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Worth the Risk [Wildfire 1] (The Lynn Hagen ManLove Collection)

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by Lynn Hagen

  “Stop calling him that.” Darien knew all too well what it felt like to be labeled and he didn’t like it. “His name is Matthew.”

  “First-name basis.” Cory winked. “Okay, I’ll stop pestering you. But just so you know, Matthew has looked your way twice now.”

  “We’re here to get the job done, that’s all.” Darien poured beer into his mug and swallowed a generous amount of the cold brew. It felt good going down his parched throat.

  “So you haven’t considered staying once the job’s done?” Cory played with the condensation on his can. “Honestly, there’s nothing back in Virginia for me except you guys. I like this small town. It has great potential, and I won’t have to look over my shoulder all the time.”

  Darien had entertained the idea a few nights after he’d gotten there. He was a hard worker and hardly ever partied. City life had never been for him, but he’d always gone where the money was. But Cory had a point. Although no one had ever fucked with Darien about his interest in men, he’d seen the looks, and it would be nice to live someplace more tolerant.

  He shrugged. “It might be good for you, Cory. You need a place like this.”

  “And you don’t?”

  “Drink up before your Coke gets warm.” Darien pushed from the table to join his men at the pool tables and swore he felt Matthew’s gaze drilling a hole in his back.

  He shot a game with Max, then made his way to the bathroom. Business done, Darien washed his hands, ignoring the man who walked into the bathroom until he heard the guy’s footsteps stop.

  Darien looked in the mirror and saw Matthew staring at him. “It’s not polite to stare at a guy in the bathroom unless you’re looking to give a blowjob.”

  Matthew’s face reddened as his gray eyes narrowed. “Sorry, you’ll have to find a whore somewhere else.”

  Darien wasn’t sure why he’d just been rude, but the thought of Matthew dropping to his knees had his dick hardening. “Wasn’t looking for a whore.”

  “Only a slut would give a blowjob in a public restroom.”

  Darien grabbed a few paper towels to dry his hands. “Then you’ve never been adventurous before, have you?”

  That had been the worst come-on he’d ever given a guy, but he couldn’t seem to shut his mouth. He started to apologize, until Matthew threatened him.

  “Have you forgotten who I am?” Matthew asked as he neared a urinal. “Regardless if Seoul hired you, I’ll have you out of my town before you can blink.”

  Fucking prick. “My bad. I must’ve mistaken you for someone with a sense of humor.”

  “I know how to joke,” Matthew defended. “I just don’t find humor in…never mind.”

  Matthew was too gorgeous to be a prude. There was more to him than he let on, and although he was an uptight man, Darien was definitely still interested in at least one quick lay to find out if Matthew really would let loose in bed.

  Chapter Two

  Matthew felt worn out. He’d tossed and turned all night with thoughts of giving Darien a blowjob. Damn that sweaty, gorgeous hunk for putting those images in his head.

  Now, too tired for the meeting at city hall, he sat at the table with his friends, barely able to keep his eyes open.

  “I hired a new sheriff.” Dagger slid the file to Glen. “He has the experience we need. I’ve worked with him in the past, and although I wouldn’t quite call him a friend, he’ll keep the troublemakers out of our town.”

  “Troublemakers as in homophobes?” Glen picked up the file and glanced through it.

  “Exactly,” Dagger said. “I have a few other men in mind as deputies. They have the same qualifications as Blade.”

  “Blade?” Glen looked more closely at the file as Matthew tried not to fall asleep. It wasn’t easy, and more than once his head began to lower toward the wooden conference table.

  “Hey, you with us?” Seoul nudged Matthew’s leg with his foot. “Had a rough night with one of those sweaty men?”

  The others laughed as Matthew yawned. “Hard to get any rest when all I hear are crickets. There’s no traffic to lull me to sleep, and no sirens. Nothing but peace and quiet.”

  “You don’t have to stay to oversee this.” Seoul sounded irritated. “In fact, if you hate this town so much, we can take over and just e-mail you updated reports.”

  “I’m just tired.” Matthew sat up straight. “Don’t mind me.”

