Enforcers Embrace [Southern Supernatural Alphas] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Enforcers Embrace [Southern Supernatural Alphas] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 9

by Sara Anderson

  Emily nuzzled her face into Logan’s chest as he caressed her with the soft washcloth. She felt like she was high as he rubbed it over her entrance. She was so sensitive that the washcloth was almost too much, and she whimpered.

  “It’s okay. Let me clean you up a bit.” Logan grabbed some gel and rubbed it on the stripes on her thighs. If things were the same, she’d have some redness, but nothing terrible. Logan could make her sting without leaving lasting marks.

  Logan picked up a comforter off the chair in the room and brought it over to the bed, climbed in with Emily, and held her. He kissed her forehead.

  “It’s okay. I’m here now, and I will never let you go again. You’re mine.”

  “Mmm hm.” Emily felt her consciousness slipping away. She’d come here to talk to Logan, not sleep with him. Now she couldn’t imagine going home alone.

  “You may hate me after you know the truth, but it’s time.”

  Emily’s brow furrowed. What was that supposed to mean? With a sigh, she snuggled closer. She didn’t care right now; she just wanted him to hold her.

  Chapter Four

  The clock ticked in a rhythmic passing of time as Logan rocked Jackson in one of the recliners. He’d heard him start to stir a while ago and had found Jackson’s diapers and a bottle. There was some canned formula in the bag, so he found a can opener, poured the milk into a bottle, and warmed it up.

  Just as he’d gotten the bottle fixed, Jackson’s sucking on his fist had started to turn into more insistent cries to be fed. Logan was no expert on pups, but he’d seen plenty of his friends take care of theirs to know the basics. Pups liked to eat, have clean pants, and sleep. There wasn’t a magic trick to caring for even newborn pups.

  Jackson eagerly took the bottle, and his gaze locked onto him as he drank down his milk. Logan stroked his tiny fists, his cheeks, and the dark hair on his head. Logan felt the bond between them knitting and the love for his son growing stronger. My son. Joy and pride flooded his heart at those words. Jackson was the best thing to happen to him since he’d met Emily.

  Everything they would do together flirted through his mind. He would teach his son how to hunt, even before his first shift, and to live off the land, as his father had taught him.

  Tears burned Logan’s eyes as he saw himself playing ball in the yard, playing cars, and the other things fathers and sons did together. Hell, if his son wanted to color and paint, he’d do it. He wouldn’t be one of those asshole dads who demanded his son like what he wanted him to. He was going to make sure Jackson had the best childhood ever, and he’d start by loving Emily and making sure Jackson’s home was perfect.

  Once Jackson finished his bottle, Logan changed his diaper and burped him like he’d seen other parents do to their pups. Jackson burped for him and then drifted off to sleep.

  Logan couldn’t bring himself to put him back down in the crib though, so he settled him in his arms and continued to rock him. Thoughts of Emily came to him as he stared at Jackson. He’d have to be careful how he went forward now. He could simply tell her that she was no longer free to leave, but that wouldn’t be good for Emily. She was his partner, not his prisoner, but they also had to make it clear to all the other lycans that Emily was theirs. He had to think of ways to court her and win her heart all over again, while making sure no other lycan dared to touch her.

  The first step was to acknowledge Ash’s attraction to Emily. He’d seen them watching one another, and he knew they were also fated mates. He’d been a selfish asshole to keep them apart. He’d have to make sure Ash claimed her as well, and a plan started forming in his mind. As if thinking about him, Logan’s phone chirped with Ash’s ringtone. Logan reached over, pulled his phone off the nightstand, and opened it.

  What happened with Emily?

  Logan’s lips pressed together as he typed. It hurt knowing he’d hurt her so bad she’d left.

  She brought my son to meet me.

  Funny. Seriously, dude what’s up with Emily?

  Not kidding. She had my pup and ran. It’s my fault. I shoved her away and she faced all that shit alone.

  Logan closed his eyes. Having a lycan pup was no easy task. It played havoc on human women, and they needed a lot of care. Had Emily had the complications that many women had? Her leaving was all his fault. If she’d stayed, someone would have scented him on her, known she was carrying his pup, and brought it to his attention. She could have been under the care of Yerel and had him to care for her.

