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HOLDING ON (The Destiny Series Book 2)

Page 15

by Karen Stivali

  Chapter 31

  Daniel could hear Marienne’s laughter the minute he stepped out of his car. The idea of her giggling at something Bob was saying made his stomach churn. I don’t like him.

  He opened the back door to his car and grabbed his briefcase and the bouquet of flowers he’d picked up on the way home. He’d hoped the flowers would cheer Marienne up while he was away, but he could tell Bob had already done plenty to lift her spirits. His neck tensed as he walked into the house.

  Bob was parked at the kitchen counter, eating a brownie. He waved at Daniel, mouth too full to speak. Oh for Christ’s sake. That’s enough.

  Daniel headed straight for Marienne. He handed her the flowers, extra glad he’d bought them when he saw the look in her eyes. She went up on tiptoe and kissed him, making him even more pleased. He wrapped his arm around her waist, holding her for a second before she lowered herself and stepped away.

  “Nice flowers,” Bob said, drinking his coffee.

  Daniel knew he should say something. “They were our wedding flowers.”

  Marienne sniffed the mix of gerbera daisies and roses. “They’re beautiful. Can you grab the vase for me?”

  Daniel reached up to the top of the cupboard and took down the green glass cylinder. Marienne set it in the sink and tuned on the water then began unwrapping the bouquet.

  “Where are the girls?” Daniel didn’t hear any giggling anywhere.

  Marienne pulled shears out of the drawer and began snipping the ends of the stems. “They’re watching a dvd in our room. Drew is actually napping in his crib. I set him down to play in there while I put away some of his laundry, and he nodded off.”

  Daniel looked at Bob and couldn’t keep his eyes from narrowing. And why are you here?

  As if Bob heard his question he answered. “Marienne was nice enough to babysit for me this afternoon. I had a shoot over in Concord. Governor’s press photos. I just got back.” He set his mug down and stood up. “I should get going, I’m sure you all want to have a family dinner before Daniel heads out to LA.”

  It bugged him to no end that Bob was predicting what they’d want to do and that he knew Daniel was going out of town. He tried to smile as Bob offered his hand to shake. From the look Marienne threw him he guessed it had come off more like a scowl.

  Marienne stopped cutting the flowers and wiped her hands on a towel. “I’ll go get the girls.”

  Bob put his hand out. “You’re busy. I’ll go.” He strode out of the room and trotted up the stairs.

  I’ll go? Daniel was appalled that Bob was so comfortable navigating their house. He walked into the hallway just in time to see Bob disappear into the master bedroom. Daniel felt his blood pressure rise.

  Bob emerged moments later with Katie asleep on his shoulder. He made his way back downstairs. “No wonder they were so quiet, they were both out cold on your bed.”

  Yes, our bed. Daniel was more than happy to hold the front door open so Bob could leave.

  Bob called to Marienne, “Let me know about that play, if you’re interested.”

  “Will do.”

  “Have a good trip, Daniel.”

  He closed the door and headed back to the kitchen.

  “What play?” Daniel asked, reaching into the fridge for a beer.

  “The community center is putting on Snow White this weekend and Bob wanted to know if the kids and I wanted to go. There’s no way Drew would sit through a play, but I told him Ella might want to see it with Katie.”

  Daniel was glad to hear she wasn’t going but he still couldn’t get past the image of Bob traipsing into his bedroom. “How did Bob know which room the girls were in?”

  Marienne started arranging the flowers in the vase. “I couldn’t get the DVD player to work so he came up to fix it. I just had the TV set on the wrong input or something.”

  Daniel took two long swallows of beer and raked his hands through his hair.

  Marienne placed the last flower in the arrangement and rinsed her hands. She slipped between Daniel and the counter, reaching her hands up to his neck. They were cool from being in the water. It felt good against his overheated skin. “Are you okay?” She massaged the base of his skull, her fingers burrowing into his hair. “Are you stressed about the trip?”

  She has no idea this guy is trouble. “I’m fine. I just get a bit put off by how at home Bob is here.”