  “But you’ve been nitpicking this town since you arrived.” Seoul gave him the needless reminder. “Seriously, we can handle things on this end.”

  Wildfire was more Seoul’s baby than anyone else’s. They’d all invested equally, but he was the one who took on this project with passion. So much so that they’d all agreed he would make a great mayor. Matthew didn’t want that responsibility. He still had Honeywell Corp. to run, and although Jackson Mallard was doing a fine job while Matthew was away, he felt out of place not being in his boardroom every day. “I said sorry.”

  “I wish you saw the potential that I see. This could be a thriving, loving town if you just gave it half a chance,” Seoul said.

  “I’m here,” Matthew said. “I’m invested in this.”

  “Your heart isn’t.” Seoul turned away from Matthew, but not before he saw the disappointment in Seoul’s dark eyes.

  “You’re right.” Matthew grabbed a file from the middle of the table. “I’ve been acting like an ass so far. I swear I’ll try my best to love Wildfire as much as you do, Seoul.”

  His friend didn’t look convinced, but nodded. As Matthew, Seoul, Dagger, and Glen looked through lists of what still needed to be done to bring Wildfire back to life, Matthew’s mind kept straying to thoughts of Darien.

  By the time the meeting adjourned, Matthew had the biggest boner. He’d sworn sex off—for now, not permanently—since the fiasco a year ago. Matthew had thrown himself into his work, the hours long as he made money hand over fist.

  He wouldn’t say he was happy, but he wasn’t unhappy, either. He just was. Now all he thought about was the sweaty construction worker, and what it would be like to have the man fuck him until he couldn’t walk straight.

  “Are you okay?” Dagger asked. “You’re flushed.”

  Seoul chuckled. “I heard some of the workers talking about how the owner of Lockmere Construction flirted with you.”

  Dagger gave Seoul a droll stare. “You mean the guy you fucked last night told you that.”

  “Hey, I’m part owner of the town. Why not enjoy some of its perks?” Seoul turned to Matthew. “I saw how flushed you were when you came out of the bathroom at the tavern last night. I’m proud of you, Matthew. Finally letting your hair down and having sex in public places.”

  “Shut up,” Matthew growled. “I didn’t have sex with anyone last night.”

  Owner of Lockmere Construction? Matthew hadn’t connected the dots when Darien introduced himself. That only told Matthew how preoccupied he’d been with Darien’s body instead of paying attention to their conversation.

  Still, Darien had pissed Matthew off in the bathroom. But he’d also piqued his interest, and that wasn’t good. One, Matthew wasn’t interested in getting involved with anyone right now. Not when the fiasco with William still left a sour taste in his mouth.

  Two, Matthew heard his friends talking in the tavern last night about how good Darien and his crew were. Matthew didn’t want anything to interfere with Darien getting the job done.

  Seoul would kill Matthew in his sleep if he did something to muck up his friend’s plans. That cemented Matthew’s resolve to stay as far away from Darien Lockmere as possible.

  He only hoped he could stick to his guns.

  * * * *

  The hot Ohio sun beat down on Darien as he and Jordan inspected the next house on their list. The green-and-white cottage didn’t look as bad as the last house, and Darien was glad they wouldn’t have to spend too much time on extensive repairs.

  Hopefully. Things rarely went according to plan in Darien’s

  “I haven’t checked the electrical work,” Jordan said. “But from what I could tell, it’s structurally sound. There are a few holes in the interior walls and it could use a new roof. I still have to finish looking the house over, but you should see the rustic white oak flooring. Some European oil finish should bring back its beauty.”

  Darien chuckled. “I forgot you get a hard-on when it comes to flooring.”

  “It brings a room together,” Jordan said.

  “Then order the oil. I want you to finish your complete assessment today so we can start on this cottage tomorrow. I have the roofers finally flying in this weekend.”

  “Mo finished the job in Arlington?” Jordan asked as he tucked his clipboard under his arm.

  “Yep. He and his crew are ready to tackle Wildfire.”

  Jordan snickered. “Wildfire is about to get its first taste of some rowdy men.”

