Creation (Movie Tie-In)
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announcement of theory of evolution at
Liston, Robert
Liszt, Franz
Literary Institute in Bromley
Little Robert and the Owl
Little Servant Maids
Locke, John
Treatise on Education
Annie explores
Darwin’s lodgings on Great Marlborough Street
Great Exhibition in
househunting in
Linnean Society in
Macaw Cottage in
portrait studio for daguerreotypes in
visit of Button, Minster, and Basket to
London & Birmingham Railway
London Bridge Station
London Labor and the London Poor (Mayhew)
London Library in St. James Square
London & North Western Railway
London & South Eastern Railway
Lowther Arcade
Lubbock, John (son)
lectures of, on natural history
study with Darwin
Lubbock, Lady
Lubbock, Sir John
education and
Lubbock children
confirmation of
Lucy (servant)
Lyell, Charles
correspondence with Darwin
Darwin’s theories and
The Geological Evidences of the Antiquity of Man
on human origins
influence on Darwin by
presentation of paper by Darwin and Wallace to Linnean Society
Principles of Geology
Lyell, Mrs. Charles
Lyrical Ballads (Wordsworth)
Macaulay, Thomas, on hippopotamus
Macaw CottageUpper Gower Street, London (CD’s home)
the locality and neighbours
move to Down House
Mackintosh, Sir James
Macmillan’s Magazine, publication of Snow Wedgwood’s essays in
Maer, visits to
Maer Hall
Maer Hill
Maer illness
Magazine of Natural History
Malthus, Thomas
Essay on the Principle of Population
Malvern, Worcestershire
Annie’s death in
Annie’s grave
Annie’s last illness in
CD contacts Dr. Gully
CD’s further treatment (1863)
the Darwin family in (1849)
the Gully-Wilson partnership
Malvern Hills
origin of
Manchester, disturbances in
evolution from animal ancestors
and the great apes
and the moral sense
place in nature
put into a taxonomic order of its own
similarity of minds
the soul
spiritual destiny
the “vast chain of being,”
Mantell, Gideon
The Wonders of Geology
Marcet, Jane
March’s Penny Book of Sports
Marryat, Captain, The Settlers in Canada
Marsden, Alice
Marsden, Emily
Marsden, James
Marsden, Lucy
Marsden, Marian
Marsden, Rose
Martineau, Harriet
Eastern Life, Present and Past
How to Observe Morals and Manners
Letters on the Laws of Man’s Nature and Development
Martineau, James
Rationale of Religious Enquiry
Maudsley, Henry
lectures on “Body and Mind” at Royal College of Physicians
on the mentally ill,
Physiology and Pathology of Mind
May Day
Mayhew, Henry, London Labour and the London Poor
Mayo, Robert, The Philosophy of Living
Mazzini, Giuseppe
Mental activity, materialistic view of
Mental disorders
in Emma’s mother
Maudsley work on
in Thackeray’s wife
Mental rioting
CD’s “metaphysical inquiries,”
and evolution
a “whole metaphysics,”
Wordsworth and
Mill, John Stuart
Mill on the Floss, The (Tulliver)
Milnes, Richard Monckton
Milton, John, Paradise Lost
activity below the threshold of awareness
and body
and brain
human and animal minds
and inheritance
lack of control
organic views of its workers
shape from an animal past
spiritual or material
Mind: A Quarterly Review of Psychology and Philosophy (periodical)
Minster,York, visit to London
Monboddo, Lord, on chimpanzees and orang
Mongolian appearance
Montreal House
Morality, Darwin on
Moral sense
CD’s task
development in Willy
founded on affection
Hume and
and mental illness
the most important of the human attributes
natural origin of
perverted by religious beliefs
ruled by reason
Morrey, Mrs. (servant)
Morris, Dinah
Moscheles, Ignaz
Mudie’s Circulating Library
Munford, John
Murray, John
Museum of Zoology (Cambridge)
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Nash, Louisa
National Census
procedures for
Natural history
of babies
Natural History of Religion (Hume)
Natural light, cruelty in
Natural philosophy
Natural science
Natural selection
controversy about the theory
evolution by
evolution of the tuberculosis bacillus
and instinct
the mechanism of
and pleasure