  Her brow furrowed. “Why?”

  “I don’t know. He acts like he owns the place. Like he belongs here.” He could tell by the expression on her face that she didn’t understand what he was saying.

  “He’s just friendly, that’s all.” Marienne’s hand slipped down to Daniel’s chest. He knew his heart was pounding beneath her hand. He curled his fingers around her waist and hoisted her up onto the kitchen counter.

  Her legs wrapped around him. He pressed himself against her. Her breath was hot against his chest, her vanilla scent surrounding him as his nose grazed the top of her head.

  He ran his hands up her back, sinking them into her hair. His thumbs caressed her cheeks. “I don’t want to talk about Bob anymore. I just want you.”

  Daniel’s mouth descended onto hers with such intensity it took her breath away.

  Marienne kissed him back, loving the feel of his hands slipping beneath her shirt. He dragged her tight against him. She couldn’t shake the look on his face when he was talking with Bob, a cross between peeved and questioning. Why is he so worried about Bob? He couldn’t possibly be jealous. Could he?

  The idea was almost too ludicrous to consider. That can’t be it. Bob is Katie’s father. A friend. Someone who was teaching her how to navigate NH. She couldn’t imagine any man being a threat to Daniel. He was everything she’d ever wanted.

  He clutched her hips, grinding their bodies together. All thought left Marienne’s head as she was pulled into his swirling need. Her fingers dug into his back as she strained to be closer to him.

  His voice was thick with desire, his lips warm against her throat. “How long do you think the kids will stay asleep?”

  “Long enough.”

  Chapter 32

  Daniel had to park two blocks away because the middle school parking lot was full as were the surrounding streets. Everyone else was apparently on time for their kids’ recital. He slammed the car door and walked briskly toward the building. Music drifted down the hall as he strode toward the auditorium.

  Dammit. I hope I didn’t miss it.

  He was relieved to see that the children on stage were much older than Ella. He scanned the darkened amphitheater looking for Marienne. It didn’t take long before he spotted her. As he made his way toward her he noticed the empty seat beside her and Bob. Of course. Marienne turned her head as if she’d sensed his presence. She smiled and motioned him over. He inched past the two people at the end of the aisle


  Marienne lifted her purse of the spare seat and he slipped into it. “Hi,” she leaned in and kissed him. “You’re just in time—her class performs next.”

  Daniel was relieved. The music stopped and everyone applauded as the girls curtsied then hurried off the stage. Daniel glanced over at Marienne just in time to see Bob lean his head close to hear ear. “This is it….” he said, eyeing Marienne when he should have had his eyes on the stage. Daniel felt his nostrils flare. Must he get so close to her all the time?

  The curtain rose, and Marienne grabbed his hand. He squeezed it tight.

  Ella and her classmates looked adorable. The costumes Marienne had sewn were fluttery and perfect. When the audience erupted into applause Ella beamed from ear to ear. He felt a rush of pride watching her. Marienne was glowing alongside him.

  When the performance was over they all stood.

  Bob extended his hand to Daniel. “Hey, didn’t see you come in.”

  “I wouldn’t miss this.”

  Bob put his hand on Marienne’s shoulder. “Thanks for taking Katie, I just want to make sure I get hom
e before anyone else arrives. See you in a bit.” He gave her arm a squeeze before he headed off through the crowd.

  “What was that about?” Daniel asked. And why can’t he seem to speak without touching you?

  “Bob is having the dance class over for cake and punch. I guess they do this after every performance. He asked me if I could drive Katie so he could go set up.”

  “I take it that means we’re going.”

  “Of course we’re going. Ella’s all excited. Don’t you want to come?” She looked at him, eyes expectant, a slight pout on her lips.

  “I’ll go.” He wasn’t about to disappoint Ella. Nor did he want Marienne headed to Bob’s house without him.

  Marienne’s expression softened. “Did you have a stressful day?”

  “Hectic. I’m so glad I didn’t miss Ella’s class. Every person I passed on the way out of the building wanted to stop and chat.”