  This changes everything. You know the laws we have about human women who have lycan pups.

  I know, and I want to do things right. Starting tomorrow morning, we will both make our claim on her known to the pack. I will call my grandma. She’ll be happy to come and meet her new grandson while we make sure everyone knows Emily is ours.

  Logan kissed Jackson’s head and placed him back in his crib. He crawled back into bed with Emily and kissed her gently on the head.

  “Tomorrow everyone will know that you are mine.” Logan’s wolf howled in victory as he thought about the other lycans watching Emily surrender to him and Ash. It no longer mattered what his fears were about her reaction. She was his, and if she wanted to leave him, she’d have to choose another lycan for a mate. Logan was sure that she would never pick another lycan but him.

  * * * *

  Snow blanketed the trees outside as Emily blinked sleepily in the warm cocoon of blankets and Logan’s arms. It had been months since she’d slept so long or hard—since Jackson had been born. Emily gasped in fear. Jackson hadn’t woken her up. He usually woke up several times a night to eat. She sat up, and Logan smiled at her.

  “Good morning, Em.”

  “Jackson,” she said, throwing the covers off herself.

  Logan covered her back up and pulled her to him. “I just got him back to sleep about twenty minutes ago.”

  “You did?” Emily couldn’t believe she didn’t wake up when he did. “What time is it?”

  “It’s a little after nine.”

  Emily shook her head in confusion. How could she have slept so late, and why did she still feel so tired? She should feel better after over eight hours of sleep, but she still felt like she’d been hit by a truck.

  “How about some breakfast?”

  Emily thought she smelled bacon and coffee, but surely she was imagining things. Logan did not cook; he burned things.

  “Yeah. Did you order in?”

  “Nah, they are serving breakfast up front today.”

  Logan’s lips captured hers and woke up her libido all over again. Even when he was gentle, he made his control over her known. After a few breathtaking moments, Logan let her up for air.

  “You’d better get some clothes on and go and get something to eat before they eat it all.”

  “Who’s ‘they’?”

  “We had a long meeting for those of us that are sort of like deputies. Some of them come from a good distance away. We house and feed them, but it’s welcome for anyone to come and eat.”

  A half hour later, Emily took a sip of her coffee and opened her book. It had been months since she had a moment to herself. After Logan brought her a short skirt and a shirt that sort of fit her, he pushed her out of the room and said to hurry and get some food. Just as he said, there were tables, coffee brewing, and many people eating, mostly well-built men who looked the law enforcement type.

  Emily held her legs tightly closed since he hadn’t brought her any panties and had taken the ones she wore yesterday. No panties and a short skirt and she was reading an erotic book.

  Ever since she’d met Logan, she’d loved reading books about BDSM. Lately she’d been binge reading a ménage series that took place in a club. She felt so drawn to having more than one lover, but she didn’t think Logan would ever go for it. When she thought back to their times together and how Logan could be such a caveman, she knew he’d never share. Emily shifted in her chair, still a bit tender from the rough sex last night.

isten to you, you’re thinking you have a relationship with Logan again. One night of sex doesn’t change a thing. Sex. That was far more than sex that they’d shared. Emily felt like Logan had turned her inside out and squeezed every orgasm she was capable of out of her. Still, the rest was aftercare, not real caring. She had to make a plan to find her own place and leave Logan behind. No! Her heart screamed in anguish. She felt tears forming just thinking about it. Dammit, she’d gotten her heart involved even though she told herself not to.

  She turned her mind to her apartment in California. She didn’t want to ever go back when she thought about it. The anxiety she felt there was gone. She no longer felt watched and hunted like a deer.