and population growth
and suffering
and treatment of the physical unfit
and Wallace’s paper
Natural theology
celebrates God’s wisdom in the Creation
Hume and
rejects concept of evolution
shallow complacency of
task of
Natural Theology (Paley)
Natural world, sense of order in
the “age of nature,”
Carlyle on
CD rejects the idea of a benign nature
the face of
laws of
Man’s place in
“Nature’s God,”
Owen on
ruthless culling by
Tennyson on
and Wordsworth’s Wanderer
Newman, Francis
History of the Hebrew Monarchy
Phrases of Faith
The Soul, her Sorrows and her Aspirations
Newman, John Henry, later Cardinal
New Monthly Magazine
bsp; New Testament
Newton, Sir Isaac
universal gravitation theory of
Nicholas Nickleby (Dickens)
Nightingale, Florence
Notes on Nursing
Nina (dog)
Norton, Andrews, Evidence of the Genuineness of the Gospels
Notes on Nursing (Nightingale)
Nursery rhymes
Nursery Rhymes of England, The (Halliwell)
Obaysch (hippopotamus) exhibit, at Zoological Gardens
“Ode to Liberty” (Shelley)
Old Stones (Symonds)
Old Testament
On Intelligence (Taine)
addiction to
exhibit of Jenny, at Zoological Gardens
mental powers
Rousseau and Monboddo on
in Wombwell’s Menagerie
Orchis Bank
Origin of species
CD finishes the sketch of his theory (July 1844)
CD forms his ideas
CD puts his essay away (1844)
effects of the theory
Emma reads CD’s essay
struggle for existence at the heart of CD’s theory
Origin of Species, The (Darwin)
Osborne, John
Our Cousins in Ohio (Howitt)
Owen, Richard
argument with Huxley over hippocampus minor
as authority of comparative anatomy
coining of the word “dinosaur” by
on hippopotamus
on human origins
on separation of humans from other mammals
Oxenden, Ashton
Fervent Prayer
Words of Peace; or the Blessings and Trials of Sickness
Oxford Movement
Packing in damp towels
Pain and suffering
of animals
of CD,
of childbirth
death of the Baptist minister’s wife
Emma sees as linked to sin
God and
the importance of time for recovery from grief
memories of
moral meaning
and natural laws
in operations without anaesthetic
and pleasure
Priestly on
and social instincts
of Tommy the chimpanzee
in tuberculosis
CD’s collection of Patagonian fossil mammals
and the Creation
and extinction
fossil primates long predating man
Sedwick’s Welsh field trip
Paley, William
Natural Theology
Paradise Lost (Milton)
Parental affection, Darwin on
Parish schools
Park’s Cock Robin
Parliamentary committee, Josiah Wedgwood’s testimony on child labor before
Parslow, Eliza (Emma’s maid)
Parslow, Joseph (butler)
Partington, Eliza
fossils from
Penny Magazine of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge
Period Piece (Gwen Darwin)
Philosophy, skeptical
Philosophy of Living, The (Mayo)
“Photographic Phenomenon” (Cruikshank)
Phrases of Faith (Newman)
Physiology and Pathology of Mind (Maudsley)
Pickings on the Sea-shore
breeding of
Pilgrim’s Progress (Bunyan)
CD collects with Miss Thorley
CD’s experiments
collected by CD on the Galapagos
fertility and sterility in
Hooker collects plants in India
life and death within the natural order
seed dispersal
Poetical Works (Wordsworth)
Poetry. See also Coleridge; Cowper; Milton; Tennyson; Wordsworth
CD explores Wordsworth
CD rereads
and science
Pollock, Frederick
Polytechnic Institution
Pomona House
Popular Tales (Edgeworth)
Post Office Directory
Preliminary Discourse on the Study of Natural Philosophy (Herschel)
Price, Mary
Priestley, Joseph, on suffering
complex emotions
Principles of Geology (Lyell)
Principles of Human Physiology (Carpenter)
Principles of Scientific Batting (Pycroft)
Progressive Whigs
Psychic force
Pterodactyl pie
Puerperal fever
Pulmonary consumption
Pycroft, James, Principles of Scientific Batting
Quarterly Review
Wilberforce’s anonymous review of The Origin in
Railway travel
Ramsgate, Annie’s trip to
Rashdall, John
Rationale of Religious Enquiry (Martineau)
and animal instinct
and faith in Christ
human infant’s linking of ideas