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HOLDING ON (The Destiny Series Book 2)

Page 30

by Karen Stivali

  “Sure.” She struggled to make her brain work. “Straight up, with salt.”

  “We’ll take two, straight up with salt, thanks.”

  “I’ll bring those right over,” the waitress cooed at Ben, then crinkled her lips as she gave Julia a quick look up and down.

  Before Julia could waste time getting annoyed, she was interrupted by Ben. “Need a look at the menu?” He held one out to her.

  She shook her head. “I already know what I want.”

  “So do I,” Ben said, with a grin so sexy Julia thought she might fall out of her seat.

  The waitress swept back over, plunking a basket of tortilla chips down on the table with enough force that some salsa sloshed over the edge of the white bowl. She set their drinks in front of them and immediately turned her attention to Ben again. “What can I get you?” She fluttered her false eyelashes in a way that made Julia’s nostrils flare.

  To his credit, Ben seemed unfazed. “Julia, what are you having?”

  “I’ll have a chicken quesadilla with a side of guacamole. And can you bring over some of the spicy mango salsa?” The waitress scribbled on her pad and Julia wondered if she was going to sneeze on her food in the kitchen.

  “And you, sir?”

  “I’ll have the grilled steak burrito with ancho chili sauce.”

  “I’ll put that right in for you.” She brushed her fingers against Ben’s hand as she took his menu.

  Give me a break. This is why I don’t date famous clients.

  “Chip?” Ben inched the basket toward her, his elegant fingers poised to take one.

  She plucked one out, scooped up some salsa and popped it into her mouth.

  Ben did the same, the muscles in his exquisite jaw contracting as he chewed. You need to get a grip. The guy’s eating a corn chip.

  “So,” he said, “a quesadilla. Not quite as big a commitment as a whole burrito, but it’s a start.”

  The sound of Julia’s giggle rippled through him like a warm breeze. Her straight black hair fell across her face as she looked down and fiddled with her napkin. “I prefer to take things slow.”

  “Slow can be good.” Ben was pleased to see the flush that crept across her cheeks. He popped another chip into his mouth, hoping the spiciness of the salsa would redirect some of the heat that seemed to be concentrating in his groin.

  Julia lifted the margarita goblet, curving her delicate fingers around it. Her tongue flicked out to whisk some salt off the rim before she took a sip. Ben’s cock twitched in reply. Christ, she’s sexy. “How long have you been working in the fashion business?”

  Surprise registered on her face. “I studied clothing design in college, but I learned to sew as a kid. My grandmother owned a custom bridal shop. She was a master seamstress. I was sewing with her before I could even read.”

  “That explains why you’re so good.”

  The crimson glow on her cheeks deepened and Ben wondered if her skin felt as warm as it looked. He debated reaching out and taking her hand but he sensed she wasn’t ready yet. He tapped his fingers on the table instead.

  Julia laughed. “Always drumming, eh?”

  “Professional drawback, I’m afraid. Sorry.”

  Julia shook her head, causing the blue-black highlights in her hair to shimmer. “Don’t apologize. You’re a great drummer.”

  Ben’s eyebrows shot up. “You’ve seen us perform?”

  “Twice. Although I admit the first time my old roommate dragged me to the show. She’s a huge fan.”

  “What about you?”

  Her eyes twinkled and she reached for another chip. “I was pleasantly surprised.”

  “I can live with that.”

  The waitress arrived wearing asbestos mittens and carrying two steaming cast-iron skillets on wooden platters.

  “Can I get you anything else?” She leaned toward him in a manner that made her anything but attractive.

  Ben surveyed Julia’s plate. “I believe the lady asked for guacamole and some spicy salsa. Other than that we’re all set.”

  Julia smirked at him as the waitress headed off to the kitchen. “She seems quite taken with you.”

  Jealousy? That’s probably a good sign. “I think she’s hoping for a good tip, but she’s not going to get one unless she starts paying more attention to you.”

  A plate with small bowls of guacamole and mango salsa clattered onto the table.

  Julia snorted. “Does that count as attentive?”

  “Not so much.” He watched as she loosened a triangle of her quesadilla, swooping her finger beneath the strings of cheese. Tension coiled in his belly as he imagined her fingers sweeping over him. He cleared his throat and took a large forkful of his burrito.

  When they finished eating, Julia excused herself to go to the ladies room. She wasn’t sure if it was the margarita or staring at Ben for the past hour, but she was feeling lightheaded in a way she hadn’t in a long time.

  She checked her face in the mirror as she washed her hands. Even she could see the excitement in her eyes. Oh God. He probably thinks I’m a silly fan girl. She patted her cheeks with a cool, damp towel, willing herself to stay calm. He’s just a guy. And he’s just trying to get laid. You don’t need the complications. Say good night and go home.