  “You’re so popular.” Her eyes twinkled at him.

  “Mmm. Very.” He reached his arm around her waist. “But I’m all yours.”

  She smiled and snuggled closer. “We need to drop your car off at home and drive together. It’ll be impossible to park two cars at Bob’s”

  As Marienne had predicted, Bob’s street was already lined with cars when they arrived. Daniel dropped her and the girls off and went in search of a spot. He made his way down the darkened street wondering what Bob’s house was like. He’d picked Ella up a few times, but had never been further than the front hall. The house was packed full of people. Girls scampered everywhere, most still in their glittery costumes.

  Daniel made his way through the rooms in search of Marienne. He found her in the kitchen, slicing pies. Bob was right beside her.

  Marienne looked up and smiled at Daniel. “Can I get you some pie, sir?”

  “I think I’ll hold out for some brownies. I hear they’re the best in town.”

  She grinned, wiping her fingers on a kitchen towel. “Can you help me carry these to the dining room table?”

  He grabbed two pies, happy for any excuse to move her further from Bob. Marienne introduced Daniel to several of the other parents, and he made small-talk as they ate and drank bright pink punch. He was mostly focused on watching Bob. Several women went over to him, clearly flirting, their eyes focused on his, heads cocked to the side, hands fluttering across his annoyingly muscular arms. Bob seemed to take it all in stride. He smiled his too-white smile, his eyes crinkling at the corners with his beach bum tan, but he never returned the affection. His hands stayed at his sides or busy with whatever he was serving, not once did he touch an arm, squeeze a shoulder, lean in for a whisper. Those behaviors seemed to be reserved for Marienne. Daniel’s jaw ached.

  “Are you okay?” Marienne slipped her arm around his waist and rubbed his back.

  “Fine.” He took another swallow of punch. The tang of cranberry stung his tightened throat.

  She looked skeptical but let it go, leaning her head against him. “Don’t worry. We can head out soon. We have to go get Drew from Arnold and Cynthia’s. I imagine borrow-a-baby probably lost its charm about an hour ago unless they were lucky enough to get him to go to sleep.”

  “Whenever you’re ready.”

  Ella begged to stay at Katie’s and Marienne gave in. Ella kissed them goodnight and scooted off to play with her friends.

  Daniel helped Marienne on with her jacket and they headed out into the night air.

  He held her hand as they walked down the street, leaves crunching beneath their feet. The air smelled like fireplaces, reminding Daniel of his childhood. Marienne stopped in front of Daniel’s car and the moonlight caught the side of her face. Her hair glowed, her eyes sparkling below her bangs, irresistible. He kissed her, her lips full and firm in the chilly air.

  “Mmmm.” She leaned in, her body curving into his. “You taste like brownies.”

  “You taste better.”

  Chapter 33

  The house felt empty the moment Daniel drove away. Marienne knew it was silly. He’d be back in a few days. It was still unsettling. Ella must have been feeling it too. She was clingy and whiny all afternoon. When the phone rang and Marienne saw Bob’s name on caller ID she was relieved.

  His voice was cheery. “Who’s in for Snow White?”

  “I’m thinking it would be good for Ella to go. She’s already missing her D. A. D. D. Y.”

  Ella’s voice piped in from the next room. “Mommy, I can spell you know.”

  Bob laughed. “She’s a character. Wonder where she gets that from?”

  Marienne smiled. “Do you think you can manage her? If she gets upset call me and I’ll come get her.”

  “She’ll be fine. I’m not worried. You sound a little blue yourself; you sure you don’t want to come with? I’m sure some people will have babies with them.”

  “Thanks but I think I’ll skip it.”

  “Okay. How about I pick you up afterward, and we all go get ice cream?”

  “That sounds good. But why don’t you just call when the show is over. I can drive and meet you at the ice cream shop.”

  “I’ll come get you. Parking can be tough, plus the roads may be a bit slick tonight. It’s going below freezing.”

  What? “It’s October.”

  He chuckled. “Water doesn’t really care what month it is. When it’s cold, it freezes.”