  “They’re the best at what they do.” Although Darien agreed with Jordan. Moses Sheppard and his motley crew were untamed and loved to party, but damn if they weren’t the best roofers this side of the Mississippi. They were also fast and their prices were reasonable, which made them in high demand. Mo had agreed to the contract for Wildfire as a favor to Darien. He just hoped he didn’t regret bringing them to this quiet little town.

  Normally contractors had to put in a bid for a job, but Darien had assured Seoul that there were none better than Dixon Roofing Company, and Seoul had taken Darien at his word.

  “I’m heading out for lunch. Did you want me to bring you something back from Gallagher’s?”

  Darien shook his head. “Just grab me a few bottles of water from the chest.”

  “You got it.” Jordan took off as Darien looked the cottage over.

  He turned when a black BMW drove by. The windows were tinted, so he couldn’t see the driver, but his gut told him it was Matthew. The car slowed as it passed, and Darien refused to hide his grin. He gave a wave, then a wink before turning back to the house.

  “Here you go.” Jordan handed over two cold bottles. “I guess Cory was right.”

  “About what?” Darien twisted the plastic cap off and drank half of one. Damn, ice-cold water on a hot summer’s day. Couldn’t beat it.

  “About you hankering for a piece of Mr. Honeywell.” Jordan raised his hands and backed away, still smiling. “But I didn’t have to hear it from Cory. I saw the way you were looking at him last night at the tavern.”

  “Don’t you have lunch to eat?” Darien barked. “You got an hour, and you better be back here on time.”

  Jordan gave a salute. “Yes, sir.” He laughed as he took off.

  Darien shook his head. He loved his crew like family, but sometimes they were a pain in the ass. He heard a car door shut, but Darien kept staring at the cottage.

  “Don’t you take lunch breaks?”

  “Wasn’t aware you’d be so hands-on with the project.” Darien cast a glance over his shoulder as Matthew approached. He wasn’t wearing a suit and tie today, and damn if he didn’t look edible in those designer jeans and polo shirt. The dark gray set off his eyes.

  “I promised Seoul I’d get more involved,” Matthew said. He looked flushed as he stood there staring at Darien’s chest. “You should be at lunch.”

  In other words, Matthew had stopped by to see what was going on, hoping Darien wouldn’t be there. He wasn’t going to make it that easy for Matthew. “I don’t take lunch. I get sluggish afterward.”

  Matthew moved toward the side of the cottage, putting distance between them. “Do you really think this town is viable?”

  The question shocked Darien. “You’re the one who invested in it. If you didn’t think this town could come back to life, why’d you sink so much money into it?”

  A soft smile played across Matthew’s lips, and Darien wanted nothing more than to kiss the rich bastard who teased him at every turn with his presence. “Seoul made one hell of an argument. I guess I bought into his dream.”

  “But not wholeheartedly or you wouldn’t be questioning your decision.” Darien moved closer, unable to keep the distance between them. Matthew was definitely not his type, but damn, something about him drew Darien like a moth to a flame.

  “Unfortunately, you’re right.” Matthew moved to the back of the house, and Darien followed. He wanted to press his body against Matthew’s slimmer frame, to kiss those pretty lips and hear the uptight investor call out his name as Darien fucked him senseless.

  Darien cleared his throat. “Care to see inside?”

  “I guess I should become familiar with the town.” Matthew stood there, as if waiting for Darien to show the way.

  Smiling to himself, Darien stepped onto the magnificent deck, then opened the sliding glass door and waved a hand at it. “Go right in.”

  Matthew hadn’t mentioned what happened last night in the bathroom, so neither would Darien. In all honesty, he felt kind of bad for being so crass. Then again, he didn’t regret letting Matthew know he was interested.

  “Nice flooring,” Matthew commented as he walked through the kitchen.

  “One of my guys said the same thing.”

  “He has good taste.” Matthew moved to the living room, and like a drug addict chasing a fix, Darien kept step with Matthew. He didn’t like the fact he was so enamored with the man.

  “I’m starting to see why Seoul fell in love with this town.”

  Darien grinned. “You’re not a very good liar.”