  One glimpse of him lounging on his side of the booth, long legs extended, fingers twirling his knife as if it were a drumstick, and all her resolve went right out the window. Shit.

  “There you are.” His smile released a dozen butterflies in her stomach. “Thought maybe you’d escaped through the bathroom window.”

  “I wouldn’t leave you with the check.” She reached into her purse for her wallet.

  “Already taken care of.”

  “Oh. Thank you.”

  “My pleasure.” He stood, his full height adding even more potency to his appeal. “Shall we?”

  He followed close behind as they wove through the now crowded dining room. The cool air stood in stark contrast to both the heat of the restaurant and the heat that emanated from Ben. She shuddered as soon as they stepped outside.

  “You cold?” he asked.

  “No.” She folded her arms.

  “Yes you are.” He chuckled and removed his jacket. “Here. I can’t wear a jacket you sewed while you freeze to death alongside me.”

  His hand brushed against her neck as he wrapped the garment around her. The coat was warm and comforting but his skin was even hotter. She swallowed hard.

  “Shall I get you a taxi?” he asked, hands shoved in his pockets, hair fluttering in the breeze.

  “No, I live a few blocks from here.”

  “Oh, then I’ll walk you.”

  Julia tensed. “That’s not necessary.”

  Ben furrowed his brow, making him look even more handsome. “I know it’s not, but I want to see that you get home safely.”

  “Look, I have this rule about not letting guys up to my apartment.” She felt ridiculous. Here was this gorgeous, sweet man who’d been nothing but a gentleman asking to escort her home and she sounded like a total prude.

  “Fair enough. I wouldn’t ask to come up until I’d at least bought you a proper dinner.” His eyes twinkled. “Speaking of which, are you free tomorrow night?”

  Her breath caught in her throat. “I don’t know.”

  “Okay.” His voice was calm and steady but his shoulders slumped ever so slightly.

  She realized how bitchy she must sound. “No, really, I don’t know. I have to be at your rehearsal for final fittings, and it depends how much sewing I need to do.”

  “Fair enough. I’ll ask again tomorrow. Now which direction is your apartment?”

  He’s so nice. Another shiver ran through her.

  “Are you still cold?” he asked, taking her hand. “You are.” He raised it to his mouth, puffing his breath against her skin and rubbing it between his strong, warm hands. “We’d best get walking before you turn into an ice sculpture.”

  He twined his
fingers with hers and they turned the corner.

  Ben couldn’t remember the last time he’d held hands with a woman. The feel of her silky palm against his was driving him wild, as was the anticipation of kissing her good night. They arrived at her apartment in far less time than he would have liked.

  “This is me.”She glanced up at the white building.

  “Which floor?”

  “Three.” She pointed. “The windows with the plants.”

  He craned his neck to look, then gazed down at her. The streetlight cast a pearly glow on her skin. His heart raced. “Thank you for joining me for dinner.”

  “You’re welcome.” She fumbled in her purse for her keys then tilted her head up. Their eyes met and he couldn’t wait any longer. He brushed his lips lightly against hers. She stiffened but didn’t pull away, so he kissed her again. To his delight, she leaned toward him, pressing her full lips against his.

  Ben ran his fingers along her cheek before sinking them into her satiny hair. Her mouth opened beneath his. Warmth poured over him like a summer rain. The salty taste of her lips mingled with the sweetness of her tongue as they melted into each other. His mind raced ahead to what it would be like to be immersed inside her, to feel her all around him. He stopped before he got carried away, carefully keeping his lower body angled away so as not to disclose just how much he was responding to her. His nose grazed hers and he placed a finishing kiss on her lips.

  He opened his eyes to find that hers were still closed. Beautiful. “I’d better let you go.”

  She nodded. “Yeah. Busy day tomorrow. Oh, your jacket.” She let go of his hand and shrugged out of it, dropping her keys in the process. He bent to pick them up. “Thanks.” She traded the jacket for her keys and with a quick smile she unlocked the door and disappeared inside the building.

  He waited, staring up at her windows until the lights flicked on, then turned to head to his hotel.

  Chapter Two

  Julia’s hands were shaking so hard she was amazed she’d been able to use her keys. Holy shit, that was some kiss. Her lips were still tingling. She couldn’t remember the last time a guy had made her feel like that. The phone rang, startling her.

  It was Marissa, her old college roommate. “You must have ESP.”

  “What?” Marissa’s voice was barely a whisper. “I just got the baby to sleep and you’re the only person I know who would still be up after midnight. Why do I have ESP?”

  “You’ll never believe who I was just out with.”

  “Who?” Marissa’s voice brightened and Julia could imagine the excited look on her face.

  “Just the drummer from your favorite band.” Julia tried to sound as nonchalant as possible, but she couldn’t contain the excitement.

  “Get out.”

  Julia giggled. Oh my God, what’s wrong with me?