  “I have a lot to learn about life in New England.”

  “Don’t worry, I’m an excellent teacher.”

  Marienne hung up, thinking that was exactly the kind of statement that would make Daniel’s nostrils flare. She couldn’t figure out why Bob annoyed him so much. Sure he was a little flirty sometimes, but it wasn’t serious flirting, it was just his nature.

  I think.

  Marienne did two loads of laundry, changed the sheets on all the beds and scrubbed the kitchen sink until it sparkled. By the time Bob called to tell her he was on his way she was relieved to have any excuse to get out of the house. Bundling herself and Drew into their heavy coats, she waited by the door.

  She wondered if Daniel had made it to the hotel yet. She’d hoped he would call before she left. It occurred to her that he might not be thrilled with the idea of them all going out for ice cream. She was about to call Bob’s cell phone and tell him to just take Ella, but his car pulled into her driveway.

  Before she could even grab her purse and shut the door he was at the front steps. He extended his hand. “It’s a little icy, you’d better hang on.”

  Marienne reached for his hand, and Daniel immediately flashed into her mind. She let her hand drop to her side. “Maybe we’d better stay home. I don’t want you driving around if the roads are bad.”

  “Not to worry, I’m used to the roads, and the truck will be fine. Trust me.” His hand remained in front of her.

  She took it.

  It’s just ice cream.

  Sure enough she got home to find the answering machine flashing. She’d missed Daniel’s call. Dammit.

  “Hi sweetie, just wanted to let you know I arrived safely. I’m in room 2736 if you need to leave me a message, but I’ll try to keep my cell on too. Hope you and the kids had a good day. Love you.”

  She played it three times, shivering. She wished he was just late coming home from work and would be home soon so she could curl up with his arms around her. The thought of the bed, cold and empty without him, didn’t hold much appeal.

  Drew and Ella were both tired so she settled them into their beds and headed back downstairs to watch television. Snuggled under a comforter she clicked through the channels, but nothing held her attention. If only she had a local friend to call, but the closest friend she had made was Bob, and she wasn’t about to call him.

  The phone rang and she scrambled to get it before the sound woke the kids. “Hello?” she said, not even looking at caller ID.

  “Hey, you’re home.”

  The sound of Daniel’s voice warmed her instantly. “I’m so glad you calle

  “Is everything okay?”

  “Yes.” She curled under the blanket again, closing her eyes to let his voice surround her. “I miss you. That’s all.”

  “I miss you too. It feels like I’ve been gone a week. I’m supposed to meet the producers in the lobby in about ten minutes. I’ll probably fall asleep in my salad.”

  Marienne longed to be getting dressed up to go out for dinner. “Is it warm there?”

  “Probably around 70 degrees. Did it rain tonight?”

  “Not just rain, freezing rain. The roads are all icy.”

  “It’s October.”

  “That’s what I said, but according to Bob it’s not unusual for it to go below freezing this time of year.” The minute she mentioned Bob’s name she cringed.

  “Please be careful driving if the roads are slippery.”

  “Don’t worry, I will. The kids and I are in for the night and I think it’s going to be warmer tomorrow. We’ll probably stay home and bake cookies anyway.”

  “I hope you save some for me.”

  “I’ll make you a batch of whatever you’d like the minute you get home.”

  Chapter 34

  Daniel was on his second trip to California in less than six weeks, and he wasn’t enjoying this visit any more than the first. The business meetings were out of the way but now he was expected to schmooze, an art he hadn’t perfected. He sipped beer as he looked around the crowded ballroom, feeling terribly out of place. He was considering leaving when he felt someone pass behind him, pressing against him. He was about to step aside to let the person by, but then warm breath tickled his ear.

  “Haven’t we fucked?” The sultry whisper was unmistakably Justine’s.

  He turned in shock and there she was, radiant as always. Tanned from head to toe, hair an even paler blonde than he remembered, a slinky white gown hugging her body in all the right places. The scent of lilacs wafted off her.

  “What are you doing here?” he asked, not believing that she was actually standing in front of him.


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