  * * * *

  Ash Cooper watched Emily sipping her coffee and reading a book she pulled out of her purse. She twirled her hair and every now and then, she looked up as if she was deep in thought. The short skirt he’d brought over for her didn’t cover all the stripes Logan had left on her last night. It was a skater skirt and perfect for their plans. They needed to make a good show that Emily was willingly with them to as many enforcers as they could. If Emily tried to run and claim they’d taken her without her consent, another pack could “rescue” her. It wouldn’t be much of a rescue though, since she was the mother to a lycan cub. She would be mated to another lycan, and some believed human women who had proven fertile were nothing but fuck holes and breeding stock. Logan and Ash knew Emily’s worth.

  While they would have to dominate her and push her past her comfort level, they were doing it for her own good. Their plan was to first wrap Emily in so much pleasure she wouldn’t fight when they revealed the truth to her.

  Logan already had a head start on that, from the moaning and crying out Emily had done last night. Ash had to adjust his rock-hard cock as he remembered hearing her screams of pleasure. While some lycan enforcers used forced orgasms to interrogate prisoners, Logan had used it to start breaking down Emily’s walls. She would need to trust them completely, or lycan laws could make life miserable for her. Emily was in a vulnerable position right now by walking around with a lycan pup, and many lycans would try to claim her to keep her and the pup protected. Coyotes and vampires would think twice before attacking a mated female, but a single female running around outside pack lands was prey.

  Ash wondered if she would be sitting by the window enjoying the view and her breakfast if she knew that every enforcer in the room probably went to their beds and masturbated after hearing Logan interrogate her. Someone should have warned the girl not to mess with Logan as he played dirty.

  Ash wanted to approach her now, but Logan was her Master. She’d never accept him without Logan’s approval. Therefore, he simply waited for Logan’s grandmother to show up and watch Jackson for them. Emily would soon learn her place in their world.

  * * * *

  Turning the page as she read, Emily jumped and squealed when Logan sat down next to her. She looked around in confusion.

  “Where’s Jackson? You didn’t leave him alone did you?” Fear caused her heartrate to spike, and she pushed away from the table to get up.

  Logan put his foot behind the leg of her chair and gave her a smile. “No, I didn’t leave him. Grandma was thrilled to learn she is a great-grandma and kicked me out. She is rocking him now and singing to him.”

  With a sigh of relief, Emily put down her book. “That—”

  Ash pulled a chair around and sat down on the other side of Emily, cutting off her words. She scooted over a bit to give him more room, and thought about getting up.

  “Do you two need to talk?” Emily didn’t want to endanger her rekindled relationship with Logan by drooling over Ash. She’d not only lose Logan, but come between them as well.

  “Yes, but we need to talk to you,” Logan said as he stroked his fingers up her leg. “Did you leave your panties off like I told you to?”

  “I don’t have any since you cut mine off.” Emily jerked her legs closed. Dear god, he wouldn’t dare do this here with all these men in the room.

  Logan gave her a smile that said he was not at all sorry. “I know. I hate those things, because they get in my way.” Logan’s face turned serious. “I wanted you to be awake when I talked to you about last night.”

  “What about last night?” Fear made Emily’s heart pound. Was this where he officially told her good-bye? She wasn’t any good for him, and he sent her home?

  Logan leaned in and brushed a tender kiss across her lips. “I owe you a huge apology for how I behaved last year.”

  Emily opened her mouth to forgive him again as relief swamped her, but Logan placed a finger over her lips.

  “No, pet, do not simply say it’s okay and forgive. I distanced myself from you because I was afraid. There are things going on that you don’t understand yet. Once you know about those parts of me, there is no going back.”

  “I don’t understand. What do you mean ‘no going back’?”

  Logan leaned in and kissed her neck. “I promise to tell you everything soon, but first Ash felt left out last night. What do you say we include him today?”

  Did Logan read her thoughts or something? She’d just been thinking about him and now Logan wanted her to include him? Emily squirmed as liquid heat started to drip from her entrance. No, she was not getting hot for two men in a restaurant. No.

  “Emily,” Logan said with a voice that was full of command. “I can see that you are aroused by the idea of Ash and me. Either say your safe word or spread your legs and hook your feet around the legs of the chair.” Logan’s hand stroked up her leg until he reached her soaked channel. He gathered her cream and softly stroked her clit.