  Matthew narrowed his eyes. “Who said I was lying?”

  “You looked down and to the left when you said that.” Darien moved closer. “Sure indication of a lie.”

  “You keep forgetting who you’re speaking to.” Matthew walked stiffly toward the front door, but Darien was far from done with their conversation. He liked ruffling Matthew’s feathers because his gut told him not too many people dared to.

  He had a feeling Matthew was in his element when it came to business, but wasn’t so self-assured in his personal life. He could see it in Matthew’s posture, the way he kept looking at the floor and the fine blush streaking across his cheeks.

  Darien moved until he was inches away from Matthew. When he spoke, his words came out in a husky tone. “I know exactly who I’m speaking to.”

  Matthew put his hands on Darien’s chest in an obvious attempt to push him away, but instead curled his fingers against it and exhaled a soft moan. Matthew’s eyes widened before he took a step back, dropping his hands to his sides.

  “Why do you keep running from me?” Darien cupped Matthew’s face, his calluses palm touching smooth skin. His cock became semihard as he stared into Matthew’s pretty eyes. “I feel an attraction between us. Don’t you?”

  “Because I’ve been burned before.” Matthew shoved Darien’s hand away. “And I won’t go down that road again. It cost me more than it was worth.”

  The pain of whatever had happened was evident in Matthew’s voice. Darien took a step back. “I’m not out to burn you, Matt. I’m just looking to have some fun while I’m here.”

  “First, it’s Matthew. Second, there are plenty of guys around if you’re looking for a quick fuck.”

  Darien wasn’t sure why, but Matthew’s use of the curse word turned him on. He laughed. “Sorry, I don’t fuck my crew. They’re more like family to me, and that would be weird.”

  That statement gained a small smile from Matthew. “I guess that would be. But I’m still not having sex with you.”

  “We’ll see.” Darien opened the front door. “Go ahead, Matthew. Run.”

  Matthew bristled. The man was so damn hot and cold that Darien was starting to get a headache. “I don’t run, Mr. Lockmere.”

  “Says the man who’s about to run out of here.” Darien left Matthew standing at the front door as he exited the house through the back. If he stayed any longer, he would try to kiss Matthew.

  Idiot. You’re the one who just ran.

  He stepped into the hot sun and curs
ed. Matthew was getting under his skin, and Darien couldn’t have that. He needed to fuck Matthew’s tight little ass and get him out of his system.

  Maybe then he could get his damn head on straight.

  Chapter Three

  Matthew took a flight out the next day. He used the excuse of needing to check on Honeywell Corporation, but in truth, he needed to get away from Darien.

  As he moved through the familiar halls, Darien’s words chased around his head. No, Matthew was not running. He was getting away from the frustrating man so he could get his head back in the game.

  “Good morning, Mr. Honeywell,” Katie, his secretary, said. “I placed those documents you requested on your desk.”

  “Thank you, Katie.” He headed into his office and shut the door before taking a seat behind his expensive oak desk. Matthew stared off into the skyline of downtown Arlington as he thought about his plans. He’d asked his lawyers to draw up papers stating he would sell his share of Wildfire to his friends. Matthew would take the loss if it meant putting Darien behind him.

  You’re running.

  Matthew curled his hands into fists and slammed them against his desk. His phone buzzed. With a deep sigh, Matthew hit the button to the intercom. “Yes, Katie?”

  “Is everything all right, Mr. Honeywell?”

  “Everything’s fine.” He let the button go.

  Matthew stood and began to pace. Why should he sell his part of the town? Who was Darien Lockmere to make Matthew feel he needed to get away from the guy? Why on earth was he affecting Matthew to the point he couldn’t think straight?

  Thoughts of William Black came to mind. Matthew had been so wrapped up in the underwear model that he hadn’t seen William for the lecherous bastard he was. He’d lavished William with gifts and had taken him to the most expensive restaurants and on exotic trips across the globe.

  When Matthew was tired of being used and tried to break things off, William went public with a false accusation of rape. He’d refused Matthew’s calls, and had gone on camera with those fake tears and his sob story, and the reporters had descended on Matthew like vultures.


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