.

  His nerves were raw as he looked at his three children.

  “I know you all have busy lives, in your own way.”

  Evan sat back against the couch with a sour look at Bethany. Trevor was leaning forward holding his glass. Bethany continued to sit with her legs crossed, staring at Roger.

  He pressed on. “When your mothers’ died...there was an emptiness that engulfed the estate. First with the boys' mom, and then with your mom Beth. I loved both women completely.”

  He stood up and came around the front of the desk. He sat down on the corner next to the intercom.

  “There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of those two wonderful women. I wish that you kids would try and make an effort to remember them...and honor their memory by being civil toward each other. After all we are only on this earth for a little time.” He sat for a moment to let his words sink in. Taking a sip of his drink he looked at his kids, individually. Evan… so strong and independent. willing to please, even at the cost of his own dreams. Bethany...she would probably have made a great dictator... Unable to help it, Roger smiled.

  Bringing himself back to the moment he inhaled deeply and nodded. “Well...I guess one can dream.”

  Bethany shifted in her seat and Roger knew that she was starting to get impatient.

  “While I have loved your Mother's immensely, I have also been lonely...and made mistakes as well.”

  All three of his children looked at him with similar expressions of curiosity.

  “That being said I feel that what I have to share with all of you now, is not a mistake.”

  Reaching over he pressed the intercom “talk” button. “Okay Marcus...proceed.”

  There was a moment of silence as all of them sat. Roger stood up as the doorknob turned slowly. The three siblings turned looking at each other and then at the door as it opened. Standing in the doorway was an angel. A woman of about twenty-two, with long blond hair and sky blue eyes. She was petite and flawless. She smiled hesitantly, and stood still. Behind her the hulking form of Marcus, the chief of security could be seen.

  “It's okay dear...” Roger said and held out his hand. “Come in and meet your new family.”

  Find the continuation of Chamberlain Affair… on Amazon by Jessica Hart. If you’re reading a digital file, like Kindle or an epub file, just click here … or look for the new compilation volume available on Amazon very soon!


  J.H. York, Author

  J H. York is a seasoned writer of romance, drama and intrigue. Jessica is delighted to share in the development of story with this very gifted storyteller.

  Jessica Hart, Author

  J essica Hart, Author. Jessica lives in Los Angeles, California. She has a family and her four-legged friend to help inspire her and her ideas for writing romance and other fiction stories. She loves spending time with friends, reading books and letting her fantasies take her pen on unforeseen paths to challenge and resolve.

  Thank you for reading, Rebecca’s Awakening, Complete Love Story and Book Series.

  - J.H. York and Jessica Hart

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