  Emily gasped. “Logan!” He’d played with her pussy in that kink bar, Sinister, several times, but others were getting off as well. Here a bunch of men were eating and drinking. She looked around and thought she saw she was getting side glances a lot.

  Ash leaned in and Emily’s heart did a double take at how he firmly grabbed her thigh. “I suggest you be a good girl and listen to your Master. It would be fun for me to fuck you right here, but you may be a bit embarrassed.”

  Emily gulped. “Here?” Emily closed her eyes as Logan stroked his finger over her clit, and Ash moved his hands over her aching breasts. She didn’t doubt now that they would bend her over right here with the way they were touching her.

  Ash nodded. “I’ve seen it done with a misbehaving subbie. This is pack-owned, and packs share. We don’t see sex the same way you do. We will fuck our mates wherever we please, and if others watch, so be it.”

  “Pack-owned? What is that?” Emily asked as she spread her legs wider and made sure her skirt covered her properly.

  “Yes, pack-owned. You will know everything soon, but for right now, I may have texted a few enforcers and told them there would be an encore to last night’s show.”

  “Last night?” Emily breathed out as she felt a blush go from her chest to her hairline.

  “Mm hm. Tell me, Emily. What do you think about having two men fuck you at once?” Ash asked.

  “Two men?” Emily shook her head but fresh cream coated her entrance and her ass clenched at the thought of having both of them. Logan chuckled, pulled his hand free, and licked her cream from his fingers.

  Emily watched and moaned at the jolt of arousal that shot through her. She’d refused to think about Ash since she was with Logan, but she’d wanted him as well. Now he was here, and he started stroking her leg and moving closer to her pussy.

  Logan gripped her chin, pulled her face to him, and lowered his lips to hers. Ash’s fingers swept over her wet folds, and she jumped.

  Logan lifted slightly. “What’s your safe word?”

  “Red, Master.”

  “Good. When you come, I suggested you stay perfectly still and not make any sound. My fellow enforcers have sensitive hearing, and we may end up with a buffet with you as the main treat.”

  Emily gasped as Ash’s fingers plunged into her and he rubbed he
r clit. Logan reached over and pinched her nipple as he kissed her again. His lips tasted of coffee and cinnamon roll as his mouth took possession of hers.

  Logan was gentle this morning instead of the vengeful interrogator he’d been last night. They both teased her until she was ready to scream, but she didn’t want all the others to know what was going on or for them to feast on her. She fisted one hand on Ash’s leg and one on Logan’s and whimpered into Logan’s mouth as her need grew.

  Emily’s hips lifted to try and get more from Ash as he gently stroked and pushed into her. Her head fell back as Logan and Ash both pinched her nipple and clit at the same time, and she exploded. She shook as waves of cataclysmic bliss engulfed her, but she couldn’t cry out. She bit her lip as she breathed through the pleasure swamping her.

  Emily blinked and looked over at Logan. Just past him, one of the men was stroking his own cock as he watched them. Embarrassment burned her face. How many others noticed?

  Logan captured her chin and caught her gaze. “Now how about you return the favor to Ash?”

  “Return it how?” Emily asked, although she already had a good idea. She looked around and felt her face starting to blush again.

  Logan stroked her lips and gently shoved her toward the floor. “Ash would like to feel your lips around him.”

  Emily glanced at Ash. His eyes were half-lidded as if she already had his cock in her mouth. “Here? Now?”

  “Yes,” Logan said without a trace of humor. “Show these enforcers who your Masters are.”

  Emily had a strange feeling as if she was proving to all these men in the room that she wanted Logan and Ash. “Is this because I left?”

  Logan nodded. “In a way, yes. None of them can say you don’t want me and Ash.”

  Emily slid from the chair to kneel before Ash. She may end up in jail after this, and hopefully Logan would bail her out, but she would follow his instructions. She slipped Ash’s sweatpants down and pulled his hard cock free. It was about as long as Logan’s but thicker. Did Logan say she was going to have them both at once? They’d split her in two! She licked the rim of the head of Ash’s cock and then smiled at his intake of breath as he fisted her hair.


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