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Page 7

by Ashley Suzanne

  nudge her behind me and match Danny’s step, again, with one of my own until we’re

  only inches apart.

  “I’ll tell you one more fucking time. How about you turn around and go inside. You’re no longer needed.”

  “I’ll go in when Mira tells me she’s fine.” He’s just not getting it. It’s more than obvious now that his intentions were less than honorable. Mira probably had no idea what she was walking into.

  “Okay. I don’t think you’re getting it. You’re being a fucking moron right now. Stop grasping at straws. You’re not going to stand here and tell me what I can and can’t do with what belongs to me. Not now, not ever.”

  “She’s not a prize thoroughbred. She’s a woman. You don’t own her,” he screams, spit hitting my face. I can’t help but to laugh at his naivety. He’s been around this life just as long as I have. He’s watched me turn into the man I am today. He knows exactly what Mira is to me and what I’ll do to protect her.

  “Bro, she’s on my bike, wearing my cut and my ring. I think it’s safe to say she very much belongs to me. Stop being a jealous little boy, man up and walk away. She’s mine. And if that wasn’t a big enough hint for you, how about you look at her sitting on the back, waiting for me. Do you see how she’s not here with you, standing in the front yard arguing with someone who’s supposed to be a friend like a dumb ass? Danny, turn around and go inside.”

  Danny opens his mouth to rebut yet again and I can’t take it. The look of concern in Mira’s eyes is the only reason why I haven’t decked him yet. He’s a good guy, but he’s pushing his luck and trying to get a rise out of me. This isn’t typical behavior for him, and just as I’m ready to lose my shit, I’m really worried about him. I know he’s got feelings for Mira, but at some point this has to stop. She made her choice. It’s over.

  Choosing to be the bigger man, I climb on my bike and start the engine. Danny looks

  like he has something to say, yet finally turns to head inside when Mira’s arms wrap

  around my waist and lays her head on my back.

  Once we’re back home, there’s going to be a serious conversation taking place. I’m going to have

  to give a little and so is she. For now, though, I’m just going to enjoy a quiet

  ride on a beautiful night with my girl … before the shit hits the fan.


  I did plan on going straight back to the apartment, but I can’t. We’re both upset,

  worried about what the future of our relationship is and how it will all work out.

  The best thing for either of us is to hash this out in a neutral spot. Since I have

  her on the back of my bike, she really can’t protest and has to go along for the ride.

  Still heading toward downtown, I bypass our exit and the one after … and the one after. Through my leather jacket and vest, Mira’s fingers are tapping away, signaling me to pull over—probably wanting to know what I have planned. Not gonna happen. If I stop this bike and let her off, there’s no guaranteeing that she’ll get back on.

  Another thirty minutes go by, all the while following all the speed limit signs again.

  This time, I’m not in any kind of hurry. The way Mira’s fingers curl inside of my

  coat when she’s nervous or rests her palms against my bare stomach to keep her hands

  warm—yeah, I can do this all day.

  Taking a turn a little too fast, the rear end kicks out a little, nearly sending me

  into a panic. No longer smooth hands touching me, I wince from the nails gripping onto me for dear life and thighs squeezing around my legs

  without remorse. How could I have been so stupid? Fuck!

  Taking no more chances, I get off on the next exit. Luckily, we’re close enough to

  the water for her to hopefully understand where I was going. Riding cautiously until

  I reach a little outlook point, I find a spot to park.

  “Sweets, I’m so sorry,” I say, grabbing her by the shoulders and pulling her into my arms. If anything happened to her, especially at my hands, I wouldn’t be able to live with myself.

  “What the fuck is your problem? You’ve been riding for years. You should have never

  taken that turn like that. Christ, Sky.” Mira slaps me hard enough for me to feel

  it through the leather.

  She tugs at the chin straps, obviously too frustrated to undo the buckle. I try to get close enough to unhook it, but the death stares and violent vibe radiating off her keeps me a good three feet back. Oh, and the fact that she must have entered some kind of boxing contest the way she keeps swinging at me.

  “Let me help you,” I soothingly say, trying to calm her heated gaze.

  “No. I don’t want shit from you. You could have killed me. Why the hell are we here, anyway?” she screams, finally getting the buckle undone and throwing the helmet on the cement. Any other day, I would have been pissed, but I have no room for any of that tonight. She’s right. I could have killed her. I fucked up.

  “I wanted to bring you out here for a reason.” My face falls to my palms, scrubbing roughly at the shadow of hair that’s started to have a mind of its own. “If we would have gone another few exits, we would have been where this started, for real. Not the before stuff, but when we decided to give it a go.”

  Mira glances around, taking in her surroundings. By the way her pupils dilate and the small smile appearing across her lips, I’m sure she remembers.

  “I wanted to show you this.” I wave my arm toward the lake. The same lake where we had our first official date and chose to be together. Where her heart chose me. “This is our place. I didn’t want to get home and have doors slammed and holes punched

  in walls. I wanted you to remember why … how we got to this point. It’s not gonna

  be easy, Mi. I’m sure it’s going to be fucking terrible at times, but it’s us against

  the world. I need you to remember that.”