  “I can’t believe this. I want details. Spill.”

  “I did a couple of fittings for the band and he’s been flirty, but I didn’t take it seriously. Then tonight he asked me to dinner. Well, first he asked me to marry him.”

  “What?” Marissa’s voice boomed into the phone, immediately followed by the sound of the baby crying. “Oh fuck. Just a minute.”

  Julia could hear Marissa cooing to the baby, trying to soothe him back to sleep, but the continued wails made that seem unlikely.

  “Shit, I’m sorry, Jules, he’s teething.” The cries grew louder. “Promise me you’ll call me tomorrow with details.”

  “I’ll be at work most of the day. And he kinda asked me out for tomorrow night. But I’m not sure I’m going.”

  “Why the hell not? Aiden, shhhhhhh, Mommy’s trying to find out why Auntie Julia’s gone insane.”

  “I’m not insane. I just don’t know if I’m ready to date yet. And you know my policy on celebrities.”

  Aiden’s shrieks took on a new level of urgency and Julia had to take the phone away from her ear. “I’m sorry,” Marissa yelled over the din.

  “No worries, go take care of him. I’ll talk to you soon.”

  Julia hung up and took a deep breath, surprised that she was still electrified from her evening. She shifted against the sofa cushions, unable to alleviate the pressure building between her legs. Her hips rocked back and forth and she wished she’d been able to forgo the “no men in the apartment rule” so she could have invited Ben upstairs.

  She closed her eyes, reliving the sensation of his lips on hers, his tongue spiraling until she was breathless. Her hand slid across her belly to the waistband of her jeans. The button popped open and she slipped her fingers inside her panties. Oh, Jesus. She sank back into the cushions as she dragged her hand back and forth over her own wetness. How long had it been since she’d had an orgasm? Weeks? A month? She moaned, stroking her clit in small circles before dipping a finger inside. She’d forgotten how good it felt to be touched, by anyone. She ran her tongue over her lips, tasting Ben. It was his long fingers she pictured as she rocked against her hand. His body, hard against her, his hair brushing her cheek, his mouth on hers. The sound of pleasure rushed out of her as she came, her hips bucking off the couch.

  She lay flushed and breathless as she recovered. Without her permission, thoughts of her ex popped into her head. Trey had been the last man who’d laid hands on her, and that had been in a fit of rage. She buttoned her pants and headed straight to the bathroom, trying to shake the image from her head. He’d always been controlling and had a nasty temper, but the day he’d hit her had been the worst day of her life. Although she’d ended the relationship, it had left its mark. She hadn’t been with anyone since.

  The water gushing from the faucet was ice cold but Julia lathered up her hands, twice, then went to work scrubbing her face. By the time she finished rinsing, she felt calm and in control. She got a glass of water and headed to bed. The moment she lay back against the pillows she thought of Ben again. His sideways grin. His soulful eyes. Oh God. I’m in trouble.

  Ben glanced at his watch as he rode up the hotel elevator. It was barely 1 a.m. and he was certain Niles would still be up. He knocked on the door rapid-fire until Niles answered.

  “You’re so bloody annoying,” Niles said. His shirt was rumpled, black hair matted on one side and sleep lines crossed his cheek.

  “Sorry, mate.” Ben strode past him straight to the wet bar and helped himself to a beer. “Want one?”

  “Might as well now that I’m awake.” Niles scrubbed his hands through his hair and rubbed his eyes. “Where’ve you been? I popped by to go over tomorrow’s schedule.”

  Ben couldn’t keep the grin off his face. “Out with Julia.”

  Niles’ eyebrows shot up. “Finally got some action with her, did you? Well done. Surprised you’re home so early.”

  “I walked her home. Like a gentleman.” Ben took a swig of beer remembering their good night kiss, the smile returning to his face.

  “Walked her home after…”

  “Dinner, you perv.”

  “So you’re grinning like a loony because a girl let you walk her home?”


  Niles shook his head and took a long drink. “Please tell me you at least snogged her.”

  “At her door.” He ran his hand along the edge of the beer bottle, fiddling with the label.

  “So I suppose you’re seeing her again?”


  “Did you ask?”

  “Yes. Said she didn’t know. I’ll ask again tomorrow.” The nervous flutter in his stomach felt good. It had been ages since he’d looked forward to something like this. The anticipation was intoxicating.

  “Bloody hell. You’ve got women lined up at shows ready to shag you and you’re after one who says maybe?”

  “She’s different.”

  “I’ll say.”

  Ben finished off his beer and set it on the coffee table. “Go back to bed, you’re cranky.” Nothing Niles could say was going to put a damper on his mood. He knew he could turn the maybe into a
yes and that was all he wanted.

  Want more of Ben and Julia?

  Download Marry Me today!

  "With plenty of charm and heat, this is one tale you won’t be able to put down." RT Book Reviews




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