  “I never forgot. I’m worried, Sky. I’m scared that you’re going to let me down. I really don’t expect a lot, but there are things that are non-negotiable—I’m worried you’re going to hurt me past the point of me getting over it.”

  “You tell me the things that are non-negotiable and I’ll make sure to never, ever

  go against them. Mira, I promise you on everything that I love, I’ll never ruin us.


  “I have to be the only one. There can never be any others. It’s me and you or you and whoever else,” she says, face firm and unwavering in her first demand.

  “There has never and will never be anyone else. Ever.”

  “Maddie?” she questions. I’m not in any position to not respond, but she’s going to have to work with me here. Give a little, get a little.

  “I haven’t been with Maddie like that. You’re going to have to trust me that I’m not screwing her, or anyone else for that matter. I swear it to you.”

  “Tell me what you can. All you said earlier was club business. I don’t need the

  whole story, but I need more than that.” Mira’s face softens, her lips lax and not drawn tight. The wrinkles between her eyes also subside, revealing

  the face of the woman I fell in love with so long ago. Innocent with years of wisdom hidden deep within.

  “Maddie is Prowler’s niece. She’s having some problems and came to the club. We’re helping her out. I’ve known her since we were kids and it makes sense that I’d be the one to help her. That’s all, Mira. I’m helping an old friend that happens to be associated with the club.”

  “You gotta give me a little more than that.”

  “The most I can say is that she’s been in a pretty abusive relationship and went to Prowler looking for help. I’m making sure she gets acclimated to her temporary setting, someplace safe. I’ve been going back every day or so just to check on her, keep an eye on her. That’s all, Mira.”

  “And you’re not fucking her? Or e
ver fucked her?”

  “No. She’s a friend … family,” I say, exasperated yet trying to remain in control

  of my emotions.

  “Okay. But when you can tell me everything, I need you to. I’m not going to stand around and let you hide everything from me under the guise of club business. This won’t work like that.”


  “Can we go home now?” she asks, completely avoiding the fact that Little Miss Not So Innocent has some explaining of her own to do.

  “Not so fast, Mira. We need to deal with the whole you running back to Danny when things get rocky between

  us. That’s a non-negotiable for me. If you have a problem with me, we talk about

  it and work it out. If you need a third party to talk to, that’s what Kylee and your

  mom are for. I get that they’ve been busy lately, but you can’t run to Danny with

  our problems. I’m not sure if you know this or not, but he’s still in love with you.”

  Flashes of guilt rain down like fireworks behind her emerald green eyes. Mira downcasts

  her gaze and looks like she wants to crawl inside of her own body.

  “I know,” she whispers, hiding her face with her palms.

  “You know that what I’m saying is right or that he’s still in love with you?” I try to keep an even toned voice, but it’s not really working. My blood starts to boil and I’m able to feel my heartbeat in my ears. The adrenalin pumping viciously through my veins is about to send me into a stroke.

  “Both. You’re right—so right. I was stupid for having gone there. I didn’t know what else to do. My mom’s busy and Kylee’s getting back on track with Jacoby. He was the next person in line. Please know that I didn’t choose him first. He was just the next person on my list. Please believe that,” she cries, burrowing her face in her hands.

  “I believe you, shhh.” I pull her to me, holding on to her as tight as I can while still allowing her to breathe. I’ve wanted nothing more since we started fighting earlier in the night than to just put my arms around her and hold her.

  “He told me he still loves me,” she says, muffled by my vest. Her hand comes over

  my heart, rubbing gently, like she can sense my frustration and my probably high blood

  pressure. It works. Just her touch is enough to calm me and bring me back down to

  an appropriate level.

  “Did anything happen?” I ask, not sure if I want to know the answer if anything did


  “Nothing. I promise.” And I believe her.

  “Do you still love him?” The bile rising from my nearly empty stomach is ready to

  expel at any minute. What the fuck would make me ask something so loaded with possibilities?

  “Sky,” she lifts hear head, eyes searching mine, “I’ll always have a place in my heart for Danny, but it’s you that I love. You’re everything to me. I’m sorry all of this happened, and if I

  could change it, I would. I’m so in love with you I can barely breathe.”

  Squeezing a little tighter, I place my lips on the top of her head, pressing hard,

  they linger longer than needed for a kiss, but I need the contact with her. Melting

  in my arms, it would appear that she needs this, too.

  “I love you so much, Mira. So fucking much.”

  A burst of light crackles over the lake and the winds suddenly pick up. Mira and I both turn to watch the storm rolling in over the vast, dark body of water. The ominous sound of thunder clapping in the distance and the waves crashing against the sea wall surprisingly excites me. As the rain starts to drizzle down onto the pavement, I wrap my arms around Mira’s middle, pushing my front to her back.

  “Isn’t it beautiful,” I whisper into her hair.

  “It’s just like us. So beautiful but capable of causing unimaginable damage, but you have to have faith you’ll be safe,” Mira says, angling her head upward, staring into my eyes.

  I take full advantage of her sensual state and take her lips with mine. Spinning

  her around, my kiss turns from gentle and loving to ravenous and passionate with the

  next bolt of light.



  With each swipe of his tongue against mine, my greedy body takes it and demands more. My hands magically find the nape of his neck and move up slowly to grab onto the hair that’s a little longer than usual—I don’t mind, though. It gives me something to hold on to.

  The rain starts to pelt down around us; heavy, thick drops have us soaked in only

  minutes. I almost … almost … question how we’re going to get home, but being caught in a storm, kissing the

  love of your life does something to you. I once heard that you’ve never really been

  kissed until you’ve done it in the rain. It’s true. There’s nothing in the world

  like it.

  As our mouths fight for control, the cold drops get between our lips. Even on a mild winter, nearly Spring-like night, the water on the lake is still partially frozen. The combination of the heat between our mouths and the temperature of the rain is intoxicating.

  Skylar slightly bends, gripping the back of my thighs and pulls me up, grinding my

  midsection over his ever present erection. Realizing that I have the capability to

  get him hard with just a few stolen kisses, I jump into his arms, where I’m caught

  with ease. Grinding myself down onto his arousal, it’s no longer just him that gets

  the pleasure.

  Why the hell aren’t we naked? Oh, yeah, that’s right—we’re in the middle of a very

  well lit parking lot in the midst of a winter thunderstorm.

  Even though my thoughts are logical, the way my body’s acting is far from it—my hormones presenting themselves as sex crazed and deprived. I push my way into Skylar’s jacket, pulling it off his shoulders and dropping it to the ground.

  Am I really going to do this?

  “Skylar,” I moan, biting on his bottom lip too hard, drawing a small amount of blood. I’m not sure why it’s arousing, but the coppery taste of him in my mouth drives me wild. Please don’t get me wrong, I’m not a vampire or anything, but knowing that I’m the one that caused that damage has me wanting to care for him and address his wound.

  “Christ, Sweets. How did I get so fucking lucky?” Skylar thrusts his hips forward,

  reminding me exactly how lucky he feels in this moment. Another soft moan and his

  vest hits the ground, right next to his jacket.

  Yeah, this is happening.

  Leaning back in his arms, I pull my sweater and tank top off simultaneously, leaving me only in a sports bra and yoga pants.

  “Fuck,” Skylar groans, pulling me back to him. Reaching over his shoulders, I try

  to grab the bottom hem of his shirt, but between my short arms and his muscular build,

  I’m only able to get about halfway down his back. Scrunching the shirt in my hands

  until I have the entire bottom half, I pull the rest of the way until it’s over his

  head and lying next to everything else.

  “We can’t do this here, Sweets.”

  Jumping out of his arms, the startled look on his face has me giggling. For some

  reason, he has this thing about no sex in public. Something about being worried someone

  will see me. Not us … just me. With the way my body’s humming right now, I wouldn’t

  give two shits if The Pope was standing here with his disapproving eye, silently judging


  So like the true bitch in heat persona that’s inhabited my body, I do the only rational thing. I pull down my soaking wet yoga pants so they’re pooled at my feet, minus the underwear—an adorable pair of light pink boy shorts that are becoming more and more see through as they’re splashed with rain.

  “Now, see. Nobody can see me. It’s like I’m in a bathi
ng suit. Happy?” I kick off my sneakers, shrug the pants off with my feet and step back into his space. Keeping eye contact, studying deep into his crystal blue eyes for any sense of hesitation, I start to unbutton his jeans. Reaching inside the open fly, I firmly grab his manhood, giving him a pleasurable squeeze, if his groan counts as him being pleased.

  “Where were we? Oh, yeah. I remember.” I stand on my tip toes, giving him the hint that he should pick me back up, and wait patiently.

  As his gaze peruses my nearly naked body, the approval in his lustful stare and the

  fear of being caught out in the open sends a spark through my entire body. Able to

  feel everything, from the cold rain on my skin to the pebbles under my bare feet, when Skylar hoists me up, I nearly combust when his boxer clad cock applies pressure to the area I need it most.

  “You sure? I can get us a room somewhere.” I’m loving this role reversal stuff Kylee told me about a few years back. Typically, it’s me

  that’s questioning everything. Being the one to lead the charge is exhilarating.

  Not wanting words between us, I reach between our bodies, removing him from the boxers that are plastered to his thick legs. A few gentle strokes and I point him in the direction of his treasure. With my thumbs, I slide my underwear to the side and position him at my entrance. His eyes widen with hunger as I lift my hips and slowly situate myself, letting each inch find its way.

  “You’re fucking perfect,” he growls, reaching his final destination, buried so deep

  inside me it’s hard to breathe.

  Using his shoulders for leverage, I slowly guide him in and out of me, reveling in

  each and every magnificent inch until I’m stretched enough for more aggressive fun.

  Biting on my bottom lip, I wait for him to take over, to give me exactly what I need.

  Skylar walks backward a few paces, still balls deep inside me, and lays me sideways

  on the bike—only the middle of my back actually touching the seat.

  Oh hell. I’ve had dreams about having an orgasm on a bike, but never while being fucked. What’s that saying ‘have your cake and eat it, too’ … yep. Oh fuck yes!


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